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Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 1: The Green Plant
Part I: Matching
_E___ 1. The pigment in greatest abundance in plants.
A. Macroscopic
_H___ 2. The movement of organic materials from one plant part to another.
B. Microscopic
_D___ 3. Pores through which gaseous exchange occurs between the air outside
the plant and the intercellular spaces inside the plant.
C. Leaves
_A___ 4. Seen with the unaided eye.
D. Stomata
E. Chlorophyll
_J___ 5. Plants that have two imperfect flowers occurring on one plant.
F. Anthocyanins
_K___ 6. Plants that have two imperfect flowers occurring on separate plants.
_N___ 7. A plant’s response to light with a growth movement.
_O___ 8. The effect of varying periods or duration of light exposure on plant
growth and development.
_C___ 9. Appendages of the stem and are the major food manufacturers of the plant.
_F___ 10. Red pigments that occasionally dominate in plants such as coleus or in
some flower blossoms.
_L___ 11. The state of vegetative growth during which a plant cannot flower.
G. Stems
H. Translocation
I. Cones
J. Monoecious
K. Dioecious
L. Juvenility
M. Maturity
N. Phototropism
O. Photoperiodism
_M__ 12. The stage of growth during which a plant becomes capable of flowering.
Part II: Fill In
1. The main difference between plant cells and animal cells is that plant cells have _cell walls__.
2. All living organisms have the cell as their basic structural unit except _viruses__________.
3. The plants of the world include a rich array that may be either:
_macroscopic___________ or __microscopic______________.
4. The energy that permits all life on earth to exist is __light________.
5. _Classification________ _systems__________attempt to arrange current knowledge into a tidy
system to which new knowledge can later be added.
6. Stems increase in diameter because of the cambium tissue which produces _xylem_______ and
7. Complete flowers have _sepals_____, _petals_______, _stamens_____, and _pistils______.
8. Cones are reproductive structures produced by _conifers_____, such as pines, spruces, and firs.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 2: The Soil
Part I: Matching
A. Soil Texture
_E___ 1. A soil that contains about 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay.
B. Fertilizer
_B___ 2. nutrient additives applied to the soil periodically to maintain
optimum crop productivity.
C. Soil Profile
_D___ 3. Large particles that are formed when smaller particles adhere together.
D. Aggregates
E. Loam
__F__ 4. A complex mixture formed from organic compounds that do not
decompose quickly and eventually succumb to enzymatic action.
_C___ 5. A cross-sectional slice of earth’s surface showing different layers of soil.
F. Humus
G. Leaching
H. Topsoil
_A___ 6. Relative proportions of separates of different sizes in any one soil.
_G___ 7. The passing of a substance through a plant’s root area.
I. Dirt
J. Subsoil
_I___ 8. what gets under your nails and on your pants; the incorrect labeling of soil.
Part II : Matching
_C___ 1. Soils transported and deposited by winds.
A. Glacial
_D __ 2. Soils that have moved in response to gravity, as after a landslide or mudslide.
B. Alluvial
_E___ 3. Soils that weather from bedrock and remain in place.
C. Aeolian
_B___ 4. Soils carried in water such as rivers.
D. Colluvial
E. Sedentary
_DorB_ 5. and _DorB_ 6. The best agricultural soils (pick two).
Part III: List
1. Dried Blood, Cocoa Meal, Bone Meal, Animal Manure are examples of ___________ fertilizers.
2. List the 3 elements that are used in greatest quantity by plants.
Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
3. List the following pH terms:
a. Less than 7.0 is called _acidic_______.
b. 7.0 is called _neutral_______.
c. More than 7.0 is called _alkaline________.
d. _Acidic_______ has more hydrogen ions and less hydroxyl ions.
e. _Alkaline_____ has more hydroxyl ions and less hydrogen ions.
4. List the 3 Soil Textures. Place a star beside the one that has the greatest surface area Gravel, Sand,
Silt, Clay***
5. Soil is made of: ________________ materials, living and nonliving organisms, water, and _____.
6. Draw and label the 4 layers of a Soil Profile.
Bedrock /Parent Material
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 5: Plant Reproduction
Part I: Matching
A. Reproduction
_F___ 1. The breaking of a seed coat that is impervious to water to permit
water uptake by the embryo.
B. Propagation
_B___ 2. Deliberately controlling and manipulating reproduction.
