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Point Locations III
Comprehensive Point Location
Lung Channel of the Hand Taiyin
LU 1 Front Mu of Lung Level with 1st intercostal space 6 cun
Mtg pt of LU/SP
lateral to midline, 1 cun inferior to LU 2
Methods to locate:
1. Find 1st intercostal space.
Find midline, measure 6 cun
2. Have pt raise arm straight out and
parallel to ground.
Find hollow of delta/pec triangle.
Measure down 1 cun.
1 cun superior and slightly medial to LU 1
in hollow of delta-pectoral triangle.
LU 2
Can palpate when pt raises arm straight
out and parallel to the ground.
LU 3
Window of Sky
3 cun below tip of axillary fold, 6 cun
superior to cubital crease on upper arm,
groove between lateral border of biceps
brachii and shaft of humerus.
Transverse oblique, pointing
½ – 0.8 cun.
Caution: possible
pneumothorax w/deep
perpendicular needle
Transverse oblique, pointing
0.5 – 0.8 cun.
Caution: possible
pneumothorax w/deep
perpendicular needle
0.5 – 1 cun
Divide distance between axillary tip and
cubital crease into 1/3’s for most accurate
4 cun inferior to tip of axillary fold, 5 cun
superior to LU 5 at cubital crease. In
groove between lateral border of biceps
brachii and shaft of humerus.
LU 4
0.5 – 1 cun
Divide distance between axillary tip and
cubital crease into 1/3’s for most accurate
LU 5
He Sea
On cubital crease of elbow in the
depression to the radial side of the tendon
of the biceps brachii.
Slightly flex elbow to locate.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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0.8 – 1.2 cun
LU 6
Xi Cleft
On the flexor aspect of the forearm 5 cun
distal to LU 5, 7 cun prox to LU 9.
Inline between LU 5 – LU 9.
0.5 – 1 cun
Divide distance between LU 5 and LU 9
in half and go 1 cun proximal from here
for best measure. Should be a palpable
depression here.
LU 7
Luo Cnx
Confluent of Ren
Cmd head/nape
Radial aspect of forearm ~ 1.5 cun prox to
LI 5 between tendons of brachioradialis
and abductor pollicus longus.
Pinch to insert either with or
against the channel.
Transverse ½ - 1 cun
Slide fingertip from LI 5 proximal over
radius bump here and into the cleft
between the tendons.
Convenient, but not so accurate: hook your
opposite hand thumb into your patient’s with your
thumb in their palm. Your fingertip should fall
onto the point.
LU 8
Jing River
1 cun proximal to LU 9 in a line
connecting LU 5 and LU 9
Find the depression at the base of the
styloid process radius and the radial
artery. Point is between these 2.
LU 9
Shu Stream
Yuan Source
Hui of Vessels
At wrist joint in depression between radial
artery and tendon of abductor pollicus
longus (thumb tendon) on border of
pisiform bone.
Ying Spring
Level with Heart (HE) 7 point.
On thenar emminence, midway down the
shaft of the 1st metacarpal (thumb).
Jing Well
Locate the point on the border of the red
and white skin (or where skin changes
0.1 cun from radial corner of thumbnail
Note: there are several like this. To find, draw an
imaginary line along the bottom border of the nail
and another along the vertical border of the nail.
Intersection = 0.1 cun
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Oblique (proximally)
0.3 – 0.5 cun.
Caution: radial artery (take
about 5 min to stop bleeding
0.3 – 0.5 cun per Deadman
0.2 – 0.3 per CAMS
0.5 – 1 cun
Best to use acupressure or for
bleeding techniques.
Perpendicular or
Oblique (proximal)
0.1 – 0.2 cun
Or prick to bleed
Large Intestine of the Hand Yangming
LI 1
LI 2
LI 3
Jing Well
Ying Spring
Shu Stream
0.1 cun from radial corner of index
Radial edge of 1st phalanx of index finger
just distal to the knuckle of the MCP joint
in a depression on the line where the skin
changes color/texture.
Perpendicular or obl
0.1 – 0.2 cun
Prick to bleed.
Obl (prox or dist), 0.2 – 0.3
Find/needle with hand in a loose fist.
Perp-obl toward palm, ½ cun.
Radial edge of MC 2, just proximal to the
MCP joint in a depression on the line
where the skin changes color/texture.
Perpendicular ½ - 0.8 cun
Find/needle with hand in a loose fist.
LI 4
Yuan Source pt of Mid point of the 2nd MC bone, inbetween
the 1st and 2nd MC, but slightly closer to
Command pt
the 2nd MC.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Contra: preggers. Induces
LI 4 + LV 3 = 4
LI 5
Jing River
In the anatomical snuffbox. Stretch the
palm flat and stretch the thumb as far
toward the back of the hand as possible.
Feel the depression between the base of
the thumb and the wrist.
Perpendicular ½ - 0.8 cun
Don’t needle too proximally!
Feel for the hollow.
Caution: avoid cephalic vein.
LI 6
Luo Connecting
One quarter of the distance from LI 5-11
(3 cun proximal to LI 5) and inline
between them.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
LI 7
Xi Cleft
5 cun proximal to LI 5, inline between
LI 5-11.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
For most accurate location, use a measure
to find ½ distance between LI 5-11.
Locate point 1 cun distal to here.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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LI 8
Note: LI 8-10 are
all 1 cun apart!!!
Note: LI 8-10 are
all 1 cun apart!!!
Note: LI 8-10 are
all 1 cun apart!!!
He Sea
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Use a measure to find the ¼ mark between
the two points.
2 cun distal to LI 11, inline between LI 5
and LI 11.
LI 10
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Use a measure to find the ¼ mark between
the two points, go 1 cun distal to this.
3 cun distal to LI 11, inline between LI 5
and LI 11.
LI 9
LI 11
4 cun distal to LI 11, inline between LI 5
and LI 11.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Either find LI 11 and LI 8 and divide
distance in ½ or find LI 9 and go proximal
by 1 cun.
At the lateral end of the cubital crease.
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
With elbow fully flexed:
Find the lateral tip of the crease.
With the elbow only partially flexed:
Locate LU 5 and prominence of lateral
epicondyle of the humerus. Point is ½
distance between these 2 points.
LI 12
Flex the elbow to 90 °. Palpate the lateral
epicondyle of the humerus and the
humeral shaft. Run finger down the
humeral shaft until you feel the curve
begin. Locate LI 12 here.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
LI 13
3 cun proximal to LI 11 (6 cun distal to tip Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
of axillary crease), inline between LI 11
and LI 15.
Measure proportionally or use hand cun.
LI 14
Lateral side of the upper arm in a
depression formed by the distal insertion
of the deltoid muscle. Tense muscle to see
more easily. Inline between LI 11 and 15.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Obl 1 – 1½ cun
LI 15
Depression anterior/inferior to the
acromion – at the origin of the deltoid.
Trans-obl, 0.8 – 1 ½ cun
Hold the arm out in “airplane” to see the
depression more easily. Change your
angle of vision to see it if necessary
Upper aspect of the shoulder in a
depression medial to the acromion
process. Between the lateral extremity of
the clavicle and the scapular spine.
LI 16
1 cun inferior to LI 18 on the posterior
border of SCM.
LI 17
LI 18
Window of Sky
Between sternal and clavicular heads of
SCM, level with the laryngeal
Turn pts head, hold your hand on their
chin and have them resist slightly to make
the muscle more visible.
LI 19
On the face, ½ cun lateral to the midline
of the philtrum, level with the border
between the upper 1/3 and lower 2/3 of
the philtrum.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun.
Caution: risk of pnths with
deep perpendicular or medial
0.3 – 0.5 cun
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: carotid a. and jugular
v. are both deep to here.
Carotid artery is under very
high pressure here. Hard to
stop bleeding, will bruise.
Perpendicular or obl-trans up
to 1 cun.
Contra: moxa per ancient txts.
NOTE: LI channel crosses the midline of
the body, so for the left side points 1-18,
LI 19 would be on the right side!
LI 20
In naso-labial groove level with the
midpoint of the lateral edge of the ala nasi
(wing of the nostril).
Trans, directed mediosuperiorly, 0.3 – ½ cun
Contra: moxa.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Stomach Channel of the Foot Yangming
ST 1
Loc’d mid between inner and outer
canthus between pupil of eyeball and
infraorbital ridge.
Method 1:
Have patient look straight ahead, go
down between infraorbital ridge and
Method 2:
Find the midline between the inner and
outer canthus. Find infraorbital
ridge/eyeball space.
ST 2
Directly below midline of eye (below
pupils when looking straight ahead) in
the depression of the infraorbital foramen
on the infraorbital ridge.
Inline with ST 1 and ST 3
ST 3
Level with the lower wing of the ala nasi
on the lateral side of the naso-labial
Below ST 1-2 and often (though not
always) inline with them. Have patient
smile to find the groove if needed.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Have pt look upward w/eyes
closed. Use a dry cotton ball
to push eyeball upwards and
away from insertion point.
0.2 – ½ cun
Contra/Cautions about
needling near the eyeball:
 Moxa contraindic’d
(smoke and burns)
 Use strict CNT practices
 Communicate w/pt
 Risk of hematoma – use
short/thin needles
 Don’t manip/retain.
 Press 1 min when
w/draw, have pt press addit
2-3 minutes.
Perpendicular (very
superficial), 0.2 – 0.4 cun
 Moxa is contraindicated
 No lift/thrust
manipulation due to
possible damage to the
infraorbital nerve
 Deep insertion could
injure eyeball (though
possibility is slim)
Perpendicular , ½ – 0.8 cun
ST 4
ST 5
Don’t get this too
ST 6
ST 7
0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth.
Perpendicular, 0.2 – 0.3 cun
Generally in line with ST 1-3, but not
always. Should be in the naso-labial
Transverse/oblique toward
another feature (usually ST
6), ½ – 0.8 cun
½ cun above the lower border of the
mandible bone just anterior to the
masseter muscle attachment here.
Oblique, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: artery located here.
Clench teeth to find, relax to needle.
Ghost point
(Sun Simiao)
On the highest point (prominence) of the
masseter muscle, 1 finger’s breadth
anterior/superior to the angle of the jaw –
about 45° angle from the corner of the
Don’t get this one jaw.
too high either.
Clench teeth to find, relax to needle.
Located below the zygomatic arch,
usually just anterior to the auditory
opening of the ear.
Perpendicular, 0.3 – 0.5 cun
Transverse toward another
Perpendicular and slightly
inferior, ½ – 1 cun
1. Find the depression just in front of
the ear in the zygomatic arch (ridge
of cheekbone as it approaches the ear.
2. Have pt open mouth, should feel a
bone pop into this depression.
ST 8
Corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to
Du 24, 0.5 cun within anterior hairline.
Small depression here.
Method 1:
1. Find the corner of the hairline
2. Go back 0.5 cun within anterior hairline.
Method 2:
1. Double the distance from GB 15 to Du 24
2. Go lateral by this distance from Du 24.
Method 3:
1. 4.5 cun (5 fingers) from midline of hairline
(remember it’s 3 cun from Yintang up to
2. 0.5 cun posterior into hairline.
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Oblique or transverse
½ – 1 cun, into the 4th layer
of the scalp in loose cnx
Contraindication: Moxa.
ST 9
Window of sky
On the neck level with the laryngeal
prominence (tip of Adam’s Apple) on the
anterior border of the SCM
(sternocleidomastoid muscle)
Have patient turn head to see this more
easily. If you still can’t see it, put your
fingers against their chin and have them
resist against you.
ST 10
Find ST 11 first!!
On neck, anterior border of the sternal
head of the SCM, midway between ST 9
and ST 11…but not inline with them.
