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(Chemistry I and Algebra II required)
Two semesters/One credit each semester
A Core 40 and Academic Honors Course
This introductory physics course is designed for students who are interested in science and/or
engineering, and is an algebra-based course with much attention given to problem solving. This course
will prepare a student for the state assessment test in physics and the AP Physics B exam. Approximately
20% of class time will be spent on laboratory activities. Reading and/or problem assignments will be
made several nights each week. Students are required to have chemical splash type safety goggles and a
scientific calculator. Included in the course will be an exploration of careers and the history of physics.
Grades are based on labs, homework problems, quizzes, exams, and class participation.
There are two Web sites associated with this course.
The companion Web site for the textbook is at
The course Web site is at
TEXTBOOK: Physics: Principles with Applications, 6th Edition
Pearson/Prentice Hall (2005)
State Academic Standards:
AP Physics B Course Description:
Approximate Time
Topic A - Introduction
3 days
Topic B - Describing Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension
8 days
Topic C - Describing Motion: Kinematics in Two Dimensions
7 days
Topic D - Forces and Motions: Dynamics
8 days
Topic E - Circular Motion and Gravitation
7 days
Topic F - Work and Energy
8 days
Topic G - Momentum and Collisions
8 days
Topic H - Rotational Motion
8 days
Topic I - Bodies in Equilibrium: Statics
3 days
Topic J - Fluids
8 days
Topic A - Simple Harmonic Motion
Topic B - Sound
8 days
8 days
KINETIC THEORY (requires independent study)
Topic A - Temperature and Kinetic Theory
Topic B - Heat
Topic C - Thermodynamics
2 days
3 days
2 days
Topic A - Electric Charge and Electric Fields
Topic B - Potential Difference and Capacitance
Topic C - Electric Current and Resistance
Topic D - DC Circuits
Topic E - Magnetism
Topic F - Electromagnetism
Topic G -Electromagnetic Waves
5 days
5 days
6 days
6 days
6 days
6 days
2 days
Topic A - Geometric Optics
Topic B - Wave Optics
Topic C - Optical Instruments
8 days
5 days
5 days
Topic A - Relativity
Topic B -Quantum Mechanics
Topic C -Solid State Physics
Topic D - Nuclear Physics
Topic E - Frontiers
8 days
6 days
(independent study)
6 days
3 days
TOPIC A - Introduction
Students review math and problem-solving skills.
Students learn the fundamental quantities of physics.
Students learn measurement techniques.
3 days
Text Chapter 1
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Standards of length, mass and time
2. Dimensional Analysis
3. Significant Figures
4. Conversion of Units
5. Order-of-Magnitude Calculations
6. Mathematical Notation
7. Coordinate Systems
8. Trigonometry
9. Problem-Solving Strategy
Introduction to Measurement: Easy as .
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Introduction
Cinema Classics: Time and Place
Orders of Magnitude
Computer Resources
Course Web site: Internet Activity 1
1. Discuss length, mass, time and their SI units.
2. Derive force, velocity, etc. from basic units.
3. Perform a dimensional analysis.
4. Convert units from one system to another.
5. Carry out order-of-magnitude calculations.
6. Become aware of math symbols and Greek letters.
7. Use Cartesian coordinates and trigonometry.
8. Calculate with numbers in exponential notation.
TOPIC B - Describing Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension
Students learn units and equations of motion.
8 days
Text Chapter 2
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Displacement
2. Average Velocity
3. Acceleration
4. Motion Diagrams
5. Constant Acceleration
6. Freely Falling Bodies
1. Acceleration due to gravity: Physics with Computers labs 4, 6
2. Sonic Ranger motion studies: Physics with Computer labs 1, 2
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Law of Falling Bodies
Cinema Classics: Uniform Motion, Free Fall
Physics of Sports: Linear Motion
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 2
1. Define displacement and average velocity.
2. Define instantaneous velocity and compare to average.
3. Define average and instantaneous accelerations.
4. Construct position versus time graphs.
5. Construct velocity versus time graphs.
6. Use slopes and areas for above graphs.
7. Use kinematics relations for freely falling bodies.
8. Use kinematics equations to solve problems.
TOPIC C - Describing Motion: Kinematics in Two Dimensions
Students solve vector component problems.
Students view two-dimensional motion as separate x and y motions.
7 days
Text Chapter 3
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Vectors and Scalars
2. Properties of Vectors
3. Components of a Vector
4. Two Dimensional Velocity and Acceleration
5. Projectile Motion
6. Relative Velocity
1. Projectile Motion: Physics with Computers lab 8
Media Resources:
Eames Films
Cinema Classics: Vectors
Physics of Sports: Projectiles
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 3
1. Distinguish between vector and scalar quantities.
2. Understand the basic vector properties and operations.
3. Sketch a projectile trajectory, label velocity and acceleration components.
4. Note projectile motion is separate x and y motions.
5. Discuss assumptions in our treatment of projectiles.
6. Given original velocity and angle, solve projectile motion problems.
7. Given velocity components, solve projectile motion problems.
TOPIC D - Forces and Motion: Dynamics
Students integrate Newtonian viewpoint into psyches.
