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Nicholas II
Last tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but
was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin.
Last Tsarist of Russia, had a son who was a hemophiliac, and was put under the
influence of Rasputin, where he exploited her. Ended up causing the collapse of the Tsars
Grigori Rasputin
a Siberian preacher who became friends of the Tsars, but hated by the
public, twisted and cheated and exploited Alexandra.
Alexander Kerensky An agrarian socialist who became prime minister. He refused to confiscate
land holdings and felt that continuation of war was most important.
Anton Denikin Lieutenant General of the Imperial Russian Army and foremost general for the
White Russians in the Russian civil war.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
opponent of Tsarist Russia, began to immerse himself in
Marxian socialist ideas as a law student. He then went on to form the Bolsheviks, and tried to
start a revolution in July 1917. It failed, he went into hiding, but regrouped in Petrograd, where
he and his partner Trotsky gained power. He then moved on government buildings, and was
declared the head of the new Bolshevik government.
Leon Trotsky Supporter of Lenin who helped in the takeover of Petrograd and the Bolshevik
Nikolai Bukharin
Supported the NEP
Bolshevik revolutionary and political and intellectual thinker for Stalin.
Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin) Dictator of Russia, named man of steel. Was of lowly backgrounds
but rose to power. Only in it for himself. Created 5 year plans.
Sergei Kirov A Political opponent of Stalin's who was executed for being more popular that
Benito Mussolini
Fascist Dictator of Italy that at first used bullying to gain power, then
never had full power.
Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy who gave Mussolini legitimacy as dictator
Heinrich Brüning
The German chancellor during the Weimar Republic who convinced the
president to accept rule by decree
Adolf Hitler
Austrian born Dictator of Germany, implement Fascism and caused WWII and
Karl Lueger
Mayor of Vienna whom Hitler idolized
Hermann Göring
Rudolf Hess
A Nazi politician and president of the Reichstag
Deputy to Hitler in the Nazi party person who dictated Mein Kampf
Joseph Goebbels
Chief minister of the Nazi propaganda, and organizer of Kristallnacht
Paul von Hindenburg President of the Weimar Republic of Germany who appointed Hitler
Chancellor in 1933
Franz von Papen
Chancellor of Germany who succeeded Bruning
Heinrich Himmler
Inhumane and cruel leader of the SS in Germany, appointed by Hitler
Neville Chamberlain Great British prime minister who advocated peace and a policy of
Francisco Franco
Fascist leader of the Spanish revolution, helped by Hitler and Mussolini
Antonio de Oliveira Salzar served as the Prime Minister and dictator of Portugal from 1932 to
1968. He founded and led the Estado Novo ("New State"), the authoritarian, right-wing
government that presided over and controlled Portugal from 1932 to 1974.
Josef Pilsudaski
was the authoritarian ruler of the Second Polish Republic. From midWorld War I he was a major influence in Poland's politics, and an important figure on the
broader European political scene. He is considered largely responsible for Poland regaining
independence in 1918, after a hundred and twenty-three years of partitions
Béla Kun
was a Hungarian Communist politician who ruled Hungary as leader of the shortlived Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919
Elie Halévy was a French philosopher and historian who wrote Era of Tyrannies, which talked
about the different kinds of government and how they all stemmed out of nature of modern war.
Henri-Philippe Pétain French leader of the Vichy republic of France, which was essentially Nazi
France. He is seen as a traitor to his people by some Frenchman.
Reasons for Russian weakness
organized or effective army
These were the reasons of bad leadership, and lack of
Duma Russia's lower house of politics
Relationship between Alexandra & Rasputin / Rasputin's assassination
He used her to gain
politically and to gain money for sex and drugs. He was then "assassinated" aka tried to be killed
something like 8 times, then thrown in a river.
Russian (March) Revolution/ Provisional Government
The revolution of the unplanned
overthrowing of the Tsarist government, and the government that followed the revolution.
Petrograd Soviet
power with
the political party with whom the Provisional Government had to share
Army Order Number 1
Given by the Provisional Government, this stripped the army
officers of power, and placed it in hand of elected committees. This collapsed army discipline
The two rival communists groups. One weree true revolutionary
Marxists, and the other were revisionist socialists.
Bolshevik (October) Revolution
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Replaces the Provisional Government with Lenin's forces
Document that announced the withdrawal of Russia from WWI
"White" forces The opposition to the Bolsheviks and the Red army after the October rebellion
and the Russian Revolution
Reasons for Bolshevik victory
Three reasons anarchy was about and any person could
create power; the Bolsheviks had better leaders; the Bolsheviks appealed to many workers
War Communism
The political idea that applied the total war concept on a civil conflict
Cheka The old Tsarist secret police
is a concept used to describe political systems whereby a state regulates
nearly every aspect of public and private life. These regimes or movements maintain themselves
in political power by means of an official all-embracing ideology and propaganda disseminated
through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that controls the state, personality cults,
control over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of
mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism. These states always have to be at war
with something
Conservative Authoritarianism
Traditional form of antidemocratic government
Radical Dictatorships leaders who violently rejected parliamentary restraint and liberal values, as
well as exercised unprecedented control over masses and sought to mobilize them for war.
Kronstadt Rebels
Unsuccessful uprising of sailors, soldiers, and civilians against Russian
government (against Bolsheviks)
New Economic PolicyLenin's economy reform that re-established economic freedom in an
attempt to build agriculture and industry
Stalin's rise He was totally focused on himself, double and tripled crossed, rose by gaining
support of party
Five Year plans - objectives, methods & success
Objectives were to increase
industrial output by 250% and agriculture output by 150% and have 1/5 of Russian peasants on
collective farms. The methods were forced farming and scare tactics like gulags. The success
was that of industry, which produced 4 times as much as before
Soviet quality of life Life was hard, there was no improvement in the average standard of
living, but unemployment was unknown and communism had real appeal
Putting smaller farms together into one large farm so as to increase
Kulaks The well off peasants who were starved or shipped to the gulags
Ukrainian Famine
The forced famine of Ukraine by Stalin over not producing enough grain
Stalinization of culture
The acceptance of Stalin though propaganda
Great Purges Stalin's mass systemic murder of millions to instill fear and to have someone to
fight against
"Socialism in one country"
Idea that the Soviet Union had the ability to build socialism on its
Women in totalitarian states They were given more rights and had complete equality of rights
was an international Communist organization founded in Moscow in March 1919.
The International intended to fight "by all available means, including armed force, for the
overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation of an international Soviet republic
as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the State."
is a radical, authoritarian nationalist ideology that aims to create a single-party
state with a government led by a dictator who seeks national unity and development by requiring
individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or race.
Mussolini's Rise - role of Black Shirts
socialist out of Northern Italy
These were Mussolini's bullies who pushed
Lateran Agreement In this, Mussolini recognized the Vatican as an independent state, and
gave it heavy financial support
Hitler's Rise Gained power through feeding off others, and promoting racist nationalist ideals.
Gained control of the German Worker's Party, built his way up from there
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler's idea
An armed uprising in Munich of maybe 50 people at most, crushed,
Mein Kampf Hitler's book in which he outlined his ideas on race, living space, and the Fuhrer
Hitler's goals He wanted to declare the superiority of Aryan race, create more living space for
them, and make himself eternal supreme dictator for life
Lebensraum (German for "habitat" or literally "living space") served as a major motivation for
Nazi Germany's territorial aggression. In his book Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler detailed his belief
that the German people needed Lebensraum (for a Grossdeutschland, land, and raw materials),
and that it should be taken in the East. It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport,
Germanize or enslave the Polish, and later also Russian and other Slavic populations, and to
repopulate the land with reinrassig Germanic peoples. The entire urban population was to be
exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing
their replacement by a German upper class.
Nazi racial theories Felt that Aryan white people were most superior, Scandinavian were 2nd
best, French were 3rd, and the slavs, jews, and pretty much the rest were the worst
Reichstag fire & fallout
Hitler used this to launch his dictatorship and used this to give him
power. It was a fire of a capital building
Enabling Act Gave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for 4 years
Nuremburg Laws
Laws that classified a jew as someone having one or more jewish
Kristallnacht A night of violence and vandalism against Jews
Hitler's Popularity - how popular & why
economic recovery and delivering
Hitler was popular for promising
Goldhagen Thesis
This said that ordinary Germans not only knew about, but also supported,
the Holocaust because of a unique and virulent "eliminationist" anti-Semitism in the German
identity, which had developed in the preceding centuries
Rhineland remilitarization when Germany moved into the Rhineland and beefed up the
military, Britain and France still wanted appeasement and did nothing
Appeasement The idea that Britain could pacify Germany and make sure there was no war at
any cost.
