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Actual position: Full Professor of General Microbiology, Department of Life Sciences and
Systems Biology, University of Torino.
Doctor in Biology, November 1982, "Summa cum laude" 110/110, University of Torino.
Ph.D in Microbiology, 1990, University of Pisa.
Research experience:
1979 – 1982 Graduate Student at the Institute of Microbiology, University of Torino.
1982 – 1984 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Microbiology, University of Torino.
1985 – 1987 and 1989 Post Doctoral Associate at the Department of Molecular Biophysics
and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
1987 – 1990 Ph.D Program in Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, University of Torino.
1990 – 1993 C.N.R. Research Associate, Institute of Microbiology, University of Torino.
1993 – 1996 Research Associate, Department of Public Health and Microbiology,
University of Torino.
1996 - 1998 Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Virology Department of Public
Health and Microbiology, University of Torino.
1999 - 2006 Associate Professor of General Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, School of
Biology, University of Torino. Group Leader, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Department
of Public Health and Microbiology, University of Torino.
2007-2012 Full Professor of General Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, School of Biology,
University of Torino. Group Leader, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Department of Public
Health and Microbiology, University of Torino.
Since 2013 Full Professor of General Microbiology, Department of Life Sciences and
Systems Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology, University of Torino.
Scientific Societies:
Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche (SIMGBM).
Società Italiana di Virologia (SIV).
American society for Microbiology (ASM).
Field of investigation and areas of interest:
Prof. Giorgio Gribaudo is engaged in research activities at the Laboratory of Molecular
Virology, Department of Public Health and Microbiology, University of Turin. Since 1984 he
has focused his researches on the analysis of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the
virus-host cell interactions as well as the characterization of functional and biological
properties of the Interferon System.
During the period 1984-1990 the following topics were studied:
1) Characterization of the biochemical, structural and functional properties of the murine
IFN-gamma. Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to murine IFNgamma.
2) Molecular cloning, structural analysis and functional characterization of genomic
segment from the 5' flanking region of IFN-activable genes (IFI200 gene family); analysis
of the molecular mechanisms of the regulation of gene expression by IFNs (MHC, IFI200,
2’-5’ OASE); identification and characterization of IFN-activable transcription factors
Since 1991, he has continued the study on the functional characterization of new IFNinducible proteins and, in the meantime, he started the analysis of the molecular
mechanisms of the antiviral activity of IFN in different virus models. In particular:
3) Characterization of the molecular mechanisms activated by IFN that mediate the
antiviral activity against RNA (Picornavirus) and DNA (Herpesvirus) viruses; role of the
IFN-inducible enzyme 2’-5’ oligoadenylate synthetase in the inhibition of Picornavirus gene
4) Study of the role of the transcription factor NF-kB in the IFN-dependent inhibition of
murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) immediate-early (IE) gene expression.
5) Molecular cloning of new IFN-inducible proteins and functional characterization of their
anti-proliferative activities (IFI 200 protein family, in particular the murine p203 and p204).
6) Characterization of the anti-proliferative activity of the IFN-inducible human protein
IFI16. Study of its effects on inflammatory gene expression in endothelial cells. Generation
and validation of recombinant adenoviral vectors for high efficiency IFI16 expression in
primary cells.
In the last part of his career (1998-2010), he focused his attention primarily in the study of
the molecular mechanisms of the interactions between Cytomegalovirus and host cells.
These studies were developed through the analysis of viral replication strategies in cells of
different origin and in different physiologic conditions, as well as through the
characterization of new viral proteins. In particular he developed the following topics:
7) Study of the replication strategies of human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in post mitotic
cells and the determination of its ability to regulate the expression of genes and cellular
enzymes involved in viral replicative cycle (i.e. the enzymes of de novo
deoxyribonucleotides synthesis). During these studies he identified new molecular targets
of putative antiviral molecules (i.e., the enzymes timidylate synthetase, ribonucleotide
reductase, deoxycitidylate deaminase and folilpolyglutammate syntetase). In fact, the
pharmacological inhibition of these enzymatic activities was shown to be necessary and
sufficient for inhibition of HCMV replication.
