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Mining Logs Files for Data-Driven System Management
Wei Peng
Tao Li
Sheng Ma
School of Computer Science
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
School of Computer Science
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
[email protected]
[email protected]
Machine Learning for Systems
IBM T.J. Watson Research
Hawthorne, NY 10532
With advancement in science and technology, computing systems
are becoming increasingly more complex with an increasing variety of heterogeneous software and hardware components. They are
thus becoming increasingly more difficult to monitor, manage and
maintain. Traditional approaches to system management have been
largely based on domain experts through a knowledge acquisition
process that translates domain knowledge into operating rules and
policies. This has been well known and experienced as a cumbersome, labor intensive, and error prone process. In addition, this
process is difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing environments. There is thus a pressing need for automatic and efficient
approaches to monitor and manage complex computing systems.
A popular approach to system management is based on analyzing
system log files. However, some new aspects of the log files have
been less emphasized in existing methods from data mining and
machine learning community. The various formats and relatively
short text messages of log files, and temporal characteristics in data
representation pose new challenges. In this paper, we will describe
our research efforts on mining system log files for automatic management. In particular, we apply text mining techniques to categorize messages in log files into common situations, improve categorization accuracy by considering the temporal characteristics of log
messages, and utilize visualization tools to evaluate and validate
the interesting temporal patterns for system management.
System Log, Categorization, Temporal Information, Visualization,
Naive Bayes, Hidden Markov Model
When problems occur, traditional approaches for trouble shooting
rely on the knowledge and experience of domain experts to figure
out ways to discover the rules or look for the problem solutions
laboriously. It has been estimated that, in medium and large companies, anywhere from 30% to 70% of their information technology
resources are used in dealing with problems [22]. It is unrealistic
and inefficient to depend on domain experts to manually deal with
complex problems in ever-changing computing systems.
Modern computing systems are instrumented to generate huge
amounts of system log data. The data in the log files describe the
status of each component and record system operational changes,
such as the starting and stopping of services, detection of network
applications, software configuration modifications, and software
[email protected]
execution errors. Analyzing log files, as an attractive approach for
automatic system management and monitoring, has been enjoying
a growing amount of attention. However, several new aspects of
the system log data have been less emphasized in existing analysis
methods from data mining and machine learning community and
pose several challenges calling for more research. The aspects include disparate formats and relatively short text messages in data
reporting, asynchronism in data collection, and temporal characteristics in data representation.
First, the heterogeneous nature of the system makes the data more
complex and complicated [10]. As we know, a typical computing system contains different devices (e.g., routers, processors, and
adapters) with different software components (e.g., operating systems, middleware, and user applications), possibly from different
providers (e.g., Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft). These various components have multiple ways to report events, conditions, errors and
alerts. The heterogeneity and inconsistency of log formats make
it difficult to automate problem determination. For example, there
are many different ways for the components to report the start up
process. Some might log “the component has started”, while others
might say that “the component has changed the state from starting
to running”. This makes it difficult to perform automated analysis
of the historical event data across multiple components when problems occur as one need to know all the messages that reflect the
same status, for all the components involved in the solution [26].
To enable automated analysis of the historical event data across
multiple components, we need to categorize the text messages with
disparate formats into common situations. Second, text messages
in the log files are relatively short with a large vocabulary size [25].
Hence, care must be taken when applying traditional document processing techniques. Third, each text message usually contains a
timestamp. The temporal characteristics provide additional context
information of the messages and can be used to facilitate data analysis.
In this paper, we describe our research efforts to address the above
challenges in mining system logs. In particular, we propose to mine
system log files for computing system management by acquiring
the needed knowledge automatically from a large amount of historical log data, possibly from different types of information sources
such as system errors, resource performance metrics, and trouble
ticket text records. Specifically, we will apply text mining techniques to automatically categorize the text messages into a set of
common categories, incorporate temporal information to improve
categorization performance, and utilize visualization tools to evaluate and validate the interesting temporal patterns for system management. A preliminary version of this paper has been presented
as a short paper [20] at The 2nd IEEE International Conference on
Autonomic Computing (ICAC-05)
It should be note that our framework is complementary to the current knowledge-based approaches, which are based on elicitation
of knowledge from domain experts. Automated log data analysis
can be performed without much domain knowledge and its results
provide guidance for network managers to perform their jobs more
effectively. Moreover, the available domain knowledge can be used
to validate, improve, and refine data analysis.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 applies text
mining techniques to categorize text messages into a set of common categories, Section 3 proposes two approaches of incorporating temporal information to improve the categorization performance, Section 4 discusses visualization can be used to discover,
interpret and validate the temporal patterns/relationships for system management, Section 5 presents our experimental results, and
finally Section 6 provides conclusions and discussions.
2.1 Common Categories
The disparate logging mechanisms impede problem investigation
because of no standard approach for classifying them [26]. Two
components experiencing the same problem may use different formats to report the same information. For instance, when component
A starts running, it reports “A has started” in log file. However,
when component B starts running, it may report “B has begun execution”. Although both messages have the same content meaning,
they are reported differently. This makes it difficult to correlate
logs from across different components when problems occur.
In order to create consistency across similar fields and improves
the ability to correlate across multiple logs, it is necessary to transform the messages in the log files into a common base [3] (i.e., a
set of common categories). In this paper, we first manually determine a set of categories as the basis for transformation. The set
of categories is based on the CBE (Common Base Event) format
established by IBM initiative [26]. CBE provides a finite set of
canonical situations after analyzing thousands of log entries across
multiple IBM and non-IBM products. Although we use CBE as an
internal presentation here, the problem and the proposed approach
are generic and can be extended for other data formats as well.
Specifically, the set of categories1 includes start, stop, dependency,
create, connection, report, request, configuration, and other. The
category start deals with the start-up process of the component.
The category stop deals with the exit process. The category dependency handles messages which report components cannot find
some features or other components. The category create handles
the creation problems of components. The category connection is
used to identify aspects about a connection to another component.
The category report deals with performance, task-relative reporting
messages. The category request identifies the completion status of
a request. The category other identifies the blank messages or messages having vague meanings.
2.2 Message Categorization
Given the set of common categories, we can then categorize the
messages reported by different components into the prescribed categories. This can be viewed as a text categorization problem where
the goal is to assign predefined category labels to unlabeled documents based on the likelihood inferred from the training set of
labeled documents [9; 24].
Our future work includes exploring more categories as well as
investigating approaches to infer categories from the log data automatically.
In our work, we use naive Bayes as our classification approach as it
is among the most successful known algorithms for learning in text
categorization [23]. System log files usually have a large size of vocabulary and most of the system log messages contain a free-format
1024-byte ASCII description of the event [25]. Naive Bayes is a
simple practical generative classification algorithm based on Bayes
Theorem with the assumption of class conditional independence.
Basically it assumes that the text data is generated by a parametric
model, and uses training data to calculate Bayes-optimal estimates
of the model parameters [17]. Then, it classifies test data using
the generative model by calculating the posterior probability that
a class would have generated the test data in question. The most
probable class is then assigned to the test data [19].
2.3 Naive Bayes Classifier
Formally, suppose there are L categories, denoted by
C1 , C2 , · · · CL , and each category is generated from some
probability distribution. Each document di is created by first
selecting a category according to the prior P (Cj ) followed by the
generation according to the distribution of the chosen category
P (di |Cj ). We can characterize the likelihood of a document with
the sum of probability over all the categories
X P (C )P (d |C ).
P (di ) =
Given a set of training samples S, the naive Bayes classifier uses S
to estimate P (di |Cj ) and P (Cj ). The estimated probabilities are
typically calculated in a straightforward way from training data. To
classify a new sample, it uses Bayes rule to compute class posterior
P (Cj |di ) =
P P (CP (C)P (d)P |C(d |C) ) .
The predicted class for the document di is then just
argmaxj P (Cj |di ). In our work, we use multinomial probability model for document generation of each category. More
details on Naive Bayes can be found in [19].
The classification performance achieved by the Naive Bayes classifier in our practice is not satisfactory as will shown in Section 5.
In many scenarios, text messages generated in the log files usually contain timestamps. The temporal characteristics provide additional context information of the messages and can be used to
facilitate data analysis. As an example, knowing the current status
of a network component would help forecast the possible types of
messages it will generate. These structural constraints can be naturally represented using naive Bayes algorithm and hidden Markov
models [11]. In this section, we describe two approaches of utilizing the temporal information to improve classification performance. Our experiments in Section 5 show that both approaches
greatly improve the categorization accuracy.
3.1 Modified Naive Bayes algorithm
To facilitate the discussion, Table 1 gives an example of the system log files extracted from a windows XP machine 2 . In the example, four columns, i.e., Time, EventSource, Msg and State are
listed. Time represents the generated timestamp of log messages,
EventSource identifies the component which reports the message,
The details of the data collection will be described in Section 5.
Inventory Scanner
Inventory Scanner
Inventory Scanner
Inventory Scanner
The following handles in user profile hive FIU-SCS \ lcruz01
(S-1-5-21-876885435-739206947-926709054-2036) have been
closed because they were preventing the profile from unloading
successfully wmiprvse.exe (2432)HKCU (0x228)
User profile hive cleanup service version
started successfully.
Automatic certificate enrollment for local system failed to contact the
active directory (0x8007054b). The specified domain either does not
exist or could not be contacted.Enrollment will not be performed.<br>
Unable to open output file C: \invdelta.tmp.
LDISCN32: Can’t create temporary file.
Unable to open output file C: \invdelta.tmp.
LDISCN32: Can’t create temporary file.
Product: WebFldrs XP – Configuration completed
Table 1: An example fraction of a log file with the manual label of each message
Msg lists the content of text message, and State labels the current
If a sequence of log messages are considered, the accuracy of categorization for each message can be improved as the structure relationships among the messages can be used for analysis. For example, the components usually first start up a process, then stop the
process at a later time. That is, the stop message usually occurs after the start message. For another example, as shown in Table 1, the
component Inventory Scanner will report dependency messages if it
cannot find some features or components. This happens especially
just right after it generates the create message– “cannot create * ”
(* is the abbreviation of arbitrary words. It represents certain components or features here). Thus it is beneficial to take the temporal
information into consideration.
In order to take the relationships between adjacent messages into
account, we make some modifications to the naive Bayes algorithm. Suppose we are given a sequence of adjacent messages
D = (d1 , d2 , · · · , dT ). let Qi be the category labels for message di (i.e.,Qi is one of C1 , C2 , · · · CL ). Now we want to classify
di+1 . Note that
P (Qi+1 |di+1 , Qi )
P (Qi+1 , di+1 |Qi )
P (di+1 |Qi )
P (Qi+1 |Qi )P (di+1 |Qi+1 , Qi )
P (di+1 |Qi )
Assuming that di+1 is conditionally independent of Qi given
Qi+1 , P (di+1 |Qi+1 , Qi ) = P (di+1 |Qi+1 ).
In addition,
once Qi is determined, P (di+1 |Qi ) is then fixed. Hence
maximizing P (Qi+1 |di+1 , Qi ) is equivalent to maximizing
P (Qi+1 |Qi )P (di+1 |Qi+1 ). Observe that P (di+1 |Qi+1 ) =
P (Qi+1 |di+1 )P (di+1 )
. If we assume a uniform prior on P (Qi+1 ),
P (Qi+1 )
in order to maximize P (di+1 |Qi+1 ), it is enough to maximize
P (Qi+1 |di+1 ). Therefore, in summary, we assign di+1 to the category Qi+1 which is
argmaxj (P (Cj |di+1 ) × P (Cj |Qi )).
In other words, we aim at maximizing the multiplication of text
classification probability P (Cj |di+1 ) and state transition probability P (Cj |Qi ). The transition probability P (Cj |Qi ) can be estimated from training log files.
3.2 Hidden Markov Model
Hidden Markov Model(HMM) is another approach to incorporate
the temporal information for message categorization. The temporal relations among messages are naturally captured in HMM [13].
The Hidden Markov Model is a finite set of states, each of which
is associated with a (generally multidimensional) probability distribution. Transitions among the states are governed by a set of probabilities called transition probabilities [21]. In a particular state an
outcome or observation can be generated, according to the associated probability distribution. The model describes a probabilistic generative process whereby a sequence of symbols is produced
by starting in some state, transitioning to a new state, emitting a
symbol selected by that state, transitioning again, emitting another
symbol and so on until a designated final state is reached. Associated with each of a set of states, S = {s1 , · · · , sn }, is a probability distribution over the symbols in the emission vocabulary
K = {k1 , · · · , km }. The probability that state sj will emit the
vocabulary item k is written P (k|sj ). Similarly, associated with
each state is a distribution over its outgoing transitions. The probability of moving from state si to state sj is written P (sj |si ). There
is also a prior state distribution π(s). Training data consists of
several sequences of observed emissions, one of which would be
written {o1 , · · · , ox } [5].
In our experiment, the category labels we specified in the above
sections are regarded as states. The emitting observation symbols
are the log messages corresponding to their state labels. HMM explicitly considers the state transition sequence. It can also be used
to compare all state paths from the start state to the destination
state, and then choose the best state sequence that emits a certain
observation sequence. So it works well in labeling continuous log
messages. When one log message has been assigned several competitive state labels by text classification, HMM selects a certain label by traversing the best state sequence. The state transition probability is calculated from the training log data sets, for example, in
our experiment the probability of state create to state dependency
is 0.4470. The probability of emitting messages can be estimated
as the ratio of the occurrence probabilities of log messages to the
occurrence of their states in the training data. Viterbi algorithm is
used to find the most possible state sequence that emits the given
log messages, that is, finding the most possible state labels to assign
to these log messages [12].
The advantage of HMM lies in the fact that it calculates all possible state paths from the beginning state to the current state. As for
some messages that have several competitive state labels, the text
classification probability and the occurrence probability are combined to calculate the observation probability. For example, the
message “The Windows Installer initiated a system restart to complete or continue the configuration of ’Microsoft XML Parser’.” has
0.4327 probability to be categorized into configuration state, and
has 0.4164 probability to be labeled as stop state. This means that
this message can be possibly emitted by two states. In this case, the
observation probability not only needs to consider the occurrence
probability, but also the text classification probability.
Once the messages in the log file are transformed into common categories, it is then possible to analyze the historical event data across
multiple components to discover interesting patterns embedded in
the data. Each message in log files usually has a timestamp and we
will try to discover the interesting temporal patterns. Temporal patterns of interest appear naturally in the system management applications [7]. Specifically, a computer system problem may trigger
a series of symptom events/activities. Such a sequence of symptom events provides a natural signature for identifying the root
cause. For example, when component A reports “A is stopped”,
how should we respond to this stop message? Is this a failure in
the component A or just a natural exit after successful completion
of tasks? In fact, the event “A is stopped” does not necessarily indicates that an errors or a failure happened. We noticed that in our
log data files, the stop message often occurs after the component
reports dependency message (i.e., it cannot find certain features or
components). In this case, the stop message signifies the failure of a
task execution. However, if there is no dependency message before
the stop message, the stop message usually indicates the completion of a task. Thus to decide the proper actions in response to the
stop messages, we need to check what happens right before them.
Thus knowing the temporal patterns can help us pinpoint the root
cause and take proper actions.
Visualization can help the users understand and interpret patterns
in the data [6; 27]. For example, a scatter plot can help network
operators to identify patterns of significance from a large amount
of monitoring data [4]. Once we categorize each message into a
set of categories (or event types), each message can then be represented as a three-tuple < s, t, c > where s is the category label or
event type, t is the timestamp, and c is the source component of this
log message. We can use visualization tools to discover, interpret
and validate interesting patterns. We will describe our visualization
effort in Section 5.
In this section, we present our experimental results. Section 5.1 describes the log data generation, Section 5.2 gives the experimental
results using Naive Bayes, Section 5.3 shows the results using the
two approaches for incorporating temporal information, Section 5.4
illustrates our visualization efforts on the log files.
5.1 Log Data Generation
The log files used in our experiments are collected from several
different machines with different operating systems in the School
of Computer Science at Florida International University. We use
logdump2td (NT data collection tool) developed by Event Mining
Team at IBM T.J. Watson research center. The raw log files has 14
columns, which are sequence, time, EventType, ReportTime, Log-
TypeName, LogTypeID, EventSourceName, EventSource, HostName, HostID, severity, Category, and Msg. To preprocess text
messages, we remove stop words and skip html labels. We use accuracy, defined as the the proportion of messages that are correctly
assigned to a category, to evaluate the classification performance
and use the random 30-70 data split for training and testing.
5.2 Log Categorization Using Naive Bayes
Our first experiment is on using naive Bayes classifier to categorize
log messages. The classification tool is built on the Bow (A Toolkit
for Statistical Language Modeling, Text Retrieval, Classification
and Clustering) software from Carnegie Mellon University 3 . The
training data are labeled with nine categories, i.e., configuration,
connection, create, dependency, other, report, request, start, and
stop. The accuracy of log categorization is about 0.7170.
Table 2 lists the keywords and their probabilities in the corresponding classes. These keywords have high occurrence probability and
information gain associated with a category and they can be used
to describe the category.