Austrian Anschluss
The forceful union of Austria into Germany
Hitler's Foreign Policy
hated everyone else.
Made friends with Italy, did stuff behind the table with Russia, and
The area near Czechoslovakia that was mainly German ethnicity that Germany
Munich Conference
An agreement/conference that gave Germany the Sudetenland
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
Polish Corridor
The three countries of Italy, Germany, and Japan allied together
The strip of Poland that the Germans wanted to take, specifically Danzig
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact A secret agreement between the Germans and the Russians
that said that they would not attack each other
Grand Alliance - members & goals
The members of the Grand alliance were America,
Britain, and the Soviet Union; their goals were to Smash the aggressors, Europe first, then Asia
Course of WWII
First war in Europe, then war in Asia
A mass flee of British troops of the coast of France, disaster, lost thousands of
machines and vehicles
Decisive battle in German invasion of Russia, the Germans were surrounded and
systemically destroyed
El Alamein Combined German and Italian forces were beaten near Alexandria, which lead to
the Allied taking of Morocco and Algeria
Sicily An important invasion that lead to the removal of Mussolini from government, only to
have him put back later
D-Day The most important battle in the European part of the war, allies stormed beaches and
made it through to the mainland, landing in France and moving towards Germany
An important battle in the Asian part of the war, the Americans sank 4 Japanese
aircraft carriers
Iwo Jima
One of the Bloodiest battles in the war, a fight to the death for Japanese soldiers,
as the Americans were coming closer to Japan
Final Solution / Holocaust was Nazi Germany's plan and execution of its systematic genocide
against European Jewry during World War II, resulting in the final, most deadly phase of the
A-bombs - Hiroshima, Nagasaki
The final straw for the Japanese, resulting in millions of
civilian and military death. Little Boy and Fat Man were used here. These flew on the plane "The
Enola Gay"
One man, one plan, one mustache
Paul Valéry
The amazing movie that dictates the life and failure of
French poet and critic that spoke of a "crisis of the mind," and "a dark future for
Friedrich Nietzsche German philosopher who said that "God is dead," that lackadaisical people
killed him with their false values. Said that Christianity and all religion is a "slave morality." He
also said that the only hope for mankind was to accept the meaninglessness of human life, and to
then use that meaninglessness as a source of personal integrity and liberation. Also stated that
from this meaninglessness people called Supermen would exert their mind on other and rise to
power. he appealed to people who liked totalitarianism.
Georges Sorel A French socialist who thought there socialism would come from a general strike
of all workers that would cripple the capitalist system. Thought that socialism was an improbable
religion rather than accepted truth. Thought that the new socialist governments would not be
democratic, rather controlled by a small revolutionary elite. He did not like democracy.
Ludwig Wittgenstein Was an Austrian philosopher and a logical empiricist who argued in Essay
on Logical Philosophy that great philosophical questions like god freedom and morality were
"quite literally senseless."
Henri Bergson A French philosophy professor who said that personal experiences and intuition
were more important than rational thought and thinking
Jean Paul Sartre
A French existentialist who said that people just "turned up" and that there
was no God to help honest people. Also said "man is condemned to be free" and people had to
choose their actions.
Søren Kierkegaard Danish religious philosopher who made a total religious commitment to a
remote and majestic god, after rejecting formalistic religion
Karl Barth
A Swiss Protestant theologian who said people were sinful and that religious truth
was made know to humans only through God's grace, and people just had to accept God as true
and be obedient.
Gabriel Marcel
Leading existential Christian thinker, thought catholic church was "hope,
humanity, honesty, and piety," after broken world and WWI, also advocated closer ties with nonCatholics
Marie Curie A Polish physicist who, with French husband Pierre, discovered radium emits
subatomic particles
Albert Einstein
German-Jewish physicist that undermined Newtonian physics and
developed theory of relativity
Max Planck German physicist who proved that subatomic energy was emitted from particles,
he called them "quanta"
Werner Heisenberg A German physicist that speculated that there was no real certainty in
where an electron was, and only tendencies. This broke down Newton's dependable laws to only
Sigmund Freud
The love of my life. Said that there were three points were man was
stripped of his specialness. Copernicus said that man was not center of universe; Darwin said that
man is not God's special creation; and Freud said that man is savage. Freud said that there was
conscious, which you could control, and the subconscious. He said that the Id was living in the
subconscious was just had primordial desires that wanted stuff like food and sex. Then there was
the Superego that did not want pleasures of love, and was just pure intellect and rationality. The
ego is the middle ground, the referee between the two different things, Id and Superego. All of
this is going on the subconscious. His most controversial idea was that all humans are sexual
beings and have sexual desires. Then he said there were three phases of human development the
Oral phase, the Anal phase, and the Oedipal phase. After WWI it became ok to talk about Freud's
James Joyce An Irish novelist who wrote Ulysses, a stream of consciousness book that
mirrored Homer's book
Oswald Spengler
an obscure German high school teacher who wrote Decline of the West,
said the west was about to be conquered by Asians.
Walter Gropius
German architect who broke form previous design with light, airy, bright
buildings of glass and iron
Claude Monet a French painter who used a impressionism called "super-realism," capture overall
impression of the thing they were painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir a French painter who used a impressionism called "super-realism," capture
overall impression of the thing they were painting
Vincent Van Gogh
A Dutch expressionist who painted a "moving visions in his mind's eye"
Paul Gaugin French stockbroker turned painter, pioneered expressionist techniques and fled to
South Pacific
Paul Cézanne A postimpressionist and expressionist who had a profound impact on 20th century
art and committed to form
Henrí Matisse An extreme abstract expressionist, leader of "the beasts," focused on arrangement
of color, line and form
Pablo Picasso a Spanish artist, founder of Cubism, which focused on geometric shapes and
overlapping planes
Wassily Kandinski Russia painter who "turned away from nature" and focused on
nonrepresentational, abstract art
Igor Stravinsky
composer, wrote Rite of Spring, expressionist ballet, shocked crowds
because of music and scenes
Alban Berg composer of opera Wozzeck, atonal music with half spoken, half sung dialogue,
violence and expression
Arnold Schönberg
Viennese founder of 12 tone music and turned back on conventional tones
John Maynard KeynesYoung English economist who denounced Treaty of Versailles and said
that people needed to revise treaty and help German econ. He Wrote Economic Consequences of
the Peace. Said Britain needed Germany, and if the German market went under, Britain econ
would go under. His book was one of the major reasons that the British were sympathetic
towards Germany.
Raymond Poincaré
war reparations
French Prime Minister who moved and occupied into the Ruhr to collect
Gustav Stresemann German Foreign Minister who assumed leadership of government and got
the French to move out of the Ruhr
Leon Blum Leader of the French socialist party Popular Front, made first and real attempt to
deal with the economic and social problems
Psycho-social impact of WWI
Social Impact was impact on social class structures and
breakdown of aristocracy and other inter class structures. After the war more people did not have
servants. The Psycho impact was that people viewed humanity as both savage and pointless,
because they just fought a pointless war
Logical Empiricism The philosophical ideology that simply rejected the concerns of modern
philosophy, like god and morality. Mainly started with Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein.
Existentialism The idea that human beings simply exist, have no higher purpose, and must exist
and choose their actions for themselves. Existentialism mainly influenced by Nietzsche.
Existentialism sustain popularity in Germany with Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers who
appealed to university students.
Christian Revival
Was a reaction to the loss of faith in humans, which came from the war,
and lead to renewed interest in Christian view of the world. Major people were Kierkegaard,
Barth, and Marcel.
The New Physics
Pioneered by the Curies, Plank and Einstein, a new view of physics that
shattered the perfect world of Newtonian physics and made the world seem much more random
and not as much certainty.
Uncertainty Principle The idea that we do know no anything for certain and all we know is
possibilities, probabilities, and tendencies. Put forth by German physicist Heisenberg.
Id, Ego, Superego
Freud said that there was conscious, which you could control, and the
subconscious. He said that the Id was living in the subconscious was just had primordial desires
that wanted stuff like food and sex. Then there was the Superego that did not want pleasures of
love, and was just pure intellect and rationality. The ego is the middle ground, the referee
between the two different things, Id and Superego. All of this is going on the subconscious.
