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Ancient Greece
Core Knowledge
6th Grade
The BIG Idea
The ancient civilizations of
Greece and Rome have
influenced Western society more
profoundly than perhaps any
other cultures in world history.
Lesson 1
The Ancient Greek
Lesson 1 Objectives
 Understand the social organization of
Greek city-states that share a common
language and religion.
 Identify tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, and
democracy as early forms of Greek
 City-state – polis; an independent town or
city that governs itself and the land around
 Asia Minor – another name for the
Anatolian Peninsula, where much of Turkey
is located.
The Ancient Greek City-States
Ancient Greece was not a unified country
but a collection of independent
city-states (polis).
Small – population of 20,000 or less and
covered only a hundred square miles.
Located mainly along the shores of the
Aegean Sea.
See the map on page 43 of the textbook.
City-state Commonalities
All spoke Greek; although dialects varied
from city-state to city-state.
Greeks referred to non-Greek speakers as
Unified by religion – citizens of the citystates worshipped the same set of Greek
gods – polytheism.
Came together for athletic competitions.
Greek Mythology
Zeus – the chief god; the god of the
sky; shared power
Hera – the wife of Zeus
Apollo – the sun god
Poseidon – the sea god
Aphrodite – the goddess of love
And many, many more.
City-state Differences
Each had its own traditions, legends, and
local heroes.
Worshipped local gods along with the
central gods.
Had their own forms of government.
City-state Government
Originally ruled by kings - monarchy
However, by 500 B.C. most had adopted
other various forms of government,
- tyranny
- aristocracy
- oligarchy
- democracy
Greek Vocabulary
The suffix –archy is Greek for “leader.”
The suffix –cracy is Greek for “to rule.”
Remember you can often figure out the
meaning of new words by breaking them
into familiar parts.
A system where one man was the dictator.
Tyrants seized power illegally, whereas
kings inherited their throne.
Tyrants were popular because they usually
opposed the rich and helped the poor.
However, few Greeks wanted to live under
their rule all the time.
A system in which a few noble or upperclass families held power.
Aristocracy actually means “rule of the
Sometimes these “best” families shared
power with an assembly made up of
citizens, but not always.
Similar to aristocracy.
Actually means “rule of the few.”
But in this case the few were not noble
families, but wealthy men.
Power is shared by a large number of
Citizens took part in debates, decided
government policy, and elected officials.
The Greeks seem to have been the first
people to experiment with this kind of
The experiment caught on, and became the
pattern of government throughout Greek
Lack of Unity
Proud of their independence and
Thought it was better to live under local
However, there are disadvantages to the
city-state model.
Lack of Unity
Always getting into disagreements.
This lack of unity made it easier for foreign
countries to invade Greece.
Times of great crisis they would have to
join together.
Alliances were fragile and short-lived.
Rivalries were sturdy and long-lasting.
Greatest rivalry – Athens vs. Sparta
Review Questions
1. What was a typical Greek city-state like?
2. What languages were spoken in Greek
3. What religions did Greek city-states
4. What were the forms of government that
existed in Greek city-states?
Lesson 1 Activity & Homework
Lesson 2
Athens vs. Sparta
Lesson 2 Objectives
 Understand aspects of
 Understand the
Athenian democracy.
 Describe the rights of
the citizens, women,
and slaves.
 Recognize the
importance of
education to
Spartan emphasis on
military training.
 Explain the Spartan
system of government.
 Recognize the
important differences
between Athens and
Ostracize – in ancient Athens, to banish or
send away; nowadays it means to “drive
someone out of social life”
Rhetoric – the art of using language,
especially to persuade others
Epic poem – a long poem that tells the story
of the adventures of one or more legendary
What makes person a citizen of
the United States?
Athenian Democracy
Developed gradually
over decades.
By 500 B.C. the
democratic system
was firmly
The Assembly was at
its center.
The Assembly
Passed laws, levied
taxes, and voted on
issues of war and
They would debate
proposals and decide
by a majority of raised
Power to ostracize
citizens who posed a
danger to the polis.
An ostracized citizen
had to leave the citystate and stay away for
ten years.
Allowed to keep their
property and return in
10 years.
Athens’ Legal System
Athenian law was
divided into 2 sections
Public laws – had to
do with the city-state
Private laws – through
which people could
work their
Public law
consequence – pay a
fine, face the penalty
se forth by the
Private law
consequence – jury
could decide your
Athenian Legal System
Juries were very large
– as many as 501
citizens sat on a single
Their reasoning was
that giant juries were
less likely to be
corrupted because of
A board of ten
generals – strategoi.