Students solve dynamical and kinematics problems.
8 days
Reference Topics:
Text Chapter 4
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Introduction to Classical Mechanics
2. The Concept of Force
3. Newton's First Law
4. Newton's Second Law
5. Newton's Third Law
6. Applications of Newton's Laws
7. Forces of Friction
1. Newton's Second Law: Physics with Computers lab 9
2. Atwood's Machine: Physics with Computers lab 10
3. Newton's Third Law: Physics with Computer lab 11
4. Coefficient of Sliding Friction: Physics with Computers lab 12
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Newton's Laws
Cinema Classics: Newton's Laws
Physics of Sports: Forces
A Million to One (videotape)
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 4
1. Discuss forces, effect of unbalanced forces on motion.
2. Distinguish between contact, action at a distance force.
3. Write description and example of each of Newton's laws.
4. Identify action-reaction force pairs.
5. Discuss mass and inertia, mass and weight.
6. Become familiar with SI and English units for F=ma.
7. Note: friction laws are empirical, depend on normal force.
8. Use F=N in solving friction problems.
9. Draw free-body diagrams, apply F=ma in component form.
10. Apply kinematics formulas to extend dynamics problems.
11. Be able to solve systems of equations.
TOPIC E - Circular Motion and Gravitation
Students internalize concept of centripetal acceleration
Students solve circular motion problems by analogy to linear kinematics.
Students stand in awe of universal gravitation.
7 days
Text Chapter 5
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Angular Velocity
2. Angular Acceleration
3. Rotational Motion, Constant Acceleration
4. Relating Angular and Linear Kinematics
5. Centripetal Acceleration
6. Centripetal Force
7. Frames of Reference
8. Newton's Law of Gravitation
9. Gravitational Potential Energy
10. Escape Velocity
11. Kepler's Laws
1. Motion of Mars
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Newton and Kepler
Cinema Classics: Circular and Planetary Motion
Physics of Sports: Human Motion
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 5
1. Define angular velocity and acceleration.
2. Identify symbols and units for angular quantities.
3. Distinguish between centripetal and tangential accelerations.
4. Realize rotating problems simplify in angular variables.
5. Match linear and rotational kinematics formulas.
6. Solve rotation problems when speed constant.
7. Describe components of acceleration if speed is constant.
8. Describe components of acceleration if speed is not constant.
9. Understand the origin of fictitious forces.
10. Discuss the inverse-square nature of Newton's gravitation.
11. State and interpret Kepler's laws and calculate orbits.
12. Derive and use Kepler's third law for circular orbits.
TOPIC F - Work and Energy
Students are introduced to basic work and energy concepts.
Students solve problems by the energy method.
8 days
Text Chapter 6
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Introduction
2. Work
3. Work and Kinetic Energy
4. Potential Energy
5. Conservative and Non-conservative Forces
6. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
7. Non-conservative Forces and the Work-Energy Theorem
8. Power
9. Conservation of Energy
10. Work Done by a Varying Force
1. Power in Stair Climbing
2. Work and Energy: Physics with Computers lab 18
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Conservation of Energy
Cinema Classics: Work and Energy: Conservation
Physics of Sports: Energy
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 6
1. Define work (a scalar) done by constant force.
2. Recognize and give examples of +, –, 0 work.
3. Define kinetic energy.
4. Note potential energy can be +, –, 0 depending on reference.
5. Note differences of potential energy are unique.
6. Contrast conservative and non-conservative forces.
7. Distinguish between kinetic, potential, total energy.
8. State law of conservation of mechanical energy.
9. Relate the work done to change in kinetic energy.
10. Account for non-conservative forces in work-energy law.
11. Define power as the rate of doing work.
12. Describe work done by varying force, relate to graph.
13. Recognize spring potential energy as + or 0.
TOPIC G - Momentum and Collisions
Students learn the concept of momentum.
Students use the alternate form of Newton's Second Law.
Students analyze collisions using momentum conservation.
8 days
Text Chapter 7
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Momentum and Impulse
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Collisions
4. Glancing Collisions
5. Center of Gravity, Center of Mass
6. Rocket Propulsion
1. Momentum Conservation in an Explosion
2. Momentum, Energy and Collisions: Physics with Computer lab 19
3. Impulse and Momentum: Physics with Computer lab 20
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Conservation of Momentum
Cinema Classics: Momentum: Collisions
Physics of Sports: Momentum, Impulse, Time
Center of Mass - Hammer Throw
Skylab Physics
Physics and Auto Collisions
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 7
1. Understand momentum and F=dp/dt.
2. Note impulse is area under force versus time graph.
3. Realize momentum of isolated system is conserved.
4. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions.
5. Use conservation of momentum in component form.
6. Solve a head-on elastic collision problem.
7. Solve a completely inelastic collision problem.
8. Understand the concept of center mass.
9. Note momentum of center of mass is constant if isolated.
10. Understand rocket propulsion is conservation of momentum.
TOPIC H - Rotational Motion
Students solve dynamics problems involving rotation.
8 days
Text Chapter 8
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Torque
2. Relation Between Torque and Angular Acceleration
3. Rotational Kinetic Energy
4. Angular Momentum
1. Moment of Inertia
2. Center of Gravity
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Angular Momentum
Cinema Classics: Circular Motion
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 8
1. Understand the concept of torque.
2. Calculate the inertia of a system of particles.
3. Show torque analog of Newton's Second Law.
4. Describe rotational kinetic energy.
5. Apply the work-energy theorem to rotating bodies.
6. Apply conservation of energy to rotating bodies.
7. Describe angular momentum of particles and rigid bodies.
8. Express torque as change of angular momentum with time.
9. Apply the conservation of angular momentum.
TOPIC I - Bodies in Equilibrium: Statics
Students achieve balance using the two conditions of equilibrium.
3 days
Text Chapter 9
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Statics - The Study of forces in equilibrium
2. The condition for equilibrium
3. Solving statics problems
1. Equilibrium of a meter stick
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 9
1. Describe the conditions of equilibrium.
2. Analyze problems with objects in equilibrium.
TOPIC J - Fluids
Students review density and specific gravity.
Students review pressure.
Students shout "Eureka" and solve buoyancy problem.
Students solve problems underlying fluids at rest and in motion.
8 days
Text Chapter 10
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Density and Specific Gravity
2. Pressure in Fluids
3. Atmosphere and Gauge Pressure
4. Pascal's Principle
5. Measuring Pressure: Barometer
6. Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle
7. Fluids in Motion
8. Bernoulli's Equation
Kitchen Physics Experiments
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 10
1. Define density.
2. Define pressure and analyze fluid problems involving pressure.
3. Use Pascal's Principle to solve fluid problems.
4. Read a barometer, examine the underlying physics, predict weather.
5. Solve problems using Archimedes' Principle.
6. Internalize observations of fluids in water.
7. Apply Bernoulli's equation to flowing fluids.
TOPIC A - Simple Harmonic Motion
Students learn wave concepts and properties.
Students study simple harmonic motion in many forms.
8 days
References: Text and Companion Web site Chapter 11
Lecture Topics:
1. Hooke's Law
2. Elastic Potential Energy
3. Velocity as a Function of Position
4. Comparing Simple Harmonic and Uniform Circular Motion
5. Position as a Function of Time
6. The Pendulum
7. Wave Motion
8. Types of Waves
9. Frequency, Amplitude, and Wavelength
10. Velocity of Waves on a String
11. Superposition and Interference of Waves
12. Reflection of Waves
1. Investigating Slinky Waves
2. The Simple Pendulum: Physics with Computers lab 14
3. Mass on a Spring: Physics with Computers lab 15, 17
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Resonance: Waves
Cinema Classics: Periodic Motion: Waves
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 11
1. State, interpret, and use Hooke's Law.
2. Define terms of simple harmonic motion.
3. Describe the nature of systems in harmonic motion.
4. Apply energy principles to harmonic oscillators.
5. Apply oscillator results to mass on spring, pendulum.
6. Discuss simple harmonic motion versus circular motion.
7. Define wave terms and solve wave problems.
8. Solve problems involving waves on strings.
9. Define superposition, interference, and phase.
TOPIC B - Sound
Students use sound to probe longitudinal waves.
Time: 8 days
Text Chapter 12
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Producing Sound Waves
2. Characteristics of Sound Waves
3. Speed of Sound
4. Energy and Intensity of Sound Waves
5. Spherical and Plane Waves
6. Doppler Effect
7. Interference in Sound Waves
8. Standing Waves
9. Resonance
10. Standing waves in Tubes
11. Beats
1. Resonance Tubes: The Velocity of Sound
2. Sound Waves and Beats: Physics with Computers lab 21
Media Resources:
Students make video on Doppler Effect
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 12
1. Describe displacement, pressure variations in sound waves.
2. Calculate the speed of sound in various media.
3. Calculate the speed of sound in air at many temperatures.
4. Understand the log nature of decibel scale.
6. Find the intensity of sound given power, distance.
7. Describe and calculate with the Doppler Effect.
8. Describe the conditions in which a shock wave occurs.
9. Describe qualitatively sound interference.
10. Describe quantitatively when resonance occurs.
11. Solve standing wave problems for strings and tubes.
12. Describe the nature of beats.
TOPIC A - Temperature and Kinetic Theory
Students will believe in things unseen.
Self-paced + 2 days
Text Chapter 13
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Atomic Theory of Matter
2. Temperature and Thermometers
3. Thermal Equilibrium and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
4. Thermal Expansion
5. Gas Laws and Absolute Temperature
6. Ideal Gas Law
7. Avogadro's Number
8. Kinetic Theory and Meaning of Temperature
Not Available
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 13
1. Explain the atomic theory of matter.
2. Define temperature and how to measure it.
3. State the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
4. Observe and calculate thermal expansion.
5. State and solve problems using the gas laws.
6. State and solve problems using the ideal gas law.
7. Define Avogadro's Number.
8. Explain how kinetic theory interprets temperature.
Students distinguish between heat and temperature.