Oedipal Complex
A Freudian physiological idea that if you did not get over loving your
parent of the opposite sex, you would have this complex where you hated your other parent and
have issues with parental relations.
Literary technique that explored the psyche through different idea
randomly bubbling up in a story.
Functionalism A new principle of building design that focused on buildings being functional
which means serving the purpose it was made for best
A Weimar (German) architectural school created by Walter Gropius which
combined the fine arts and functionalism
Impressionism An artistic movement that sought to capture a momentary feel, or impression, of
the piece they were drawing
Post-Impressionism An artistic movement that expressed world that could not normally be
seen, like dreams and fantasy.
An Artistic movement that focused on geometric shapes, complex lines, and
overlapping planes.
An artistic movement that focused on expressing emotion and
feelings through abstract images and colors, lines and shapes.
An artistic movement that had a purposely nonsensical name, expressing its total
rejection of previous modern art.
An artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal
British-French Tensions
differences between French and British were over the treatment of
the Germans, specifically on the payment of reparations
The Little Entente
The French alliance between the smaller countries of Poland, Hungary,
and Czechoslovakia.
Ruhr Crisis 1923
When France occupied the Ruhr coal fields to demand that the German
pay their reparations
Hyperinflation When the German economy tried to print bills to pay off their debt, inflation rates
of 40% a day
Dawes Plan The American plan to loan money to Germany, who would pay their reparations
to France and Britain, who would pay back their debt to America, which created a win-win for
everyone, and made they people happy and thought that peace was possible
Locarno Pact / Spirit of Locarno
The pact was an agreement to define the border between
France and Germany, and in which Britain and Italy would gang up on the aggressor if the treaty
was broken. The spirit was this feeling that war could be stopped again by peace talks that settled
in Europe after the pact
Kellogg-Briand Pact Was a pact that said that just said was bad, but did not outline any method
for preventing war.
Labor-Liberal-Conservative Cooperation in Britain The three party system that makes sure that
both the conservative and the labor party don't get too radical.
Great Depression - Causes, efforts to deal with
The immediate cause was the American
using margin buying to buy shares of stock that they could not pay back, and forced a mass
selloff of shares, which collapsed the stock market and the economy. The efforts to deal was the
New Deal in America, and different stances of social programs and socialism in Europe.
Social Democrats
The largest political party in Sweden, who pushed for social reform
legislation, and drew support from community and socialist and capitalist working together.
Popular Front was the French political alliance that allied the Communists, the Socialists, and
the Radicals together.
The Middle Way
The Scandinavian system of in the middle of socialism and capitalism, an
ideology that you can have some of your own things and keep some of your money, and have
higher tax rates.
This was the name given to the Spanish explorers who would conquer the
land they discovered and utilize the resources they found there for Spain
"Crown from the gutter"
This was the expression used after the Revolutions of 1848 where
Friedrich Wilhelm refused to just take the throne of Prussia
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
popular people
The motto of the French Revolution and the demands of the
"Separation of powers"
This was the theory developed by Montesquieu that political power
should not be divided and share by a variety of classes and legal estates holding unequal rights
and privileges
"Spanish Armada"
This was the vast amount of ships sent by Phillip II to attack England
because of the conflicts between Phillip II and Mary, Queen of Scots
"Universal Man"
This was the term given to those in the Renaissance who were able to
excel in more than one subject matter
19th century class structure Aristocracy > Middle Class (Upper > Middle > Lower) > Working
Classes (Labor Aristocracy > Semiskilled > Unskilled)
Alexander I This czar of Russia wanted to restore the kingdom of Poland, which he wanted to
bestow the benefits of his rule
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
This was the work that started the tabula
rasa theory where the human mind is blank until it is filled with experiences that allow a person
to think differently
Anabaptists These were the "radicals" in Reformation in which someone would choose if they
wanted to be baptized
Bacon This scientist spread the word about the experimental method and formalized the
empirical method and combined his thinking with Descartes to form the scientific method
Banking Families
These were the major families in Europe that had the most power and
control of the wealth in a state
Battle of Austerlitz This massive victory by the French caused Russia and the Austrians to
suspend their support against France
Battle of Waterloo
This was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended
his reign as French ruler
Bentham (Utilitarianism)
This man believed that the moral worth of an action is determined
by its contribution to happiness as summed among all persons
The artist shows the ideal for female beauty in the Renaissance in this work
slender, pale skin, a high forehead, red-blond hair, and sloping shoulders
Boyle This was the physicist who said nothing can be known beyond all doubt
Brumaire Coup and The Consulate This is the act in which Napoleon ended the Directory by
ousting the Directors and disbanding the legislature. He then established a strong military
dictatorship in place of the weak Directory
Brunelleschi He was an architect who designed a hospital for orphans and foundlings set up by
the silk-workers guild in Florence
Cabral This explorer first saw the mainland of Brazil and claimed it for Portugal while sailing to
set up trading posts in India
These were groups of secret revolutionary societies in Italy
Cardinal Mazarin
This was the man who served under Cardinal Richelieu and laid the
foundations for Louis XIV's expansionist policies
Cardinal Richelieu This was the man who influenced the power of King Louis XIII the most
and tried to make France an absolute monarchy
Catherine the Great This was the empress of Russia who continued Peter's goal to
Westernizing Russia, created a new law code, and greatly expanded Russia
Causes of the French Revolution
1) The economic and financial crisis that led to the calling
of the Estates General. 2) The political incompetence of Louis XV and XVI. 3) The unfair
taxation between the three estates
This man was a poet, playwright and novelist and wrote one of the best known
novels ever (Don Quixote)
Their demand was universal male suffrage
Charles Darwin
This was the scientist who published the theory of evolution after his
travels to the Galapagos Islands
Charles II
This was the king that took the throne during the Restoration and peacefully had
agreements with the Parliament until he made secret agreements with Louis XIV to relax the
laws against the English Catholics and eventually a Catholic became the next king
Charles Talleyrand
This was the French supporter of Metternich's balance of power idea
Charles V
This was the Holy Roman Emperor that called for the Diet of Worms. He was a
supporter of Catholicism and tried to crush the Reformation by use of the Counter-Reformation
This was the man who discovered Americas while originally looking for a faster
and all-sea route to the East but instead landed in the West Indies.
