Download practice manager person specification

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A good general standard of literacy is essential. Experience of drafting reports and of dealing with
people clearly and tactfully in writing will be a definite advantage.
You also need good verbal communication skills, and be able to deal with people clearly and
diplomatically, particularly over the phone.
You will need to be familiar with using a computer for emails and for financial management.
Experience of financial planning and analysis, and undertaking monthly reconciliations, will be
desirable. Knowledge of GP accounting systems would be very useful but is not essential.
Some understanding of the CQC requirements for running a facility to which the public have
access (such as a GP surgery) is essential. Experience of this sort of work is desirable.
Some experience of managing a team of people, and planning their workloads, is essential.
Specifically, you should have experience of recruiting and interviewing staff, of managing
performance and carrying out annual appraisals. Experience of conducting annual pay reviews for
individuals would also be advantageous, as would familiarity with planning staff training and
continuing education.
Because you will need to liase with people at all levels – for example with partners, patients and
health authorities – you will need good negotiating skills. Some experience of dealing with people
in a customer-facing role would be desirable.
Experience of planning and managing change – such as the implementation of new ways of
working, or of a computerisation or building project, is desirable.
Experience of work in Primary Care is desirable, but not essential. However, you will need to
demonstrate an interest in keeping abreast of current developments, and show that you can draw
on developments and good practice elsewhere in the Primary Care field to enhance the work of
this practice.
To be successful in this role, you are likely to be:
Good at managing your time, and other people’s
Able to prioritise work for yourself and others
Good at delegating (upwards as well as downwards)
Able to solve problems and deal with short-term crises in a calm and effective manner
Updated April 2013
 Good at analysing existing procedures and looking for opportunities to improve the way things
are done
 Able to think strategically
 Tactful and diplomatic in the way you deal with people
 Attentive to detail, but also able to take the broader view
Updated April 2013