Students investigate the transfer of heat.
Students solve calorimetry problems using conservation of energy.
independent study plus 3 days
Text Chapter 14
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Heat as Energy Transfer
2. Internal Energy
3. Specific Heat
4. Calorimetry
5. Latent Heat
6. Heat Transfer: Conduction
7. Heat Transfer: Convection
8. Heat Transfer: Radiation
Calorimetry I: Determining the Specific Heat of an Unknown Sample
Calorimetry II: Determining the Latent Heat of Fusion
Media Resources
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 14
1. Convert joules to kilocalories and vice-versa.
2. Distinguish between the concepts of temperature and heat.
3. Explain specific heat, and latent heats of fusion and vaporization.
4. Solve calorimetry problems using conservation of energy.
5. Distinguish three modes of heat transfer.
6. Solve heat transfer problems involving convection and radiation.
Students learn the laws of thermodynamics and apply them to solve problems.
independent study plus 2 days
Text Chapter 15
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. The First Law of Thermodynamics
2. Ideal Processes and Application of the First Law
3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
4. Heat Engines
5. Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Heat Pumps
6. Entropy
7. Statistical Interpretation of Entropy
8. Global Warming
Not Available
Media Resources
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 15
1. Explain what is meant by closed and open physical systems.
2. State the first law and apply it to solve problems.
3. Distinguish between and draw PV diagrams of ideal processes.
4. Use PV diagrams to find work done by gas, changes in internal energy, and heat transfer.
5. Solve problems involving added heat during ideal processes at constant pressure or volume.
6. State the second law in three equivalent ways.
7. Solve Carnot heat engine problems using the laws of thermodynamics.
8. Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes.
9. Calculate changes in entropy.
10. Solve problems involving the statistical interpretation of entropy.
TOPIC A - Electric Charge and Electric Fields
Students are conducted through electric fields via analogy with gravitation.
5 days
Text Chapter 16
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Properties of Electric Charges
2. Insulators and Conductors
3. Coulomb's Law
4. Experimental Proof of Coulomb's Law
5. Electric Fields
6. Electric Field Lines
8. Van de Graaff Generators
9. Oscilloscopes
1. Electrified Objects
2. Electrostatic Induction
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Static Electricity
Cinema Classics: Electrostatics
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 16
1. Distinguish between conductors, insulators, and semiconductors.
2. Describe charging by contact and induction.
3. Describe charging from a microscopic viewpoint.
4. Solve problems using Coulomb's Law.
5. Calculate electric fields from charge distributions.
6. Describe field lines from standard objects.
7. State, justify observed charges on conductors.
8. Describe ice pail, Van de Graaffs, oscilloscopes.
Students solve problems from scalar potential viewpoint.
Students are introduced to the concept of capacitance.
5 days
Text Chapter 17
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Potential Difference and Electric Potential
2. Electric Potential and Potential Energy
3. Potentials and Charged Conductors
4. Equipotential Surfaces
5. Definition of Capacitance
6. Parallel-Plate Capacitors
7. Combinations of Capacitors
8. Energy Stored in Capacitors
9. Dielectrics
1. Capacitors: Make Your Own
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Potential & Capacitance
Voltage: Batteries
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 17
1. Understand the concept of potential.
2. Define electric potential difference and the volt.
3. Calculate potential difference in uniform field.
4. Calculate potential difference from charge distribution.
5. Calculate potential energy due to point charges.
6. Justify claims about potentials near conductors.
7. Define electron volt.
8. Define capacitance and the farad.
9. Evaluate capacitance of parallel-plate capacitor.
10. Determine series and parallel equivalent capacitance.
11. Describe dielectrics macro- and microscopically.
TOPIC C - Electric Current and Resistance
Students plumb concepts of current and resistance.
Students solve Ohm's Law problems.
6 days
Text Chapter 18
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Electric Current
2. Current and Drift Velocity
3. Ohm's Law
4. Resistivity and Resistance
5. Resistance Variation with Temperature
6. Electrical Energy and Power
7. Energy Use at Home
1. Ohm's Law: Physics with Computers lab 25
2. Combinations of Resistors
3. RC Circuits: Physics with Computer lab 27
Media Resources:
Cinema Classics: Electric Currents
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 18
1. Define current as rate of charge flow and its unit, amp.
2. Calculate drift velocity.
3. Determine resistance from material properties, Ohm's Law.
4. Distinguish between ohmic and non-ohmic conductors.
5. Find resistance at various temperatures.
6. Describe superconductivity and its uses.
7. Sketch circuit diagrams using correct symbols.
8. Use Joule's law to find power dissipation of resistors.
9. Define emf and provide examples.
TOPIC D - DC Circuits
Students analyze and build simple circuits.