8) Molecular cloning, expression and the biochemical characterization of new HCMV
proteins, such as the product of the UL72 gene. The study of UL72 functions was
performed both by the expression and characterization in vitro of the recombinant
polypeptide and by the production and characterization of mutant virus with the functional
inactivation of the UL72 gene (bacmid technology and in vitro mutagenesis). These tools
allowed the analysis of the UL72 role during the cells infection in vitro.
9) Using the bacmid technology, he studied the role of NF-kB in the context of the
replicative cycle of HCMV in cells of different origin and in different physiologic conditions.
These studies demonstrated that the cellular enzyme IKK2, an upstream activator of NFkB in response to inflammatory stimuli, is activated by HCMV infection. The
pharmacological or the genetic inhibition of IKK2 activity was shown to prevent HCMV
replication in both fibroblasts and primary endothelial cells. This result supports a crucial
role of IKK2 during HCMV replication. Furthermore, the generation of mutant virus,
carrying point mutations in the NF-KB binding sites in the HCMV MIEP, has allowed to
demonstrate that the activation of NF-kB on HCMV infection, is required for the IE genes
expression and for the replicative cycle progression.
Furthermore, he has investigated the role of the cellular transcription factors Elk-1 and
SRF in the regulation of MIEP activity in quiescent cells. The activity of both factors was
demonstrated to be required for optimal MIEP activity and IE gene expression in non
proliferating cells. The binding of Elk-1 and SRF to the SEE element within the MIEP was
then found to compensate for the lack of HCMV-induced NF-kB activity even in growing
Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of the combination of different
MIEP binding sites to optimize IE gene expression in cells in different physiological states.
10) Production and characterization of fully human monoclonal antibodies able to
neutralize the HCMV infection.
11) Production and characterization of new indicator cell lines for the detection of HCMV
infectious particles and for searching new antiviral molecules against the IE protein
12) Characterization of the anti-cytomegaloviral activity of new peptide-derivatized
dendrimers and oligodeoxynucleotides that block the attachment and entry of HCMV
The research activity has produced 60 scientific articles in international journals (total I.F. =
254), 6 reviews articles (total I.F. = 22), 6 chapters in scientific books and 60
communications at national and international meetings. Inventor of four patents.
Recipient of the following research grants:
1999-2001: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by C.N.R. Biotechnology
Program (Legge 95/95).
2000-2001: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by PRIN 2000.
2003-2004: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by PRIN 2003.
2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by the
“Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 from Piedmont
2006-2007: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by “Ricerca Scientifica
Applicata” from Piedmont Region.
2001-2008: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by the University of Torino.
2007-2009: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by PRIN 2007.
2011-2014: As Scientific Leader of Research Unit granted by PRIN 2010-11.
Gribaudo G., Cofano F., Negro Ponzi A., and Landolfo S.
Mouse g interferon produced by a cloned T-cell lymphoma. I. Purification and physicochemical
J. Interferon Res., 4, 91-99, 1984. (IF. 2.120)
Prat M., Gribaudo G., Comoglio P.M., Cavallo G., and Landolfo S.
Monoclonal antibodies against murine IFN-g.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81, 4515-4519, 1984. (IF. 10.272)
Gribaudo G., Cofano F., Prat M., and Landolfo S.
Monoclonal antibodies to murine interferon-g: affinity purification and molecular characterization of
murine interferon g.
J. Interferon Res., 5, 199-208, 1985. (IF. 2.120)
Landolfo S., Cofano F., Gandino L., Gribaudo G., and Prat M.
Monoclonal antibodies against mouse g-interferon inhibit tumoricidal macrophage activation by Tlymphocytes.
Exp. Cell Biology, 53, 265-269, 1985. (IF. 3.949)
Gribaudo G., Cofano F., Prat M., Baiocchi C., Cavallo G., and Landolfo S.
Natural murine Interferon-g. Evidence for post-translational proteolytic processing.
J. Biol. Chem., 260, 9936-9940, 1985. (IF. 6.482)
Gandino L., Gribaudo G., Ghezzi P., and Landolfo S.
Time-dependent differential effects of natural and recombinant murine interferon-g on ornithine
decarboxilase activity of tumor cells.
J. Biochem., 101, 927-932, 1987. (IF. 2.148)
Gribaudo G., Toniato E., Engel D.A., and Lengyel P.
