Download Unit 7 dbq causes of the civil war

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U.S. History —Period ______
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What Caused the Civil War DBQ
Causes of the Civil War DBQ Packet
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Close Reading Work—The Background Essay
Essay continued on the next page….
Causes of the Civil War DBQ Packet
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1. Underline possible reasons for the Civil War given in the background essay.
2. Circle details for those reasons.
3. What is the analytical question for the DBQ? _______________________________________________
4. What two terms must be defined in the question? Define or expalin each
5. Restate the analytical question in your own words. _____________________________________________
6. Label the buckets below with three causes suggested in the background essay.
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Document A
Document A
7. In what section of the US were most rail lines concentrated? ___________________
8. What does this say about that section as compared to the others? __________________________
In what section of the US were most slaves and cotton plantations? __________________
What does this say about sectional differences? ________________________________________
11. Which two causes do the maps imply as possible sparks of the Civil War?
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a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
Document B
12. How does the population, free and enslaved, compare in the North to the South? _______________
13. What do the pie charts indicate about the differences in the economies between the North and the South?
Give specific details about economic differences from question #13 based on the charts. _______________
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Which cause(s) would be supported by Document B? _____________________________________
Document C
16. What do Helper (Doc C) and Hammond (Doc D) have in common? ____________________________
How are Helper and Hammond different from each other? ________________________________
What is the value of the documents in writing an essay on the causes of the Civil War? _______________
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19. What is the Point-of-View of Helper (Doc C) and his concern for the South? ______________________
What is the purpose of Hammond’s (Doc D) writing? ____________________________________
Document E
21. What is the claim of Senator Calhoun in Document E? ______________________________
How does President Lincoln counter Calhoun’s claim in Document F? ____________________
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Why would Lincoln give this counter-claim in Document F when he did? __________________________
23. Why might Calhoun take this stance in light of Documents C and D?
Document G
25. What cause(s) do Documents G and H speak to in regard to the Civil War? ______________________
26. Considering the sources of Documents G and H, what value does each have in analyzing the source in answering
the question, i.e., how valid are the two sources? _____________________________________
How do the “notes” help you to evaluate the validity of Documents G and H? ____________________
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28. Douglass (Doc G) points to the irony of the Fourth of July. Summarize the contradictions he gives. _______
In synthesizing these documents in an essay, how might you see Fitzhugh as an answer to Douglass? ______
Document I
30. What kind of source is this (Doc I)? Does the type of source make it more or less or equal to a primary source?
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Which cause of the Civil War does Document I address? __________________________________
What other documents might you use for synthesis of Document I in an essay? ___________________
31. What is the main idea of this passage (Doc I) from the textbook, THE AMERICANS?
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Document J
34. Which cause(s) can be detailed or backed by Document J? _______________________________
Go back to the Background Essay and define Popular Sovereignty here: _______________________
36. At the time, Stephen Douglas’ popular sovereignty seemed like a good compromise. Why might we now
consider it short-sighted? ___________________________________________________
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Document K
37. Who are the two men depicted in this cartoon? ____________________________________
What are the issues (causes of the Civil War) of Document K? ____________________________
What is the POV of Document K and how can you tell? ________________________________
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Document L
40. What is the main idea in Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney’s majority opinion (Doc L) in the Dred Scott
(1857) case? _____________________________________________________________
41. How does Abraham Lincoln use Taney’s decision (Doc L) in his “House Divided” speech (Doc M) of 1858?
42. What cause do both Documents L and M address? Which other documents might you use synthesize
Documents L and M? ________________________________________________________
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Document N
43. There were 303 Electoral College votes cast. Look at the percentage of popular votes. Did Lincoln win or was
the election thrown to the House as Representatives according to the rules of the Constitution? Explain.
44. Where (region) did each of the four candidates have the most support according to Document N?
b. Breckenridge:
c. Douglas:
d. Bell:
What cause can be backed by Document N? __________________________________________
a. Lincoln:
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Write the analytical question: _________________________________________
Write a working title: _______________________________________________
Narrow the causes down to three buckets and label each with one of the causes
above it
Drop each of the 13 documents by LETTER into at least one of the three buckets
by writing the letters in the bucket
Give outside information from the background essay and text to support each
bucket in the boxes below the bucket (not in documents)
Complete the “chicken foot” as your thesis and road map
Complete the Thesis to Essay worksheet
Type your five-paragraph essay using the graphic organizers and worksheet
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From Thesis to Essay Worksheet
I. Working Title: ____________________________________________________
II. Paragraph 1: The Introduction
A. The Grabber: ___________________________________________________
B. Background information: _________________________________________
C. Thesis with road map: ____________________________________________
III. First Body Paragraph (from the first toe and “empty” the bucket to match)
A. Baby thesis (cause 1): ____________________________________________
B. Documents cited with details:
C. Outside information from the drips: _________________________________
D. Transition to Paragraph 3 __________________________________________
IV. Second Body Paragraph (from the 2nd toe and “empty” the bucket to match)
A. Baby thesis (cause 2): ____________________________________________
B. Documents with details: (from the first toe and “empty” the bucket to match)
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C. Outside information: ______________________________________________
D. Transition to Paragraph 4 _________________________________________
V. Third Body Paragraph (3rd toe and corresponding bucket)
A. Baby thesis (cause 3): ___________________________________________
B. Documents cited with details:
C. Outside information: ______________________________________________
D. Transition to Conclusion __________________________________________
VI. Conclusion
A. Restatement of thesis _____________________________________________
B. “Although statement” ____________________________________________
C. Significance/Perspective of topic ___________________________________
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