6 days
Text Chapter 19
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Sources of EMF
2. Resistors in Series
3. Resistors in Parallel
4. Kirchhoff's Rules
5. RC Circuits
6. Measurement of Resistance
7. Household Circuits
8. Electric Safety
1. Series and Parallel Circuits: Physics with Computers lab 26
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Electrical Circuits
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 19
1. Describe the function of a source of emf.
2. Determine V given emf for open, closed, short circuit.
3. Calculate I and V in a single loop circuit.
4. Combine resistors in series, parallel, or combination.
5. Use Ohm's law to find I and V in more complex circuits.
6. Find Joule heating of groups of resistors.
7. Apply Kirchoff's rules to multi-loop circuits.
8. Describe charge flow with time in RC circuit.
9. Use ammeter, voltmeter.
10. Find unknown resistances with above devices.
11. Describe the role of fuses and circuit breakers.
12. Compute household loads.
TOPIC E - Magnetism
Students are introduced to magnetic forces.
6 days
Text Chapter 20
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Magnets
2. Magnetic Field of the Earth
3. Magnetic Fields
4. Magnetic Forces on Current Carrying Wires
5. Torque on a Current Loop
6. Galvanometer and Applications
7. Motion of Charged Particles in Magnet Fields
8. Magnetic Field of Straight Wire and Ampere's Law
9. Magnetic Force Between Parallel Conductors
10. Magnetic Field of a Current Loop
11. Magnetic Field of a Solenoid
12. Magnetic Domains
1. Magnetic field of a current loop: Physics with Computer labs 28, 29
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Magnetism, Magnetic Fields
Cinema Classics: Magnetism
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 20
1. Find magnetic forces on moving charges.
2. Find magnetic force on a current carrying wire.
3. Find the torque on a current loop in a magnetic field.
4. Describe the operation of a galvanometer/
5. Find radius and period of circular orbit of q in B field.
6. Describe the path of charge in non-uniform B field.
7. Describe the operation of a mass spectrometer.
8. Calculate B field for long straight wire.
9. Define amp, coulomb with force between parallel wires.
10. Calculate B field at center of current loop, in solenoid.
11. Describe magnetic domains.
12. Describe the Earth's magnetic field and its origin.
TOPIC F - Electromagnetism
Students explore the link between electricity and magnetism.
6 days
Text Chapter 21
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Induced EMF and Magnetic Flux
2. Faraday's Law of Induction
3. Motional EMF
4. Lenz's Law
5. Generators
6. Eddy Currents
7. Self-inductance
8. RL Circuits
9. Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
1. Faraday's Law
Media Resources:
The Mechanical Universe: Electromagnetic Induction
Cinema Classics: Electromagnetism
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 21
1. Describe producing emf with coils linked by iron core.
2. Calculate flux through surface where B field is uniform.
3. Calculate emf due to changing magnetic flux.
4. Apply Lenz's law.
5. Calculate emf between ends of conductor moving in B field.
6. Describe principles of generators and motors.
7. Describe back emf.
8. Describe eddy currents and how to minimize them.
9. Define self-inductance.
10. Describe changes in LR circuit with time.
11. Calculate energy stored in magnetic fields.
TOPIC G - Electromagnetic Waves
Students will appreciate the physics behind TV more than the content.
2 days
Text Chapter 21
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Maxwell's Equations
2. Electromagnetic Waves
3. Creation of EM Waves
4. Speed of EM Waves
5. Light and the EM Spectrum
6. Speed of Light
7. Energy in Waves
8. Application to Radio and TV
Not Available
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 22
1. State Maxwell's Equation.
2. Explain the physical nature of light.
3. Calculate the speed of EM Waves.
4. Calculate energy in EM Waves.
5. Explain the physics behind radio and TV.
6. Define AM and FM.
7. Investigate bandwidth assignments.
TOPIC A - Geometric Optics
Students reflect on the nature of light.
Students explore images formed by mirrors and lenses.
Students solve problems using mirror and lens equations.
8 days
Text Chapter 23
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. The Nature of Light
2. Reflection and Refraction
3. Total Internal Reflection
4. Plane Mirrors
5. Images Found by Spherical Mirrors
6. Thin Lenses
7. Multiple Lens System
8. Aberrations
1. Images Formed by Converging Lenses
2. The Optics Box: Panoply of Experiments
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 23
1. Find the path of a light ray upon reflection or refraction.
2. Understand condition for total internal reflection.
3. Apply internal reflection to explain fiber optics.
4. Identify properties of images (real or virtual, erect or inverted, enlarged or reduced).
5. Understand the sign convention in mirror and lens problem.
6. Calculate the position and size of an image.
7. Use ray tracing to locate images.
8. Describe the origin and correction of aberrations.
TOPIC B - Wave Optics
Students study phenomena revealing the wave nature of light.
