* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Exercise No. 1 CONSTRUCTION OF A DICHOTOMOUS KEY Name: Jonathan Jr. R. Restor Section: B2B78 Branch Chart J Geometric Figures Yes Group 1A: {A, F, L, J, K} Yes No Presence of circles inside No Figure has Group 2A: one circle Group 2B: inside {A, F, J, K} {L} Pseudonym: Yes No Lima sp. All sides are Group 3A: Group 3B: congruent {F, K} {A, J} Yes No The circles are Group 4B: {K} closer together Pseudonym: Kilo sp. Foxtrot sp. Group 4A: {F} Pseudonym: No Figure has Group 6A: sides and Group 6B: corners {C, D, E, G, H, {B} Pseudonym: I} Bravo sp. Yes No Figure has Group 7A: strictly Group 7B: three sides {C, D, E, H, I} {G} Pseudonym: Golf sp. Yes No Figure has strictly Group 8A: Group 8B: {C, E, H, I}four sides {D} Pseudonym: Delta sp. Yes Circles are No Group 5A: oriented Group 5B: horizontally {A} {J} Pseudonym: Pseudonym: Alpha sp. Yes Yes Group 9A: {E, H} Jaguar sp. Yes Group 10A: {E} Pseudonym: Echo sp. Group 1B: {B, C, D, E, G, H, I} No Two pairs of opposite Group 9B: {C, I} sides are parallel No Yes No One pair of sides have Group 11B: Group 10B:Group 11A: equal length {C} {I} {H} Corners form right angles Pseudonym:Pseudonym: Pseudonym: Hotel sp.India sp. Charlie sp. Bracketed Key 1a. Presence of circles inside the figure ............................. 2 1b. Absence of circles inside the figure .............................. 6 2a. Figure has one circle inside ........................... Lima sp. (L) 2b. Figure has two circles inside ..................................... 3 BIO102 (Systematics) Laboratory: Exercise 1 1 3a. All sides are congruent ........................................... 4 3b. Only opposite sides are congruent ................................. 5 4a. The two circles are close together ................. Foxtrot sp. (F) 4b. The two circles are apart .............................. Kilo sp. (K) 5a. Circles are oriented horizontally ..................... Alpha sp. (A) 5b. Circles are oriented diagonally ...................... Jaguar sp. (J) 6a. Figure has sides and corners ..................................... 7 6b. Figure has no sides and corners ....................... Bravo sp. (B) 7a. Figure has three sides ................................. Golf sp. (G) 7b. Figure has more than three sides ................................. 8 8a. Figure has four sides ............................................. 9 8b. Figure has five sides ................................. Delta sp. (D) 9a. Two pairs of opposite sides are parallel ......................... 10 9b. Strictly one pair of opposite sides are parallel ................. 11 10a. Corners form right angles ............................. Echo sp. (E) 10b. Corners do not form right angles ..................... Hotel sp. (H) 11a. One pair of opposite sides have equal length ......... India sp. (I) 11b. No pairs of opposite sides have equal length ....... Charlie sp. (C) Questions: 1. Is it possible to use different criteria for classifying objects? Explain. Yes. In the given example, classification of the twelve geometric figures was executed by scrutinizing the observable characteristics, starting from the most obvious (or the most shared) down to the most technical. In doing so, the entire group was divided into subsets until a certain characteristic will be able to separate a single element or object from the group of objects. 2. What features could a person use to build a dichotomous key for plants? An aspiring botanist can start on the presence or absence of a major organ, for example seeds, the first division. If it has seeds you BIO102 (Systematics) Laboratory: Exercise 1 2 could go on a second division by the presence of flowers, followed by the type of cotyledon (monocot/dicot). This category, as well as the other categories, could then be refined by first describing the basic features of major organs, like the outline of leaves, habit growth of stems, phyllotaxies, maximum height, overall texture, and other basic descriptions of the stem, leaf, flowers, fruits, and seeds (if it has one). The furthest subdivisions would scrutinize the finest details of an organ, like the contrasting features of similar leaves in abaxial or adaxial point of view. 3. How does a dichotomous key allow one to sort out an object more accurately than if someone just describes the object? By using dichotomous key, you are able to use a sequence of statements sorted in a convenient and systematic method to describe any object or organism. The key allows a reader to coherently merge individual descriptions into a complete, unique statement as he or she crosses one subdivision to another. Also, by limiting each division to strictly two contrasting characters rather than multiple choices, you would be able to understand the relationships and interrelatedness between objects through their similarities and differences. Moreover, you could easily transition each form of key to another, whether it may be bracketed, indented, charted, or aided by technology such as using big data to convert the descriptions into binary data. 4. What was the most difficult part of developing your dichotomous key? Personally, two parts were equally difficult: first, determining related characteristics that contrast or differ from each other; and, developing the flow of navigation in converting my branched chart to a bracketed key. On the first few divisions, it was quite manageable to group because the characters were too obvious. The crux occurred when I was left with three or four objects to group, which are extremely related like in Group 8A. Meanwhile, I had difficulty in navigation maybe because I went for the bracketed key first before the branch chart. I thought I could visualize the relationship better and work faster if I went for the bracketed key first. BIO102 (Systematics) Laboratory: Exercise 1 3