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Definition Of A Planet
An object in orbit around a star but does not give off its own light,
Rather it shines by reflecting sunlight.
Planets close to the sun are rocky (inner planets)
Planet farthur away from the sun consist mostly of gases and liquids
(outer planets)
There are nine major planets
Inner Planets are called inner
planets because they orbit
close to the sun. These planets
Outer Planets are called outer
planets because they orbit far
from the sun. These planets are
Jupiter Saturn Uranus
Asteroids are sometimes called minor planets because the are made up
Of rocks and metal. The rocks come in many sizes. Larger rocks are
Asteroids. They are found in large areas between the orbits of Mars
And Jupiter.
This area is known as the Asteroid Belt
Meteoroids and Meteorite
Meteoroids are loose dust particles that come from Comeroid. Most are
Very small. When it enters Earth’s atmosphere it forms a bright light, a
shooting star. Most meteoroids break up in the Earth’s atmosphere.
When they break up it is called a meteorite.
Sun - The Sun is a star at the center of our Solar
Mercury - Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.
Venus - Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is the hottest planet.
Earth - Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the planet we live on.
Mars - Mars is a red planet and the fourth planet from the Sun.
Jupiter - Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. This gas giant is the largest
Saturn - Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. This gas giant has large,
beautiful rings.
Uranus - Uranus is a gas giant and is the seventh planet from the Sun.
Neptune - Neptune is a gas giant and is usually the eighth planet from the Sun.
Pluto - Pluto is a rocky planet that is usually the farthest planet from the Sun.
It is the smallest planet.
The Solar System
Explore the Universe and expand your mind
Susan Hammond
June 2003