5 days
Text Chapter 24
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Conditions for Interference
2. Young's Double-Slit Interference
3. Diffraction
4. Single-Slit Diffraction
5. Diffraction Gratings
1. Double-Slit Interference: A Demonstration
2. Polarization
3. Wavelength of Laser Light via Diffraction Grating
Media Resources:
Cinema Classics: Interference: Diffraction:
Colors, Scattering, Polarization
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 24
1. State conditions for light wave interference.
2. Describe double-slit interference.
3. Calculate distance between orders for Young's experiment.
4. Describe single-slit Fraunhofer diffraction.
5. Determine maxima and minima positions in single-slit pattern.
6. Solve problems involving diffraction gratings.
7. Determine polarization experimentally.
8. Describe various methods of polarization.
9. Calculate Brewster's angle.
TOPIC C - Optical Instruments
Students use optical knowledge to make and analyze instruments.
5 days
Text Chapter 25
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Cameras
2. Eyes
3. Simple Magnifiers
4. Compound Microscopes
5. Telescopes
6. Resolution
7 Michelson Interferometers
1. Telescopes
Media Resources::
NASA Video Series
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 25
1. Describe the design of the single lens camera.
2. Define f-number and relate to shutter speed.
3. Describe the structure of the eye.
4. Describe common defects of vision.
5. Define diopter and find power of lenses to correct vision.
6. Describe microscopes, telescopes, and magnifiers.
7. Use Rayleigh's criterion to decide resolvability.
8. Describe operation of Michelson Interferometer.
TOPIC A - Relativity
Students alter their conceptions of time and space.
8 days
Text Chapter 26
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Setting the Stage: Reference Frames, Michelson - Morley
2. Special Relativity: People and Postulates
3. Simultaneity, Time Dilation
4. Twin Paradox, Space - Time
5. Momentum, Mass, the Ultimate Speed
6. E = mc2
7. Velocity Addition
8. General Relativity
Not Available
Media Resources
The Mechanical Universe: Space and Time
The Mechanical Universe: Mass and Energy
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 26
1. Examine the historical background leading to special relativity.
2. Describe Einstein's postulates and their outcome.
3. Solve problems involving time dilation.
4. Solve problems involving length contraction.
5. Solve problems transforming momentum, mass, and energy.
6. Solve problems with the velocity addition formula.
7. State the difference between special and general relativity.
8. Discuss social and political consequences of relativity.
TOPIC B - Atomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics
Students view things unseen.
6 days
Text Chapters 27 and 28
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. Discovery of the Electron
2. Blackbody Radiation and Planck's Quantum Hypothesis
3. Einstein's Photon Explanation of the Photoelectric Effect
4. Energy, Mass, and Momentum of the Photon; Compton Effect; Pair Production
5. Wave-Particle Duality
6. Spectra and the Rutherford/Bohr Atom
7. Wave Functions
8. Heisenberg Principle
9. Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
10. Quantum Numbers
11. Periodic Table
12. Lasers
Not Available
Media Resources
DVD The Elegant Universe (PBS)
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activities 27 and 28
1. Describe the Thomson and Millikan experiments discovering electrons.
2. Describe the quantum hypothesis. Find the energy of photons given wavelength.
3. Solve photoelectric problems using Einstein's photon solution.
4. Find the de Broglie wavelength of moving particles.
5. Describe the Rutherford scattering experiment and the resulting atomic model.
6. Solve spectra problems using the Bohr model.
7. Find energy, angular momentum and radius of electrons in a given level of Bohr atom.
8. Discuss Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and its implications.
9. Discuss Bohr versus quantum mechanical view of the atom.
10. Name and apply quantum numbers describing electrons in atoms.
11. State the Pauli Exclusion Principle/
12. Re' the periodic table: given Z, write electron configuration.
TOPIC C - Solid State Physics
References: Text Chapter 29
Companion Web site
Course Web site: Internet Activity 29
TOPIC D - Nuclear Physics
Students will address societal concerns involving radiation from an informed point of view.
6 days
Text Chapters 30 and 31
Lecture Topics:
1. Structure and Properties of the Nucleus
2. Binding Energy and Nuclear Forces
3. Radioactivity and Half-Life
4. Alpha, Beta Gamma Decay
5. Radioactive Dating
6. Nuclear Reactions
7. Fission
8. Nuclear Power
9. Fusion
10. Effect of Radiation on Biological Organisms
11. Nuclear Medicine
1. Purdue Department of Nuclear Engineering day on campus
Media Resources:
Not Available
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activities 30 and 31
1. State the components of a nucleus.
2. Solve problems involving binding energy.
3. Define radioactive modes of decay.
4. Solve problems involving radioactive decay.
5. Solve problems involving nuclear reactions.
6. Explain the process of fission and fusion and the source of energy.
7. Explain the workings of a fission power plant - advantages and disadvantages.
8. Examine the societal effects of nuclear weapons.
9. Explain dangers of radiation and fission power.
10. Explain advantages of irradiated food, nuclear medicine, and fission power.
TOPIC E - Frontiers in Physics
Students glimpse current thinking at frontiers of research.
