Download Lite program. What if a patient/client is getting Headaches while on

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U- Lite
U-Lite can be used with groups or individual patients
Patients who are pre diabetic or already diabetic
Created for ease of use
You can purchase a U-Lite kit, see Wholesale Order Form in
your Download Center
The U-LITE Kit does not contain Ketostix. You can order them
separately, see Wholesale Order Form
Find out where your patients work as you may have
executives in your data base that you can inform about your
ability to offer free Lunch and Learns too!
Use the Quick Start link in your download center to access the
CEO letter to use with executives
Lunch and Learn Presentations are complete using the Pre
Diabetes Power Point that will be recorded in your voice
If you have not yet recorded your Pre Diabetes Power Point,
please schedule right away
Use the Pre Diabetes Challenge (located in your download
center under ULITE Forms) to test patients risk for type 2
Also use the Intake Questionnaire with patients starting the ULite Program
When explaining how to use this program, start at page 5 of the
U-Lite Manual and work through to page 13 to cover the
program rules when placing a patient on U-Lite.
Proceed with males reading pages 15-21 and females reading
pages 21-28 to ensures an understanding of the meal plans.
Follow up with explaining page 29 the Approved Substitutes
List. This is all that needs to be covered on this list for the first
Week 4 is when the patients will come in for individual clinic
visits unless you are seeing the patient weekly on the program.
Week 4 is a very important week and blood sugar levels can be
tested along with the patients’ weight, BMI, body fat percentage
and any other markers you wish to communicate to the patient
to ensure if there is additional weight loss or blood sugar work
to be done that they continue with the plan.
 Cover the Intake Questionnaire and the Action Plan on page 40
of the U-Lite manual with the patient on week 4 to ensure they
understand where they need additional support.
 For patients who are not being seen weekly, have them fax in
their food diaries with their weight written at the top of the form.
This allows you to communicate with those who are struggling
before the four weeks are up.
How do the U-LITE foods differ from the Ultra Lite Foods?
Patients eat according to a meal plan but the foods are the same.
There is 7 breakfasts, lunches and dinners to choose from and they
are broken down by gender.
The “formula” of proteins and carbohydrates is broken down into
these meal plans making it easy to explain to groups what to eat each
What if the patient/client is having a hard time with the vinegar
taste and smell?
Have them use the U-Lite mayonnaise recipe, cucumber recipe,
creamy cottage cheese dressing, or Caesar’s dressing in their patient
If you use a plain packet in a recipe do you decrease your 4 daily
Yes, and take only 3 more that day.
What if a patient/client has Epilepsy?
Chromium 200 mcg 3 X’s a day to be given on the first visit as per
direction in the U-Lite Training session ;if they have a seizure end the
program immediately.
What if a patient/client is:
Pregnant patients/clients cannot go on the U-Lite Program.
Yes but milk could diminish; wait till the patient/client is weaning the
What if a patient/client has Diabetes?
Give the patient/client chromium on the first visit.
Chromium 200 mcg 3X’s a day as recommended in the U-Lite
training session.
Diabetic TYPE1-chromium, but exclude high glycemic foods and
include low glycemic (greens, proteins) foods.
Only use U-Lite on Type 1 Diabetics who will really follow the
program or it will not work. For example, if they are not willing to give
up sugary snacks, soda, caffeine, etc, it will not work.
What if a patient/client is Hypo-glycemic and getting headaches
and weakness?
Give chromium 200 mcg 3X’s per day. Make sure they are eating
their three square meals a day and spacing out their packs in
between meals.
What if a patient/client has Leg cramps?
If the patient/client states, “every time I go on a diet I get leg cramps”:
Give more salt (salt approved for program, see patient manual),
magnesium phosphate, calcium phosphate, or iron phosphate.
What if a patient/client is Vomiting on the Program?
Not enough enzymes to break down the amino acids in the packets,
(about 1 in 60 people) due to possible digestive disorder.
Bring down to ½ packets mixed in food.
Offer digestive enzyme supplement.
Slowly work them up to 4 packs.
If this persists, change to plain packs added in food, continuing with
the digestive enzymes, taking two packs a day and slowly working
them up to four packs per day.
What if a patient/client is calling about the program stating they
are vomiting after they take the oil?
There is a possible Gallbladder Issue:
Determine if it is a gallbladder problem.
Assist gallbladder with protocol you feel is best to get back to optimal
Eliminate oil for that day. Cut oil to ½ portion size the following day
and work back up to four teaspoons a day. Ensure they are taking oil
later in the day and use the U-Lite mayo recipe.
What if a patient wants other proteins such as buffalo or deer?
60 Grams of buffalo = 1 portion of protein *yields approximately 23
grams of actual protein
60 Grams of deer = 1 portion of protein *yields approximately 23
grams of actual protein
What if a patient/client is Hungry on the Program?
They are not in ketosis.
What if a patient/client has Bad Breath?
If patient/client states, “every time I go on a diet I get bad breath”,
have them chew on parsley. Add digestive enzymes to support
High Blood Pressure Patients on Medication:
For patients on high blood pressure medication, take a weekly blood
pressure reading.
It is important to have the patient go back to their medical doctor
if that is not you, and have their medication adjusted on time,
otherwise their blood pressure could go too low.
Keep a copy of their readings for yourself and of course have them
bring a copy to their primary doctor.
For every 10% of body fat lost the blood pressure will reduce
approximately 7.7 mm’s. It won’t be as dramatic if genetic.
High Cholesterol Patients on Medication:
Every four weeks on the U-Lite Program have the patient tested to
see if they are able to have cholesterol medication reduced.
What if a patient/client has had Surgery?
If client/patient has had surgery in the last six months, wait a
complete six months before starting the U - Lite program.
What if a patient/client is getting Headaches while on U-Lite?
If the headache is in the brow or temples area this means possible
low blood sugar.
Have them drink a small glass of orange juice or have an U-Lite pack
and ask them to call you back in a half hour to see if this alleviated
the symptoms.
If so, then have them start on chromium 200 mcg 3X’s per day as
soon as possible.
What if a patient/client is a Coffee Drinker?
Coffee can affect sugar levels. Switch to decaf. If headache is in back
of head have patient/client sip slowly ¼ cup coffee mixed with ¼ cup
water to ease headache.
Is there any age limit?
Ten years and up use women’s food portions for children. It is really
an issue of compliance with children.
What are the 6 Points of Measurement for the U- Lite Patient?
Use the suggested parts below for measurement. Record this
information on the patient measurement chart:
1. -neck, by Adams apple
2. -6” down from the top of the shoulder (middle of the arm)
3. -at the bust line, at the bottom of the scapula
4. -the waist at the top of the hipbones or at the belly button
5. -the hips, 6” down from the belly button
4. -the thighs, both legs together 6” up from the top of the knee
Record the weight on the patients/clients measurement chart
This form gets stapled to the blue visit card, the application and
eventually the food diaries.
Measure where you are comfortable, this is just a guide, you can
create your own points.
How much should I charge for a 4 week program?
U-Lite runs on average $99.00 per week.
4-week programs in most clinics run $495.00
Subsequent 4 week programs run $400 to $450.00
You can sell packs to patients who enjoy taking them.
Please only sell packets to patients who have been on the program
with you, or referred from another practitioner who has placed them
on the program.
What is the recommended retail price for Maintenance.
WeightlossforLife maintenance average is $250 to $450 depending
on if you are using the five or ten week program.
The wholesale cost for a 10 week program is approximately $120.00.
There are normally 5 visits on top of that.
For assistance please call 888-858-7296