C. Sexual
_H___ 3. The external appearance of a plant.
_K___ 4. Spontaneous changes in the genetic structure of a plant.
D. Asexual
_C___ 5. Reproduction through the formation of seeds.
E. Mitosis
_A___ 6. The process by which organisms duplicate themselves.
F. Scarification
_E___ 7. The normal division of a cell nucleus during growth, enlarging from
embryo to maturity.
G. Clone
H. Phenotype
_G___ 8. When a plant is reproduced asexually from a single plant.
I. Genotype
_I___ 9. The genetic composition of a plant.
J. Meiosis
_D___ 10. A vegetative process that eliminates genetic variation.
K. Mutations
_L___ 11. Exposure of seeds to low temperatures.
L. Stratification
Part II: Matching
_B___ 1. Aerial shoots that take root after coming into contact with the soil.
_E___ 2. Joining the upper portion of one plant with the lower portion of another
plant and fusing them together to become a new plant.
A. Runners
B. Stolons
C. Layering
__A__ 3. Stems that grow along the ground and form new plants at their nodes.
D. Cuttings
__D__ 4. The most common method of asexual reproduction.
E. Grafting
__C__ 5. Roots develop on a stem that is still attached to the parent plant.
Part III: Fill In
1. When the sexual reproduction process is controlled by humans, and a specialized science (plant
genetics) takes place, it is called plant _breeding______.
2. Gregor Mendel’s studies involved the common plants called __peas_____________.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit – Exam: Chapter 6: Plant Pests and Their Control
Part I: Matching
A. Virology
_B___ 1. The study of fungi.
B. Mycology
_C___ 2. The study of plant diseases, their causes, and their control.
C. Pathology
_D___ 3. The study of insects, their effects upon plants, and their control.
D. Entomology
Part II: Matching
_B___ 1. The hard protective covering of the insect’s body.
A. Nervous System
B. Exoskeleton
_A___ 2. Includes groups of specialized cells called ganglia.
C. Endoskeleton
_D___ 3. Combines expansion and contraction of the abdomen with diffusion to
exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the cells and tissues.
_E___ 4. A tube that extends from the mouth of the insect to the anus.
D. Respiratory System
E. Digestive System
F. Reproductive System
Part III: Matching
_A___ 1. An organism incapable of manufacturing its own food.
_K___ 2. When a plant turns yellow because of lack of light.
_D___ 3. When a plant turns yellow but does not lack light.
A. Parasite
B. Metamorphosis
C. Inoculum
_B___ 4. The process of change that occurs in insects as they grow.
D. Chlorosis
_E___ 5. A plant having no positive economic value and/or growing
in a place where it is not desired.
E. Weed
F. Adjuvant
__G__ 6. Chemical cues through which insects communicate.
_I___ 7. The principle of control that sets up a barrier between the host
plants and the pests to which they are susceptible.
_F___ 8. Chemical additives that improve the performance of a pesticide
to which they are added.
G. Pheromones
H. Pathogen
I. Protection
J. Necrotic
_C___ 9. The infectious form of a pathogen.
K. Etiolation
_L___ 10. Once a pathogen penetrates the hosts’ tissue, the plant becomes this.
L. Infected
_M___ 11. Responses to pathogenic irritants and insects.
M. Symptoms
Part IV: List the complete 4 stages of metamorphosis development.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 8: The Interior Uses of Plants
Part I: Matching
_C___ 1. The unit of measurement for light wavelengths.
A. Lux
B. Footcandle
_E___ 2. The process of leaves falling off a plant.
C. Nanometer
_F___ 3. The color of light emitted by a particular source.
D. Acclimatization
_I___ 4. Lights installed beneath plants.
E. Abscise
_A___ 5. The illumination received on a surface that is 1 meter from a
standard light source.
F. Light Quality
_D___ 6. The adjustment of an outdoor plant to interior conditions.
_H___ 7. The level of illumination necessary to allow the acclimatized plant to
produce new leaves at a rate equal to or greater than the rate of loss.
G. Light Spectrum
H. Minimum Light Intensity
I. Uplights
Part II: Matching
_C___ 1. Seldom a problem for outdoor plants but can cause problems for
interior plantscapes.
A. Too much Nitrogen
B. Repotting
C. Humidity
_B___ 2. Necessary in interior plantings where growth is allowed.
