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Nutrients and Energy from Food
Nutrients: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
from Food
= a measure of energy content in food; the amount of heat it takes to raise
the temperature of 1 liter of water 1°C; commonly referred to as “calorie”
Three classes of essential nutrients supply energy
Fat =
Protein =
Carbohydrates =
Proteins The Basis of Body Structure
Of twenty common amino acids in foods, nine are essential
Proteins form key parts of the body’s main structural components—muscles
bones—and of blood, enzymes, cell membranes, and some hormones
Complete and Incomplete Proteins
protein sources = foods that supply all the essential amino acids in adequate
protein sources = foods that supply most but not all essential amino acids
Fats—Essential in Small Amounts
supply energy, insulate the body, support and cushion organs, absorb fat-soluble
vitamins, add flavor and texture to foods
Essential fats (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid) do what?__________________
Types and Sources of Fats
Saturated fat = a fat with no carbon-carbon double bonds; usually solid at room
temperature: Found primarily in animal foods and palm and coconut oils
Monounsaturated fat = a fat with one carbon-carbon double bond; usually liquid at room
temperature: Found in certain vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils
Polyunsaturated fat = a fat with two or more carbon-carbon double bonds; usually liquid
at room temperature: Found in certain vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils and in fatty
Two key forms of polyunsaturated fats:
= the endmost double bond of a polyunsaturated fat occurs
three carbons from the end of the fatty acid chain: Found primarily in fish:
= the endmost double bond of a polyunsaturated fat occurs
six carbons from the end of the fatty acid chain: Found primarily in certain vegetable oils,
especially corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils
Trans Fatty Acids
The process of hydrogenation, in which hydrogens are added to unsaturated fats,
produces a mixture of saturated fatty acids and standard and trans forms of unsaturated
fatty acids
Trans fatty acids have an atypical shape that affects their chemical activity
Fats and Health
affect blood cholesterol levels
lipoprotein (LDL) =
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) =
Saturated and trans fats raise levels of LDL; trans fats also lower levels of HDL
Unsaturated fats lower levels of LDL
Fats also affect triglyceride levels, inflammation, heart rhythm, blood pressure, and
cancer risk
Best choices = monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated omega-3 fats
Limit intake of saturated and trans fats
Carbohydrates—an Ideal Source of Energy
primary function of dietary carbohydrate is to
Cells in the brain, nervous system, and blood, use only carbohydrates for fuel
digestion, carbohydrates are broken into single sugar molecules such as glucose
for absorption; the liver and muscles take up glucose and store it in the form of glycogen
Simple & Complex Carbohydrates
carbohydrates contain one or two sugar units in each molecule
naturally in ____________________and added to many other foods
Include sucrose, fructose, maltose, and lactose
Complex carbohydrates consist of chains of many sugar molecules
Found in ____________________________________________
Include starches and most types of dietary fiber
Refined Carbohydrates Versus Whole Grains
grains are higher than refined carbohydrates in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and
other beneficial compounds
Whole grains take longer to digest
Make people feel full sooner
Cause a slower rise in glucose levels
Choose foods that have a whole grain
as the first item on the ingredient list on the
label: Whole wheat, whole rye, whole oats, oatmeal, whole-grain corn, brown rice,
popcorn, barley, etc.
Glycemic Index
of carbohydrates causes insulin and glucose levels in the blood to
Glycemic index = a measure of how the ingestion of a particular food affects blood
glucose levels
Foods with a high glycemic index cause quick and dramatic changes in glucose levels
Diets rich in high glycemic index foods are linked to increased risk of ____________
and ______________________
Sugar Busters
A “less” sugar diet but definitely not a “no” sugar diet.
A commitment to choosing correct carbohydrates, those low insulin-producing
Insulin causes you to convert and store excess sugar as fat and also store excess fat as
You cannot live without insulin, but you can live much better without too much insulin.
Remember, most of the fat on your body comes from sugar, not fat.
High fiber vegetables, whole grains, fruits
Too much saturated fat and transfats, those oils used in fast foods, are very harmful not
only to your waistline but also to your heart and blood vessels.