Combination Acts
These were the laws passed by the Parliament that prohibited the English
people from forming a union
Commercial revolution
This was the period of economic and political expansion,
colonialism, and mercantilism that occurred in Europe
Committee of Public Safety This was the group that carried out the Reign of Terror
Concert of Europe (Congress System)
This was the system set up by the Quadruple
Alliance to meet periodically to talk about common issues
Concordat of 1801
This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the
religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and
Napoleon political power
Congress of Vienna This was the meeting between the Quadruple Alliance in order to
formulate a peace agreement and to balance the victories of the Napoleonic wars
Conservatism This was the political idea in which the people regarded tradition as the basic
source of human institutions and the proper state and society remained those before the French
Revolution which rested on a judicious blend on monarchy, bureaucracy, aristocracy, and
respectful commoners
a fixed sun
This was the man who first theorized that the celestial bodies all revolved around
Corn Laws
These laws forbade the importation of foreign grain without the prices in England
rising substantially
Cosmo deMedici
One of the members of the banker family of Florence that ruled behind the
scenes of the government
Cottage industry
This was the way form of work of the rural classes in which the costumer
would give the worker materials and the worker would create the desirable product
Council of Trent
with the Protestants
This was the meeting called by Pope Paul III that secured reconciliation
da Gama
This was the first explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope and sail into the
Indian Ocean trade
Da Vinci
One of the best examples of a Renaissance man. He painted, wrote, sculpted,
invented, among his philosophical ideas
Dante First comedy writer that wrote 100 verses that described the realms of the next world
Danton One of the leaders of The Mountain
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
This was the new constitution that the
National Assembly wrote that gave all citizens free expression of thoughts and opinions and
guaranteed equality before the law
Deism This was a way of thinking that God exists, but does not intervene in daily life, for he
already has a plan for the universe that cannot be altered
This thinker developed a philosophy of two different worlds a material world and
a world of the mind. This was called Cartesian dualism. He combined his ideas with Bacon to
form the scientific method
This was the philosophical belief that for every thesis ever, there is an opposing
antithesis that creates a synthesis
Diaz This was the first explorer who rounded the southern tip of the Cape of Good Hope but
was never able to go all the way around
Diet of WormsThis was the conference that Charles V called to bring Martin Luther to speak
Doge The ruler of Venice
One of the first and best Renaissance sculptors. He was also one of the first artists
to sell his works
Dutch Revolt This was the revolt by the Netherland against the Spanish in order to create their
independent state
Edict of Nantes
This was the document published by Henry IV that granted liberty of
conscience and liberty of public worship to the Huguenots
Edward VI
During his short reign of England, Protestant ideas exerted a significant influence
on the religious life of the country
Edwin Chadwick
This was a public health official who wrote reports on the poor living
conditions of the cities and believed that poverty was caused by illnesses
Effects of the Scientific Revolution This involved the beginning of using reason to solve
problems in the community by using inductive and deductive reasoning
El Cid This was the Spanish equivalent to the Knights of the Round Table
Eli Whitney This man invented the cotton gin which allowed for the faster picking of cotton in
the Americas
Elizabeth I
This queen of England chose a religion between the Puritans and Catholics and
required her subjects to attend church or face a fine. She also required uniformity and conformity
to the Church of England
Emile This work advocated breast feeding and natural dress and that boys' education should
have plenty of fresh air and exercise and he said a women's nature was a life of marriage and
child rearing
Emile Zola
This was an influential French writer who wrote about naturalism and was often
Enclosure movement This was the way that the English landowners would now organize their
land so that the farmers would become more productive in their work
Encyclopedia This was the first publication of different essays about the culture and society of
France which was put on the Index of Forbidden Books because it dealt with controversial issues
English Civil War
This was the revolution as a result of whether the sovereignty would
remain with the king or with the Parliament. Eventually, the kingship was abolished
This man was a writer who would plea for simple Christian faith and would
criticize the complexity of Catholic faith
This was the group of people called by Louis XVI that would keep the
king in check like the English Parliament
Evolutionary Socialism
This was the work that suggested that socialists should combine
with other progressive forces to win gradual evolutionary gains for workers through legislation,
unions, and further economic development
Favorable balance of trade This was the ideology that most states used to gain the most money
from their exports by increasing the amount of finished materials while decreasing the amount of
raw materials
Ferdinand and Isabella
This was the king and queen of Spain who took over the Catholic
Spain and started the Spanish Inquisition
Francesco Sforza
The Duke of Florence and the old ruler of the city-states of Italy
Francis I
This was the French king who reached an agreement with Pope Leo X and
allowed the French king to select French bishops and abbots
Francis Xavier This was a man who helped Ignatius of Loyola to start the Jesuits. He also was
famous for his number of missionaries he went on to promote Christianity
Francois Guizot
This man was an active player in the French Revolution of 1848 who
helped in the overthrow of Charles X
Franz Liszt
This was a pianist in the Romanticism era that was a star in his day
Frederick Elector of Saxony This was the man who supported and hid Luther after the Diet of
Frederick the Great This was the Prussian king who embraced culture and wrote poetry and
prose. He gave religious and philosophical toleration to all subjects, abolished torture and made
the laws simpler
Frederick William (The Great Elector)
This was the man who starting absolutism in Prussia
by uniting the three provinces of Prussia under one ruler.
Frederick William IV This king of Prussia was the king who gave into Prussia's constitution
Galileo This scientist formulated the experimental method and using this, came up with the law
of inertia, among several discoveries related to the moon
Georg Hegel This man believed that each age is characterized by a dominant set of ideas,
which produces opposing ideas and a new synthesis
Georges Haussmann This was the man who planned the reconstruction of Paris
This is the political faction in Italy that supported the Holy Roman Empire
Giotto An artist who led the way into realism; his treatment of the human body and face
replaced the formal stiffness and artificiality that had long characterized the representation of the
human body
These were the liberals of France who did not want to execute Louis XVI, but The
Mountain did anyway
Giuseppe Mazzini
This early Italian nationalist believed that doing labor for the principles of
one's country is labor for humanity
Glorious Revolution This was the "revolution" that replaced James II with William and Mary
that also recognized the supremacy of the Parliament with minimum bloodshed
Gold Glory and God This was the motto of the age of exploration. The explorers were looking
for money, glory, or to convert non-Christians
Greek revolution
The Greeks revolted against the Ottomans for their independence, to
which the Concert generally opposed to this
Guelph This is the political faction in Italy that supported the pope
Habeas Corpus Act
This was act in which any people unlawfully detained could be prosecuted
This was the royal dynasty of Austria that ruled over a vast part of Central Europe
while battling with the Turks over Hungary
Harvey This was the man who first detailed the accounted for the circulation of blood flow
Henry Bessemer
This man revolutionized the way to manufacture steel by making the
process quicker and more efficient
Henry IV of France
This was the king who issued the Edict of Nantes
Henry VIII
This was the man who started the Church of England because he needed a
reformation in Catholicism which would allow him to divorce his wife
Hohenzollerns This was the royal dynasty of electors in Prussia
Holy Alliance This was the alliance between Austria Prussia and Russia on the crusade against
the ideas and politics of the dual revolution.
House of Orange
This was the house that took over the English throne after the Glorious
These were the French Calvinists that were often persecuted until the Edict of
The philosophy of the liberal arts that emphasized human beings and their
Hus A man who helped to shed some light on the church's problems with hurting the people
that follow the religion. He was seen as a radical and was not allowed to study John Wycliffe's
publications yet was executed after he was tried for heresy
Ignatius of Loyola
This was the man who started the Jesuit movement to help people to find
God around the world
Index of Prohibited Literature This was the list of books that were prohibited by the papacy in
order to stop more religious thinkers
Institutes of the Christian Religion
world the ideology of John Calvin
This was the work by John Calvin that described to the
This was the group of people in the National Assembly that met to discuss the
political questions of the day
James Hargreaves
This was the man who created the spinning jenny which began the actual
Industrial Revolution and the beginning of machines doing a man's work
James II
This was the Catholic king of England after Charles II that granted everyone
religious freedom and even appointed Roman Catholics to positions in the army and government
Jean Bodin
This was the man who created the theory of sovereignty in which a state becomes
sovereign by claiming a monopoly over the instruments of justice
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
studies of biology
This man developed the first cohesive theory of evolution after his
Jesuits This was the group of people that was important in converting Asians and Latin
Americans to Catholicism which allowed for the mass spread of Christianity
Johann Gutenberg
reading of books
Man who created the printing press and changed the production and
Johann Tetzel This was the man who was hired by Archbishop Albert of Mainz to sell
indulgences, which he did extremely successfully
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe This German Romantic poet influence Walter Scott
John Calvin This was another leader in the Reformation who believed in a simple faith and a
simple method of worship
John Constable (The Haywain)
John Kay
one worker
This man was a Romantic painter
Man who revolutionized the one-hand loom and increased the production done by
John Knox
This was the man who dominated the reform movement in Scotland. He
established the Presbyterian Church of Scotland so that ministers ran the church, not bishops
Joseph II
This was the ruler of the Habsburgs that controlled the Catholic Church closely,
granted religious toleration and civic rights to Protestants and Jews, and abolished serfdom
Joseph Lister This man promoted the idea of sterilizing medical equipment before operating
July Decrees These decrees limited the voting rights of the wealthy and censored the press
June Days
These were the French workers' revolts in 1848 after the closure of the National
Kant This philosopher showed the overall attitude of the Enlightenment by saying "have the
courage to use your own understanding"
Karl Marx
This man came up with the idea of communism/dialectic socialism that said that
two classes have always battled against each other to form another class that will battle against
its antithesis until the synthesis is one equal class working with each other for each other
Karlsbad Decrees
These decrees required the thirty-eight German member states to root out
subversive ideas in the universities and newspapers an established a permanent committee with
spies and informers to investigate and punish any liberal or radical organizations
Kepler This astronomer stated that the orbits of planets around the sun were elliptical, the planets
do not orbit at a constant speed, and that an orbit is related to its distance from the sun
Klemens von Metternich
This was Austria's foreign minister who wanted a balance of power
in an international equilibrium of political and military forces that would discourage aggression
Labor aristocracy
This was the union of skilled workers in the working classes that had a set
behavioral code. They were usually run by construction bosses and factory foremen
Laissez-faire capitalism
This was the style of capitalism in which the government had no
interference with the economy
Lajos Kossuth This man was a Hungarian nationalist leader who demanded independence and a
Liberalism (Classical Liberalism)
This was the political idea in which the government did not
intervene in the economy and liberty and equality were stressed
Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix)
This work of art shows the glory of the French
Line of Demarcation This was the line drawn by Alexander VI that gave Portugal most of
Brazil and Spain the rest of South America
Lord Byron
This English poet joined the Greeks and died fighting so that they may be free
Lorenzo the Magnificent
This was an artistic patron that spent vast sums on family chapels,
frescoes, religious panels and
Louis Blanc This man urged people to agitate for universal voting rights and to take control of
the state peacefully
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III)
This was the first French president as a result of the
election after the Revolution of 1848
Louis Pasteur This was the man who began studying fermentation to develop a way to avoid
spoilage through pasteurization by heating the beverage
Louis XIII
This French king appointed Cardinal Richelieu
Louis XIV
This French king ruled for the longest time ever in Europe. He issued several
economic policies and costly wars. He was the prime example of absolutism in France
This was the king of France before and after Napoleon's exile
These were the angry old cottage industry workers who lost their jobs and
costumers to machines and as a result, they began to secretly destroy the machines
Ludwig van Beethoven
This pianist was considered the master of Romanticism music
This was the first person to lead an expedition that circumnavigated the world
Malthus (On Population)
This man said that population would always grow faster than the
food supply and the only hope of warding o war, famine, and disease was that young men and
women had to limit the growth of population by marrying late
Maria Theresa This was the queen of Austria as a result of the Pragmatic Sanction. She limited
the papacy's political influence in Austria, strengthened her central bureaucracy and cautiously
reduced the power that nobles had over their serfs
Martin Luther This was the most famous and one of the first concrete reformer who began to
reject some of the more obscure and selfish laws of the Catholic Church
Mary I This was the queen who reverted back to Catholicism in England for five years and
during this reign, she executed many Protestants
Mary Wollstonecraft This was an English feminist who supported the women's revolution in
He used light and dark imagery to illustrate different feelings and emotions
Meeting at Marburg This was the meeting that tried to settle the dispute between Martin Luther
and Ulrich Zwingli over the presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper.
Methodism This movement said that all men and women who sought salvation might be
saved, giving the people a message of hope
Miasma Theory / Germ Theory
These were the theories of the spread of disease. The
miasma theory said that disease was spread by a bad odor. The new germ theory developed by
Louis Pasteur said that diseases were spread by bacteria called germs
Michelangelo This was an artist who led the way for Renaissance masters from his David
sculpture and his painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Middle class values The middle class frowned upon heavy drinking and the women were fond
of fashion. Education was necessary and sexual purity was considered a virtue
Modern imperialism This was the start of the building of foreign empires for trade and military
advantages over other states
Modern liberalism
This was new thought that the governments should be subject to change.
This was the counterpart to conservatism
Napoleonic Code
This was the civil code put out by Napoleon that granted equality of all
male citizens before the law and granted absolute security of wealth and private property.
Napoleon also secured this by creating the Bank of France which loyally served the interests of
both the state and the financial oligarchy
National Workshops This was the group that gave work to the unemployed
This was the new feeling of pride for one's country after the Napoleonic era
Natural laws These were conclusions reached by the philosophes against which debate was
This was the other common crime in which the members of the church would give
positions to relatives
This physicist developed the law of universal gravitation and further caused the
decline of the old system of science
Ninety-five Theses This was the letter Martin Luther wrote to Archbishop Albert which
explained that indulgences undermined the seriousness of the sacrament of penance
Northern Humanism This humanism philosophy interpreted Italian ideas about and attitudes
toward classical antiquity, individualism, and humanism in terms of their own traditions
Northwest Passage This is the passage that many European explorers attempted but never
succeeded to navigate to reach other nations more quickly
The rule of a nation or state by a few people
Oliver Cromwell
This was the dictator who ruled over England after the English civil war.
His death provided the military government collapse of England
On Liberty (John Stuart Mill) This work advocated economic and moral freedom of individuals
from the state. This work is enormously influential to politics today
Paris Reconstruction This was planned by Georges Haussmann, who was assigned by Napoleon
III, to provide employment, improved living conditions, and to show the glory of the French
Partition of Poland
This was the splitting up of Poland by Russia, Prussia, and Austria
Peace of Augsburg This was the treaty that was reached that ended the Habsburg-Valois Wars
which also made Charles V recognize Lutheranism as a legitimate following
Peace of Utrecht
This was the treaty that ended the War of the Spanish Succession
Peace of Westphalia This was the treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War that recognized the
independent authority of over three hundred German principalities
Peasants' War This was the revolt that occurred in Germany where the peasants rebelled
alongside the new Protestant thought. They were viciously quashed and the public appeal to the
Reformation went substantially down
Peninsular War
This war was the beginning of the end of Napoleon's Grand Empire after
the Spanish rebelled against France for its independence
Peter the GreatThis was the czar of Russia that Westernized Russia and built up a massive
Russian army. He also was interested in building grand cities like those in Western Europe
This was the extremely lopsided victory by English army over the protestors as a
result of the Corn Laws
The man who began the humanism movement and he believed that he was living
the start of new era
Phalansteries These were the types of buildings designed by Charles Fourier for a utopian
Philip II of Spain
This was the king who started the success of Spain's foreign colonies
These were the French philosophers
Philosophy of the Enlightenment
reason in everyday life
This dealt with skepticism, the government, and the role of
Physiocrats This was the group of economists who believed that the wealth of a nation was
derived solely from the value of its land
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
This socialist man believed that property is theft
This was a movement within Lutheranism that revived Protestantism that called
for an emotional relationship, allowed for the priesthood of all believers, and the Christian
rebirth in everyday affairs
Pope Alexander VI This was the pope that granted power to Ferdinand and Isabella to appoint
bishops to the Spanish territories and also settled the argument between Spain and Portugal over
South America
Pope Leo X This was the pope that used the sale of indulgences to rebuild a basilica and he
was also the pope who challenged Martin Luther
Pope Paul III This was the Pope that called the Council of Trent
Potato Famine This was the famine that occurred in Ireland that killed of thousands of people
because the main potato crop could not grow because of bad soil that year
Pragmatic Sanction This was the act passed by Charles VI that stated that Hapsburg
possessions were never to be divided, in order to allow his daughter to be ruler
Predestination One of the main points of Calvinism that said that God had already determined if
you were damned or saved
Prince Henry the Navigator This was the Portuguese Prince that gave steadfast financial and
moral support to the navigators
This was the working class in that was constantly battling against the bourgeois
factory owners
Protestantism This was caused by the strictness and the incompetence of the Catholic Church.
Puritan This was one of the reforms in England in which the leaders wanted all Catholic elements
in the Church of England eliminated
Quadruple Alliance This was the alliance between Great Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia
after the Napoleonic era
A form of Protestantism in which the believers were pacifists and would shake at
the power of the word of the Lord
He was a major French Renaissance writer, doctor and humanist. He is regarded
as an avant-garde writer of fantasy and satire
Raft of the Medusa (Géricault)
This Romantic work shows a crew shipwrecked
This was the new style of literature that focused on the daily lives and adventures
of a common person. This style was a response to Romanticism's supernaturalism and overemphasis on emotion
Reform Bill of 1832 This bill gave representation to most people in England
Regulatory Legislation (Factory, Mines & 10 Hours Acts) These acts all started to regulate and
ameliorate the conditions of work in the factories and helped make the Industrial Revolution
better and the living conditions in the urban areas better
Reign of Terror
This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used
revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely
and most were executed
Renaissance Popes These were general title given to the popes that would convince the
Renaissance artists to work for them in order to enhance the majesty of the churches
Revolutions of 1830 The French Revolution of 1830 occurred because Louis XVIII only
granted a small percentage of people the right to vote and Charles X attack of Algeria and as a
result, he censored the press and limited the voting rights of the wealthy
Revolutions of 1848 These revolutions occurred in 1)France, because of the depression and
rising unemployment rates caused starvation in France in which they then overthrew the
bourgeois monarchy 2)Austria, because the Hungarians rebelled against the Austrian Empire and
were joined by the urban poor looking for employment, and 3) Prussia, because the artisans and
factory workers joined with the middle-class liberals to rebel against the monarchy and
eventually, Prussia became a constitutional monarchy
Ricardo (Iron Law of Wages) This man stated that because of population growth, the wages
would always sink to subsistence level
Robert Castlereagh
This British foreign minister was a supporter of Metternich
Robert Koch This was the first man to isolate a bacterium and a virus and as a result h could
create new vaccines for the disease
Robert Owen This man both helped to lead the first national union in England and advocated
the use of children in factories
The main leader of The Mountain and the man who ruled France after the First
Role of reason The Enlightenment thinkers used reason to deduct conclusions about everyday life
This was the ruling class of Russia after the Cossack Rebellion
Romanticism This was the response to the Enlightenment in which they believed that not
everything could be measured, because of the passion of emotion
Roundheads and Cavaliers These were the two sides of the English civil war. The Roundheads
were the Puritan supporters of the Parliament and the Cavaliers were the supporters of Charles I
This man's work was extremely influential for the Romantic Movement
Rump Parliament
This was the Parliament after Oliver Cromwell dismissed the Cavaliers
Saint-Simon This man was one of the early and influential socialist thinkers who proclaimed
the tremendous possibilities of industrial development
Sale of Indulgences This was the way that many people were granted salvation. This was a
common method of the church to gain power and money
Salons These were meeting places for philosophical discussion that were for the upper and
middle class citizens who would talk about different doctrines
A Dominican friar that predicted the French invasion of Florence from the
paganism and the moral vice of the city
Seditious Meetings Act
This act made it illegal to meet with a group of more than fifty
Seven Years' War
This war was began as a follow-up of the War of Austrian Succession
when Prussia invaded Austria
of all time
This man wrote several plays and poems and is regarded as one of the best writers
The common crime of paying for holy offices for the position of power
Spanish Inquisition This was the harsh and violent conversion of Spain back into Catholicism.
They used several versions of torture and fear tactics to convert people back to Catholicism
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
This was the massacre that occurred during the wedding of
a Catholic and Huguenot that would resolve the conflict between the two conflicting parties
This was the name given to the person appointed by the States General to carry
out ceremonial functions in a province in the Netherlands
Sturm und Drang
This was what the early German Romantics called themselves
Surplus Value This is the value of the unpaid surplus labor performed by the worker for the
capitalist for profit
Tennis Court Oath
This is the oath that the representatives of the third estate took when they
swore that they would never disband until they had proper representation
Test Act of 1673
This was the bill passed that those who did not receive the Eucharist of the
Anglican Church had little rights
The Commonwealth of England
and the kingship was abolished
This was the name that England took on after the civil war
The Courtier A treatise that sought to train, discipline, and fashion the young man into the
courtly ideal, the gentleman
The Decameron
A work that portrays an acquisitive, sensual, and worldly society through
descriptions of merchants, friars, and husbands
The Prince
A short political treatise about political power how the ruler should gain,
maintain, and increase it. Machiavelli explores the problems of human nature and concludes that
human beings are selfish and out to advance their own interests
The Protectorate
This was the name of the military dictatorship that England took on during
the reign of Oliver Cromwell
The Restoration
This was the re-establishment of the monarchy in England under Charles
II. Both houses of Parliament were restored but the religious tensions still were present in
The Stuarts
This was the Scottish royal family that ruled England after Elizabeth I
Theory of Class Struggle
This was the theory that two opposing classes have always battled
against eachother to form another class that will battle against its antithesis until the synthesis is
one equal class working with each other for each other
Theory of Evolution This theory stated that animals could evolve from other animals in order to
adapt to their environments. This theory was not widely accepted for it could possibly account
for humans which would defeat the whole purpose of creationism
Thermidorian Reaction and The Directory This was the reaction to the despotism after the
Second Revolution which led to the establishment of the five-man executive that supported the
French military which was not popular with the French people
Thirty Years' War
This was the international war between the Protestants and Catholics that
eventually ended religious conflicts in Europe
Thomas Hobbes
This was the philosopher that believed that a strong central government
was needed to avoid rebellion and civil war
Three Estates The clergy made up a very small percentage but owned 10% of the land; the
nobles made up another small percentage but also owned most of the land; and the rest of the
people made up 97% of France and owned very little land
Titan A Venetian man who created the style of mannerism in which artists sometimes distorted
figures to express emotion and drama
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
This was the treaty that ended the War of Austrian Succession by
giving the Prussians land, taking land away from Maria Theresa, but still allowing her to rule
Treaty of Paris (1763) This treaty ended the Seven Years' War
Troppau Conference This was the conference at which the Troppau Protocol was signed in
which any country that underwent a revolution was no longer part of the European Alliance
Two Treatises on Government (John Locke) This was the document that stated that if a ruler
steps over its proper function to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property, than that
ruler was a tyrant and must be overthrown
Ulrich Zwingli This was a man who believed that Christian life rested on the Scriptures and a
prominent leader in the Swiss Reformation. He went on to attack indulgences, the Mass, the
institution of monasticism, and clerical celibacy
Urban living conditions
These were awful in the 19th Century as a result of poor sewage
treatment, water conditions and bad foundations for buildings
Urban planning and public transit
This was the act of planning out a city and building it from
the blueprints. This caused in increase in public transit that millions of people used a day instead
of their own transportation or walking
Utopia A work that presents a revolutionary view of society and describes an ideal socialistic
community on an island somewhere off the mainland of the New World. He created the name
utopia as a good place which is no place
Valois This was a German dynasty that often had conflicts with the Habsburgs that often
involved other countries and papal troops
Varieties of Socialism There were the early French socialists who believed in economic planning
and argued that the government should rationally organize the economy and not depend on
destructive competition to do the job. There was also dialectic socialism in which the followers
believed that eventually, the proletariat will battle against the bourgeois to create one single class
This was the scientist who began to study anatomy in depth. He is referred as the
father of anatomy
This was the man who first said that the Americas were completely separate from
Asia, thus the continent was named after him
Victor Hugo This was a Romantic writer who wrote prose and poetry
This was a playwright and a philosophe who said that the best that one could hope
for in a government is a good monarch and he even often criticized the Catholic Church and
government in his plays
Walter Scott This Scottish Romantic poet used history to write his poems
Wanderer in the Clouds (Friedrich) This work of art shows the insignificance of the human and
the supremacy of nature
War of Austrian Succession This war was over the inheritance of the throne by Maria Theresa,
for the Salic law prevented a woman from solely ruling the state
War of Spanish Succession This was the war between France and Spain in order to unite the
two states under one ruler, Phillip V
War of the Three Henrys
This was the last of the wars that occurred over the religious
differences in France, between the Catholics (Henry III of France and Henry of Guise) and
Protestants (Henry IV)
Wealth of Nations
This work criticized mercantilism by saying that it meant a combination of
stifling government regulations and unfair privileges for state-approved monopolies and
government favorites
Whigs and Tories
These were the two parties in the Parliament. The Whigs were mostly
liberal and wanted change while the Tories wanted to keep the government as it was
William and Mary
These people were the king and queen of England after the Glorious
Revolution that recognized the supremacy of the English Parliament
William Wordsworth Leader of English Romanticism who published works in the countryside
Women's March on Versailles
This was the march by the women of Paris to the home of
Marie Antoinette in order to demand action for the ridiculous raise in the price of bread
Working class leisure The working class still enjoyed drinking, although it was discouraged,
they started to enjoy sports and music halls, although blood sports declined
This was one o the original men to challenge the church. His writings became
"scriptures" for other reformers to follow.
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III)
France's first elected president by universal male suffrage,
and developed strong nationalism like his cousin
Giuseppe Mazzini
a radical idealistic patriot who wanted a centralized democratic republic
based on universal male suffrage and will of the people in Italy
Vincenzo Gioberti
A catholic priest who called for a federation of existing states under the
presidency of a progressive pope in Italy
Victor Emmanuel
Pius IX
Sardinia's monarch who helped unite Italy
Pope who denounced unification and published the Syllabus of Errors
Camillo di Cavour
The political mastermind behind all of Sardinia's unification plans, he
succeeded in creating a Northern Italian nation state
Giuseppe Garibaldi
his Red Shirts
A "super patriot" of Italy, he helped unify southern Italy with the help of
Frederick William IV A king and leader of Prussia who was unable to unify Germany "from
above," he was replaced by William I
William I
The Leader of Prussia who wanted military expansion, and hired Bismarck to
further his goals
Otto von Bismarck
German Political mastermind who spearheaded Prussian expansion
Alexander II A Russian Tsar who implemented rapid social change and general modernization
of Russia.
Alexander III A determined reactionary Tsar who nevertheless sped forward with economic
Sergei Witte A tough finance minister who thought that Russia's industrial backwardness was
threatening Russia's power and greatness
Nicholas II
Russia's last tsar, he witnessed the fall of Russia from great power, to the entering
into WWI and total collapse
William II
This new German emperor opposed Bismarck, fired him, and ended up being less
successful than Bismarck anyway
Adolphe Thiers
Leader of the National Assembly in France, he ordered the Paris
Commune to be crushed. He also declared the Third Republic of France, because it "divided
France the least"
Leon Gambetta
A successful politician in France, he was a moderate republican who
helped stabilize government
Alfred Dreyfus
A Jewish military captain in the French Army, he was falsely accused of
treason, and his affair split France apart
Benjamin Disraeli
A British politician who extended the vote to the rich middle class in order
to broaden the political base of the conservative party
David Lloyd George Member of the Liberal party in Great Britain who helped raise taxes on the
rich, and reform in general
William Gladstone A Liberal British Prime Minister who gave concessions to various parties
and ultimately introduced bills for Irish self-governance
Karl Lueger
middle class
The fiery mayor of Vienna who preached anti-Semitism and appealed to lower
Theodor Herzl German Jewish Politician who advocated the policy of Zionism and the creation
of a nation state for all Jewish people.
Edward Bernstein
A revisionist social who advocated the gradual gain of socialism and
looked towards Darwin's doctrines as a measure for a change in socialism's tactics
Jean Jaures French revisionist socialist who repudiated revisionist doctrines to achieve a
unified socialist state
Modernization An occurrence in Russia that lead to the increase of its stature in world power
standings and revitalized the economy and industry
Louis Napoleon's rise & ideas on gov't
He thought that the Government should be powerful
and that there should be strong nationalism, but mainly guided by the people's interests
Reasons for and against Italian unity People wanted Italian unity because it would unify Italy,
and they wanted a different government. People did not want unification because it went against
the church, there were very different areas in the north and the south, and because they wanted to
just keep things the same
Syllabus of Errors
A document by the pope in which he denounced rationalism, socialism,
religious liberty, and separation of the church and state.
Cavour's program
Cavour's plan was to first modernize the econ, and model it off of Britain,
then modernize the military, with lots of railroads to move the troops around to country
Austro-Sardinian War Austria invades Italy and the French come in to help the Italians. The
Italians and the French are very successful and gain Lombardy.
1859 Garibaldi's invasion
An energized movement of radicals from Sicily to the mainland
and gaining land for unification
Reasons for and against German unity
Upper class and Conservatives did not want
unification because they would have less power, but the rest of the people wanted it because of
nationalism and German identity
A German customs union founded to increase trade and stimulate revenues of its
Bismarck's plans and maneuvers
He wanted to unify Germany, but played it safe, with many
alliances and pacts, and ends up being amazing
"Blood and Iron"
Bismarck's idea of always preparing and waging war, and those things can
only be done with war
Schleswig-Holstein crisis
A desire for success abroad lead to this. It was a short war against
Denmark to gain these providences
Austro-Prussian War - Causes & Outcomes The Germans needed a way to make the Austrians
on their side, and they had the superior army. The Germans won, and were able to make sure that
Austria stayed out of German affairs
North German Confederation Constitution This stated that local government had some power,
but that ultimate power rested in the hands of Bismarck and William
Franco-Prussian War - Causes & Outcomes The reason behind the war was because a war
would bring the Southern German states into the Prussian state, and the French wanted to teach
Germany a lesson. It ended up that the Germans kicked butt, and the French were humiliated,
and the German plan worked completely
Ems Telegram A telegram which the French gave to the Germans in anger over the Succession of
the Throne in Spain, but the Germans altered it to look like the French were rude and evil. The
French declared war.
Crimean War - impact in Britain & Russia
the rest of the world, and needed reform.
This war showed that the Russian were way behind
Russian Modernization
The most of these were economical and not political, and even then
were mostly only halfway efforts
Witte's reforms
He "used the west to catch up to the west" in Russia, by having foreigners
build factories and making new transport lines.
A local coulcil of politicians to deal with local problems in Russia
Trans-Siberian Railroad
A railroad that went across Siberia
Russo-Japanese War - impact in Russia
and it caused revolution back at home.
This war showed that Russia was still not strong,
"Bloody Sunday" (1905) - Causes, actions, effects The cause was people wanted to present a
petition to the Tsar, the action was people getting shot, the effect was people disliking the Tsar
and turning on him
October Manifesto
This granted full civil rights to people and opened up the Duma
Duma This was a legislative parliament in Russia with real political power
Decline of Ottoman Empire They fell behind in industrialization, in education, and in general
compared to the west
This was a short ottoman parliament designed to model the western model of an
Young Turks Young rebellious people in the Ottoman Empire who forced the Sultan to reform
Structure of German government
They had a strong top government and they had a
Reichstag, or the lower house of parliament
Kulturkampf Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church
German social legislation
Bismarck placed high tariffs on imported goods, and tried to stop
socialism with government measures that banned the socialist party
Paris Commune
The small government in Paris who wanted to resist the conservative
leaders of France and tried to form their own government
French educational reforms The Dreyfus affair lead to the separation of church and state, and
lead to more people in government backed schools that were no longer catholic schools but
republican schools.
Dreyfus Affair Incident in France where a Jewish captain was tried for treason because they
military was anti-Semitic, and it divided the country
Extension of suffrage in Britain
suffrage was extended to more middle class men in Britain
so that they conservatives would get a stronger base
Liberal v. Conservative Parties in Britain
The conservative party in Britain was put down
when the king threatened to make more liberal seats to pass bills that the conservatives were
People's Budget
A plan in British parliament that increased spending on social services
Irish Home Rule
A desire of some people in Ireland to not be ruled by England
Dual Monarchy
The joining of Austria and Hungary under two different crowns
Magyar policies
The Magyar pushed through bills that changed voting laws to help the elite
and to force through the teaching of Hungarian in schools. They created the nationalism that
would tear them apart
Anti-Semitism A mindset that people of Jewish heritage were inferior to other races
A movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine
Socialists and Nationalism The socialist opposed nationalism and thought that the German
worker had more in common with the French worker than the German boss
Second International A group of socialist national parties that met and discussed Marx, and
planned action
Revisionism The socialist idea that we should embrace socialism in a gradual advance, with no
bloody war
Muhammad Ali
Egyptian army general who stepped into power after the French left. He
reformed the army, the land, and the communication of Egypt
Ismail Ali
Khedive of Egypt, he was a westernizing autocrat and grandson of the first leader
Leopold II
Belgian king who ruthlessly exploited the natives on his African land for personal
Matthew PerryThis American naval officer was the driving factor in Japan's opening by using
gunboat diplomacy
Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi
John A. Hobson
Chinese leader who used conservative forces to maintain her
This man wrote Imperialism, a critique of imperalism
Cecil Rhodes British military commander who believed in expansion and founded the De Beers
Mining Company
Joseph Conrad This man wrote Heart of Darkness, where he criticized the Europeans in their
Henry Labouchière
A member of British Parliament who mocked Rudyard Kipling's poem
Robert Clive This man was a British soldier who established the military and political
supremacy of the East India Company in Southern India and Bengal. He is credited with securing
India, and the wealth that followed, for the British crown.
Warren Hastings
This man was the first governor of British Bengal
Ranjit Singh This man was the first Maharaja of the Sikh Empire in India
Rudyard Kipling
Sun Yatsen
British writer who wrote of "the white man's burden" and justified
This man was a radical Chinese reformer who sought to overthrow the
Income inequality / Standard of Living
There was an large inequality of income and
standard of living between Europe and the non-industrialized world because industrialization
itself opened the gap
World Markets / European foreign investment
back into Europe, and then into the US
Isolation & "Opening" of China and Japan
a forced opening for reasons of trace
Europe mainly invested most of its money
Isolation to protect against the corruptive west, and
British Opium Trade / Opium Wars The British had a war with the Chinese to make sure they
could sell their opium to china
Treaty of Nanking
A treaty with Britain and China that gave Hong Kong to Britain and
opened 4 cities for trade
1842 Western penetration of Egypt This was when the French left, and the British moved in
and invaded and captured Egypt
This was the equivalent of a king in Egypt
Suez Canal
An important canal to the British in Egypt
Egyptian Nationalist Party
A political party in Egypt that was formed under Ahmed Arabi
Migration: Who went where, and why? (demographics)
1/3 of European migrants came from
British Isles; less that ½ went to the US; most often a small peasant landowner/village craftsman;
left because they were threatened by industrialization; many returned to their homelands
Swallows / Repatriation
to either farm, or to stay
These were people who migrated to new lands, but then came back
Great White Walls
This was a policy of discriminatory laws designed to keep Asians out of
Scramble for Africa
This was an event where Europe tried to claim Africa as quickly as it
Boers / Afrikaners
These were Dutch settlers in south Africa
Congo exploitation
personal gain
This event was where king Leopold of Belgium exploited Congo for his
Berlin Conference of 1884-5 This event happened to set laws for colonization and claiming land
in Africa
"Effective Occupation"
This was the idea of occupying land so that a country could claim
Fashoda Crisis of 1898
This event occurred when both Britain and France wanted the town
of Fashoda; in the end, the British gained control of the town, because the French gave up
A battle between Muslim warriors and British machine gunners, a bloody
"New Imperialism"
The new idea that revitalized the period of expansion and gathering of
Justifications for Imperialism People justified imperialism by the concept of "white man's
burden," which stated that European should govern other because it was right and better for the
Social Darwinism
The twisted social idea that used the theory of evolution and applied to
"The White Man's Burden"
The justification of imperialism, this was created in Kipling's work
Responses to Imperialism: Traditionalist v. Modernist
Some people thought that we should
accept and learn from the people who were taking over our land, these being the modernists; and
other thought that we should completely try to get rid of them, these people being the
Founding of the British empire in India
influence and putting people in charge
Britain gained this territory by slowly asserting
Great Rebellion (Indian Mutiny)
This was a insurrection of Muslim and Hindi army officers
that spread through northern India before it was crushed. It was because of people trying to send
out the white army officers
Meiji Restoration of 1867
This was a replacement of the Japanese government with the
emperor, done so by samurai
Japanese "opening" of Korea The Japanese had a war with China and ended up gaining Korea,
which they opened to trade; Japan became an imperialist power
Sino-Japanese War
A war between China and Japan for influence, power, and territory
Russo-Japanese War A war between Russia and Japan for Port Arthur, and for more influence
in CHina
Qing Dynasty The two hundred year old Chinese dynast that was the last emperors of China
Boxer Rebellion
foreigners out
A rebellion of traditionalist Chinese people who wanted to throw the
China's Hundred Days of Reform
foreign challenge
A period of reform for china in the attempt to meet the
Open Door Policy
A policy in which US made formal annexation of China
Lawrence of Arabia
their Turkish lords
British military officer who incited the Arabs in Arabia to revolt against
Georges Clemenceau An effective and almost dictator-like leader of France, who would not take
defeat as an answer
Nicholas II
Last Tsar of Russia, he involved the Russians in WWI
Theobald von Bethman-Hollweg
without Britain
German chancellor who hoped for WWI to happen, but
Wilhelm II Mustafa Kemal the so called "father of the Turks," he founded what is now known
as Turkey and defended against British attack
Alfred von Schlieffen German who concocted the plan of "France for breakfast, Russia for
Franz Joseph The old leader of Austria in the years before WWI
Gravrilo Princip
A Serbian nationalist in the Black hand who killed Archduke Franz
Walther Rathenau
was a German industrialist, politician, writer, and statesman who served as
Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic.
Paul von Hindenburg This German, along with his partner Ludendorff, essentially ran Germany
during the end of the war
Erich Ludendorff
This German, along with his partner Hindenburg, essentially ran Germany
during the end of the war
Erich von Falkenhayn He was chief of the general staff during WWI for the Germans
Henri Pétain French military leader who assumed control of France and lead it out of the war
Douglas Haig was a British soldier and senior commander (field marshal) during World War I.
He commanded the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from 1915 to the end of the War. Most
notably he was commander during the Battle of the Somme, the 3rd Battle of Ypres and the
series of victories leading to the German surrender in 1918.
Robert Nievelle
He took command of one of the main French armies engaged in the Battle
of Verdun, leading it during its successful counter-strokes against the Germans, but was accused
of wasting French lives during some of his attacks. He became Commander-in-Chief of the
French armies on the Western Front in December 1916, and was criticised in that capacity for
not exploiting good opportunities to attack the Germans. He was responsible for the Nivelle
Offensive, which faced a very large degree of opposition during its planning stage. When the
offensive failed to achieve a breakthrough on the Western Front, Nivelle was replaced as
Commander-in-Chief in May 1917.
Woodrow Wilson
American president at the time of WWI who came up with 14 points
Rosa Luxembourg
German socialist revolutionary who was assassinated after the war
Serbian nationalist movement This was a movement to create a Serbian state and break from
Austria Hungary
First, Second, Third Balkan War
creating WWI
All of these were wars for nationalistic purposes, the third
Pan-Slavism A movement to create a nation state of Slavic people
Alliances 1873-1914 & German isolation Germany became more and more isolated because it
was aggressive and France had pursued many alliances against Germany, leaving Germany only
with Austria
Moroccan Crisis & Algeciras Conference 1906
This event showed that Germany was war
hungry and turned the British onto the side of the French
Development of Anglo-German rivalry & Naval arms race This rivalry developed because of
the increasing naval race, and because Germany was becoming increasingly militaristic
Triple Entente & Triple Alliance
The triple Entente was an alliance between France, Britain
and Russia, the Triple alliance was an alliance between Germany, Austria and Russia
Revanchisme The French idea of revenge for what Germany did in the Franco-Prussian war
the Schlieffen Plan
towards Russia
The plan that Germany would attack France quickly and then move
Why war was seen as a good thing in 1914 War was seen as a good thing because it would
cover up all of the problems that every country involved had going on at home
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand -- the Black Hand the serbs assassinated the archduke to make
a statement, and the Austrians got really pissed, because he was the next in line for the throne
and the guy on the throne then was old
Austrian "anti-nationalism" The Austrians tried to stop the nationalism of different people in
their country from tearing them apart, but it did not work
July Diplomacy - the Blank Check
full military backing in any war
This was given to Austria form Germany that guaranteed
Why war preparations were "unstoppable" War preparations were unstoppable because once
you started to prepare, you knew that your enemies were doing the same, and you could not stop,
because if you did, your enemies could attack you
Progress of the War WWI progressed so the Germans were winning at first, and then the
Americans came and kicked butt. It also was so pointless and full of death
Importance of Germany's campaign through Belgium
When Germany moved through
Belgium, it caused Britain to go on the side of the war with France.
Why the Western Front became stalemated The western front became stalemated because it was
full of trench warfare and needless death
Innovations in weaponry zeppelins, airplanes, gas, machine guns, tanks
ideas that really did not work very well
these things were new
Lusitania and Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
This ship was sunk with Americans on it,
and this action by the Germans was what ultimately caused the Americans to enter the war
"total war" & measures to prosecute it
This was the effort to completely involve every
person and aspect of the economy into the war
Problems of trench life
to die at any moment
the trench was dirty, wet, smelly, and full of death, and you waited
Battles of the Marne This battle was a French/British victory, because they stopped the German
Battle of Tannenberg This battle was a German victory against the Russian, the Russians were
Battle of Verdun
one of the costliest battles in WWI, was mainly useless and just people
Battle of the Somme Failed allied offensive that resulted in a lot of loss of life
A failed British offensive in Ottoman empire
Passchendaele a COMPLETELY worthless battle that resulted in millions dead
Nievelle's Offensive French offensive that resulted in an almost mutiny by the French military
German 1918 Offensive
the Russians
A last ditch attempt to beat the allies after the Germans defeated
Strains of the war on the Great Powers
many revolutions and restructuring
The strains lead to millions of people dead, and
Costs of the war -- monetary & human
today's money
the war lost 15 million lives and cost 196 billion in
The "Big Four"
The big 4 were US, Britain, France and Italy
Fourteen Points
These were part of Wilson's plan to end conflict
Germany had to pay billions of dollars in war reperations
national self-determination
leading them
The idea that people should determine who and what they want
Treaty of Versailles terms
These terms said that Germany had to pay money, that Germany
had to give up land, and that Germany had to keep its army size down