These generals
directed the army.
Elected each year by
the Assembly.
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Not everyone in the
polis was considered a
Women, children,
slaves, and foreigners
were not citizens and
could not vote in the
Assembly or serve on
To qualify for
citizenship –
2)18 years old+
3)not a slave
4)Athenian parents
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Women played an
important role in
religious affairs, but
they had no political
Could not own
Always under the
control of men.
The male family
members would
decide whom the
woman would marry.
Girls were not sent to
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Foreign residents were
known as metics.
They were important
to the Athenian
Many metics were
artisans, craftsmen, or
Some metics were
highly admired and
presented with
honorary citizenship,
but most never became
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Slaves had it the
Made up at least a
quarter of the
One rich citizen might
have had 100 slaves to
run his house, farm, or
Lesser households
might have 10 – 50
Only the poor did not
depend on slave labor.
Slaves cleaned,
cooked, shopped,
washed, and raised
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Some slaves were
educated so they could
teach their owner’s
Sometime Athenian
slaves could earn
enough money to buy
their freedom, but they
could never buy
Limits to Athenian Democracy
Once women,
children, metics, and
slaves are subtracted
from a standard
population of about
300,000, only 40,000
of the people living in
Athens were qualified
as citizens.
Athenian Education
Athenians prepared
young men to become
good citizens through
a good education so
they could participate
politically well.
A citizen needed to
take part in debates in
the Assembly.
Need to know how to
Needed to know how
to defend his opinions,
and how to criticize
the ideas of others.
So this is why
Athenians taught their
sons rhetoric.
Athenian schools
taught logic, reading,
writing, arithmetic,
and music.
Athenian Education
Boys learned to play a
stringed instrument
called a lyre.
Memorized sections
from two epic poems
by the ancient Greek
poet Homer, The Iliad
and The Odyssey.
Athenian Education
Every young man was
given 2 years of
military instruction
and many years of
physical education.
Expected to exercise
in a gymnasium.
Athenian Education
Athenian education
sought to produce
loyal, cultured,
politically responsible
citizens who
appreciated art, music,
and sports.
Ideal citizens would
be comfortable both
on the battlefield or in
the Assembly.
Spartan Government
Oligarchy – with
elements of other
Had 2 kings – kept
each other honest.
Also had an
aristocratic council
and an assembly much
less democratic than
the Athenians’.
Spartan Government
Citizens not allowed to
debate. Only approve
or disapprove by
shouting out.
Skeptical of Athenianstyle democracy.
Spartan Education
Spartan educational
system emphasized
military training,
almost from the cradle
to the grave!
Required 23 years of
military training.
Newborn Spartan boys
were inspected by a
Spartan Military Training
Children grew up
tough. If they cried
they were not picked
up or soothed – that
would make them soft.
Soldiers needed tough
feet. Boys went
barefoot, even in
Spartan boys sent
away at the age of 7 to
begin training.
Taught to obey and
not to question.
Little time spent
teaching reading,
writing, and poetry.
Physical fitness was
Spartan Military Training
Taught to endure great
pain and never accept
When the boys grew
into teens, their food
rations were cut – they
would have to learn to
be clever and steal
food for themselves.
Men could marry at
age 20, but they
continued living in
their barracks until age
Military service
continued until the
men turned 60.
Contrasting Lifestyles
Enjoyed symposiums with
good food and drink
Skilled in rhetoric and
public speaking
Culturally rich with some of
the greatest literature and art
Athens located near the
coast – welcomed foreigners
Especially strong navy
Luxuries were a dangerous
distraction – simple was
Famous for avoiding long
speeches – laconic
“Things of the mind” made
them soft
Sparta was an inland city –
encouraged isolation
Best army in Greece
Contrasting Lifestyles
Sparta and Athens were so different that each
city-state was suspicious of the other, and it
was hard for the two to get along.
Occasionally they would cooperate, but we
will discuss how their rivalry would play an
important role in Greek history.
Lesson 2 Activity
Athenian Review Questions
1. What did the Athenian Assembly do?
2. How did Athenian juries differ from
American juries?
3. What were the conditions for citizenship in
4. Who were metics? What kind of rights did
they have?
5. What are some the subjects taught in
Athenian schools?