Interferons as gene activators. Characteristics of an interferon-activatable enhancer.
J. Biol. Chem., 262, 11878-11883, 1987. (IF. 6.482)
Landolfo S., Gariglio M., Gribaudo G., Jemma C., Giovarelli M., and Cavallo G. Interferon-g is not an
antiviral, but a growth promoting factor for T-lymphocytes.
Eur. J. Immunol., 18, 503-509, 1988. (IF. 4.536)
Gariglio M., Gribaudo G., Franco A., Pierotti M., Cavallo G., and Landolfo S.
Inhibition of interferon-g antiviral and antiproliferative activities by ras oncogene expression.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 81, 1014-1020, 1989. (IF. 13.844)
Franco A., Fizzotti M., Gariglio M., Gribaudo G., Cavallo G., and Landolfo S. Characterization of
cytoplasmic and nuclear polypetides induced by IFN-g in a murine pre-B cell leukemia.
Eur. J. Immunol., 19, 1171-1176, 1989. (IF. 4.536)
Caruso A., Bonfanti C., Colombrita D., De Francesco M., De Rango C., Foresti I., Gargiulo F., Gonzales
R., Gribaudo G., Landolfo S., Manca N., Manni M., Pirali F., Pollara P., Ravizzola G., Scura G., Terlenghi
L., Viani E., and Turano A.
Natural antibodies to IFN-g in man and their increase during viral infection.
J. Immunol., 144, 685-690, 1990. (IF. 6.702)
Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., Cavallo G., and Landolfo S.
Cell and type specificity of interferon action. Unusual characteristics of the transcriptional control of gene
expression by interferon-g in T cells.
Eur. J. Immunol., 20, 1243-1249, 1990. (IF. 4.536)
Gribaudo G., Lembo D., Cavallo G., Landolfo S. and Lengyel P.
Interferon action: binding of viral RNA to the 40 kD (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase in interferon-treated
HeLa cells infected with encephalomyocarditis virus.
J. Virol., 61, 1748-1757, 1991. (IF. 5.225)
Caruso A., Tiberio L., De Rango, Bonfanti C., Flamminio G., Gribaudo G., Monti E., Viani E., Manca N.,
Garotta G., Landolfo S., Balsari A., and Turano A.
A monoclonal antibody to the NH -terminal segment of human IFN-g selectively interferes with the
antiproliferative activity of the lymphokine.
J. Immunol., 150, 1029-1035, 1993. (IF. 6.702)
Ozmen L., Gribaudo G., Fountoulakis M., Gentz R., Landolfo S. and Garotta G.
Mouse soluble IFNgreceptor as IFNg inhibitor.
J. Immunol., 150, 2698-2705, 1993. (IF. 6.702)
Martinotti M.G., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., Caliendo A., Lembo D., Angeretti A., Cavallo R., and Landolfo
Effect of interferon-a on immediate early gene expression of murine cytomegalovirus.
J. Interferon Res., 13, 105-109,1993. (IF. 2.120)
Gribaudo G., Ravaglia S., Caliendo A., Gariglio M., Cavallo R:, Martinotti M.G., and Landolfo S.
Interferons inhibit onset of murine cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene transcription. Virology, 197,
303-311, 1993. (IF. 3.391)
Gariglio M., Gaboli M., Mana C., Ying G.G., Gribaudo G., Cavallo R., and Landolfo S. Characterization
of nuclear factors involved in 202 gene induction by IFN-a in murine leukemia cells.
Eur. J. Biochem., 221, 731-739, 1994. (IF. 3.001)
Lembo D., Angeretti A., Foresta P., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
Trans-activation of the mouse cytomegalovirus immediate early gene enhancer by ras oncogenes.
J. Gen. Virol., 75, 1685-1692, 1994. (IF. 3.036)
Gaboli M., Angeretti A., Lembo D., Gariglio M., Gribaudo G., and Landolfo S.
cAMP response element of murine cytomegalovirus Ie gene enhancer is transactivated by ras oncogene
J. Gen. Virol., 76, 751-758, 1995. (IF. 3.036)
Gribaudo G., Ravaglia S., Gaboli M., Gariglio M., Cavallo R., and Landolfo S.
Interferon-a inhibits the murine cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene expression by down-regulating
NF-kB activity.