D. Pruning
_E___ 3.The major reason for death of interior plants.
E. Overwatering
_H___ 4. Reduces the amount of dust in an interior plantscape.
F. Insects
_A___ 5. Spindly, succulent, and unattractive vegetative growth occurs with this.
G. Diseases
D or I 6. & I or J 7. Will not be extensive because of a plant’s reduced rate
of growth (pick two).
H. Air Filtration
I. Fertilization
Part III: List
1. List the 2 color bands of the visible light spectrum that plants use in photosynthesis.
Red and Blue
2. What types of plants have proven to be the most successful indoor plants?
3. The need to water a planting can be determined by what 2 methods?
Feeling the soil and observing its color.
4. By what 2 ways is the success of the plantscape measured?
Appearance and Health
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 9: Landscape Design
Part I: Matching
_F___ 1. define the corner areas of the outdoor landscape.
_A___ 2. most desirable location; tallest plants in the bed.
A. Incurve
B. Outcurve
C. Line Planting
_C___ 3. forming outdoor walls with plants.
D. Outdoor Room
_E___ 4. an attempt to hide unsightly base to a house.
_D___ 5. to avoid improper landscape design, this concept can be used.
E. Foundation Planting
F. Corner Planting
Part II: Matching
A. Unity
_H___ 1. The ability to survive the winter.
_I___ 2. One side of landscape has the same visual mass of the other
but does not duplicate it.
B. Rhythm and Line
C. Aesthetic
D. Simplicity
_J___ 3. One side of landscape is an exact duplicate (mirror image) of the other.
E. Architectural Elements
_C___ 4. Appeals to the senses.
F. Engineering Elements
_B___ 5. Bring a feeling of continuity to the landscape.
G. Proportion
_A___ 6. The master principle that gives cohesiveness to the landscape design.
H. Hardiness
I. Assymetrical
J. Symmetrical
Part III: Fill in
1. Topography is the term that describes _elevation________ __variations__________.
2. Surface and underground water and drainage patterns are described by the term _hydrography.
3. The landscape designer communicates in the language of _graphics__________.
4. CAD stands for _Computer Aided Design_____________________________________.
5. The landscape designer uses many of the same tools used by a __drafter___________.
6. Pavings that are poured or set into place as modular units are (hard / soft) pavings while loose
aggregate materials, sometimes finely particulate like sand, are (hard / soft) pavings.
7. A Plan View assumes a vantage point directly above the proposed _landscape_____________,
looking down perpendicular to the _ground___________.
8. The 3 major influences that have shaped American attitudes toward landscaping are:
a) the _formal________ _tradition__________ of 16th and 17th century Europe;
b) the _naturalism___________ of 18th century England;
c) the _nature_________ symbolism of the Orient.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 13: Turf: Selection, Establishment, and Maintenance
Part I: Matching
_B___ 1. civic buildings, community centers, hwy dividers, airports.
A. Commercial Use
B. Municipal Use
_E___ 2. private homes, estates, apartments, condos.
C. Campus Use
_A___ 3. corporate landscapes, shopping centers, office buildings.
D. Recreational Use
_D___ 4. parks, golf courses, country clubs, stadiums, athletic fields.
E. Residential Use
Part II: Matching
_B___ 1. Having only 1 seed leaf in the embryo.
A. Aeration
B. Monocotyledon
_M___ 2. Combines the seeds of 2+ cultivars of a species.
_E___ 3. Combines 2 + species of grasses.
_D___ 4. Compacted leaves, litter, and organic material.
C. Purity
D. Thatch
E. Mixture
F. Sprigging and Stolonizing
_I___ 5. A measure of the width of the leaf blade.
G. Sodding
_C___ 6. Percentage by weight of pure grass seed.
H. Inert Materials
_A___ 7. Addition of air to the soil.
I. Leaf Texture
_L___ 8. Small sections of sod.
J. Monoculture
_F___ 9. Piece of a grass shoot.
K. Density
L. Plugging
_G___ 10. Established turf which is moved from 1 location to another.
_H___ 11. Percentage by weight of material in package that will not grow.
M. Blend
N. Percent Germination
Part III: Compare
1. Cool season grasses favor daytime temperatures of _60__ to _75___ degrees F while warm season
grasses favor daytime temperatures of _80___ to __95___ degrees F.