3 days
Text Chapters 32 and 33
Companion Web site
Lecture Topics:
1. The Standard Model of Particle Physics
2. The Big Bang
3. What's Next?
Not Available
Media Resources:
DVD The Elegant Universe (PBS)
Computer Resources:
Course Web site: Internet Activity 32 and 33
1. Explain the current classification of subatomic particles.
2. Explain the current theory of the origin of the universe.
3. State the evidence in favor of the Big Bang Theory.
4. Explore an area of current research in physics.
Topic A - Introduction
Topic B - Describing Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension
Topic C - Describing Motion: Kinematics in Two Dimensions
Topic D - Forces and Motions: Dynamics
Topic E - Circular Motion and Gravitation
Topic F - Work and Energy
Topic G - Momentum and Collisions
Topic H - Rotational Motion
Topic I - Bodies in Equilibrium: Statics
Topic J - Fluids
Topic A - Simple Harmonic Motion
Topic B - Sound
1.2, 1.4
1.5, 1.6
1.5, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
1.8, 1.10, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
1.9, 1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 1.16
1.9, 1.15, 1.16
1.22, 1.24
KINETIC THEORY (requires independent study)
Topic A - Temperature and Kinetic Theory
Topic B - Heat
Topic C - Thermodynamics
1.1, 1.3, 1.27
1.11, 1.13, 1.27
1.11, 1.12, 1.28
Topic A - Electric Charge and Electric Fields
Topic B - Potential Difference and Capacitance
Topic C - Electric Current and Resistance
Topic D - DC Circuits
Topic E - Magnetism
Topic F - Electromagnetism
Topic G -Electromagnetic Waves
1.2, 1.10, 1.17, 1.18
1.18, 2.4
1.20, 1.21, 2.4
1.11, 1.26, 2.4
Topic A - Geometric Optics
Topic B - Wave Optics
Topic C - Optical Instruments
1.23, 1.24 , 1.26
Topic A - Relativity
Topic B -Quantum Mechanics
Topic C -Solid State Physics
Topic D - Nuclear Physics
Topic E - Frontiers
2.5, 2.6, 2.7
1.29, 1.30, 2.8
1.1, 1.29, 1.30, 1.31, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10
1.1, 1.31, 2.7
The Properties of Matter
Describe matter in terms of its fundamental constituents and be able to differentiate among
those constituents. Text Ch 13, 30, 32
Measure or determine the physical quantities including mass, charge, pressure, volume,
temperature, and density of an object or unknown sample. Text Ch 1, 13, 16
Describe and apply the kinetic molecular theory to the states of matter. Text Ch 13
Employ correct units in describing common physical quantities. Text Ch 1
The Relationships Between Motion and Force
Use appropriate vector and scalar quantities to solve kinematics and dynamics problems in
one and two dimensions. Text Ch 2, 3, 4
Describe and measure motion in terms of position, time, and the derived quantities of velocity
and acceleration. Text Ch 2
Use Newton’s Laws (e.g., F = ma) together with the kinematic equations to predict the
motion of an object. Text Ch 4
Describe the nature of centripetal force and centripetal acceleration (including the formula
a = v2/r), and use these ideas to predict the motion of an object. Text Ch 5
Use the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum laws to predict, both
conceptually and quantitatively, the results of the interactions between objects. Text Ch 6, 7
Demonstrate an understanding of the inverse square nature of gravitational and electrostatic
forces. Text Ch 5, 16
The Nature of Energy
Recognize energy in its different manifestations, such as kinetic (KE = ½mv2), gravitational
potential (PE = mgh), thermal, chemical, nuclear, electromagnetic, or mechanical.
Text Ch 6, 14, 15, 22
Use the law of conservation of energy to predict the outcome(s) of an energy transformation.
Text Ch 6, 15
Use the concepts of temperature, thermal energy, transfer of thermal energy, and the
mechanical equivalent of heat to predict the results of an energy transfer. Text Ch 14
Explain the relation between energy (E) and power (P). Explain the definition of the unit of
power, the watt. Text Ch 6
Momentum and Energy
Distinguish between the concepts of momentum (using the formula p = mv) and energy.
Text Ch 7
Describe circumstances under which each conservation law may be used. Text Ch 6, 7
The Nature of Electricity and Magnetism
Describe the interaction between stationary charges using Coulomb’s Law. Know that the
force on a charged particle in an electrical field is qE, where E is the electric field at the
position of the particle, and q is the charge of the particle. Text Ch 16
Explain the concepts of electrical charge, electrical current, electrical potential, electric field,
and magnetic field. Use the definitions of the coulomb, the ampere, the volt, the volt/meter,
and the tesla. Text Ch 16, 17, 18, 20
Analyze simple arrangements of electrical components in series and parallel circuits. Know
that any resistive element in a DC circuit dissipates energy, which heats the resistor.