Virology, 211, 251-260, 1995. (IF. 3.391)
Corrias M.V., Gribaudo G., Guarnaccia F., and Ponzoni M.
Induction of 2,5 OAS gene expression and activity is not sufficient for IFN-g-induced neuroblastoma cell
Int. J. Cancer, 62, 223-229, 1995. (IF. 4.375)
Gribaudo G., Ravaglia S., Guandalini L., Cavallo R., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
The murine cytomegalovirus immediate-early 1 protein stimulates NF-kB activity by transactivating the
NF-kB p105/p50 promoter.
Virus Res., 45, 15-27, 1996. (IF. 1.719)
Gribaudo G., Ravaglia S., Guandalini L., Riera L., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
Molecular cloning and expression of an interferon-inducible protein encoded by gene 203 from the gene
200 cluster.
Eur. J. Biochem., 249, 258-264, 1997. (IF. 3.001)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., Hertel L., and Landolfo S.
In vitro and in vivo expression analysis of the interferon-inducible 203 gene.
J. Interferon Cytokine Res., 19, 129-136, 1999. (IF. 2.120)
Lembo D., Gribaudo G., Cavallo R., Riera L., Angeretti A., Hertel L., and Landolfo S.
Human cytomegalovirus stimulates cellular dihydrofolate reductase activity in quiescent cells.
Intervirology 42, 30-36, 1999. (IF. 1.450)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., De Andrea M, and Landolfo S.
The antiproliferative activity of the murine interferon-inducible Ifi 200 proteins depends on the presence
of two 200 amino acid domains.
FEBS Letters, 456, 31-36, 1999. (IF. 3.609)
Landolfo S., Guarini A., Riera L., Gariglio M., Gribaudo G., Cignetti A., Cordone I., Montefusco E.,
Mandelli F., and Foà R.
Chronic myeloid leukemia cells resistant to interferon a lack STAT 1 expression.
Hematol. J. 1, 7-14, 2000. (IF. 4.575)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., Lembo D., De Andrea M., Gariglio M., Rudge T.L., Johnson L.F., and Landolfo S.
Murine cytomegalovirus stimulates cellular thymidylate synthase gene expression in quiescent cells and
requires the enzyme for replication.
J. Virol. 74, 4979-4987, 2000. (IF. 5.225)
Hertel L., Rolle S., De Andrea M., Azzimonti B., Osello R., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
The retinoblastoma protein is an essential mediator that links the interferon-inducible 204 gene to cellcycle regulation.
Oncogene, 19, 3598-3608, 2000. (IF. 6.495)
Lembo D., Gribaudo G., Riera L., Mondo A., Cavallo R., Angeretti A., and Landolfo S. The thymidylate
synthase inhibitore ZD1694 potently inhibits murine and human cytomegalovirus replication in quiescent
Antiviral Res., 47, 111-120, 2000. (IF. 3.406)
Lembo D., Gribaudo G., Hofer A., Riera L., Cornaglia M., Mondo A., Angeretti A., Gariglio M., Thelander
L., and Landolfo S.
Expression of an altered ribonucleotide reductase activity associated with the replication of murine
cytomegalovirus in quiescent cells.
J. Virol., 74, 11557-11565, 2000. (IF. 5.225)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., Lembo D., De Andrea M., Johnson L.F., and Landolfo S. Overexpression of
cellular thymidylate synthase inhibits the anti-cytomegaloviral activity of ZD1694 in quiescent murine
Virus Res., 73, 57-65, 2001. (IF. 1.719)
Cavallo R., Lembo D., Gribaudo G., and Landolfo S.
Murine cytomegalovirus infection induces cellular folylpolyglutamate synthetase activity in quiescent
Intervirology, 44, 224-226, 2001. (IF. 1.450)
Pessione E., Giuffrida M.G., Mazzoli R., Caposio P., Landolfo S., Conti A., Giunta C.,
and Gribaudo G.
The catechol 1,2 dioxygenase system of Acinetobacter radioresistens: isoenzymes, inductors and gene
Biol. Chem., 382, 1253-1261, 2001. (IF. 3.366)
Caposio P., Pessione E., Giuffrida M.G., Conti A., Landolfo S., Giunta C., and Gribaudo G.
