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Name _____________________________Class__________________________
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Quiz #1
Neolithic Revolution, Mesopotamia
1. The Neolithic Revolution occurred when people discovered how to --a. Grow food and domesticate animals
1(A) 2(A)
b. Trade with others in the same river valley
c. Fight wars using metal weapons
d. Make stone temples for religious ceremonies
Archaeological discoveries suggest that--a. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia invented the sailboat
b. Farming societies developed before hunting and gathering societies
c. All the continents were settled at the same time
d. The wheel was first used in ancient China
3. Which development led to the other three?
a. Complex civilizations
b. Surplus of food
c. Division of labor
d. Domestication of plants and animals
The Code of Hammurabi was a major contribution to the development of civilization because ita. Treated citizens and slaves equally
b. Ended all physical punishment
c. Established written laws
d. Rejected all religious ideas
5. Which geographic factor likely contributed to the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution?
a. Changing sea levels forced hunters up mountains
b. Climate change led to longer growing season for farming
c. Spread of disease led to attacks on cities
d. Natural disasters led to a period of migration and movement
6. How did the Neolithic Revolution change the social patterns of humans?
a. It led to people becoming nomadic
b. It led to the development of major religions
c. It led to the creation of settled communities
d. It led to greater social equality between male and female
Name _____________________________Class__________________________
Date ____________
Which change to human societies DID NOT result from the Neolithic Revolution?
a. People began using bone and stone tools
b. The population began growing much faster
c. Advanced cities began growing along rivers and deltas
d. Specialized workers began to produce complex products
Which letter indicates the area of Mesopotamia?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Which area is indicated with the letter A?
a. Mesopotamia
b. Mediterranean Sea
c. Indus Valley
d. Egypt
10. Which lasting impact did Hammurabi’s Code have on law?
a. Laws no longer gave punishments
b. Law were created by a group of people
c. Laws were made more reliable
d. Laws needed to be interpreted by fair judges