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Julius Caesar Character List
Julius Caesar –Emperor of Rome
Octavius Caesar – heir to Julius Caesar
Mark Antony – devoted follower of Caesar, defeats Brutus
Lepidus – joins with Mark Antony and Octavius
Cicero – Roman senator with whom Casca talks on the eve of the
Publius – Caesar’s escort to the Senate meeting
Popilius Lena – wishes Cassius well in his “enterprise”
Brutus – joins and then leads the conspiracy to kill Caesar
Cassius – organizes the conspiracy and gets Brutus to join
Casca – first person to stab Caesar
Trebonius – takes Antony away from the scene of the assassination
Ligarius – vows to follow Brutus
Decius – reinterprets Calpurnia’s dream to convince Caesar to go to the
Metellus Cimber – distracts Caesar so they could carry out the plan
Cinna – plants the forged letter for Cassius
Flavius and Marullus – tribunes who break up the crowd to honor
Artemidorus – gives Caesar a letter warning him about the conspirators
A Soothsayer – warns him to “Beware the Ides of March”
Cinna – (poet) mistaken for Cinna the conspirator, killed
Lucilius – captured by Antony, mistaken for Brutus
Titinius – guards tent at Sardis
Messala – reports Portia’s death; discovers Cassius’ body
Young Cato – soldier in Brutus’ army
Volumnius – soldier of Brutus’; refuses to hold the sword
Varro – servant of Brutus’
Clitus – servant of Brutus’; refuses to kill Brutus
Claudius – servant of Brutus’
Strato – holds the sword for Brutus
Lucius – servant to Brutus
Dardanius – servant to Brutus’; refuses to kill him
Pindarus – servant to Cassius
Calpurnia – Caesar’s wife
Portia – Brutus’ wife