Cloning and characterization of two catechol 1,2 dioxygenase genes from Acinetobacter radioresistens
Res. Microbiol., 153, 69-74, 2002. (IF. 2.257)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., Rudge T.L., Caposio P., Johnson L.F., and Landolfo S.
Human cytomegalovirus infection induces cellular thymidylate synthase gene expression in quiescent
J. Gen. Virol., 83, 2983-2993, 2002. (IF. 3.036)
Divari S., Valetti F., Caposio P., Pessione E., Cavaletto M., Griva E., Gribaudo G., Gilardi G., and Giunta
The oxygenase component of phenol hydroxylase from Acinetobacter radioresistens S13.
Eur. J. Biochem,., 270, 2244-2253, 2003. (IF. 3.001)
Gribaudo G., Riera L., Caposio P., Maley F., and Landolfo S.
Human cytomegalovirus requires cellular deoxycytidylate deaminase for productive replication in
quiescent cells.
J. Gen. Virol., 84, 1437-1441, 2003. (IF. 3.036)
Merlino C., Bergallo M., Gribaudo G., Gregori G., Segoloni G.P., Giacchino F., Negro Ponzi A., and
Cavallo R.
Polyomavirus BK DNA quantification assay to evaluate viral load in renal transplant recipients.
J. Clin Virol., 28, 264-275, 2003. (IF. 2.020)
Caposio P., Dreano M., Garotta G., Gribaudo G., and Landolfo S.
Human cytomegalovirus stimulates cellular IKK2 activity and requires the enzyme for productive
J. Virol., 78, 3190-3195, 2004. (IF. 5.225)
Caposio P., Riera L., Hahn G., Landolfo S and Gribaudo G..
Evidence that the human cytomegalovirus 46 kDa UL72 protein is not an active dUTPase but a late
protein dispensable for replication in fibroblasts.
Virology, 325, 264-276, 2004. (IF. 3.391)
Gugliesi F., Mondini M., Ravera R., Robotti A., De Andrea M., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
Upregulation of the Interferon-inducible IFI16 gene by oxidative stress triggers p53 transcriptional activity
in endothelial cells.
J. Leukoc. Biol., 77, 820-829, 2005 (IF. 4.627)
Zannetti C., Mondini M., De Andrea M., Caposio P., Hara P., Peters P., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., and
Landolfo S.
The expression of p16INK4a tumor suppressor is up-regulated by human
cytomegalovirus infection and required for optimal viral replication.
Virology, 349, 79-86, 2006 (IF. 3.391)
Caposio P., Musso T., Luganini A., Inoue H., Gariglio M., Landolfo S.,and Gribaudo G.
Targeting the NF-kB pathway through pharmacological inhibition of IKK2 prevents
human cytomegalovirus replication and virus-induced inflammatory response in
infected endothelial cells.
Antiviral Res., 73, 175-184, 2007(I.F. 3.406)
Caposio P., Luganini A., Hahn, G., Landolfo S., and Gribaudo G.
Activation of the virus-induced NF-kB/IKK signaling axis is critical for the replication
of human cytomegalovirus in quiescent cells.
Cell. Microbiol., in press, 2007 (I.F. 6.333)
Caposio P., Gugliesi F., Zannetti C., Sponza S., Mondini M., Medico E., Hiscott J.,
Young H.A., Gribaudo G., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
A novel role of the interferon-inducible protein IFI16 as inducer of
molecules in endothelial cells.
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 33515-33529, 2007.
Luganini A., Caposio P., Landolfo S., and Gribaudo G.
Phosphorothioate-modified oligodeoxynucleotides inhibit human cytomegalovirus
replication by blocking virus entry
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 52, 1111-1120, 2008.
Funaro A., Gribaudo G., Luganini A., Ortolani, E., Lo Buono N., Vicenzi E., Cassetta,
L., Landolfo S., Buick R., Falciola L., Murphy M., Garotta G., and Malavasi F.
Generation of potent neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies against
infection from immune B cells.
BMC Biotechnol., 8, 85, 2008 (I.F. 2.75)
Luganini A., Caposo P., Mondini M., Landolfo S., and Gribaudo G
New cell-based indicator assays for the detection of human cytomegalovirus infectionand
screening of
inhibitors of viral immediate-early 2 (IE2) protein activity.
J. Appl. Microbiol., 105, 1791-1801, 2008 (I.F. 2.501).
Caglio R., Valetti F., Caposio P., Gribaudo G., Pessione E., and Giunta C.
Fine-tuning of catalytic properties of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase by active site
Chembiochem 10, 1015-1024, 2009 (I.F. 3.44).
Luganini A., Giuliani A., Pirri G., Pizzuto L., Landolfo L., and Gribaudo G.
Peptide-derivatized dendrimers inhibit human cytomegalovirus infection by blocking virus binding to cell
surface heparan sulfate.
Antiviral Res., 85, 532-540, 2010 (I.F. 3.616)
Caposio P., Luganini L., Bronzini M., Landolfo S. and Gribaudo G.
The Elk-1 and Serum Response Factor binding sites in the Major Immediate-Early promoter of the
human cytomegalovirus are required for efficient viral replication in quiescent cells and compensate for
inactivation of the NF-kB sites in proliferating cells.
J. Virol., 84, 4481-4493, 2010 (I.F. 5.308)
Loregian A., Mercorelli B., Muratore G., Sinigalia E., Massari S., Gribaudo G., Gatto B., Tabarrini O.,
Palumbo M., Cecchetti V., and Palù G.
The 6-Aminoquinolone WC5 inhibits human cytomegalovirus replication at an early
stage by interfering with the transactivating activity of viral immediate-early protein.
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 54, 1930-1940, 2010 (I.F. 4.716).
Fiorentini S., Luganini A., Dell’Oste V., Lorusso B., Cervi E., Caccuri, F., Bonardelli S.,
Landolfo S., Caruso A., and Gribaudo G.
Human cytomegalovirus productively infects lymphatic endothelial cells and induces a
secretome that promotes angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis through interleukin-6
and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
J. Gen. Virol., 92, 650-660, 2011, (I.F. 3.568).
Luganini A., Fabiole Nicoletto S., Pizzuto L., Pirri G., Giuliani A., Landolfo L., and
Gribaudo G.
Inhibition of Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 infection by novel peptide-derivatized
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 55, 3231-3239, 2011. (I.F. 4.802).
Gariano G.R., Dell’Oste V., Bronzini M., Gatti D., Luganini A., De Andrea M., Gribaudo
G., Gariglio M., and Landolfo S.
The intracellular DNA sensor IFI16 gene acts as restriction factor for human
cytomegalovirus replication.
Plos Pathogen, 8, e1002498 (1-17), 2012. (I.F. 9.079)
Rossini, G., Cerboni, C., Santoni A., Landini M.P., Landolfo, S., Gatti, D., Gribaudo G.,
and Varani S.
Interplay between human cytomegalovirus and intrinsic/innate host responses: a
complex bidirectional relationship.
Mediators of Inflammation, 2012:607276. (I.F. 3.882)
Bronzini M., Luganini A., Dell’Oste V., De Andrea M., Landolfo S. and Gribaudo G.
The US16 gene of Human Cytomegalovirus is required for efficient viral infection of
endothelial and epithelial cells.
J. Virol., 86, 6875-6888, 2012. (I.F. 5.308)
Massari S, Mercorelli B, Sancineto L, Sabatini S, Cecchetti V, Gribaudo G, Palù G, Pannecouque C,
Loregian A, Tabarrini O.
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of WC5 analogues as Inhibitors of Human Cytomegalovirus
Immediate-Early 2 Protein, a promising target for anti-HCMV treatment.
ChemMedChem. 2013 Jun 11. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201300106. (I.F. 2.835)
1. WO 2008/071806 A1 - Funaro A., Gribaudo G., Landolfo S. -
Antibodies against cytomegalovirus
2. WO 2009/003975 A1 - Funaro A., Gribaudo G., Landolfo S. - Antibodies against cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
3. WO 2009/024445 A1 - Funaro A., Gribaudo G., Landolfo S. - Antibodies against cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
4. WO 2011/015628 A1 Giuliani A., Landolfo S., Lembo D., Gibellini D., Pirri G., Pizzuto L., Gribaudo
G.,.- Novel antiviral peptides