Calculate the power (rate of energy dissipation), using the formula Power = IV = I2R. Text
Ch 19
Describe electric and magnetic forces in terms of the field concept and the relationship
between moving charges and magnetic fields. Know that the magnitude of the force on a
moving particle with charge q in a magnetic field is qvBsina, where v and B are the
magnitudes of vectors v and B and a is the angle between v and B. Text Ch 21
Explain the operation of electric generators and motors in terms of Ampere’s law and
Faraday’s law. Text Ch 20, 21
The Behavior of Waves
Describe waves in terms of their fundamental characteristics of velocity, wavelength,
frequency or period, and amplitude. Know that radio waves, light, and X-rays are different
wavelength bands in the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, whose speed in a vacuum is
approximately 3  108 m/s (186,000 miles/second). Text Ch 11
Use the principle of superposition to describe the interference effects arising from
propagation of several waves through the same medium. Text Ch 24
Use the concepts of reflection, refraction, polarization, transmission, and absorption to predict
the motion of waves moving through space and matter. Text Ch 11, 23, 24
Use the concepts of wave motion to predict conceptually and quantitatively the various
properties of a simple optical system. Text Ch 25
Identify electromagnetic radiation as a wave phenomenon after observing refraction,
reflection, and polarization of such radiation. Text Ch 22
The Laws of Thermodynamics
Understand that the temperature of an object is proportional to the average kinetic energy of
the molecules in it and that the thermal energy is the sum of all the microscopic potential and
kinetic energies. Text Ch 13, 14
Describe the Laws of Thermodynamics, understanding that energy is conserved, heat does
not move from a cooler object to a hotter one without the application of external energy, and
that there is a lowest temperature, called absolute zero. Use these laws in calculations of the
behavior of simple systems. Text Ch 15
The Nature of Atomic and Subatomic Physics
Describe the nuclear model of the atom in terms of mass and spatial relationships of the
electrons, protons, and neutrons. Text Ch 27, 30
Explain that the nucleus, although it contains nearly all of the mass of the atom, occupies less
than the proportion of the solar system occupied by the sun. Explain that the mass of a
neutron or a proton is about 2,000 times greater than the mass of an electron. Text Ch 27, 30
Explain the role of the strong nuclear force in binding matter together. Text Ch 30, 33
Using the concept of binding energy per nucleon, explain why a massive nucleus that fissions
into two medium-mass nuclei emits energy in the process. Text Ch 30
Using the same concept, explain why two light nuclei that fuse into a more massive nucleus
emit energy in the process. Text Ch 30
Understand and explain the properties of radioactive materials, including half-life, types of
emissions, and the relative penetrative powers of each type. Text Ch 30, 31
Describe sources and uses of radioactivity and nuclear energy. Text Ch 31
Standard 2: Historical Perspectives of Physics
Explain that Isaac Newton created a unified view of force and motion in which motion
everywhere in the universe can be explained by the same few rules. Note that his
mathematical analysis of gravitational force and motion showed that planetary orbits had to
be the very ellipses that Johannes Kepler had proposed two generations earlier. Text Ch 4, 5
Describe how Newton’s system was based on the concepts of mass, force, and acceleration;
his three laws of motion relating to them; and a physical law stating that the force of gravity
between any two objects in the universe depends only upon their masses and the distance
between them. Text Ch 4, 5
Explain that the Newtonian model made it possible to account for such diverse phenomena as
tides, the orbits of the planets and moons, the motion of falling objects, and Earth’s equatorial
bulge. Text Ch 4, 5
Describe how the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell used Ampere’s law and Faraday’s
law to predict the existence of electromagnetic waves and predict that light was just such a
wave. Also understand that these predictions were confirmed by Heinrich Hertz, whose
confirmations thus made possible the fields of radio, television, and many other technologies.
Text Ch 20, 21, 22
Describe how among the surprising ideas of Albert Einstein’s special relativity is that nothing
can travel faster than the speed of light, which is the same for all observers no matter how
they or the light source happen to be moving, and that the length of time interval is not the
same for observers in relative motion. Text Ch 26
Explain that the special theory of relativity (E=mc2) is best known for stating that any form of
energy has mass and that matter itself is a form of energy. Text Ch 26
Describe how general relativity theory pictures Newton’s gravitational force as a distortion of
space and time. Text Ch 26, 33
Explain that Marie and Pierre Curie made radium available to researchers all over the world,
increasing the study of radioactivity and leading to the realization that one kind of atom may
change into another kind, and so must be made up of smaller parts. Note that these parts were
demonstrated by Rutherford, Geiger, and Marsden to be small, dense nuclei that contain
protons and neutrons and are surrounded by clouds of electrons. Text Ch 27, 30
Explain that Ernest Rutherford and his colleagues discovered that the radioactive element
radon spontaneously splits itself into a slightly lighter nucleus and a very light helium
nucleus. Text Ch 30
Describe how later, Austrian and German scientists showed that when uranium is struck by
neutrons, it splits into two nearly equal parts plus two or three extra neutrons. Note that Lise
Meitner, an Austrian physicist, was the first to point out that if these fragments added up to
less mass than the original uranium nucleus, then Einstein’s special relativity theory predicted
that a large amount of energy would be released. Also note that Enrico Fermi, an Italian
working with colleagues in the United States, showed that the extra neutrons trigger more
fissions and so create a sustained chain reaction in which a prodigious amount of energy is
given off. Text Ch 30, 31