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Skill Classification Continuums
Continued …….
The Open/Closed Continuum
• This is based on the influence of the environment.
• How stable is the environment?
• Does what is happening outside of the performer have an impact on the
• How cognitive or perceptual is the skill?
Netball pass
• Why is a netball pass classified as an open skill?
• Why is a penalty shot classified as a closed skill?
Netball penalty shot
The Gross/Fine Continuum
• This is based on the amount of muscular movement and the precision
required during the execution of the skill.
• Are the larger gross muscle groups in the body being used?
• Are the smaller muscle groups capable of more delicate muscle control
being used?
Shot Putt
• Why is a shot putt classified as a gross skill?
• Why is a ring throw classified as a fine skill?
The ring throw
The Self paced/Externally paced
• This is based on the amount of control the performer has over the
execution and timing of the movement.
• What controls the rate or pace at which a skill is performed?
• What controls the start of the movement?
Hockey GK reacting to a shot
A penalty flick
• Why is a GK reacting to a shot classified as an Externally paced skill?
• Why is a penalty flick classified as a self paced skill?
Discrete/Serial/Continuous Continuum
• This is based on the relationship between the sub routines and
identification of the beginning and end of a movement.
• Can you see a clear beginning and end to the movement?
• Is it composed of a number of separate elements?
• Does the movement have no clear beginning and end?
Bball Free throw
A Lay up
Dribble relay
• Why is a Bball Free throw classified as a Discrete skill?
• Why is a lay up classified as a serial skill?
• Why is a dribble down the court described as a continuous skill?
Guess the continuum……
Skills involve large muscle movements and large muscle groups. Accuracy and
precision not necessarily a high priority.
Skills involve a linked series of discrete skills, performed in a set order or
sequence for each sub routine.
Directly affected by the environment because it is unstable and changing, not
predictable and requires constant adjustment to suit the situation. The skills
are perceptual and involve decisions which need to be made quickly.
Skills involve a clear beginning and end, take a short time for completion and
to repeat the skill it must be started again.
Skills are not directly affected by the environment, because it is stable and
constant, it is predictable. The skills are pre learned in a set routine, require
minimal adjustment and can be repeated consistently when learnt. Decisions
are pre planned.
Skills involve small muscle movements and small muscle groups. Accuracy
and precision is a vital factor.
Skills involve performers controlling the start of the movement and the speed
of the movement. Usually closed skills.
Skills involve no clear beginning or end, are performed over an extended
time period and the end of one movement is the start of the next.