Spartan Review Questions
1. How many years were Spartans required to train
for the military?
What were some of the ways Spartans made sure
their children grew up to be tough?
What were some of the features of Spartan
What was one difference between Athenians and
Spartans in their public speaking?
How did Athens and Sparta differ in their
attitudes toward foreigners?
Lesson 3
The Olympic
Lesson 3 Objectives
Understand the importance of athletics and
physical competition to ancient Greeks as
evidenced by the Olympic Games.
Describe the Olympic truce, events, prizes,
and legacy.
Truce – an agreement where two or more
people agree to stop fighting
The Olympic Games
Most famous athletic competitions.
Originally held in Olympia every fourth
Began as a religious festival in honor of
It included religious ceremonies.
The Olympic Games
Over time, athletic events were added to the
original religious processions.
Official prize for winning an athletic event
was a wreath of olive leaves placed on the
victor’s head.
The real prize was honor.
The victor would more than
likely become a local hero of
his city-state.
The Olympic Games
Greek citizens came from all parts to
compete in and observe the events.
Marveled in athletic excellence.
The Olympic Games
Original athletic contests based on physical
skills the ancient Greeks needed for
Javelin throw
Riding a horse
The Olympic Games
Discus throw
Long jump
The Olympic Games
The games continued for centuries even
though the Roman Empire would rule
Finally, in 393 A.D., after more than 1000
years of competition, the Roman Emperor
Theodosius cancled the games.
He was Christian and did not approve of the
Greek’s polytheistic religion.
The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games began again in the late
19th century.
The first modern day Olympic Games were
held in 1896, in a new stadium built in
Played every 4 years since then except for
Many events have been added, but the skill
and courage still live on.
Lesson 3 Activity #1
Mini Metric Olympics
• Event 1 – Javelin throw
• Event 2 – Shot put
• Event 3 – Discus throw
• Event 4 – Long jump
Lesson 3 Activity #2
Make an olive leaf crown…in honor of your
victory during our Mini-metric Olympics!
Lesson 4
The Persian Wars
Lesson 4 Objectives
Describe the Persian Wars and the battles of
Sardis, Marathon, Thermopylae, and
Understand the achievements of Sparta and
Athens during the wars.
Discuss the leadership of Leonidas and
Xerxes in these battles.
Always at War
Greek city-states were often at war.
The cause of war was usually food shortage.
Sometimes United
Greek city-states had a common enemy,
These wars are know as the Persian Wars.
Three famous battles:
Some Greek city-states were under Persian
The people of Miletus asked other Greeks
for help.
Sparta refused…Athens agreed to help.
Athenians crossed the Aegean Sea and lead
a revolt that pushed out the Persians.
The Battle at Marathon
Even though Athenians regained control of
their empire, the Persians were still angry
and decided to prepare to punish the
Refer to page 52 in your history book.
The Battle at Thermopylae
Refer to page 52 of your history book.
The Battle at Salamis
Refer to page 53 of your history book.
What caused the Persian and Greek conflict
in Asia Minor?
What was significant about the Battle of
Marathon in 490 B.C.?
How did the Persians defeat the Greek army
at Thermopylae?
What kind of behavior did Leonidas and his
men display at Thermopylae?
What does Xerxes’ behavior at the battle
near Salamis suggest about his character?
Lesson 5
The Golden Age
of Athens
Lesson 5 Objectives
Recognize the successes of Pericles.
Identify contributions that Aristophanes,
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedes,
Herodotus, Thucydides, and Hippocrates
made to Greek culture.
The Delian Leauge
The Golden Age Begins
479 – 431 B.C.
A time period during which Athens was at
its cultural peak and at its most powerful.
Athens was a model for all other city-states.
Many works of literature, buildings, and art
were created during this time.
Athenian art, sculpture, architecture,
philosophy, science and drama were the
best in the world.
Athens prospered from the great wealth of
Used this wealth to fund elaborate building
The Age of Pericles
Much of the accomplishments in Athens
during the Golden Age was done so because
of Pericles.
He had great pride in Athens.
The people loved his democratic policies.
Rebuilding structures on acropolis.
Increasing the participation of poor citizens.
Built a huge wall around Athens.
The Parthenon
A temple built to honor Athena, the goddess
of wisdom.
Greek Columns
Lesson 5 Activity
Create a collage.
Look for pictures that can represent the
Greek’s interest in architecture, sports,
politics, reading, art, beauty and military.