2. Seeding is the (most / least) common and the (most / least) expensive method of turf installation.
3. Generally, the most attractive leaf texture is ( coarse / medium / fine ) textured.
4. Shoots that are produced and from axillary buds within the sheath are called
( rhizomes / stolons / bunch type ).
5. Shoots that are produced outward from the parent plant along the soil surface are called
( rhizomes / stolons / bunch type ).
6. Shoots that are produced beneath the soil surface are called ( rhizomes / stolons / bunch type ).
7. A large seeder pulled by a tractor is called a ( hydroseeder / cultipacker / sod cutter ).
8. Spraying device that applies seed, water, fertilizer, and mulch simultaneously is called a
( hydroseeder / cultipacker / sod cutter ).
9. Most turfgrasses are ( annuals / perennials ).
10. The best time to water lawns is (early morning / afternoon / late evening ).
11. Because of shallow roots, turfgrasses are the first plants to suffer from
(lack of water / too much water).
12. When watering, moisture should penetrate the soil ( 2 to 4 / 4 to 8 / 8 to 12 ) inches deep.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 14: Techniques of Plant Propagation
Part I: Matching
_D___ 1. Reproduction of plants from tiny pieces of plant organs.
_C___ 2. Pieces of root, leaves, or stems that are removed from parent plant
and placed in environment that promotes development into total plants.
A. Grafts
B. Plugs
C. Cuttings
_B___ 3. Seedlings that retain their undisturbed root system within a core of media.
D. Tissue Culture
_A___ 4. Union of parts from two or more plants into a single plant.
E. Budding
_D___ 5. Newest propagation technique.
_C___ 6. Better results are obtained for a species that is difficult to root by selecting
vegetative growth of this.
Part II: Fill in
1. Temperature dormancy is called __stratification________________.
2. Seed coat dormancy is called __scarification__________________.
3. The first seeds to develop (the seed leaves) are called __cotyledons__________________.
4. When reduced temp’s and water allow plants to survive shock; gradual adaptation of plants to
environmental conditions more stressful than their present ones is called _hardening off___.
5. When a graft union is successful and two plants become one, it is called a(n)
__compatible___________ graft.
6. When a graft union is unsuccessful and two plants do not unite, it is called a(n)
__incompatible__________ graft.
Part III: Answer YES or NO
1. Methods of Layering:
_YES_ Simple
_YES_ Tip
_YES_ Air
_NO_ Water
2. Peat moss or sand is added for:
_ YES Texture
_NO_ Nutrients
_ YES Drainage
3. The propagation media must:
_ YES _ Retain moisture uniformly
_ YES _ Drain excess water uniformly
_ NO _ Allow light to penetrate deep
_ YES _ Be pasteurized
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 19: Greenhouses and Other Growing Structures
Part I: Matching
_B___ 1. a low growing structure that supplements solar energy with
decomposing manure, electric cables, and heating pipes; used for
propagation, starting, and hardening off.
_C___ 2. ideal for production of seasonal crops; requires new covering every year.
A. Lath
B. Hotbed
C. Quonset
D. Ridge and Furrow
_D___ 3. less expensive to build due to lack of interior walls; good
environmental control.
E. Detached A-Frame
_E___ 4. best environmental control; most expensive to build and heat.
Part II: Matching
_C___ 1. Uses growing space efficiently; workers must walk the length of
house to get to the other side of bench.
A. Peninsular
B. Cross-bench
_A___ 2. Each bench his accessible from both sides and the aisle end.
Features a wide central aisle to accommodate carts and other
equipment; narrow aisles between benches allow access by workers
and efficient use of space.
_B___ 3. Aisles along the sides and between the benches; least efficient use
of space for growing.
C. Length-of-house
D. Ground-bench
Part III: Fill in
1. __Fan and Pad Cooling__________ cooling uses exhaust fans and continuously wet pads of
excelsior, cross-fluted cellulose, aluminum fibers, or glass fibers.
2. One disadvantage of covering the plastic greenhouse with 2 layers of plastic instead of one is
__Reduction of Light Intensity_________________.
3. Most of the heat loss in a greenhouse occurs at what time of day? __After dark_____________
4. Fuel consumption in a greenhouse is greatest at what time of day? __After dark_____________
5. Greenhouse benches must fulfill 3 functions: _drain_______ quickly; be of a width that allows
workers to reach the center; and maximize crops exposure to light
6. Raising the bench above ground has two advantages: allows _air______ __flow____; and allows
warmer root zone temperatures to be maintained.