The 3 of them make a shallow triangle.
Have patient turn their head to the side
while you apply resistance to the chin to
make this area more prominent.
At the root of neck in the depression
located just above the collar bone in the
triangle formed by the sternal and
clavicular heads of the SCM muscle.
ST 11
Have pt turn their head to the side to see
this triangular depression.
ST 12
Meeting pt of ST,
LI, SI, SJ, GB!!
Midpoint of the clavicle on the upper
border in the supraclavicular fossa.
Know this! Can
stim many areas
w/o adding more
(Note: this is how you find the mamillary
line which you will need for stomach
points on the upper trunk)
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Contraindication: Moxa
contra’d. Burns infect, carotid
artery moves it thru the body.
Caution: Carotid artery
located here. Palpate for it
then use the pressing method
to hold it aside when you
Perpendicular, 0.3 – ½ cun
Contraindication: Moxa
contra’d. Burns infect, carotid
artery moves it thru the body.
Caution: Carotid artery
located here. Palpate for it
then use the pressing method
to hold it aside when you
Perpendicular, 0.3 – ½ cun
 Small artery here
 Deep insertion = risk
of pneumothorax
Safest: Transverse 
posterior toward trapezius
muscle, ½ – 1 cun
Not so safe: Perpendicular,
0.3 – ½ cun
Contraindicated = preggers!
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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ST 13
On mamillary line. Directly below ST 12
just below the inferior border of the
Transverse, aiming toward
manifestation, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: Deep perpendicular
insert = risk of pneumothorax
and/or injury to subclavian
ST 14
ST 15
Middle of the 1st intercostal space on the
mamillary line
Transverse, aiming toward
manifestation, 0.3 – ½ cun
Note that the intercostal spaces curve
upward as they go lateral
Caution: Deep perpendicular
insert = risk of pneumothx.
Middle of the 2nd intercostal space on
mamillary line.
Transverse, aiming toward
manifestation, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: Deep perpendicular
insert = risk of pneumothx.
Middle of the 3rd intercostal space on the
mamillary line
ST 16
Transverse, aiming toward
manifestation, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: Deep perpendicular
insert = risk of pneumothx.
ST 17
Landmark point
ST 18
Technically in the middle of the 4th
intercostal space, but always located in
the center of the nipple regardless of
where that falls.
Contraindicated for
everything – this is a
landmark only.
Middle of the 5th intercostal space, on
Transverse, aiming toward
mamillary line. Might need to push breast manifestation, 0.3 – ½ cun
up on women to find this intercostal.
Caution: Deep perpendicular
Some books say is in 5th intercostal just
insert = risk of pneumothx.
below nipple…ain’t necessarily so.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Stomach 19-25
Stomach 19-25 are all upper abdominal
points. Lie on a different line than 13-18
– located 2 cun from the midline.
To find 2 cun you can do any of these:
1. Measure with finger cun – least
2. Measure ½ way between
mamillary line and the midline.
Probably the best.
3. On a muscular patient with 6pack abs look for the ridge.
ST 19
ST 20
Location for these points
works like this:
1. Find the center of the
umbilicus and the sternal
costal angle. Distance
between these = 8 cun.
2. Divide the distance in
half. 4 cun. This is ST 21.
3. Divide the upper half
again – 2 cun. This is ST
4. Divide the lower half into
halves – this is ST 23.
5. ST 25 is on either side of
the umbilicus.
Other points (even points) lie
exactly inbetween.
2 cun lateral to midline. Locate as
described above, locate ST 21 first, then
ST 19
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
See location notes above and locate
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Caution: Deep insertion may
injure heart (left), liver (right)
if either organ enlarged.
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needle can puncture
peritoneal cavity. Can
penetrate liver on right side if
ST 21
See location notes above and locate
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needle can puncture
peritoneal cavity. Can
penetrate liver on right side if
ST 22
See location notes above and locate
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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ST 23
See location notes above and locate
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
See location notes above and locate
ST 24
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
ST 25
Front Mu point of 2 cun lateral to center of umbilicus
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
NOTE: ST 26 – 30
ST 26 – 30 are lower abdomen points.
Cun measures here are larger than the
thumb width, so use proportional
3. Find the location by
dividing the distance
a. Divide the
distance between
the umbilicus
1. Palpate for top margin of the pubic
mark and the top
bone. Be sure you communicate well
margin of the
with your patient, telling them what
pubic bone in half.
you’re palpating for, what these
This is a reference
points will do for them, etc.
2. Find the center of the umbilicus
b. ST 27: Go ½ cun
ST 26 through ST 30 are located 2
above the middle
cun lateral to this line on both sides of
mark in 3a.
the body.
c. ST 26: Go ½ way
a. ST 29: Go ½ way between ST
between ST 27
30 and ST 28.
and ST 25.
d. ST 28: Go ½ cun
below the middle
mark in 3a.
e. ST 30: Top
margin of the
pubic bone, 2 cun
lateral from the
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ST 26
See location notes above
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
ST 27
See location notes above
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
ST 28
ST 29
ST 30
See location notes above
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
KNOW: Indicated for abdominal edema
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
See location notes above
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
KNOW: Indicated for irregular
Caution: In thin subjects deep
needling can puncture
peritoneal cavity.
Level with superior border of pubic
symphysis, 2 cun off of midline
Perpendicular, ½ - 1 cun
Contraindication: Moxa!
Caution: Deep insert superior
direction can = penetration
peritoneal cav or full bladder.
On men, can penetrate
spermatic cord.
ST 31
Located on upper thigh.To find:
1. Find ASIS and lower border of pubic
2. Draw a line down from ASIS and
over from pubic symphysis.
Intersection is ST 31.
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Perpendicular, 1-2 cun
ST 32
Perpendicular, 1-2 cun
1. Draw a line from ST 31 or from ASIS
 lateral superior corner of patella.
2. Locate point 6 cun above superior
border of patella on this line.
Locate 32-24 with knee flexed
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
ST 33
Easy to locate,
but often
mistaken on
ST 34
Locate 32-34 with knee flexed
Xi Cleft point of
On same line as ST 31 and 32, 3 cun
above superior border of patella or 1 cun
above ST 34.
Locate 32-24 with knee flexed
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
Three methods to locate this:
1. Three fingers to 2 cun measure
2. Best: Measure length of knee cap (2
cun) with fingers. Go up above
superior border this distance then
rotate fingers 45 degrees laterally.
3. Locate point in bulge of vastus
ST 35
Locate with knee flexed
Level with lower border of patella and
lateral to the ligament, yet lower than
where the patella is.
Oblique towards middle/back
of popliteal crease (UB 40),
1 – 1½ cun
Insertion into joint capsule
This ligament looks like an ox’s nose
carries risk of infection to
where you’d put the ring through. Use the capsule.
top depression here, not the lower one.
Note: Extrapoint called Xiyan is in the
same place, but both lateral and medial,
so ST 35 overlaps.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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ST 36
He Sea of ST
Lower HeSea of ST
Command pt
(earth point)
3 cun inferior to ST 35 and lateral to the
crest of the tibia by 1 finger’s breadth.
Use index or middle finger.
1 – 1½ cun
3 ways to locate this:
1. Most reliable:
Three cun below ST 35. Use
proportional method or hand cun to
2. Run finger up the lateral side of the
crest of the tibia until you hit the flare
level with the lower border of the
tuberosity of the tibia. Measure 1
finger width lateral to the crest of the
Highlights to know
1. Makes sure ST 35 is
2. One fingerwidth lateral to
crest of tibia.
3. Know locating methods
3. Measure from ST 38 to the popliteal
crease and divide distance in half to
get 4 cun. Measure 1 cun proximal. 1
finger width lateral to the crest of the
ST 37
Lower He Sea pt
of LI
Lower leg, 3 cun inferior to ST 36, 2 cun
above ST 38.
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
1. Find ST 38. (see below)
2. Divide the distance between ST
38 and the popliteal crease level
into ½ and into ½ again to get 2
cun above ST 38.
3. Use middle or index finger to
measure 1 finger breadth lateral to
anterior crest of tibia. This is ST
ST 38
Half of the distance between the popliteal
crease and the prominence of the lateral
malleolus. 1 finger’s width lateral to the
crest of the tibia.
Use a measuring tape or string to get this
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Perpendicular, 1 – 2 cun
You can also thread from
here to UB 57 (at the back of
the calf near the base of the
calf muscles)
ST 39
Lower He Sea pt
of SI
Located 1 cun below ST 38. See measure
techniques for ST 38 above.
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
Be sure to go one finger’s breadth lateral
to anterior crest of the tibia.
ST 40
Luo connecting
pt of ST
Level with ST 38. See location notes
Perpendicular, 1 – 1½ cun
2 finger’s breadth lateral to the anterior
crest of the tibia.
ST 41
Jing River point
of ST
Fire point of ST
On the ankle, level with the prominence
of the lateral malleolus.
1. Slightly dorsa-flex the foot to see
the depression here. There are 3
major tendons here: tibialis
anterior (most medial), extensor
hallicus longus (going to the big
toe), and extensor digitorum
longus (most lateral - goes to
remaining 4 toes).
2. Find the depression between
extensor hallicus longus and
digitorum longus at the bend of
the ankle. This is ST 41
ST 42
Yuan Source for
Hard to find
ST 43
Shu Stream
(Wood pt)
Located on dorsum of foot in a
depression formed where the 2nd and 3rd
metatarsals meet the cuneiform bones.
1. Find the depression between the
2nd and 3rd metatarsals.
2. Slide your finger proximally and
find the end of the depression.
3. Keep going proximal and feel for
a depression on the other side of
the flare of the metatarsals.
Perpendicular , ½ – 1 cun
Caution: anterior tibial
vessels/nerve lie deep to this
Perpendicular, 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: dorsalis pedis artery
here. Feel for it, use pressing
technique to needle.
Located between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal
Perpendicular, 0.3 – ½ cun
bones in a depression just proximal to the
knuckles of the toes below the flare of the
boens of the metatarsals.
Curl the toes to see the knuckles easily.
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ST 44
Ying Spring
(water point)
Located between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal
bones in the depression just distal to the
knuckles of the toes.
Perpendicular, ½ – 1 cun
Curl the toes to see the knuckles easily.
ST 45
Jing Well
(metal point)
Located on the lateral bottom corner of
the 2nd toenail.
Perpendicular, 0.1 – 0.2 cun
Alternatively, prick to bleed.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
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Spleen Channel of the Foot Taiyin
SP 1
Jing Well
Ghost point
Medial/dorsal aspect of big toe 0.1 cun
from the corner of the nail.
Perp or oblique 0.1 cun
Moxa is appropriate as well.
Draw a line down the medial aspect of
the nail and another across the lower
border of the nail. The intersection is the
SP 2
Ying Spring
Medial side of the big toe in a depression
distal/inferior to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, almost on the bottom of
the bone.
1. Curl the toes to see the knuckle,
uncurl to locate.
2. Slide fingertip distally over the side
of the ball of the foot to find the
3. On the border where skin changes
Perp 0.3 - ½ cun
SP 3
Shu Stream
Yuan Source
Medial inferior side of the foot in the
depression proximal to the head of the
first metatarsal bone (almost under the
1. Find the ball of the foot by curling
the toes.
2. Slide your fingertip proximally over
the side of the ball of the foot to find
the depression.
3. Locate the point on the border where
skin changes color/texture.
Perp ½ – 1 cun
SP 4
Confluent Pt
of the
Medial side of foot in depression
distal/inferior to the base of the first
Perp ½ – 1 cun
1. Palpate along the shaft under the foot
to feel. Beware of the deeper
depression and see if it goes all the
way up to the top of the foot—if so,
you’re too proximal and you’re on
the MT joint.