As we know, one difficulty for classifying log messages with various formats is that different platforms (e.g., Windows and Linux)
usually have different set of terminologies. The classifier model
built from Windows Log files may not be able to achieve good performance on Linux log files due to the differences in vocabulary.
One of our future tasks is to map the keywords between different
5.3 Incorporating Temporal Information
5.3.1 Modified Naive Bayes
In order to improve the classification accuracy of log messages, we
consider the time stamp of log messages and adjacent state transition as discussed in Section 3.1. Table 3 lists the state transition
probability P (Cj |Ci ) derived from training data. The leftmost column lists previous category labels Ci . The top row lists current category labels Cj . Every entry contains a transition probability from
a row category to the corresponding column category.
After considering the state transition probability, the categorization accuracy is improved to 0.8232. We describe three examples
(shown in Table 4, Table 5, Table 6) taken from our experiments
to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. The columns in the
three tables are, from left to right, time stamps, category labels obtained by incorporating transition probability (denoted as TC), category label without considering the transition probability (denoted
as Naive), the reporting component, and the log message. In each
table, the first row represents the previous message, and the second
row represents the current message. By incorporating the transition
probability, the category of the previous message contributes to the
decision on the category of the current message.
In Table 7, each row corresponds to one current log message from
the above three examples (the leftmost column identifies the time
stamp of these messages). Each entry is the text classification probability P r(Cj |di ), the probability of row message categorized into
the column category. We can observe the labels obtained by naive
Bayes text classification on these three example messages are not
correct, while the modified approach produces the correct label.
For instance, in the first example, the transition probability from
configuration to start is 0.1869, the probability from configuration to configuration is 0.1111. Naive Bayes classification assigns
this message to start with probability of 0.4430199. It assigns this
0.140 product, 0.143 configuration, 0.133 completed
0.073 inventory, 0.073 server, 0.073 respond,
0.038 network, 0.038 connection, 0.050 party,
0.050 root
0.215 create, 0.215 temporary, 0.215 file
0.063 exist, 0.063 directory, 0.063 domain,
0.063 contacted, 0.063 contact, 0.063 failed,
0.063 certificate, 0.127 enrollment
0.084 profile, 0.059 service, 0.097 version,
0.097 faulting, 0.050 application, 0.050 module
0.053 fault, 0.050 address
0.083 completed, 0.060 update, 0.097 installation
0.150 service, 0.190 started, 0.088 application,
0.037 starting
0.059 stopped, 0.054 restarted, 0.011 completed,
0.032 failed, 0.054 shell, 0.054 explorer
Table 2: Keywords and their probabilities
Table 3: The matrix table of state transition probability
message to configuration category with probability 0.4981456. By
incorporating temporal information, our modified naive Bayes algorithm assign this message to start as 0.1869 × 0.4430199 >
0.1111 × 0.4981456. Our experiments show that the modified algorithm improves the accuracy of log categorization from 0.7170
to 0.8232.
5.3.2 HMM
Our implementation of HMM tool is based on the package
UMDHMM version 1.02 from University of Maryland 4 . The state
transition probability is calculated from the training log data sets
and the probability of emitting messages can be estimated as the
ratio of the occurrence probabilities of log messages to the occurrence of their states in the training model. We use Baum-Welch
procedure to learn the HMM parameters [2]. Viterbi algorithm can
then be used to discover the best state sequence. Because of the
large number of emitting messages, the observation probability table is omitted here. The accuracy of using HMM categorization is
5.3.3 Summary
The experimental results on message categorization are summarized in Table 8. In summary, our experiments show that both the
modified Bayes algorithm and HMM enhance the classification accuracy and HMM achieves the best performance in our practice.
However, constructing HMM requires more computational costs.
Intuitively, the modified Bayes algorithm considers only adjacent
state transitions while HMM considers all possible state paths. The
choice between the two approaches for incorporating temporal information is problem-dependent in practice.
Naive Bayes
Modified Naive Bayes
Table 8: Performance Comparisons on Message Categorization
5.4 Visualize Event Relationships
Once we categorize each message into a set of categories (or event
types), we can use visualization tools to discover, interpret and validate interesting patterns. Visualization can help the users understand and interpret patterns in the data [6; 27]. For example, a
scatter plot can help network operators to identify patterns of significance from a large amount of monitoring data [4]. We perform
visualization using the EventBrowser [15]. The visualization of
events makes it convenient for people to find interesting temporal
patterns. The temporal pattern found and validated can be used
to provide better mechanisms for system management, especially
when complex integrations are typically hard for humans to capture.