7. The two types of wood that are recommended for bench use are naturally rot resistant and
_preservative_________ treated woods.
8. Of North, South, East, and West, the greenhouse wall that is an energy liability is the
_North_______ because no direct sunlight hits it.
Part IV: Compare
1. Two examples of crops that are grown on (ground / raised) beds are tomatoes and lettuce; 2
examples of crops that are grown on (ground / raised) benches are pot crops and cut flower
2. During especially ( hot / moderate / cold / humid ) weather, ventilation alone is not enough to
cool the greenhouse.
3. The common types of greenhouse materials used to cover growing structures do not include
( glass / soft plastic / fiberglass / acrylic / aluminum / polycarbonate ).
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 20: Greenhouse Production Techniques
Part I: Matching
A. Seeds
_B___ 1. Orchids
B. Tissue and organ culture
_C___ 2. Roses
C. Budding
_D___ 3. Tulips, daffodils, crocuses
D. Bulbs
_AorE_ 4. & _AorE 5. Most common methods of reproduction (pick two)
E. Cuttings
Part II: Matching
_A___ 1. Each time a grower selects a resistant variety for production.
A. Resistance
_C___ 2. Seeks to place a barrier between the crop and the pests.
B. Exclusion
C. Protection
_B___ 3. The principle of applying efforts to prevent pests from becoming
established in the greenhouse.
D. Eradication
_D___ 4. Seeks to remove or eliminate pests that are already present in the greenhouse.
Part III: Matching
_H___ 1. Require thorough coverage, as with sprays. Can cover a large area of
crops quickly and often at less expense than sprays. However, many
greenhouse pesticides are not available in this form.
A. Breakers
_I___ 2. Remain in the plant and kill the pest when it arrives.
C. Capillary mats
_D___ 3. Deliver the water thru holes in inflatable plastic tubes stretched down
the bench.
D. Trickle Systems
B. Foggers
E. Ebb and flood
_E___ 4. Pump water from a storage tank into a watertight bench where it
flows across the surface, flooding the entire bench.
F. Aerosol bombs
_B___ 5. Allow water to be applied as a fine mist to seedlings and other tenders.
G. Foliar Sprays
_A___ 6. Diminish the force of the water but not the rate of flow.
H. Dusts
_G___ 7. The material is mixed with water in a hydraulic sprayer and applied to
the foliage of the crop. A spreader/sticker agent may be needed to provide
uniform coverage of the foliage.
I. Systemics
Part IV: Fill in
1. The means of identifying the plants on the bench is called _labeling___________.
2. Elimination of undesirable microorganisms, insects, and seeds in the soil is called _pasteurization.
3. The maintenance of a proper balance of both moisture and air in the soil is called _irrigation___.
4. ppm stands for _parts per million________________________.
5. Growth retardants _regulate__________ the size of plants.
6. Shallow, rectangular containers that may be used to start seedlings, root cuttings, or hold less
sturdy pots are called _flats_____________.
7. Pots made of peat so that there’s no need to remove the pot when transplanting are called
_peat pots___________.
8. In the _flower__________ production business, timing is everything.
9. The first and perhaps most difficult thing that a new greenhouse worker must be taught is
__how to water plants correctly__________.
10. The most common means of applying liquid fertilizer to crops is _greenhouse watering system_.
11. The amount of _fertilizer_____________ applied per application depends on the strength of the
concentration. Most commonly, a ratio of _1___ : _100_ is used.
12. All artificial media mixes have one of two bases for the mixes: _bark_______ - based and
__peat moss ________ - based.
Greenhouse Management - Dual Credit - Exam
Chapter 22: Beginning and Promoting an Ornamental Horticulture Business
Chapter 23: Human Relations: Personnel Management and Customer Sales
Part I: Matching
_B___ 1. Business engaged by two or more people.
A. Sole
_A___ 2. Simplest form of business.
B. Partnership
_C___ 3. Most public form of business; ownership is made through purchasing shares.
C. Corporation
_C___ 4. Board of directors makes operating decisions.
_A___ 5. Obtain necessary licenses, set up shop, and be in business.
Part II: Matching
_F___ 1. Long-term loans repaid over a period of years.
_E___ 2. Uses cash value of the borrower’s life insurance.