2. Locate the point on the border where
the skin changes texture/color
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 17
SP 5
Jing River
Anterior and inferior to the medial
Perp 0.3 – ½ cun
1. Observe first – look for the bulge and
the depression here.
2. Draw a line along the anterior border
of the prominence of the medial
malleolus and the inferior border of
the medial malleolus.
3. Locate the point on the intersection of
these lines in the depression that you
will find here.
SP 6
Meeting point of
the SP, LIV, and
KI channels
On medial aspect of lower leg just
posterior to the medial crest of the tibia,
3 cun superior to the prominence of the
medial malleolus.
Perp 1-1½ cun
Contraindicated for preggers!
While proportional measure is more
accurate, it’s 15cun from medial mal to
the popliteal crease…if you can do 20%
of this, bully for you, if not, use hand cun
On medial aspect of the lower leg, 6 cun
proximal to the tip of the medial
malleolus. Locate the point just posterior
to the medial crest of the tibia.
SP 7
Perp 1-1½ cun
Locate this point in relation to SP 6 1 hand-breadth superior to it.
SP 8
Xi Cleft of SP
Medial leg 3 cun inferior to SP 9 in a
depression just posterior to the medial
crest of the tibia. Might be slightly more
anterior than SP 9 due to the curvature of
the bone.
To locate:
1. Locate SP 9 first, then distal by 1
2. Alternately, divide 15cun between
pop crease and the medial mal into
1/3’s and locate this point at the
border between the top 1/3 and
bottom 2/3’s.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 18
Perp 1-1½ cun
SP 9
He Sea Point of
Medial side of lower leg in a depression
at the angle formed by the medial
condyle of the tibia and the posterior
border of the tibia.
Perp 1 – 1½ cun
Run finger in the groove posterior to
tibia’s medial border until you find the
point where the bone curves back. Point
is located in the depression here. (FYI,
located at same level as GB 34)
Two cun proximal to the superior border
of the patella on the medial side on the
bulge of the vastus medialis.
SP 10
#1 point for
and move blood,
skin problems.
“To treat wind,
treat the blood.”
Locate this point like ST 34 – flex the
knee, then use the kneecap as a measure,
go above the superior border of the
patella this much, rotate medially by 45
Medial side of thigh, 6 cun proximal to
SP 10 inline with SP 10 - SP 12.
SP 11
To locate, find SP 10, go 6 cun proximal.
Alternately, find the ½ way distance
between SP 12 and the popliteal crease.
SP 12
Meeting point of
SP & LV with
Yin Linking
Not commonly
Not strong
Perp 1 – 1½ cun
3.5 cun lateral to Ren 2 (top margin of
the pubic symphysis level with ST 30,
but on the anterior midpoint) or 1.5 cun
lateral to ST 30 on the lateral side of the
femoral artery.
1. Locate upper border of pubic
symphysis at the level of the anterior
midline of the body. Go lateral 3.5
cun from here.
2. Locate the pulse of the femoral artery
on this line.
3. Locate SP 12 immediately lateral in
the depression
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Page 19
Perp ½ – 1 cun
Caution: deep needling can
puncture the femoral artery
Perp ½ – 1 cun
Caution: deep needle
medially may puncture the
femoral artery while deep
needling laterally can
puncture the femoral nerve!
SP 13
Meeting pt of SP
& LIV with Yin
Lower ab, .7 cun superior, ½ cun lateral
to SP 12, 4 cun lateral to the midline of
the body.
To locate, find SP 12. Measure 1 cun
diagonally (lateral and superior). This
should be about right. Verify that you are
4 cun lateral to the midline (on the same
vertical level as the mamillary line)
SP 14
SP 15
SP 16
Perp 1-1½ cun
Possible peritoneal puncture
with deep needling in thin
(NOT part of
SP/LIV meeting
with Yin
Linking…will be
on test!)
Lower ab, 1.3 cun inferior to SP 15,
4 cun from midline (on mamillary line).
Meeting pt of SP
& LIV with Yin
4 cun lateral to the center of the
umbilicus. (In the depression at the
lateral border of the rectus abdominis
muscle … on the mamillary line)
Perp ½ – 1 cun
Meeting pt of SP
with Yin Linking
On ab 3 cun superior to SP 15 and 4 cun
lateral to the midline on lateral border of
rectus abdominis muscle, aka on the
mamillary line
Perp ½ – 1 cun
Shen says measure to 1.25 cun and that
should be fine.
SP 17 – 20 are 6 cun lateral to anterior
midline, inline with LU 1 and 2. Needle
all of them transverse with intercostal
spaces ½ – 0.8 cun deep. Guide needle
towards manifestations that need help.
To find the 6 cun mark from the midline
1. Find LU 1 - 2 and use this line
2. 8 fingers from anterior midline
3. Find mamillary line and go 2 cun
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Page 20
Perp 1-1½ cun
Can punc peritoneal cav in
thin patients if deep needle.
1. Possible peritoneal cav
punc in thins.
2. Enlarged liver or spleen at
this level
1. Possible peritoneal cav
punc in thins.
2. Enlarged liver or spleen at
this level
SP 17
Lateral side of chest, 5th intercostal space,
6 cun to midline. (5th intercostal is often
about the bra-line on women…4th
intercostal is usually the nipple line on
Trans-obl, ½ – 0.8 cun either
lateral or medial
Caution: perp insert = risk of
Lateral side of chest, 4th intercostal space, Trans-obl, ½ – 0.8 cun either
6 cun to midline.
lateral or medial
SP 18
Caution: perp insert = risk of
Lateral side of chest, 3rd intercostal
space, 6 cun to midline.
SP 19
Trans-obl, ½ – 0.8 cun either
lateral or medial
Caution: perp insert = risk of
Lateral side of chest, 2nd intercostal
space, 6 cun to midline.
SP 20
Trans-obl, ½ – 0.8 cun either
lateral or medial
Caution: perp insert = risk of
SP 21
Great Luo
Connecting of the
Located on the mid-axillary line (from
Trans-obl along intercostal
front edge of armpit crease to back edge), space ½ – 1 cun
level with the 6th or 7th intercostal space
Caution: perp insert = risk of
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 21
Heart Channel of the Hand Shaoyin
HT 1
HT 2
Depression at center of axilla.
Perpendicular ½ – 1 cun
To locate:
Method 1
 Find deepest point of armpit
(hollow of axilla)
Method 2 (more accurate)
 Find anterior and posterior ends of
the axillary fold.
 Use a measure to get the distance
between the 2 and divide it in half.
1. Avoid the axillary artery.
2. Pneumothorax with deep
medial insert.
3 cun proximal to the medial end of the
transverse cubital crease, in the groove
between the medial side of the biceps
brachii and the humeral shaft.
Perpendicular ½ – 1 cun
To locate:
 Locate with elbow flexed
 Find the medial end of the
transverse cubital crease.
 Measure proximally 3 cun using
hand measure (or measuring tool,
dividing axillary crease end to med
cub crease end into 3rds).
 Locate the point at this line in the
groove between the humeral shaft
and the medial border of the biceps
Note: LU 3-4 and LI 13 are on the lateral
border of the biceps brachii. Also, this is
generally in line between HT 3 and HT 1,
but more important to locate the point in
the groove between humerus and biceps.
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Page 22
Great point for blurry vision
due to the cnx between heart
and eyes.
HT 3
He Sea point
Medial end of the transverse cubital
crease when the elbow is fully flexed.
Perpendicular ½ – 1 cun
To locate:
Elbow slightly flexed:
 Midway between end of cubital
crease and the bump of the humeral
Elbow fully flexed:
 Medial edge of the transverse
cubital crease.
HT 4
Jing River point
Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.5
cun proximal to HT 7.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
To locate, first find HT 7, measure
proximally 1.5 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5
cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7.
HT 5
Luo Connecting
Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1
cun proximal to HT 7.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
To locate, find HT 7 first, measure
proximally by 1 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5
cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7.
HT 6
Xi Cleft point
Radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5
cun proximal to HT 7.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
To locate, find HT 7 first, measure
proximally by 0.5 cun.
Note: Ht 4-7 are all located inline. 1.5
cun total between Ht 4 and Ht 7.
HT 7
Shu-Stream and
At the wrist joint on the transverse crease
that runs through the pisiform bone. On
the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris in
the depression at the proximal border of
the pisiform bone.
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Page 23
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
Ulnar nerve and artery lie
adjacent to this point.
HT 8
Ying Spring point
Between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones
where the tip of the pinkie rests when you
make a fist.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
Usually located between the two
transverse palmar creases.
HT 9
Jing-Well point
Dorsal aspect of pinkie on the radial
corner of the fingernail.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 24
Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2 cun
Small Intestine Channel of the Hand Taiyang
SI 1
Jing-Well point
Ulnar corner of pinkie fingernail, opposite
side from HT 9.
Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2 cun
SI 2
Ying-Spring point Ulnar border (where skin changes
Perpendicular 0.2 – 0.3 cun
color/txture) of little finger in a depression
just distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal
Make a loose fist and palpate for the
depression – it’s usually right at the end of
the crease.
(You locate LI 2 this same basic way.)
SI 3
SI 4
Perpendicular 0.3 – 0.8 cun
Shu-Stream point
Confluent pt of
Du vessel
Ulnar border of hand where skin changes
color in a big depression proximal to the
head of the 5th metacarpal bone.
Du = Governing
Make a loose fist and it’s easier to find.
Ulnar border of the hand where the skin
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun.
changes colors in a depression between
the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the
triquetral bone.
Needle it with hand in a loose
fist also.
Just distal to triquetral bone.
SI 5
Jing-River point
On the transverse crease of the wrist in the Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
depression between the head of the ulna
and the triquetral bone.
SI 6
Xi Cleft point
Dorsal aspect of the head of the ulna in a
cleft level with and to the radial side of
the high point of the styloid process of the
To locate:
Have patient lie hand flat on a table or on
their leg. Place the point of your finger on
the styloid high point of the ulna just
below the dorsal crease of their wrist.
Have patient rotate wrist so the flat of
their palm lies on their chest. Your finger
should fall into a depression that is SI 6.
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Page 25
Perpendicular ½ – 0.8 cun
Indicated for—
1) eye degeneration due
to aging.
2) Headaches
3) Acute lower back pain
4) Shoulder joint pain
such as bursitis or
SI 7
Inline with SI-5 and SI-8, 5 cun proximal
to SI-5.
Perpendicular ½ – 1 cun
(5 to 5…just like LI 7 is 5 to 7. Both are 5
cun proximal to transverse crease of
SI 8
He-Sea point
SI 9
SI 10
Meeting of SI and
BL with Yin
Linking and Yang
SI 11
SI 12
Meeting of SI, LI,
Funny bone point…
In depression between the tip of the
olecranon process of the ulna and the tip
of the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
1 cun superior to the posterior tip of the
axillary crease when the shoulders are
dropped and the arms are at the sides
Perpendicular 1-1½ cun
Depression directly below the acromion
on the lateral side of the scapular spine.
This point should be directly above the
posterior tip of the axillary crease.
Perpendicular 1-1½ cun
In a depression on the infrascapular angle
line. To find this point:
1. Locate the mid point of the lower
border of the scapular spine
2. Locate the posterior border of the
3. Draw a line between these two
points and divide into thirds. SI 11
is located at the meeting point of
the upper 1/3 and the lower 1/3.
Perpendicular or oblique
toward manifestation ½ -1½
In the suprascapular fossa at the mid point
of the upper border of the scapular spine.
Locate the point just above the bone.
