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How to use the iTRAK Components
The purpose of this tutorial is to learn the following:
Become familiar with the iTRAK track components
How to design a track
How to specify process areas such as Stations
Create a track
We will be using the components in the iTRAK sub-catalog
Depending on the desired iTRAK system, the compatibility of the various components are described in
the following chart
iTRAK 5730
iTRAK MediumFrame
1. To start designing your track, drag an iTRAK Controller on to the scene. Note that when an ICT Controller
is introduced into the active project, the ICT tab in the ribbon is activated.
2. Next, drag an iTRAK 50 mm Straight Section on to the view from the Catalogs pane and drop it next to
your iTRAK Controller. Then drag another iTRAK 50 mm Straight Section and attach it to the end of
the previous section, note that when compatible components are close enough together, a connection is
highlighted and the component snaps into place
3. Continue by dragging out the components in the table below and sequentially attaching them to the end
of each component. Note that the parts can be rotated using the mouse scroll while dragging the
iTRAK 50mm Curve Section
iTRAK 50mm Curve Section
iTRAK 50 mm Straight Section
iTRAK 50 mm Straight Section
iTRAK 50mm Curve Section
iTRAK 50mm Curve Section
Once completed your track should look like this
4. To connect your new track to the controller, select the iTRAK Controller and note the ZeroSection visual
reference sphere that shows up at the center of the component. Select the sphere and drag the
reference on to the first section after the curve
The start of this section will become the zero position of the iTRAK
Mover Positions
At this point you it helps to understand how your iTRAK is built. Every motor (or section) has a unique
number, starting from 0. This motor will have the sticker “0” on it. Motor “0” is particularly important for it will
give you the physical ZERO millimeters – Position 0.00mm. This position will always be the
reference, regardless of eventual position offsets. The default positive direction is counterclockwise. This can
be changed in the configuration as needed
Every motor (or section) in iTRAK is 400.0 mm long. The circumference of the curves is 400.0 mm
5. Once the iTRAK Controller ZeroSection has been connected, go to the Home tab in the ribbon and press
6. By selecting the iTRAK Controller, the number of motors and track length can be found under the
Properties pane where the NumberOfSections should be 8, equivalent to the number of sections created
in the scene. The length of the track can be found under TrackLength 3200 mm, as each section is 400
7. Finally, add the number of desired movers to the system, in this lab we will add 10 movers of the component
iTRAK 50x50 mm movers to the system. This can be done in two ways
a. Dragging an iTRAK 50x50 mm Mover from the iTRAK catalog and attach it to the track. When
the Mover is in close proximity to the track and compatible with the section type, it will automatically
snap on. Repeat 9 times to get 10 Movers on to the track.
Once this has been completed, press the Reset button in the Home tab.
b. Select the iTRAK Controller in the scene and navigating to the ICT tab in the ribbon.
Press the Mover Configuration tab and select the Mover Type iTRAK 50x50mm Mover then
press Add.
Note. At this point your track should look like this
8. With the iTRAK Controller selected, the complete track configuration can now be found in the Properties
pane which should have 8 Sections, 10 Movers and a track length of 3200 mm. All the Movers and their
positions can be found when scrolling down in the Properties tab
9. The Movers can be commanded around the track manually by navigating to the Home tab, pressing Play
and manually inputting positions around the track in the iTRAK Controller Mover Positions parameters
in the Properties Pane
Your track layout is now complete.
Note. Your model should now look like this