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Julius Caesar
Acts IV & V Study Guide
Act IV, scene i
1. What are Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus doing at the opening of this scene? What is suggested about their collective and
individual characters?
They're marking everybody they want to kill: which shows they are ruthless
2. How does Antony show himself to be ruthless in this scene?
Antony wants to use Lepidus to do all the dirty work
Act IV, scene ii
1. What is suggested about Cassius’ character even before he appears in this scene?
Cassius isn't very loyal
2. Why does Brutus request that the conference be held inside?
He doesn't want both armies to hear them arguing
Act IV, scene iii
1. Why is Brutus so outraged at official corruption? What does this indicate about his character?
He's upset that corruption is apart of this now; he hasn't changed and he is very naive.
2. What does Cassius mean when he calls the bribery a “nice offense”?
It's a minor offense, not a big deal
3. What do Brutus and Cassius argue about? What is the tone of their argument? What is the significance of their argument?
Who likes who better and who's been the better friend; their alliance is falling apart.
4. How do the two allies pacify one another? How convincing are they?
Brutus claims he's short tempered; Cassius says he got it from his mother
6. Why and how did Portia kill herself?
She swallows hot coals because she couldn't bare Brutus being gone.
7. Brutus says that “There is a tide in the affairs of men.” What does he mean by this?
They need to take action at the right time
8. What prophecy of Calpurnia’s do Brutus ‘ and Messala’s letters confirm?
They will kill 100 senators
9. What is the significance of the appearance of Caesar’s ghost?
Seeing a ghost means a guilty conscience
10. How does the appearance of the ghost clarify the real conflict of the play?
Internal- Brutus- he's wondering if he did the right thing or not
Act V, scene 1
1. What does Antony mean when he accuses Octavius of “crossing” him? What is he implying?
he's the authority
2. What is Octavius clearly implying by his response?
he doesn't consider Antony being in charge
3. Why is significant about the way Antony addresses Octavius in this scene?
he calls him Caesar
4. What is significant about Messala’s reference to Pompey?
he is referencing someone who was defeated in war
5. What is the significance of the omen Cassius reports he saw?
Cassius sees birds of prey circling around their troops as if they were carrion. This might mean that Cassius's army will be
defeated and The army of Philippi will be victorious.
6. What is being foreshadowed when Brutus tells Cassius, “Think not, thou noble Roman, / That ever Brutus will go bound to
he is foreshadowing his own death
Act V, scene ii
1. Why does Shakespeare include this scene?
Brutus gives order that'll downfall the whole army
Act V, scene iii
1. According to Titinius, why is Cassius’ side losing to Antony’s forces?
He says Brutus attacked Octavius
2. How does Cassius die? Why?
He gets Pindarus to kill him
3. It turns out that Cassius killed himself prematurely. Why?
Titinius is still alive and they are actually winning
4. Explain the metaphor Titinius uses to lament Cassius’ death.
He compares Cassius' red blood to the setting of a red sun
Act V, scene iv
1. Why does Lucilius impersonate Brutus?
he knows they aren't gonna win and draws attention to himself 4 Brutus to escape
2. How does Antony respond to the impersonation?
He's very impressed with his loyalty
Act V, scene v
1. Why does Brutus commit suicide?
Death before suicide, Doesn't want anyone to receive honor for his death, Promised Rome that he'd kill himself if he
dishonored them, He felt that seeing the ghost was a sign for him to die.
2. How do Antony and Octavius treat Brutus’ body?
with great respect
3. What event would you identify as the climax of the play? Why?
1. Caesar being killed
2. Speeches at Caesar's funeral
3. When the conspirators are defeated