The image could be symbolic.
Then write a paragraph explaining your
selection of images and tell what each
image stands for.
Lesson 6
The Peloponnesian
Lesson 6 Objectives
Understand the origins of the Peloponnesian
War, the military strategies employed by the
Athenians, and the consequences of the
conflict for the Greeks.
Describe the strategy behind Alcibiades’
attack on Sicily to win the war and its
Athens vs. Sparta
Athens continues to build its empire.
Athenians attempt to push democracy on
other Greek city-states.
Sparta is worried that they are becoming too
They resent the Athenian style of
Athens vs. Sparta
Sparta and allies, Corinth and Thebes,
formed the Peloponnesian League.
Named after the mountainous peninsula that
forms the southern part of Greece.
For several years, diplomatic relations
between Athens and the Peloponnesian
League deteriorated.
Finally, in 431 B.C. the Peloponnesian War
broke out and continued for 25 years.
Beginning of War
Pericles was still leader of Athens.
He knew that the Spartan army was
stronger, but he also knew the Athenian
navy was stronger.
He would avoid a land war, while the city
of Athens held themselves up behind their
newly built walls.
Beginning of War
Pericles convinced the citizens to follow his
The farmers and families who lived outside
the city left their homes, took all
belongings, and took refuge behind the
Beginning of War
When the Spartans marched in, they found a
deserted countryside.
They burned the crops and farmhouses.
Athenians begged Pericles to let them fight,
but he knew fighting on land would be too
“Crops will grow back; Dead men will not.”
Beginning of War
This strategy was successful for the first
Since the Spartans burned the fields, they
had no food.
The Spartan army gave up and left.
When they got home, they found the
Athenian navy had attacked several
Peloponnesian cities.
War Continues
The second year began with a Spartan land
Athenian’s retreated behind their walls, but
it was a terrible plague that killed a quarter
of the population.
Plague – a disease that sweeps through a
city or country, causing many to die.
The plague lasted for 3 years.
The Athenian Plague
The Athenians became deeply discouraged.
They wondered if the gods were against
them, and they began to lose faith in their
ideals of reason and order.
People started to feel that honesty, truth,
and justice had no meaning.
Worst of all, Pericles died in the plague and
was replaced by not so wise men as he.
The War Drags On
No victory for either side for years.
Spartans could not win because the
Athenians would not fight on land.
The Athenian navy could not win because
they only made random raids on coastal
Something had to be done.
Athens Gets Bold
In 415 B.C., Alcibiades, an Athenian,
proposed to conquer the island of Sicily.
By conquering this land, Athens could
renew their supplies and attack Sparta and
the rest of the Peloponnesian League from
both sides.
This idea was bold and daring. Some
Athenians liked this, others did not.
Some felt the military was not strong
enough to handle so many enemies.
Athens Gets Bold
Some Athenians distrusted Alcibiades.
Very charming and power hungry.
Spent too much, drank too much, gambled
too much, and talked too much.
Didn’t respect the Athenian ideals and
However, enough Athenian citizens
supported his decision to invade Sicily.
A Disastrous Decision
The Athenian army met great resistance.
Held out for as long as they could, but they
fled in a panic.
Their army was divided. Many were killed.
Others were taken captive and made slaves.
Alcibiades fled to Sparta and told them of
Athenian plans.
He was willing to be a traitor in order to
save his own skin!
Don’t Trust a Traitor
Sparta took his information, but still did not
trust Alcibiades.
He fled again when he learned they might
kill him.
He went to Persia – where they did not trust
him either!
War Favor Goes to Sparta
The Athenian army and navy were seriously
weakened because of the Sicilian disaster.
Sparta began to build a navy of their own.
Persia became Spartan allies.
In 405 B.C, Sparta scored a major naval
victory. They cut off grain supply to
Athens held out for a year, but surrendered
in 404 B.C.
Made Athens tear down their walls.
Sparta kept Athens from having a navy.
Set up a new government for Athens.
Athens would be ruled by a group of 30
nobles. There would be no more
And the winner is…
The nobles were so cruel that Athenians
rebelled against them within one year.
In 403 B.C., democracy was restored.
The kings of Sparta decided that as long as
Athens was peaceful, they would let them
have their democracy.
But the Athenian empire and their Golden
Age was over…
Lesson 7
Greek Philosophy
& Socrates
Lesson 8
Plato & Aristotle
Lesson 9
Alexander & the
Hellenistic Period