Perpendicular ½ - 1cun
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 26
Ulnar nerve lies deep to the
“Zap” isn’t Qi here! It’s the
ulnar nerve! Pull out a bit,
change direction and no
damage if you do this quickly.
Caution: pneumothorax
SI 13
SI 14
SI 15
Depression at the medial end of and
superior to the scapular spine. To locate,
find the medial border of the scapula.
Should be about midway between SI 10
and the spinous process of T2.
Perpendicular or oblique
toward the scapula ½ - 0.8
3 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of T1 (Du 13) on or near
the medial border of the scapula.
Oblique  scapula ½ - 1 cun
2 cun lateral to Du 14 (lower border of C7
spin process
Oblique scapula ½ - 1 cun
Risk of pneumothorax if point
is angled to medially.
Caution: pneumothorax
Caution: pneumothorax
SI 16
Window of Sky
On lateral aspect of neck level with
laryngeal prominence. Locate the point on
this level on posterior border of SCM.
(in horizontal line with ST 9 on anterior
border and LI 18 between the two heads
of the SCM)
Perpendicular 0.3-0.8 cun
SI 17
Window of Sky
In a depression between the angle of the
jaw and the anterior border of the SCM.
Point is level with the angle of the
Perpendicular 0.3-0.8
SI 18
Meeting of SI and
Directly below the outer canthus of the
eye and on the inferior border of the
zygomatic bone.
Perpendicular 0.3 - ½ cun
SI 19
Contra: moxa
Meeting of SI, SJ, Just anterior to the tragus of the ear (or the Perpendicular ½ - 1cun
lower tragus if the pt has 2 of them) and
posterior to the condyloid process of the
Note: with the mouth open there’s a
depression. Locate and needle with the
mouth open, then pt can close jaw.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 27
Bladder Channel of the Foot Taiyang
Bl 1
Bl 2
Mtg of all
Yang but LI
with Du, Yin
Qiao, Yang
Depression just above inner canthus
All “eyeball” acupuncture
Directly above inner canthus at
Pinch, transverse insertion
supraorbital notch. Usually at medial end
either 1) laterally or 2) toward
of eyebrow (watch out for unibrow types!) Yuyao extrapoint.
0.3 – 1 cun
-or – Prick to bleed
Bl 3
Directly superior to BL 2/inner canthus, ½
cun into the anterior hairline and level
with Du-24
Upward toward vertex or
downward toward eye,
depending on whether the
patient is prone or supine.
Transverse ½ - 1 cun into 4th
Contra to moxa
Bl 4
½ cun into anterior hairline and level with
BL 3, following hairline. 1½ cum lateral
to Du 24/midline.
Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
Can also be measured laterally as 1/3 of
the distance between ST 8 and DU 24.
Bl 5
1 cun into anterior hairline, inline between Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
BL 4 and BL 8. 1½ cun lateral to midline. cun
Contra to moxa
Bl 6
2.5 cun into anterior hairline, inline
between BL 4 and BL 8. 1½ cun lateral to
Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
Contra to moxa
Bl 7
4 cun into anterior hairline, inline with BL
4 and BL 8. 1 ½ cun lateral to midline.
Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
Use Du 20 as a reference at 5 cun into
hairline and on the midline.
Contra to moxa
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 28
Bl 8
5½ cun into anterior hairline on same line
as BL 4 – BL 47
Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
Use Du 20 at 5 cun into hairline and on
midline as a reference.
Bl 9
1.3 cun lateral to DU 17 (which is located
in the dperession just superior to the
occipital protuberance on the midline) in a
Transverse (15-30°), 0.3 – ½
To locate:
1. Slide finger up back of neck at
2. Feel base of skull and go up to “shelf”
3. Just over the shelf is a depression and
Du 17
4. Go lateral to Du 17 by 1.3 cun and
feel for the depression for BL 9
In vertical line with BL 10 also.
Bl 10
Window of
At insertioin of trapezius muscle on the
back of the neck ½ cun superior to the
back hairline. It’s about 2 cun down from
BL 9 and at the same lateral level, about
1.3 cun from midline.
Perp, ½ - 0.8 cun.
1st (1.5 cun lat) and 2nd (3 cun lat to mid)
Bladder lines begin here.
All are level with the tip of the lower border of the
spinous processes, also level with the Du points.
Bl 11
Hui Meeting
point of Bone
Level with T1, 1½ cun lateral to midline.
Trans/obl  spine, ½ - 1 cun.
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 12/41
(wind gate,
but not really
a category)
BL 12: Level with T2, 1½ cun lateral to
Bl 12: Trans/obl  spine, ½ 1 cun.
BL 41: Level with T2, 3 cun lateral to
Bl 41: Trans/obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
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Page 29
Bl 13/42
Back Shu of
BL 13: Level with T3, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 13: Trans/obl  spine,
½ to 1 ½ cun
BL 42: Level with T3, 3 cun lateral to
BL 42: Trans obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 14/43
Back Shu of
BL 14: Level with T4, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 14: Trans/obl  spine, ½
to 1½ cun
BL 43: Level with T4, 3 cun lateral to
BL 43: Trans/obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution : pneumothorax
Bl 15/44
Back Shu of
BL 15: Level with T5, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 15: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 44: Level with T5, 3 cun lateral to
BL 44: Trans/obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 16/45
BL 16: Level with T6, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 16: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 45: Level with T6, 3 cun lateral to
BL 45: Trans/obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution : pneumothorax
Bl 17/46
Hui Meeting
of Blood
BL 17: Level with T7, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 17: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
Back Shu of
BL 46: Level with T7, 3 cun lateral to
BL 46: Trans/obl  scapula,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 18/47
Back Shu of
BL18: Level with T9, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 18: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 47: Level with T9, 3 cun lateral to
BL 47: Trans/obl  lateral,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
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Page 30
Bl 19/48
Back Shu of
BL 19: Level with T10, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 19: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 48: Level with T10, 3 cun lateral to
BL 48: Trans/obl  lateral,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 20/49
Back Shu of
BL 20: Level with T11, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 20: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 49: Level with T11, 3 cun lateral to
BL 49: Trans/obl  lateral,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax
Bl 21/50
Back Shu of
BL 21: Level with T12, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 21: Trans/obl  spine,
½ - 1½ cun
BL 50: Level with T12, 3 cun lateral to
BL 50: Trans/obl  lateral,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution : pneumothorax
Bl 22/51
Back Shu of
San Jiao
BL 22: Level with L1, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 22: Obl or perp/obl 
spine, 1 - 1½ cun
BL 51: Level with L1, 3 cun lateral to
BL 51: Obl  lateral,
½ - 1 cun
Caution: kidney puncture
Bl 23/52
Back Shu of
BL 23: Level with L2, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 23: Obl or perp/obl 
spine, 1 - 1½ cun
BL 52: Level with L2, 3 cun lateral to
BL 52: Obl  lateral,
½ - 1 cun
Caution: kidney puncture
Bl 24
Bl 25
Bl 26
Back Shu of
Lg Intestine
Level with L3 and 1½ cun lateral to
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Level with L4, 1½ cun lateral to midline
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Level with L5, 1½ cun lateral to midline
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
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Bl 27
Level with S1, 1½ cun lateral to midline
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
BL 28: Level with S2, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 28: Perp, ½ - 1 cun
BL 53: Level with S2, 3 cun lateral to
BL 53: Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Bl 29
Level with S3, 1½ cun lateral to midline
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Bl 30/54
BL 30: Level with S4, 1½ cun lateral to
BL 30: Perp, ½ - 1 cun
BL 54: Level with S4, 3 cun lateral to
BL 54: Perpendicular 2 – 3
Bl 28/53
Back Shu of
Sm Intestine
Back Shu of
Points over Sacral Foramen
and (BL 35) ½ cun lateral to of coccyx
Bl 31
Meeting of
BL and GB
S1, Over 1st sacral foramen
Slightly oblique, medial and
inferior, then perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Caution: nerves!
Contra: moxa
Bl 32
Meeting of
BL and GB
S2, over 2nd sacral foramen
Slightly oblique, medial and
inferior, then perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Caution: nerves!
Bl 33
Meeting of
BL and GB
S3, over 3rd sacral foramen
Perp, ½ - 1½ cun
Bl 34
Meeting of
BL and GB
S4, over 4th sacral foramen
Perp, ½ - 1½ cun
½ cun lateral to the tip of the coccyx
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Bl 35
Upper leg points
Bl 36
Mid point of gluteal crease in depression
between the hamstrings
Inline with 36, 37, 40
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 32
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun - or – 1-2
Bl 37
Back of thigh in a depression between the
hamstrings, inline between BL 36 and BL
(6 cun inferior to BL 36, 8 cun superior to
BL 40)
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
To locate:
1. Find the midpoint between BL 36
and BL 40.
2. Measure proximally by 1 cun
Bl 38
Bl 39
Located in reference to BL 39.
1 cun proximal to BL 39 along the medial
edge of the tendon of the biceps femoris.
Lower He-Sea Back of knee on popliteal crease toward
of San Jiao
the lateral end on the medial side of the
tendon of the biceps femoris.
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
To locate:
1. Flex the knee
2. Feel for the large tendon toward
the lateral side of the popliteal
3. Point is located in this depression
on the popliteal crease.
Bl 40
He Sea of
He-Sea of
(Back and
Mid-popliteal crease between the tendon
of the biceps femoris on the lateral side
and the semitendinosus on the medial
Flex the knee to locate and feel for a
depression here.
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
- or –
Prick to bleed
Tibial nerve, popliteal artery
and popliteal vein
Lower leg/foot points
Bl 55
Back of calf, 2 cun inferior from BL 40 in
a depression between the 2 heads of the
gastrocnemius on the upper border
between them.
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Page 33
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Bl 56
Back of calf, 5 cun inferior to BL 40 on
the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
To locate:
1. Find the midpoint between BL 55
and 57 and inline between BL 40
and BL 57.
Bl 57
Half way between popliteal crease (BL
40) and the level of the prominence of the
lateral malleolus (16 cun total) and
between the 2 gastrocnemius muscle ends
in a depression here.
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
To find:
1. Have patient press ball of foot
against resistance to emphasize
2. Run finger up from Achilles
tendon insert until it falls into a
depression between the
gastrocnemius tails.
Bl 58
Bl 59
Bl 60
Bl 61
point of
Located in relation to BL 57.
Inferior and about 45° lateral to BL 57.
Xi Cleft of
Yang Qiao
Located in relation to BL 60.
3 cun directly superior to BL 60 between
the Achilles and peroneal tendons.
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Level with the prominence of the lateral
malleolus between the malleolus and the
Achilles tendon.
Perp, ½ - 0.8 cun
Lateral side of foot on calcaneus in a
tender depression where the skin changes
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
Jing River of
the Bladder
Meeting of
BL w/Yang
Perp, 1 - 1½ cun
Can often find this point by drawing a line
between BL 40 and the prominence of the
lateral malleolus and comparing that to
the location of BL 57.
This point is usually directly below BL
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Note: this is on the final
Contra: Preggers.
Promotes labor.
Bl 62
Confluent of
Yang Qiao
Ghost Point
In a depression directly below the
prominence of the lateral malleolus ~ ½
cun inferior and posterior to the 2 tendons
Obl-inferior, 0.3 – ½ cun
Do not locate this in the depression below
the calcaneus!
Bl 63
Xi Cleft of
Lateral side of foot in a depression:
1. Posterior to the tuberosity of MT 5
2. Anterior to the anterior border of the
lateral malleolus
3. On lower border of cuboid bone
4. On line where skin changes
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
Bl 64
Yuan Source
Lateral side of foot in a depression on MT
5 on curvy part and on the border where
the skin changes color/texture.
