* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Period: ________ UNIT 2 Activity Sheet: Islamic Empires Directions: Use the attached map to complete items 1-3, and your textbook (Chapter 9) to complete the chart and questions 1 - 5. #6 will be covered in lecture. 1. LABEL Mecca, Medina, Arabian Peninsula, Persia, Egypt, 2. LABEL and SHADE The Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Black Sea BLUE. 3. COLOR the Islamic territory at Muhammad’s death ORANGE, both Islamic expansion 632-661 YELLOW & 661-750 GREEN, and the Byzantine Empire PURPLE. EARLY ARABIC BELIEFS ISLAM Guided Reading 1. What do we know about Muhammad’s early life? 2. Describe the encounter Muhammad experiences while meditating outside of Mecca? 3. Islam means: 4. When Muhammad left Mecca where did he go? a. What is this event called? b. What year is it in the Islamic calendar? 5. Briefly describe each of the five pillars of Islam: a. b. c. d. 6. Complete the venn diagram below. ISLAM ALL THREE JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY