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 5th
planet from the sun
 It is an all gas planet
 It is a failed star
 It has taken many hits from comets and
 It
takes about 12 years to rotate the sun
 It has a diameter of 88,729 which is 11
times larger than Earth.
 Even though it is larger…it completely
rotates in 10 hours compared to
24 hours.
 It
is more than twice the size of all other
planets combined.
 The planet contains 71% of all the matter
in the Solar System excluding the sun
 It has differential rotation- this means that
its rotational rate is not constant from one
area to another…this would indicate that
Jupiter is not a solid planet!
 Jupiter
is made up of hydrogen, helium,
nitrogen, water, and trace amounts of
other gases.
 The
Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a storm
on the planet that has lasted for hundreds
of year.It is more than twice the size of
 The Great Red Spot could be referred to
as hurricane-like.
 Jupiter
now has 39 moons. Each year
scientist find new moons.
 The four largest moons are:
Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
 Io
is the most geologically active
body in the solar system
Volcanic lava flows constantly on IO
 Some of the hottest temperatures in
solar system occur here
 Close in size to Earth’s moon
 Surface
of io shows activity…looks like a
giant pizza. The different colors show
hotter and cooler volcanic as in the
picture below:
Another good picture of Io.
Io: One of Jupiter’s Moons
 Europa
is a frozen moon covered with
crisscrossing ice tracts
 It is believed to be 1 mile of ice with 50
miles of liquid water under it.
 Europa is smaller than Earth’s moon
 Largest
moon in the solar system
It is also larger than Mercury and Pluto
 Surface
is scarred with impact craters
Callisto is similar to Ganymede but a
little smaller
Dark moon
Callisto is about the size of Mercury
 Galileo
atmosphere probe was the first
probe to enter the atmosphere of Jupiter
in 1995. Survived for 1 hour and sent
back a lot of information
 6th
planet from the sun
 Equator diameter: 75,000 miles
 Believed to have a rocky core
 Known for its rings made of ice and rock
 Has 18 known moons
 The moon Titan is the size of Mercury
 7th
planet from the Sun
 Named after the father of Saturn
 Discovered in 1781. It was the first planet
discovered in 2000 years.
 Equator diameter: 32,000 miles
 It is tilted on its sides..north pole faces
 Has 17 moons
 Equator
diameter is 31000 miles
 Found in 1846
 It has an orbital period of 183 years
 It has not made one orbit around the sun
since it was found
 Discovered
in 1930
 Equator diameter: 1400 miles
 Its moon was discovered in 1978
 Its surface is frozen methane
 Its orbit is different than any other planet
 It takes 248 years to go around the sun