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
This is the most palpable landmark on the
side of the foot
Bl 65
Shu Stream
On the lateral side of the foot proximal to
the knuckle of MT 5. On the line where
the skin changes color/texture.
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
Curl toes to see more easily.
Bl 66
Ying Spring
On lateral side of the foot distal to the
knuckle of MT 5. On the border where the
skin changes color/texture.
Perp/obl  sole 0.2 – 0.3
Curl toes to see more easily.
Bl 67
Jing Well
On the lateral corner of the nail of the
little toe.
Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2
-orPrick to bleed
Caution: Can turn the fetus
from breach. Expedites
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Page 35
Kidney Channel of the Foot Shaoyin
Jing Well
Sole of foot, 1/3 of the way between the
base of the 2nd toe and the heel. Between
MT 2 and 3.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
For people that don’t have flat feet,
plantar flex the foot to see a depression
Ying Spring
Medial side of foot in a depression distal
and inferior to the navicular tuberosity,
just proximal to SP 4, on the line where
the skin changes color/texture.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Locate from the bottom of the foot and
verify that the depression goes up to the
top of the foot.
Shu Stream
Yuan Source
Luo Connecting
Depression between the medial malleolus
and the Achilles tendon level with the
prominence of the medial malleolus.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Locate in relation to K3 and K5.
Midway between K3 and K5 along the
anterior border of the Achilles tendon.
Obl-perpendicular  anterior,
½ - 1 cun
As a rule of thumb, is usually ½ cun
below K3/above K5
Xi Cleft of
Depression between the calcaneal
tuberosity and the Achilles tendon, just
above the insertion point of the Achilles
Confluent of Yin
Just below the center of the prominence of Obl-superior, 0.3 – ½ cun
the medial malleolus in the groove
shallow insert.
between the 2 tendons. Vertically level
with a line drawn thru the prominence.
If you only feel one tendon, needle
posterior to it.
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Obl-perpendicular away from
the bone, ½ - 1 cun.
Jing River
On the medial aspect of the lower leg in a
depression 2 cun proximal to K3, on the
anterior border of the Achilles tendon.
Same horz lvl as K8, but more posterior.
Same horizontal level as K7, 2 cun
proximal to K3, on posterior edge of tibia
on the medial side of the leg.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Xi Cleft of
Yin Qiao
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Xi Cleft of
Yin Wei
In-line with K3 and K10, 1/3 of the way
Perp, 1 – ½ cun
between them. (5 cun prox from K3).
About 1 cun posterior to the medial border
of the tibia.
K 10
He Sea of Kidney
Medial end of the popliteal crease in a
depression between the semitendinosus
and the semimembranosus.
Perp, 1 – 1½ cun
Needle with knee slightly
Locate and needle with knee slightly
Lower ab points begin here – ½ cun lat to mid
1. Find upper margin of pubic sym and
center of umbilicus.
2. Place ref dot between the two
3. Place a dot ½ cun above ref and ½ cun
below ref.
4. Place a dot between the ½ cun’s in #3.
K 11
K 12
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
Upper border of pubic symphysis, ½ cun
lateral to the midline. 5 cun inferior to the
center of the umbilicus.
Perp, 1 – 1½ cun
1 cun superior to K11, 4 cun inferior to
umbilicus and ½ cun lateral to midline
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
1. Can turn fetus, promote
2. BL punc – make sure BL
is empty
Caution: bladder punc
K 13
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
2 cun superior to K11, 3 cun inferior to
umbilicus and ½ cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: bladder punc
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K 14
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
3 cun superior to K11, 2 cun inferior to
umbilicus and ½ cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
K 15
K 16
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
1 cun inferior to umbilicus, ½ cun lateral
to midline
Level with the center of the umbilicus, ½
cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
Upper ab points begin here – ½ cun lat to mid
To locate:
1. Find the center of the umbilicus and the
sternal costal angle.
2. Find mid point between the 2 = K19
3. Find quarter points between K19,
umbilicus and sternal costal angle = K21
and K17
4. Mark inbetweens
K 17
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
2 cun superior to the center of the
umbilicus, ½ cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
K 18
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
3 cun superior to the center of the
umbilicus, ½ cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
K 19
K 20
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
Located ½ way between umbilicus and
sternal costal angle, 4 cun superior to
umbilicus. ½ cun lateral to midline
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
5 cun superior to umbilical center, ½ cun
lateral to midline
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
Caution: peritoneal punc
K 21
Mtg of Kidney
and Chong
6 cun superior to center of umbilicus, ½
cun lateral to midline.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Right side = LV punc
Left side = peritoneal punc
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Chest points begin here – 2 cun lat to mid
In intercostal spaces (IC)
K 22
5th IC space, 2 cun lateral to midline
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
ST 18 is in this space at the 4 cun level.
Caution: LU of LV punc
K 23
4th IC space, 2 cun lateral to midline
K 24
3rd IC space, 2 cun lateral to midline
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
Caution: LU punc
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
Caution: LU punc
K 25
2nd IC space, 2 cun lateral to midline
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
Caution: LU punc
K 26
1st IC space, 2 cun lateral to midline
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
Caution: LU punc
K 27
Top of 1st IC space, depression on lower
border of clavicle, 2 cun lateral to midline
Trans along IC space,
½ - 0.8 cun
Caution: LU punc
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Pericardium Channel of the Hand Jueyin
Window of Sky
In 4 IC space, 5 cun lateral to midline.
To locate:
1. Locate mamillary line and deltopectoral triangle
2. Find the middle of these two on the 4th
IC space.
He Sea of PC
Trans (either lateral or medial)
along I.C.,
0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: pneumothorax.
On the anterior surface of the biceps
brachii muscle, 2 cun inferior from the tip
of the axillary fold between the 2 heads of
the muscle.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
On the transverse cubital crease in a
depression on the ulnar side of the tendon
of the biceps brachii (opposite from LU 5)
1. Perp, ½ - 1 cun
-or2. Prick to bleed
brachial artery/vein are just
medial to here.
Xi Cleft of PC
5 cun prox to P7 between the tendons of
the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi
radialis, in line between P3-P7.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
If you cannot find 2 tendons, you
probably found the flexor carpi radialis.
Needle on the ulnar side of this.
Jing River
3 cun prox to P7 between the tendons of
the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi
radialis, in line between P3-P7.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
2 cun prox to P7 between the tendons of
the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi
radialis, in line between P3-P7.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Confluent of
Yin Wei
Shu Stream
Yuan Source
At wrist joint, transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of the palmaris
longus and flexor carpi radialis. Level
with HT 7 and LU 9. Use the crease
which crosses the pisiform bone.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
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Caution: median nerve
Ying Spring
On the palm between the 2nd and 3rd MC
in a depression on the radial side of the 3rd
Perp, 0.3 – ½ cun
To locate, make a loose fist. Point is
located about where the tip of the middle
finger falls on the palm
Jing Well
Tip of the middle finger
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Perpendicular 0.1 – 0.2
-orPrick to bleed
San Jiao Channel of the Hand Shaoyang
SJ 1
Jing Well
Dorsal aspect of the ring finger 0.1 cun
from the ulnar corner of the nail.
Perp, 0.1 – 0.2 cun
-orPrick to bleed
SJ 2
Ying Spring
Between the ring and little fingers ½ cun
proximal to the margin of the web on the
line where the skin changes color.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
SJ 3
Shu Stream
Have the pt make a loose fist and the point
is probably located at the proximal end of
the crease between the 2 fingers.
Dorsum of the hand in a depression just
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
proximal to the metacarpo-phalangeal
Have the pt make a loose fist to find it
more easily.
SJ 4
Yuan Source
On the dorsal crease of the wrist joint
between the tendons of the extensor
digitorum communis (a bundle of tendons
rather like the palmaris longus on the
other side) and the extensor digiti minimi
(which goes to the little finger).
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
Note: follow the space between MC 4 and
5 to the wrist joint.
SJ 5
SJ 6
1. Luo
2. Confluent of
Yang Linking
2 cun proximal to SJ 4 in the depression
between the radius and the ulna. Between
radius and extensor digitorum communis
tendon, closer to the border of the radius.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun (or
angle up or down channel)
Jing River
3 cun proximal to SJ 4 in the depression
between the radius and the ulna on the
radial side of the extensor digitorum
communis muscle. Closer to radius.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Measure proportionally! ¼ of the way
between the cubital crease and the
transverse wrist crease.
Or you can angle it up or
down the channel
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Page 42
Caution: ulnar nerve can
cause a shock sensation.
Also, movement of arm or
hand can result in bent needle.
Caution: movement of arm or
hand can result in bent needle.
SJ 7
Xi Cleft of SJ
SJ 8
SJ 9
Level with SJ 6 (3 cun prox to SJ4) on the Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
ulnar side in a depression between ulna
and extensor digitorum communis muscle. Or you can angle it up or
down the channel
Locate it about 1 fingerbreadth to the
ulnar side of SJ 6 close to the border of
the ulna.
4 cun proximal to dorsal transverse wrist
crease in depression between radius and
ulna. Locate on radial side of extensor
digitorum communis muscle.
Measure proportionally – use ¼ of the
way and add 1 cun or divide into 3rds.
Perpendicular ½ - 1 cun
Depression between radius and ulna 5 cun
distal to the level of the olecranon, 7 cun
proximal to SJ4
Perpendicular 1 – 2 cun.
Or you can angle it up or
down the channel
You can also angle prox or
Use a measure to find the distance
between SJ 4 and epicondyle of humerus,
divide in ½, go proximal by 1 cun.
SJ 10
He Sea of SJ
On the yang aspect of the upper arm ~ 1
cun proximal to the olecranon process.
Flex the elbow and slide your finger
upwards to find the depression above the
Perp, ½ - 1 cun.
Caution: located at the
beginning of the ulnar nerve.
Don’t manipulate if there is
SJ 11
1 cun proximal to SJ 10. Locate with
elbow flexed.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
SJ 12
Lateral upper arm (yang side) inline with
SJ 10 and SJ 14.
Perp, 1 – 2 cun
Measure SJ 14 – SJ 10, divide in ½ and go
distal by 1 cun.
SJ 13
Mtg of SJ and
Yang Wei
Locate in reference to SJ 14.
Use a measure to find the line between SJ
10 and SJ 14. At the point where this line
crosses the posterior border of the deltoid
muscle is SJ 13.
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Perp, 0.8 – 1½ cun
SJ 14
At the origin of the deltoid muscle in a
depression posterior and inferior to the
lateral extremety of the acromion.
Perpendicular 0.8 – 1.2 cun or
 manifestation.
Hold the arm out from the side with the
palm down. Look for the depression from
the top down.
SJ 15
Mtg of SJ, GB,
Yang Wei
In the suprascapular fossa on the posterior
To locate, find the superior angle of the
scapula (the curve on the medial side that
goes to the tip above SI 13). Follow this
curve to just above the tip of the scapula
and that’s the point.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Caution: deep insert
perpendicular =
Alt: mid point of GB 21 and SI 13.
SJ 16
Window of Sky
Posterior border of SCM level with the
angle of the jaw.
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
SJ 17
Mtg of SJ, GB
Level with and anterior to the lower
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
border of the mastoid process, just behind
earlobe in the depression between the two.
SJ 18
Locate in relation to SJ 20 and 17.
Posterior to ear, in small depression on
mastoid bone, 2/3 distance from SJ 20
along a curved line from SJ 17 to SJ 20
following the rim of the ear.
Trans, 0.3 – ½ cun into
subaponeurotic space (scalp
SJ 19
Locate in relation to SJ 20 and 17.
Posterior to ear, in small depression 1/3
from SJ 20 along a curved line from SJ 17
to SJ 20 following the rim of the ear.
Trans, 0.3 – ½ cun into
subaponeurotic space (scalp
On the side of the scalp, directly level
with the apex of the ear when the ear is
folded forward.
Trans, 0.3 – ½ cun into
subaponeurotic space (scalp
SJ 20
Mtg SJ, SI, GB
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Page 44
SJ 21
In a depression anterior to the supratragic
notch, slightly superior to the condyloid
process of the mandible.
Inferior/obl and slightly
posterior, 0.3 – ½ cun
If there are 2 apexes/traguses, find the
highest one.
Note: SJ 21, SI 19, GB 2 are all stacked
from top to bottom here.
SJ 22
Mtg SJ, GB, SI
On posterior margin of hairline at the
temple. Find the hairless space between
the temporal hairline and the ear. Draw a
line from the outercanthus to the ear. The
intersection is usually SJ 22.
Trans or obl 0.3 – ½ cun
Caution: temporal artery is
Approx ½ cun anterior to the upper border
of the root of the ear.
SJ 23
In a depressionon the supraorbital margin
at the lateral end of the eyebrow.
Trans medially along eyebrow
or posteriorly, ½ - 1 cun.
Contra: moxa.
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Gallbladder Channel of the Foot Shaoyang
GB 1
Depression on lateral border of the orbital
margin, ~ ½ cun lateral to the outer
Trans, 0.3 – ½ cun.
Contra: Moxibustion
(SJ 23 is very close to here)
Gb + si + sj
Depression just in front of intertragic
notch. Point is posterior to condyloid
process of mandible.
GB 2
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
Grouping just posterior to anterior border
of the ear: SJ 21 on top, SI 19 middle,
GB2 bottom.
Locate with mouth open.
GB 3
On the upper border of the zygomatic
arch. Anterior to the ear and directly
superior to ST 7.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
Find this point in relation to
ST 8 and GB 7.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
¼ of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7
(just below ST 8) on a curved line.
Transverse insert ½ - 0.8 cun,
15° angle
Gb + sj + st
GB 4
Gb + sj + st
Easiest way to find:
1. Locate ST 8 and GB 7
2. Find the middle distance between
these 2 on a gently curved line.
This is GB 5.
3. Locate GB 4 ½ way between GB 5
and ST 8
GB 5
Find this point in relation to
ST 8 and GB 7.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
½ of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7
on a curved line.
Transverse insert ½ - 0.8 cun,
15° angle
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Page 46
GB 6
Find this point in relation to
ST 8 and GB 7.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
¼ of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7
(just above GB 7) on a curved line.
Transverse insert ½ - 0.8 cun,
15° angle
Easiest way to find:
4. Locate ST 8 and GB 7
5. Find the middle distance between
these 2 on a gently curved line.
This is GB 5.
6. Locate GB 6 ½ way between GB 7
and GB 5
GB 7
In temporal region in the hairline. Level
with apex if the ear (SJ 20) and one finger
breadth anterior to this point.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
Can also be located at the intersection of a
line level with the apex of the ear and the
line demarking the anterior edge of the
GB 8
In a slight depression 1 cun above the
apex of the ear (SJ 20).
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans ½ - 0.8 cun, 15° angle
GB 9
Slight depression ½ cun posterior to GB 8. All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans ½ - 0.8 cun, 15° angle
GB 10
Located in relation to GB 9 and GB 12.
1/3 of the distance between GB 9 and 12
on a line following the curve of the ear,
closer to GB 9.
(Similar to SJ 17-20 which does the same,
but is closer to the ear.)
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All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans ½ - 0.8 cun, 15° angle
GB 11
Located in relation to GB 9 and GB 12.
1/3 of the distance between GB 9 and 12
on a line following the curve of the ear,
closer to GB 12.
(Similar to SJ 17-20 which does the same,
but is closer to the ear.)
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans ½ - 0.8 cun, 15° angle
GB 12
Depression just posterior to the lower
border of the mastoid process.
(SJ 17 is just anterior to this process)
Obl-inferior ½ - 1 cun
GB 13
On the forehead, ½ cun into the anterior
hairline. 2/3 of the distance between Du
24 and ST 8.
(3 cun lateral to Du 24)
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Midway between the inner and outer
canthus of the eye and 1 cun superior to
the eyebrow/supraorbital ridge.
GB 14-20 are inline.
Pinch and insert trans-inferior.
½ - 1 cun.
GB 14
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
(can also use mid eyebrow or just above
the pupil when pt is looking straight fwd)
GB 15
½ cun into the anterior hairline, midway
All scalp acupuncture
between Du 24 and ST 8 (directly superior techniques apply here.
to GB 14).
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
Inline between GB 14 – 20.
GB 16
1½ cun into the anterior hairline, 1 cun
posterior to GB 15.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Inline between GB 14 – 20.
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
2½ cun into the anterior hairline, 1 cun
posterior to GB 16.
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Inline between GB 14 – 20.
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
4 cun into the anterior hairline
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
GB 17
GB 18
Inline between GB 14 – 20
Trans ½ - 1 cun, 15° angle
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GB 19
In a depression in the occipital region,
level with Du 17 and BL 9. About 1 cun
lateral to BL 9.
Inline between GB 14 – 20.
In a depression between the origins of the
SCM and the trapezius muscles on the
lower margin of the skull.
GB 20
(Midway between Du 16 and GB 12)
All scalp acupuncture
techniques apply here.
Trans-inferior ½ - 1 cun, 15°
Either one of these:
1. Insert so is pointing
toward the tip of the nose,
½ - 1.2 cun, slightly perpoblique.
2. Trans toward the middle.
GB 21
On the crest of the trapezius muscle on the Either one of these three:
1. Perp, ½ cun
2. Transverse along trapezius
From the front:
½ - 1 cun.
Find the midpoint of the clavicle and take 3. Obl-posterior, ½ - 1 cun
this level up to the apex of the shoulder.
Contra: preggers
From the back:
Find the midpoint between the lower
Caution: Deep perpendicular
border of the spinous process of C7 and
= pneumothorax
the apex of the acromion. Take this level
up to the apex of the shoulder.
GB 22
On mid-axillary line in the 4th IC space
(some texts say 5th IC space)
Trans with IC space, ½ - 1
Caution: deep perpendicular =
1 cun anterior to GB 22 and along the 4th
IC space.
GB 23
Trans with IC space, ½ - 1
Caution: deep perpendicular =
GB 24
Mtg GB and SP
Front Mu GB
On the level of the mamillary line in the
7th IC space.
Trans, ½ - 1 cun along IC
If 7th IC space does not extend as far as
the mamillary line, place point on medial
end of the IC space.
Caution: deep perpendicular =
For men, count down. For women, count
up from free end of 11th rib.
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Page 49
GB 25
Front Mu of
Edge of the tip of the 12th rib.
Locate the 11th rib first, palpate back from
here. Can be hard, as may float under
another rib.
Perpendicular or oblique,
½ - 0.8 cun.
Caution: deep perpendicular
needling may penetrate the
peritoneal cavity.
Note: May be located more on the back
than the front of patient’s body.
GB 26
Meeting point
of the GB and
Dai vessel
At the intersection of a vertical line drawn
through the free end of the 11th rib and a
horizontal line drawn through the center
of the umbilicus.
Perpendicular, ½ - 0.8 cun
GB 27
Meeting point
of the GB and
Dai vessel
In a depression just anterior to the ASIS
(anterior superior iliac spine). Off of the
bony point by about ½ cun.
Perpendicular 1 – 1½ cun
GB 28
Meeting point
of the GB and
Dai vessel
½ cun anterior and inferior to GB 27
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
GB 29
Meeting point
of the GB and
Yang Qiao
On the lateral aspect of the hip joing at the Perpendicular 1 – 2 cun.
midpoint of a line drawn between the
ASIS and the prominence of the greater
Can also moxa, especially if
trochanter of the hip.
the hip hurts when the patient
is in a cold environment.
Move the leg to feel the hip movement.
Also, is the high point of the hip when the
patient is lying on their side.
GB 30
On the posterior/lateral side of the hip.
Draw a line from the greater trochanter of
the hip and the sacral hiatus. This point
lies on the border between the lateral 1/3
and the medial 2/3.
To find the sacral hiatus, start at the
tailbone and palpate upwards. This is
where the sacrum gets more vertical.
There are also 2 “thorns” on either side of
the hiatus.
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Page 50
Perpendicular 2 – 3.5 cun.
GB 31
On the midline of the lateral aspect of the
thigh 7 cun superior to the popliteal
Perpendicular 1 ½ - 2 cun
Have the patient stand up straight and
drop the arms to the sides. Be sure the
chest is straight. GB 31 is located on the
level of where the tip of the middle finger
hits the thigh.
GB 32
On the midline of the lateral side of the
thigh about 2 cun inferior to GB 31 and in
between the vastus lateralis and biceps
femoris muscles.
Perpendicular 1 – 2 cun
GB 33
On the lateral side of the knee in a
depression above the lateral epicondyle of
the femur, between the femur and the
tendon of the biceps femoris.
Perpendicular 1 – 2 cun
Bend the leg to see the tendon. Follow the
tendon above the lateral epicondyle.
GB 34
GB 35
He Sea of GB
Lower He Sea
of GB
Hui of Sinews
1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of
the fibula.
Xi Cleft of the
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7
cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus and 9 cun inferior to the
popliteal crease. On the posterior aspect
of the fibula.
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
Locate the high point of the head of the
fibula and the high point of the head of the
tibula. GB 34 is located in a spot that
would make an equilateral triangle of
these 3 points.
Find the midpoint between the popliteal
crease and the high point of the lateral
malleolus. Go inferior by 1 cun.
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Page 51
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
GB 36
Xi Cleft of GB
On the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7
cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus and 9 cun inferior to the
popliteal crease. On the anterior aspect of
the fibula.
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
Find the midpoint between the popliteal
crease and the high point of the lateral
malleolus. Go inferior by 1 cun.
GB 37
Luo Connecting
of GB
5 cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus on the anterior border of
the fibula.
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
GB 38
Jing River
4 cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus on the anterior border of
the fibula. Might be slightly anterior to
this border.
Perpendicular 0.8 – 1.2 cun
GB 39
Hui Meeting
point of
3 cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus and on the posterior
border of the fibula.
Perpendicular 1 – 1 ½ cun
GB 40
Yuan Source
At the intersection of a line drawn vertical ½ - 0.8 cun
to the anterior border of the lateral
malleolus and a line drawn horizontally to
the bottom margin of the lateral malleolus.
GB 41
Shu Stream
Confluent point
of Dai vessel
In a depression
1) lateral to the tendon of the extensor
digitorum longus and
2) distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun
1) medial to the tendon of the extensor
digitorum longus
2) proximal to the heads of the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones.
Perpendicular ½ - 0.8 cun.
GB 42
Curl the toes to see this knuckle more
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Page 52
GB 43
Ying Spring
Between the fourth and little toe at the
point where the skin changes color/texture
and distal to the knuckles of the toes.
Perpendicular 0.3 – ½ cun.
Can also locate this at the tip of the crease
between the 2 lateral toes. Curl the toes to
see this.
Spread the toes to see the line where the
skin changes color/texture.
GB 44
Jing Well
On the lateral corner of the nail of the 4th
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Page 53
Perpendicular 0.1 or 0.2 cun.
Or prick to bleed.
Liver Channel of the Foot Jueyin
LV 1
Jing Well
Lateral corner of the big toenail, 0.1 cun
off the corner.
Perp 0.1 – 0.3 cun, moxa, or
prick to bleed.