_D___ 3. Individuals who provide capital in return for a share of the profit.
_B___ 4. Short-term loans granted to businesspeople with good credit ratings.
_A___ 5. Obtained by established businesspeople by pledging money owed
to the business from customers.
_C___ 6. Made to growers by firms that will eventually market their crops
while assuring the lender of a guaranteed price.
A. Accounts Receivable
B. Character or Signature
C. Contract Growing Loans
D. Limited Partnership
E. Loans on Life Insurance
F. Term Loans
Part III: Matching
_B___ 1. To limit the use of toxic pesticides and to assure that they are used
only by persons knowledgeable about their use.
_A___ 2. To assure safe and healthful working conditions for employees.
_C___ 3. To protect the right of the inventor or discoverer of a plant to be
the sole propagator.
_D___ 4. To protect the consumer from unrealistic descriptions and claims
for products and services
A. Occupational Safety
and Health Act
B. Environmental
Pesticide Control Act
C. Plant Patent Act
D. Deceptive Practice
or Product Regulations
Part IV: YES or NO
1. A reason why someone would want to own their own business:
_YES_ opportunity to exercise leadership and make decisions
_ YES opportunity to build a business around your own interests and strengths
_ YES job security
_ NO freedom to change jobs and relocate
_ YES money
2. Things that should be included in terms of agreement of modern partnerships:
YES _ percentage of original capital
YES _ responsibilities of each partner
NO _ limits by the weaknesses of the partners
YES _ business objectives
YES _ provisions for the dissolution of business
3. Important facts about borrowing money:
YES _ most expensive way to obtain capital
NO _ least expensive way to obtain capital
YES _ reveals your background information and finances to the lender
YES _ requires you to tell the lender how you plan on using the money
4. Costs encountered when budgeting for inventory items:
NO _ shipping and receiving
YES _ staff time spent purchasing, receiving, and storing the stock
YES _ keeping stock control records
YES _ stock
5. Factors considered in selecting a business site:
NO _ inventory
YES _ size
YES _ natural features
YES _ zoning regulations
YES _ utilities
6. Characteristics of good salespeople:
NO _ average grooming and speech
YES _ courtesy
YES _ honesty
YES _ knowledge
7. Examples of wasted advertising dollars:
YES _ High school yearbooks
YES _ lodge and church publications
YES _ pencils and matchbooks
NO _ television
8. Responsibilities of sole-proprietors:
YES _ hire employees
NO _ purchase shares
YES _ absorb losses
YES _ reap profits
YES _ put up capital
Part V: Compare
1. A ( private / closed ) corporation sells its stock publicly and can be owned by many people.
2. A ( private / closed ) corporation does not sell its stock publicly and is often owned by members of
a single family.
3. The range of activities whose purpose is to establish goodwill or further the growth of the firm is
called ( promotion / publicity or public relations ). Bringing the business to the attention of the
public to generate favorable public opinion is called ( promotion / publicity or public relations ).
4. The best way to begin the purchase of materials and supplies is to order ( small / large ) quantities
that can be turned over quickly and paid for promptly.
5. The ( employee / customer / owner ) sets the business tone for the way that ( employee /
customer / owner ) and ( employee / customer / owner ) are treated. The ( employee /
customer / owner ) keeps the business in existence.
6. In classic partnerships, the two partners contribute the ( same / different ) amounts of capital and
divide the work ( equally / unequally ).
7. Capital is needed for fixed assets such as (real estate / coolers / furniture / equipment / pay wages
/ purchase supplies / pay utility bills ) and to have working capital such as ( real estate / coolers /
furniture / equipment / pay wages / purchase supplies / pay utility bills ).
8. The purpose of ( attitude advertising / immediate response advertising ) is to make customers
reach for the phone or come into the store soon. The purpose of ( attitude advertising / immediate
response advertising ) is to build the reputation of the business.
Part VI: Placement
1. Place ‘Good’ beside the words that describe qualities of good leadership. Place ‘Bad’ beside the
words that describe the qualities to avoid in a leader.
_GOOD_ Decisiveness
_bad___ Partiality
GOOD Praise
_ GOOD Thorough directions
_bad___ Subjective Criticism
GOOD _ Reward
_bad___ Inflexibility
_ GOOD Fairness
_bad__ Condescension
_ GOOD_ Competence
_bad___ Indifference
GOOD _ Sincerity