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Bellringer: Answer Place on BR sheet Question # 5 on page 260 Objective: Determine where tectonic plates are located on Earth Agenda: Continental Drift activity Boundary Lab Start Earthquake notes The shaking or trembling caused by the sudden release of energy Usually associated with faulting or breaking of rocks Continuing adjustment of position results in aftershocks Earthquakes • Focus: The point within Earth where faulting begins • Epicenter: The point directly above the focus on the surface • Intensity: size/strength of earthquake Seismograph: instrument that measures strength of an earthquake. zigzag reading is a seismogram Three seismographs can be used to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake. (Triangulation) Magnitude = intensity Measured by Richter Scale (1-10) Each number is 32 times stronger than previous number. ~80% of all earthquakes occur in the “Ring of Fire” most of these result from convergent margin activity 5% occur in the interiors of plates and on spreading ridge centers more than 150,000 quakes strong enough to be felt are recorded each year • • • • Damage in Oakland, CA, 1989 Building collapse Fire Tsunami Ground failure