LV 2
Ying Spring
Between the 1st and 2nd toes at the tip of
the crease between the 2.
Oblique or perp ½ - 1 cun
Also, where the red/white skin meet in the
webbing, about ½ cun from the web
LV 3
Shu Stream
Yuan Source
In the hollow just distal to the junction of
the bases of the 1st and 2nd MT bones
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Do not locate this too distally!
LV 4
LV 5
Jing River
Luo Connecting
Level with and anterior to the prominence
of the medial malleolus and just medial to
the tendon of the tibialis anterior.
Dorsiflex the ankle and the big toe to see
this clearly. Needle into the depression
Perp ½ - 1 cun
5 cun proximal to the prominence of the
medial malleolus. ON the bone, midway
between the anterior and medial crests of
the tibia.
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Note: SP 5 is loc’d just below
this, level with the intersection
of the anterior and inferior
margins of the med mal.
(Reminder: pop crease  prom med mal
= 15cun)
LV 6
LV 7
Xi Cleft
7 cun proximal to the prominence of the
medial malleolus. ON the bone, midway
between the anterior and medial crests of
the tibia.
Trans, ½ - 0.8 cun
Posterior and inferior to the medial
epicondyle of the tibia. Also, about 1 cun
posterior and superior to SP 9 and on the
lower margin of the epicondyle.
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
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Page 54
LV 8
He Sea
Located at the medial end of the popliteal
crease in a depression between the
tendons of the semitendinosus and
semimembranosus and medial epicondyle
of the femur.
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
Flex the knee to find this point when
possible, but needle relaxed.
LV 9
4 cun proximal to the medial epicondyle
of the femur on the medio-anterior aspect
of the thigh between the vastus medialis
and the sartorius muscles.
Perp or obl 1 – 1 ½ cun
LV 10
3 cun inferior to ST 30
Perp, ½ - 2 cun
LV 11
2 cun inferior to ST 30
Perp, ½ - 2 cun
LV 12
1 cun inferior to ST 30 and about ½ cun
lateral to it.
Medial, slightly oblique
insert, ½ - 0.8 cun.
This is also on the lower border of the
pubic symphysis, but that’s rather hard to
feel and somewhat personal!
Caution: femoral vein.
Front Mu of SP
Hui of Zang
Mt of LV/GB
Slightly anterior and inferior to the free
end of the 11th rib. Be sure you are off the
Trans, ½ - 0.8 cun
From Mu of LV
Mt LV/SP +
Yin Wei
Mamillary line, in 6th IC
Trans or obl, ½ - 1 cun
LV 13
LV 14
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Page 55
Caution: deep perp can =
enlg’d liver or spleen
Du/Governing Channel
Du 1
Du 2
Luo Connecting
Between rectum and tip of coccyx
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Obl along coccyx upward
Posterior midline of body in the scarococcygeal haitus
Obl-superior ½ - 1 cun
Palpate strating at coccyx, upward,
straight vertical part is the haitus area.
Feel for a big depression here, inferior to
the 4th sacral spinous process. This is the
Du 3
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of L4, right on the posterior
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Du 4
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of L2, right on the posterior
Du 5
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of L1, right on the posterior
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Moxa, warm needle
(Moxa contra for ppl under
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Du 6
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T11, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 7
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T10, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 8
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T9, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 9
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T7, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 10
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T6, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
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Du 11
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T5, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 12
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T3, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 13
Level with lower border of the spinous
process of T1, directly on the posterior
Perp, but slightly upwards
between the vertebrae,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 14
Mtg of Du
with 6 yang
channels of
Point of the
Sea of Qi
Level with the lower border of the spinous Perp, but slightly downwards,
process of C7, directly on the
½ - 1 cun.
Use w/reducing method!
Du 15
Mtg of Du with
Yang Linking
Level with GB 20, in a depression ½ cun
inferior to Du 16.
Perp, but slightly downwards,
½ - 1 cun.
Du 16
Midline of neck, depression just below
external occipital protuberance.
Perp, but slightly downwards,
½ - 1 cun. Towards chin.
In a depression directly superior to the
external occipital protuberance on the
back of the head
Scalp needling techs apply.
Du 17
Window of
Du + Yang
1.5 cun superior to Du 16
Du 18
Midline of the back of the head, 1.5 cun
directly superior to Du 17
Scalp needling techs apply
½ way between Du 16 and Du 20
Du 19
Midline of the back of the head, 1.5
cun superior to Du 18
1.5 cun posterior to Du 20
3 cun superior to Du 17
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Page 57
Scalp needling techs apply
Du 20
Du + Bl, GB,
SJ, Liver
Vertex in a depression 5 cun posterior to
the anterior hairline, 7 cun superior to the
posterior hairline
Scalp needling techs apply.
1. Draw a line starting at the low
point of the ear lobe, through the
ear apexes and up to the to pof the
2. Where this line intersects with the
midsagittal line is Du 20.
Du 21
1.5 cun anterior to Du 20
3.5 cun posterior to the front hairline
Scalp needling techs apply
Du 22
2 cun posterior to the anterior hairline
on the midline of the head.
3 cun anterior to Du 20
Scalp needling techs apply.
Caution: don’t use if infant’s
fontanelle is not closed.
Du 23
1 cun posterior to the front hairline.
Scalp needling techs apply
Du 24
class’d as a
ghost pt
Scalp needling techs apply
Du 25
Du 26
Du 27
Du 28
Du + Ren + ST
½ cun posterior to the front hairline
3 cun superior to the glabella
5 cun anterior to Du 20
Midline, tip of the nose
Perp, 0.2 – 0.3 cun
Trans superior ½ - 1 cun
Prick to bleed.
Junction between the upper 1/3 and lower
2/3 of the philtrum
Obl-superior, 0.3 – ½ cun
Midline, junction of the margin of the
upper lip and philtrum
Obl-superior, 0.2 – 0.3 cun
Between the upper lip and gum in the
superior frenulum
Prick to bleed
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Page 58
Ren/Conception Channel
Ren 1
Ren 2
All points on the Ren channel are located
on the anterior midline of the body.
At the perineum, ½ way between the
rectum and genitalia (scrotum or posterior
labial commissure)
Perp, less than 1 cun
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Ren 3
Front Mu BL
Use proportional measuring on all ab
Caution: possible bladder
puncture with deep needling.
Have pt empty bladder 1st if
1 cun superior to upper border of the
pubic symphysis
4 cun inferior to the umbilicus
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
2 cun superior to upper border of the
pubic symphysis
3 cun inferior to the umbilicus
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
Moxa w/ginger for Kd yang
Ren 4
Front Mu SI
Superior border of the pubic
5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.
Caution: possible bladder
puncture with deep needling.
Have pt empty bladder 1st if
Caution: possible bladder
puncture with deep needling.
Have pt empty bladder 1st if
Ren 5
Front Mu SJ
Ren 6
Ren 7
Ren + Chong
3 cun superior to upper border of the
pubic symphysis
2 cun inferior to umbilicus
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
3.5 cun superior to upper border of
pubic symphysis
1.5 cun inferior to umbilicus
Perp, 0.8 – 1 ½ cun
4 cun superior to upper border of
pubic symphysis
1 cun inferior to umbilicus
Perp, 1 – 2 cun
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Page 59
Contra: preggers
Caution: periotoneal punc
Caution: peritoneal punc
Caution: peritoneal punc
Ren 8
Ren 9
Center of umbilicus
Contra to needling, but good
for massage or moxa with salt,
ginger, or garlic. Shen says
you can flash cup as well with
good results.
Perp, 0.8 – 1 ½ cun
1 cun superior to umbilicus
7 cun inferior to sternal costal angle
Contra: no moxa in preggers
Caution: peritoneal punc
Ren 10
2 cun superior to umbilicus
6 cun inferior to sternal costal angle
Perp. 1 – 1 ½ cun
Contra: no moxa in preggers
Caution: peritoneal punc
Ren 11
3 cun superior to umbilicus
5 cun inferior to sternal costal angle
Perp ½ - 1 ½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
Ren 12
-Front Mu ST
-Hui of Fu
Ren 13
4 cun superior to umbilicus
Midway between umbilicus and
sternal costal angle
Perp, 0.8 – 1 ½ cun
5 cun superior to umbilicus
3 cun inferior to sternal costal angle
Perp, 0.8 – 1 ½ cun
Caution: peritoneal punc
Caution: peritoneal punc
Ren 14
Front Mu HT
6 cun superior to umbilicus
2 cun inferior to sternal costal angle
Perp, 0.3 – 0.8 cun
If xyphoid proc extends this
far, however, transverse or obl
Caution: palpate for enlarged
organs. Never insert
superiorly toward heart!
Ren 15
Luo Connecting
7 cun superior to umbilicus
1 cun inferior to sternocostal angle
Perp, shallow
If on xyphoid process or
sternum, oblique ½ - 1 cun.
Caution: palpate for enlarged
organs. Never insert
superiorly toward heart!
Ren 16
On sternum, level with 5th IC space
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Page 60
Trans, 0.3 – ½ cun
Ren 17
On sternum, level with 4th IC space
Trans ½ - 1 cun, with or
against the channel
Ren 18
On sternum, level with 3rd IC space
Trans ½ - 1 cun, with or
against the channel
Ren 19
On sternum, level with 2nd IC space
Trans ½ - 1 cun with or
against the channel
Ren 20
On sternum, level with 1st IC space
Trans ½ - 1 cun with or
against the channel
Ren 21
On the manubrium, midway between Ren
20 and Ren 22
Trans inferiorly, ½ - 1 cun
Perp for 0.3 – ½ cun, then
inferiorly behind muscle
and anterior to esophagus.
Dangerous but tradit!
Shallowly into muscle
layer, but deep enough to
stand on it’s own.
Ren 22
-Front mu PC
-Hui of Qi
Window of Sky
Center of the suprasternal fossa
½ cun superior to suprasternal notch
Anterior midline of neck in the depression
above the hyoid bone
Ren 23
Oblique superior toward root
of tongue, ½ - 1 cun
Slide finger down from chin until it hits
the border of the bone.
Ren 24
Above the chin in the depression in the
center of the mentolabial groove
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Page 61
Perp oblique, 0.3 – ½ cun
Extra Points
Qian Zhong
“to pull straight”
½ - 1 cun (palpate for tenderest point)
anterior to lowest point of ear lobe.
 Deviation of the mouth
 Ulcers in mouth or on tongue
Needle Tech
Perp or obl, ½ - 1 cun
“4 intelligence points”
4 points, 1 cun anterior, posterior, and
lateral to Du 20.
 Headache
 Vertigo
 Poor memory and
 Insomnia
 Epilepsy/seizure attacks
Trans, ½ - 1 cun
“Hall of Seals”
At glabella, midpoint between medial
ends of eyebrows
Emotional imbalances of all
kinds including stress, anxiety,
bipolar, etc.
Headache, pain in forehead
Nasal congestion, discharge,
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Page 62
From Du 20, outward to
Sishencong (most
stimulation for Du 20)
From Sishencong inward to
Du 20 (less stimulation for
Du 20)
Clockwise from one
Sishencong to the next
Counterclockwise from
one Sishencong to the next
Pinch and insert transversely
either inferior down (most
common), up, or lateral.
0.3 – ½ cun
“fish waist”
Mid point of inner and outer canthus
on the eyebrow (or mid eyebrow)
Eye and orbital area:
 Redness, swelling, pain,
 Ptosis and twitching
Needle Tech
Pinch, needle trans medial,
lateral, or twd manifestation.
½ - 1 cun
“Behind the ball”
¼ mark from the outer canthus to the
inner canthus along the inferior edge
of the orbit.