Figure 1 is derived from a desktop machine named “raven” in the
graduate lab of the School of Computer Science at Florida Interna-
Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files
– Configuration completed successfully.< br >< br >
Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup 2005 Beta 2 – Install started.
Table 4: The first example of effectiveness of modified naive Bayes
Product: Microsoft Visual J♯ .NET Redistributable Package 2.0 Beta - Removal completed successfully.< br >< br >
Product: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta English – Removal completed successfully.< br >< br >
Table 5: The second example of effectiveness of modified naive Bayes
tional University. Different gray scales in Figure 1 correspond to
different components and different gray scales in Figure 2 represent
different categories. In Figure 1, dotted lines, lying in the ellipse
range with the same gray scale, are generated from the same component. We observe that these dotted lines in create and connection
categories occur alternately. The dotted line in dependency situation overlaps with that in create state. From the log file of “raven”
we can easily verify that the component “Inventory Scanner” correspond to these lines in the ellipse range. From Figure 1, we observe
that the create problem of inventory scanner will trigger the dependency problem (i.e., it cannot find some features or components.).
The continuing occurrences of the create and dependency problems
will finally generate the connection problem. Using visualization
tools, we note that the connection problems occur after the create
problems for at least three days. However, the dependency problems usually appear just several seconds after the create problems.
The wide range of lags, from seconds to days, also demonstrates the
difficulty of using a predefined window for temporal data mining
and shows the necessity of methods without a predefined window.
In Figure 2, different gray scales represent different categories.
The dotted lines lying in the ellipse range of component 6 actually
consists of create and dependency situations which appear alternately. The other lines in component 6 belong to the connection
category. This scenario depicts the relationships among these three
categories. Moreover, from this figure, the dotted line of component 6 is almost in parallel with that of component 5’s, with a small
lag. This indicates that component 5 will report problems synchronously whenever there are problems in component 6. In addition, we may need to pay attention to component 7 which seems
to cause the problems in component 6 and component 5. The dotted
line in component 0 consists of start and report situations. Using
the visualization tool, we observe that after component 0 starts, it
tends to keep generating report messages. Figure 3 is an example
of 3D-plot view of the log data. 3D-plot will help users understand
and interpret complicated patterns.
Figure 1: The 2D plot of the “raven” data set. X axis is the time. Y
axis is the state
In this paper, we present our research efforts on mining log files for
computing system management. We propose two approaches for
incorporating temporal information to improve the performance of
categorizing log messages into common categories. There are several natural avenues for future research. First, instead of manually determining the set of common categories, we could develop
techniques to automatically infer them from historical data. For instance, we could use clustering techniques to identify the structures
Figure 2: The 2D plot of the “raven” data set. X axis is the time. Y
axis is the component
Windows saved user N131\Administrator registry while an application or
service was still using the registry during log off. The memory
used by the user’s registry has not been freed. The registry
will be unloaded when it is no longer in use. < br >< br >< br >
This is often caused by services running as a user account.
try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService
or NetworkService account.< br >< br >
Product: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta English – Installation completed successfully.< br >< br >
Table 6: The third example of effectiveness of modified naive Bayes
Table 7: The text classification probabilities for the above three examples
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Figure 3: The 3D-plot of the “raven” data set
from large amounts of log data [8]. Second,in practice, the number
of different common categories for system management can be extemely large due to the complex nature of the system. To resolve
this issue, it would be useful to utilize the dependence relationships
among different categories [18; 28]. Third, it would also be interesting to develop methods that can efficiently discover interesting
temporal patterns from the transformed log files [1; 14; 16].
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About the Authors
Wei Peng received her BS degree in Computer Science from Xi’an
Institute of Science and Technology, China in 2002. She is currently a doctoral student in the School of Computer Science at
Florida International University. Her research interests are data
mining and GIS.
Tao Li received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Rochester in 2004. He is currently an assistant professor
in the School of Computer Science at Florida International University. His primary research interests are data mining, machine
learning, bioinformatics, and music information retrieval.
Sheng Ma received BS degree in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing China, in 1992. He received MS and
Ph.D with honours in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, in 95 and 98, respectively. He joint IBM
T.J. Watson research center as a research staff member in 1998. He
became a manager of Machine Learning for Systems in 2001. His
current research interests are machine learning, data mining, network traffic modeling and control, network and computer system