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Flow of Energy in a System: Energy Pyramid
This is a Learning Experience and will teach you about food pyramids
A. Color as instructed-the colors will help explain the concepts.
B. Color lightly, you will be writing in the sections so make sure you color light
enough that you will be able to write and label items.
C. All writing must be within the pyramid.
D. In your journal, on a clean page, make a large circle sun to fill the entire
page, and label it sun
Follow these instructions. See Mrs. Holloway’s example
Do not cut out the image until Mrrs. Holloway instructs you to do so
❏ Shade the first layer green. You will be writing in this section.
❏ Shade the second layer yellow. You will be writing in this section
❏ Shade the third layer blue. You will be writing in this section.
❏ Shade the fourth layer red. You will be writing in this section.
❏ Label the bottom green layer: Autotroph: write a definition of the biological term
❏ Label the yellow, blue and red layers: Heterotroph: write a definition of the biological term
heterotroph in the yellow layer.
❏ Label the green layer: Producer-write a definition of the biological term producer in the
green layer.
❏ Label the yellow layer: Primary Consumer : write a definition of the biological term
primary consumer in the yellow layer. Label Herbivore
❏ Label the blue layer: Secondary Consumer Label Carnivore Omnivore
❏ Label the red layer: Tertiary Consumer Carnivore
❏ On the side between the first and second side: label :Decomposer Draw a box or line or
arrows that go from the first layer to the top layer. See example
❏ Now go to FOURTH SIDE! (You will return to the THIRD SIDE)
❏ The green layer:
❏ The yellow layer: Write a definition for the biological term herbivore
❏ The blue layer: Write a definition for the biological terms omnivore and the biological
term carnivore
❏ The red layer: Write a definition for the biological terms apex predator
❏ On the side between the fourth and third side: Write a definition for the biological term
❏ The following are a list of organisms found in Eastern Europe:Divide the organisms
within your group.
❏ Fill out the graphic organizer below. In teams of two or three divide the list and research
the organisms. Fill out the chart. Use for to search
for answers
❏ An organism is either a producer, consumer or decomposer
❏ An organism that is a consumer is either a herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore based on
what it eats.
❏ A consumer is either a primary, secondary or tertiary consumer based on what it eats.
Producer or
Consumer or
If it is a
consumer- is it
an herbivore,
omnivore or a
If it is a
level? 1, 2, or 3?
Birch tree
Ex. Producer
White tail Eagle
Ex. Consumer
Corn poppy
Common European
European beaver
European Fire Bellied
European Chamois
European Pond Turtle
European bison
White stork
Black widow spider
Hispaniolan Giant
Cattail: Typha latifolia
Apollo butterfly
German cockroach
Wild boar
European wolf
Ramsons allium (wild
❏ On side 3 of the pyramid, write in the names of the above organisms on the correct level.
For example if the organism Birch Tree is a producer, then write the name in the green
layer on side 3.
❏ Write the name of the decomposers at the very bottom in black on Side 3 of the pyramid.
❏ On the third side, draw arrows going up from the green level to the yellow, yellow to the
blue, blue to the red layer. This the flow or direction of energy -the energy of the plants
goes to the herbivores or primary consumers. Then the energy of the primary consumers
goes to the secondary consumers. The energy of the secondary consumers goes to the
tertiary consumers.
❏ Cut on the dotted line. Now cut out the outer shape of your pyramid and fold on the lines
radiating from the center. Tape or glue it together.
Putting it All Together: Thinking and Analysis
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Q1. What are two terms used to describe organisms such as the birch tree?
Q2. What are three terms used to describe organisms such as the hedgehog?
Q3. Where does all of the energy in the energy pyramid originate from?
Q4. Definitions:Read the definitions and write 2 terms from the list below
that would match with the definition
(decomposer, autotroph, heterotroph, producer, consumer)
An organism that makes its own food, usually from the process of
An organism that can not make its own food and must get energy
from other living things.
An organism that can not make its own food and must get its
energy from the process of breaking down other organisms.
Q5. Definitions: Read the definitions and write the one or two terms from
the list below that would match with the definition
(primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, carnivore,
herbivore, omnivore, apex predator)
An organism that gains energy from
consuming other animals and plants
An organism that gains energy from
eating plants
An organism that gains energy from
eating other animals
An organism that is at the top of the
energy pyramid and no to few real
Q 6: CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) SEP
Name of student ____________________ Name of Partner ________________
Below is a claim, give evidence from your formative assessments and learning
experiences to support this claim and explain your reasoning
Underline the
evidence you use
that is from the
Bold the evidence
you used from the
class discussion,
slideshow, and
journal notes
Reasoning: Use
each piece of
evidence to support
the claim.
All organisms contain solar energy that has been changed into chemical