All kinds of eye diseases, including
those of vision and physical
All eye area needling
techniques apply (i.e., push
eyeball out of the way with a
clean cotton ball, no
manipulation, press to avoid
hematoma, communicate w/pt,
Cautions: all eye area needling
techniques apply
In obvious depression abt 1 cun
posterior to midpt between lat extreme
of eyebrow and outer canthus
Apex of the ear
“Hundreds of taxations”
Headache, migraine in temporal
Eye problems
Perp 0.3 – ½ cun
Prick to bleed
Clear toxic heat, fever,
Prick to bleed
Highest point of the nasolabial groove,
close to LI 20
Symptomatic nasal allergies,
rhinitis, congestion and
discharge, nasal bleeding,
Trans twd bridge of nose or
twd LI 20.
0.3 – ½ cun
Alt: from LI 20 to Bitong
2 cun superior to C7 and 1 cun lateral
to the midline
Lung tuberculosis
Also called consumption – sob,
cough, night sweats,
spontaneous sweating, bone
steaming heat, tidal fevers,
Stiff neck
Perp ½ - 0.8 cun
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Page 63
“Peaceful sleep”
Behind ear, midway between GB 20
and SJ 17 on base of skull. May
overlap with GB 12, but GB 12
usually posterior/slight superior to
Bipolar disorder
Perp ½ - 1 cun
1 cun lateral to Ren 24 (center of chin
groove) over mental foramen
Swelling and pain of gums
Deviation of mouth
Trans ½ - 1 cun
Jinjin Yuyu
On the veins on the underside of the
tongue on either side of the frenulum.
Jinjin is on the pt’s left side, Yuye is
on the pt’s right side.
Thirst, esp wasting disease type
thirst like diabetes mellitus
Tongue swelling
Mouth ulcers
Prick on veins to bleed
“tuberculosis point(xue)”
3 ½ cun lateral to Du 14/C7
All kinds of tuberculosis
(compare to Bailao – more
specific to Lung TB)
Perp ½ - 1 cun
“masses root (gen)”
2 ½ cun lateral to spinous process of
Perp ½ - 1 ½ cun
Masses in the abdomen
tumors, masses, fibroids, etc.
Local back pain
Asthma, wheezing, cough, sob
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Note: lower anmian is on
heel ½ way between K6
and BL62
Jinjin (L) = golden liquid
Yuye (R) = jade fluid
“calm dyspnea”
½ cun lateral to C7/Du 14.
Treats acute, active symptoms – use
during attack. For quiescent asthma,
treat the root cause with acupuncture
and herbs
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Page 64
Needle Tech
Note: you must immobilize the
tongue – either use clean gauze
to grab it or use a wooden
spatula to hold it back.
1 ½ cun lateral to the T8
“stomach controller lower
shu” or “insulin/diabetes
point” or “pancreas shu”
 Diabetes: wasting and thirsting
 Dry throat
Caution: pneumothorax
In the 2 dimples on the lower back
about 3 ½ - 4 cun lateral to L4 or L5
(Du 3)
“Below (xia) the 17th
(shiqi) vertebra (zhu)”
Depression below the spinous proc of
Slide finger up along midline sacrum
until it meets the depression inferior to
the lumbar spine.
“eyes of lower back”
Needle Tech
Obl, ½ - 1 cun. Needle toward
Lumbar pain: any etiology,
acute or chronic
Irregular or painful
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
Lower back pain
Uterus problems such as heavy
Obl upwards, ½ - 1 cun
between the 2 bones of the
sacrum and L5
½ cun lateral to the depressions below
the spinous processes (du channel) of
12 thoracic and 5 lumbar verts.
Combines the functions of Bl 1 and
2 lines as well as the Du points.
Safer than back shu’s or du’s.
Oblique-medial, ½ - 1 cun
Place thumb on midline, needle next
to thumb for correct spacing.
Jiaji’s treat disorders in diff
 T1 – T3 = upper limbs
 T1 – T8 = chest
 T6 – L5 = abdomen
 L1 – L5 = lower limbs
2 cun above tip of coccyx near Du 2
Seizure attacks
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Page 65
Subcutaneous needling
upwards toward the head, 1 – 2
Huan Zhong
½ dist between GB 30 and Du 2.
Might also be worded ½ way between
great trochanter and sacral hiatus
“triangle moxibustion”
Lower ab in an equilateral triangle
with top point at the belly button. The
legs of the triangle should be the same
distance as the width of the mouth
Sciatic pain, often more effective
than GB 30.
Needle Tech
Perp, 1 ½ - 3 cun
(depending on size of patient
and depth of tissues here)
Strong electrical stim w/ long
needles works best
Abdominal pain, especially
menstrual and ab pain related to
Moxa only! Burn 5 – 7 cones
on each side. Can be direct or
indirect using ginger, garlic,
aconite, etc.
During menstruation or after child
delivery for women and after
sex/ejaculation for men, should not
swim in cold water, take cold
showers, or eat cold foods. The
pores and channels are open during
these times and the cold can invade
the body easily. Takes time to show,
but affects deep tissues/organs.
“palace of the child”
3 cun lateral to Ren 3
Prolapse of the uterus
Irregular menstruation
Perp, ½ - 1 cun
Occasionally used for men to treat
“lift and support”
4 cun lateral to Ren 4.
Medial to superior iliac spine
Prolapse of uterus, stomach,
rectum, other organs
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Page 66
Perp ½ - 1.2 cun
0.1 – 0.2 cun dist to nail, some overlap  Coma
with other points like P 9
 Loss of consc
 Seizure
 Heat with high fever
Palmar surface at mid pt transverse
 Treat malnutrition in children
crease of proximal interphalangeal
 Whooping cough
joint of index of fingers (not thumb)
Needle Tech
Needle superficially
Retain 15-20 minutes,
manipulating every 5 mintues
Prick to bleed or prick on skin,
squeeze out small amount of
yellowish mucus.
Pretty painful. Usually needle
where there are dark veins or
bubbles visible under the skin.
Malnutrition causes this kind
of bubble filled with yellowish
Sifeng Study 1: after needling kids with malnutrition, calcium serum and phosphates were up, alkaline phosphatase decreased. Increases
absorption of calcium from food.
Sifeng Study 2: needling Sifeng in kids w/roundworm increases digestive enzyme activity. Breakdown and absorb food better.
No study for adults, no material as to whether it increases digestive enzymes for adults with digestion problems.
Zhong Kui
“middle emminence”
(CAM p249)
Mid point of proximal interphalangeal
joint on the dorsal side.
Digestive problems, esp low
appetite. Add Ren 11 for
Also to treat overweight due to
damp retention/SP Qi xu.
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Page 67
Needle superficially 0.1 – 0.3
cun or use direct moxa (5-7
Dorsum of hand at jnx of red/white
skin. End of crease when the fingers
are closed. Between heads of the
metacarpal bones.
 Pain in the eyes
 Pain in hands/fingers
 Poisonous snakebite with
Needle Tech
Obl ½ - 1 cun or let out blood.
Perp or obl ½ - 0.8 cun
Some overlap with other points, like
SJ 2
On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression
just proximal to the second and third
Neck pain or stiffness
Works better for acute than for
chronic. Add LU 7 and local
points with cupping, needling,
elec stim.
Stomach aches (less common
than neck problems)
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Page 68
P 580
Dorsum of hand on both sides of
extensor digitorum communis tendon
on the hand.
Acute lower back pain
(not so great for chronic pain)
Needle Tech
Puncture obliquely from both
sides toward the center of the
palm. Can also puncture
perpendicularly, ½ - 1 cun.
Perp ½ - 1 cun
Also just distal to the junction of the
bones, right in front of jnx of 2nd and
3rd MC bones and 4th / 5th MC bones.
Slide fingers from proximal side over
the junction until falls into depression
P 581
4 cun above the trans crease of the wrist on both
sides of flexor carpi radialis (closest to the radial
Pericardium channel
(Herbal or surgery is better for
more severe cases. Topical
creams for instance, or
suppositories for internal
Prolapse of rectum (less
common use than for
Combine with Bladder 56-57
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 69
Surgical techniques, including
for hemorrhoids, exist in TCM
that are not allowed here in the
damn US. Example: medicated
threads to drain pus, stitching
techniques and more.
Remember Huatuo and his
surgical prowess.
At the tip of the elbow (tip of the ulnar  Scrofula
olecranon process)
(uncommon in urban areas, but
still seen in rural areas – some
places still really hard to get to)
2 different locations, 2 methods. Both  Local problems only – pain and
limited range of motion of the
shoulder, pain in the arm.
 1 cun above the upper end of the
anterior axillary fold. Mirrors SI 9.
Needle Tech
Perp 1 – 1 ½ cun needled
directly into the shoulder
Midpoint of the line connecting
the anterior end of the axillary fold
and LI 15
“hundred bug burrow”
Pg 583
1 cun above SP 10.
For SP 10 or ST 34, make sure you
bend the knee and locate the point at
the bulge of the muscle.
“crane head”
Pg 583
Midpoint of upper border of the
All kinds of skin conditions –
rashes, eczema, boils, ulcers, etc.
Parasites, esp in digestive
system. Doesn’t kill them, but
reduce sx’s.
(Shen says herbal is better by far
for parasites, even Western
medicine – far faster)
Perp 1 – 1 ½ cun
Weakness, stiffness, pain of the
Perp ½ - 1 cun.
Cranes are considered good birds –
longevity, purity, loyalty
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 70
“knee eye”
Depression medial and lateral to
patellar ligament on the lower border
of the patella. The lateral one overlaps
with ST 35.
 Knee joint pain
 Stiffness, heaviness in knee
There are depressions below this, so
get this one right.
“Appendix point”
Located on both left and right legs, at
the level 2 cun distal to ST 36.
Needle Tech
Perp or obl ½ - 1 cun
Traditional technique:
Needle towards BL 40
Some books recommend
threading between the 2…Shen
says not such a great idea.
Acute and chronic appendicitis
(Discovered by a German doc in
the early part of the 20th century)
Perp, 1 – 1 ½ cun
2 Studies on Lanwiexue:
 One study opened the abdomens of patients scheduled for this surgery, needled the point and observed the reaction of the appendix.
Strong stim was applied on both legs ½ - 3 minutes (lift/thrust type manipulation, continuous). Increased movement observed in all
cases, in some cases moved dramaticaly in a whirling motion!
 Another study: after 1 – 2 minutes after needling, increased evacuation of the appendix observed in a barium swallow test. Suggests that
the infection is expelled, decreasing the infection, enabling the body to fight it off. Herbal medicine works well for appendix problems.
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 71
1 – 2 cun below GB 34. Palpate for
tenderness to pinpoint it
Pg 585
 Gallbladder problems,
inflammation of GB and biliary
tract, gb stones, etc.
Needle Tech
Perp 1 – 2 cun.
Gb 41 and 24 too.
Can cause the increase of peristalsis
of biliary tract and gallbladder,
helping to squeeze out the contents
(infection, stones)
Caution: if stones are bigger than the
tract, will cause a lot of pain,
jaundice, etc. Make sure stones can
pass. Patient needs MRI or
ultrasonic exam.
Must be familiar with the size of the
tracts to make sure they will pass.
Dorsum of foot on depression between 
the webs of the toes on the margin
where the skin changes color/texture
Beriberi – fungus of the foot
caused by vitamin deficiencies.
Poisonous snake and insect bites
Obl or perp ½ - 1 cun.
Alt: prick to bleed.
Homework: do 25 points to quiz the colleagues. Next week: whole 3 hours to practice. Come with questions!!!
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Point Location III – Comprehensive from Class I - III
Page 72