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Sec 1 History Exam Study Guide 2016/17
Inquiry 1- Sedentarization
Terms and ideas to know, define and explain:
1. Bartering
6. Land Clearing
11. Skilled trades
2. Grinder
7. Social Hierarchy
12. Division of Labour
3. Neolithic
8. Hunting & Gathering
13. Domesticate
4. Paleolithic
9. Irrigation
14. Nomadism
5. Anthropology
10. Agriculture
Guiding Questions to Study:
1. a) What tasks did men/women perform during Paleolithic times and Neolithic times? Men hunted
and farmed because they have “more muscles”. Women gathered nuts and berries, prepared meals
and crafts (so they could stay close to their children)
b) Why was there a division of labour? There was a lot of jobs to get done. With division of labour all
the tasks could get done. Once there was agriculture there were even more jobs to be done and so
people needed specific tasks.
2. Outline 3 similarities between Neolithic lifestyles and your own?
- There are three things that are similar to Neolithic and our own society:
- We produce meat and agriculture just like the Neolithic people started
- We use a lot of tools like axes, pick axes, hoes, animal carts to help with tasks
- A lot of people stay in one spot (sedentary) like the Neolithic people did
3. How do social hierarchies, division of labour, and skilled trades relate to your life? Social Hierarchies
still exist today. There are first class and second class groups. There are also social hierarchies in
schools and businesses. There is still division of labour. Different people take on different roles in
society to keep it working. Skilled trades are jobs that require skills. Today, they could be mechanics
or artists, etc.
4. Explain the key aspects of a Neolithic lifestyle, a sedentary lifestyle and outline what could have
caused the change. The main aspects of the Neolithic lifestyle where to stay in one spot (sedentary)
they learned to farm and they started to breed animals. They didn’t have to look for their food.
People are healthier because they don’t have to worry about travelling or food. The change was
caused by the discovery of agriculture and the result of the end of the ice age (global warming).
5. Review pg 12 Q 6, pg 20 Q 3, and Review pg 24
Inquiry 2- Civilization Mesopotamia
Terms and ideas to know, define and explain:
1. Skilled Trades
6. Cuneiform
11. Craftspeople
2. Slaves
7. Cadastre of Dunghi
12. Merchants
3. Free people
8. Epic of Gilgamesh
13. Peasants
4. Hierarchical
9. Code of Hammurabi
14. Soldiers
5. Scribes
10. Agricultural Surplus
15. Civilization
Guiding Questions to Study:
1. What led to the invention of writing? Writing started by drawings on cave walls, slowly it became
cuneiform writing. People used this type of writing for taxes, trades and animals.
2. How has writing changed society or what has it allowed for? Writing changed society because we
can share ideas. It also changed society that people could track debt and that gives power to some
3. What is an agricultural surplus? Agriculture means to plant seeds in the dirt. When the rain comes,
the seeds grow. Agriculture surplus means a lot healthier food can be saved. The more food there is
the more people can live and be supported.
4. Explain how or describe how peasants, craftspeople, merchants and soldiers had an interdependent
relationship. Peasants produced food by tilling. The crops were wheat, barley, sesame, and millet.
Craft people made tools, pots, weapons, etc.
Merchants bartered with people in other Mesopotamian cities (they needed tools, crafts, food from
peasants). They also needed protection from soldiers.
Soldiers protected the goods and territories from potential robbers.
5. Identify the four social groups of Mesopotamia and outline the roles and responsibilities for each
group. The/ The king was the supreme chief of the city and neighboring villages. He is the boss. He
also represented the gods on Earth.
The slaves are the prisoners of war. They also received no wages for their work. They had no rights.
6. What Mesopotamian social hierarchy is found in today’s society and why? We still have a queen, a
governor general and soldiers because the soldiers are protecting us from war. The Queen manages
things in our country.
Inquiry 3- First Experience of Democracy
Terms and ideas to know, define and explain:
1. Citizen
6. Tyranny
2. Metic
7. City-States
12. Democracy
3. Slave
8. Podium
13. Solon’s Laws
4. Democracy
9. Citizenship
14. Debate
5. Vote
10. Art of Reasoning
15. Important Places: Gynaecium,
Acropolis, Parthenon and Pnyx Hill
Guiding Questions to Study:
1. What were young Athenian boys taught in school and why? Young Athenian boys were taught
reading, writing, music and arithmetic. They trained physical activities, running wrestling, and javelin
throwing. From 15 to 17 they trained for different sports and delivering speeches. From 18 to 20 they
have military service.
2. What are the social institutions of Athens and which buildings were used by each institution? ALISON/
3 What were the social groups of Athens and explain their individual rights and responsibilities.
The social groups of Athens are the citizens, the metics and the slaves. The citizens own land and rule
the city. Their sons are educated so become good citizens, military servicemen and participated in
political life. The slaves have no rights and have to work and obey their masters. The metics make
profits and accumulate riches, pay city taxes, serve in the army and participate in religious
4. Review pg 76, 80-81, 84, 92, and 104