Missing meals is not healthy. It is important to eat three regular meals dailyMODERATION
Eating at night before going to bed only raises your insulin level and encourages
cholesterol production since most cholesterol is manufactured while you are sleeping.
Recommended Carbohydrate Intake
Adequate daily intake of carbohydrate = ____________
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range = 45–65% of total daily calories as
Limit on intake of added sugars
MyPyramid: __________________________
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
Protein = _____________% of total daily calories
Fat = __________________of total daily calories
Carbohydrate = ___________of total daily calories
Fiber—A Closer Look
at Nature’s Broom
Dietary fiber
= nondigestible carbohydrates and stalk that are present naturally in
Functional fiber = nondigestible carbohydrates isolated from natural sources or
synthesized in a lab and added to a food or supplement (i.e. metamucil)
Total fiber = dietary fiber + functional fiber
Fiber does not provide calories
Sources of Fiber
All plant foods contain fiber, but processing can remove it
Good sources of fiber:
Vitamins—Organic Micronutrients
Vitamins = organic (carbon-containing) substances needed in small amounts to help
promote and regulate chemical reactions and processes in body cells.
Four vitamins are fat-soluble _____________
______vitamins are water-soluble (C and the eight B-complex vitamins: thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin B-12, biotin, and pantothenic acid)
Vitamins are abundant in _________________________; they are also added to some
processed foods
If you consume too much or too little of a particular vitamin, characteristic symptoms of
excess or deficiency can develop
Minerals—Inorganic Micronutrients
Minerals = inorganic (non-carbon-containing) compounds needed in small amounts for
regulation, growth, and maintenance of body tissues and functions
There are about _______essential minerals:
6 Major minerals (those that the body needs in amounts exceeding 100 mg per day)
include _______________________________________________________________
Essential trace minerals include copper, fluoride, iodide, iron, selenium, and zinc
If you consume too much or too little of a particular mineral, characteristic symptoms of
excess or deficiency can develop
Minerals commonly lacking in the American diet:
 ________ = low intake can cause anemia
_________ = low intake linked to osteoporosis
_________ = low intake linked to elevated blood pressure and bone mineral loss
Osteoporosis—Weakening of the Bones
Dietary factors that build bone mass:
Other possible dietary factors: vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc,
copper, boron
Weight-bearing exercise and strength training also build and maintain bone mass
Dietary factors linked to loss of bone mass: Alcohol, Sodium, Caffeine, Retinol, Soda,
Protein (if intake of calcium and vitamin D is low)
Your risk of developing osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass you attained
between ages 25 and 35 (peak bone mass) and how rapidly you lose it later.
Water—A Vital Component
Human body is composed of about ________% water; you can live only a few days
without water
_________and _________ you consume provide 80–90% of your daily water intake
Adequate intake to maintain hydration:
Women = ____________fluid per day
Men = _________________of fluid per day
Drink in response to thirst; consume additional fluids for heavy exercise
Bottled Water better than tap? _______________________
Reverse Osmosis- cleaned up municipal source water-AquaFina water has the grungy
_________________ River as a source!
The Vegetarian Alternative
Types of vegetarian diets
Vegan =
Lacto-vegetarian =
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian =
Partial vegetarian, semivegetarian, or pescovegetarian = vegetarian who includes eggs,
dairy products, and small amounts of poultry and seafood in the diet
Vegetarian diets are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in complex
carbohydrates, fiber, folate, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phytochemicals
5 Nutrients of concern for vegetarians include vitamin
Foodborne Illness
foodborne illness is caused by pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms)
You can’t tell by taste, smell, or sight whether a food is contaminated
To prevent foodborne illness, handle, cook, and store foods in ways that prevent
microorganisms from spreading and multiplying
Don’t use same knife/cutting board/towel/sponge before and after cutting raw meats
Food Allergies
Reaction by the immune system to a food or food ingredient
Common food allergens include
Severe allergic responses can include anaphylaxis
Food Intolerance
More common than true food allergies
Reaction to a food or food ingredient, usually based on a problem with metabolism
Common intolerances include lactose intolerance, in which people are deficient in the
enzyme lactase, and gluten intolerance
Problems can be avoided by avoiding or limiting trigger foods
Keep a food diary to help identify problems