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Name: ________________________
Study Sheet: Exam 4 - Geol V11 (Oceanography) - Chapters 7 & 8
Modern-day meteorologists feel fairly comfortable in forecasting weather out to about: (video)
The molecular activity associated with heat causes warm air to _________ than colder air. (132)
Which of these is not an important factor in determining how much light penetrates the ocean surface?
Seasons are caused by: (134F)
Many coastal areas experience daily mini-monsoons called: (141)
Western boundary currents, eastern boundary currents, and transverse currents all occur within: (154)
Tropical cyclones turn counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere due to: (147)
Coriolis effect influences any object: (152)
Air circulation within each atmospheric cell is powered by: (135)
On land, the great deserts are a result of subtropical high pressure belts occurring between: (video)
At sea, the “horse latitudes” are areas of: (139)
The most favorable and “dependable” winds for early sailors were the: (139)
The area where the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere trade winds meet is called the: (138F)
About 2/3 of the heat transferred from the tropics to the poles is done by:
Seawater density is largely the result of temperature and salinity and is measured in: (109+)
An air mass is characterized by having: (142)
Atmospheric air masses can move: (142)
To officially qualify as a typhoon (hurricane), winds must blow at least _______ mph. (144)
Large tropical cyclones are called: (144)
About ___________ of the world ocean water is involved in surface currents. (151)
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the only major non-gyre ocean current. It is also known as the: (154)
An oceanic pressure gradient is the result of: (154)
Which of these terms is least related to an oceanic gyre? (152+)
Vagn Ekman’s observations described the interaction between: (153)
The movement of successively lower water layers at an angle to the one above it sets up a pattern called:
Upwelling associated with the California Current system is important in: (162F)
During an El Niño event, there can be droughts in __________ and flooding in ___________. (164)
Wind blowing on ocean water within an ocean basin will cause water to “pile up”: (152)
A geostrophic gyre results when __________ balance each other. (154)
How many great currents are there in the world ocean? (154)
A western boundary current is located: (154)
The change in atmospheric pressure and wind direction in the Pacific basin is called:
The string of instrumented buoys that extends from the western Pacific to the coast of South America is
called the ___________ array. (Power Point and video)
An El Niño event adversely affects Peru by: (164)
La Niña is the term applied to: (164)
In theory, the direction of transport due to the Coriolis Effect is deflected by:
In reality, the net direction of Ekman transport, relative to wind direction, is: (153)
Corals and other marine organisms incorporate _______________ into their shells and skeletons and these
can then be analyzed to reconstruct past geochemical events and past climates. (video)
Which of the following is not being used as a tracer to study ocean currents? (video)
The High Resolution Profiler developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is used to study (video)
North Atlantic Deep Water is ____________ than Mediterranean Deep Water. (167F)
The “memory” of thermohaline water masses tells scientists about the ________________ at the time the
water was formed. (video)
Antarctic Bottom Water is notable for retaining its integrity for nearly 1,600 years, while the time it takes
most other deep water to form and rise to the surface is about _______ years. (167)
Cold, relatively fresh water masses generally form: (video)
Drogues, bottles, and cards are all _____ devices used to study oceanic currents. (168)
When seawater forms into ice, the highly saline water resulting from that formation is called: (166)
Some dense bottom water forms in the Arctic Ocean, but most of it has limited release as North Atlantic
Deep Water due to: (166)
Which of these is not used to chart the movement of individual water masses? (168+ and video)
The North Atlantic Deep Water forms: (166)
Temperature differences between surface water and deep water are greatest: (165)