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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1974, Effects of Thalamic Lateral Geniculate of Principal 114, 227-240 Midline Nuclei Transmission Cells and Excitation Stimulation in Rats of upon : Inhibition Internuncial Cells ICHIJI SUMITOMO Department of Neurophysiology, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka SUMITOMO, I. Effects of Thalamic Midline Nuclei Stimulation upon Lateral Geniculate Transmission in Rats: Inhibition of Principal Cells and Excitation of Internuncial Cells. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1974, 114 (3), 227-240Effects of low-frequency stimulation of thalamic midline nuclei .(MID) upon unitary activities of principal (P) and internuncial (I) cells of the lateral geniculate body were examined in urethane-anesthetized rats. P-cells responsed to single shocks to the optic tract (OT) with single spikes at short latencies (initial spike, IS), followed by a phase of inhibition which lasted for more than 150 msec and ended with a burst of grouped discharges (late discharge, LD). Excitability of P-cells, assessed with the response probability of IS to testing OT shocks, was reduced for about 300 msec after single shock stimulation of MID. Usually this excitability depression became evident about 20 msec after MID shocks and was maximum from 50 to 100 msec. LDs were made more vigorous when MID shocks were given almost simultaneously with testing OT shocks. This was interpreted that MID stimulation induced an inhibition in P-cells and it summed with that induced by OT stimulation. That the MID-induced inhibition of P-cells was due to IPSPs was proved by the quasi-intracellular recording. I-cells, the units fired repetitively by single OT shocks and have been presumed to be inhibitory neurons acting upon P-cells, were found to receive from MID stimulation an excitatory effect followed by an inhibitory one of long duration. It was suggested that the primary inhibition of P-cells by low-frequency stimulation of MID would be a direct consequence of the primary excitation of I-cells. thalamic midline nuclei; lateral geniculate body; principal cells; internuncial cells Synaptic transmission at the lateral geniculate body (LGB) is known to be facilitated by high-frequency electric stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation (Long 1959; Steriade and Demetrescu 1960; Arden and Soderberg 1961; Suzuki and Taira 1961; Okuda 1962; Ogawa 1963; Fukuda and Iwama 1971; Doty et al. 1973). Using the rat, Fukuda and Iwama (1971) showed that facilitation of the LGB relay cells (principal cells, P-cells) was always associated with inhibition of the internuncial cells (I-cells) which were claimed to be inhibitory neurons acting upon P-cells (Burke and Sefton 1966a, b, c). From these findings Fukuda and Iwama (1971) concluded that the reticular facilitation of the LGB synaptic transmission might be resulted Received for publication, July 2, 1974. 227 228 from I. Sumitomo inhibition of the inhibitory interneurons. In this paper, it will be shown first that low-frequency stimulation of thalamic midline nuclei (MID) suppresses activity of P-cells in the rat LGB, and secondly, evidence will be presented that the same stimulation resulted in excitation of I-cells. Combining these results with Fukuda and Iwama's finding (1971), it is concluded that in modulation of the LGB synaptic transmission I-cells are the key station not only for facilitation but also for inhibition. METHODS Albino rats, weighing 200-300 g, were used. They were anesthetized with urethane (1 g/kg of body weight, intraperitoneally) and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus by the method of Fifkova and Marsala (1967). One percent procaine was applied to all pressure points. Thereafter, administration of a small dose of urethane was repeated as required, so that a constant level of light anesthesia was maintained throughout one experiment. Under such conditions the pattern of EEGs recorded from the visual cortex was fluctuating from synchronization to desynchronization at long intervals. Bipolar electrodes, each consisting of two steel wires insulated except at tips and separated by about 1 mm, were introduced into the optic tract (OT) at the optic chiasm and into MID stereotaxically. An electrode for OT stimulation was positioned at a depth from which responses to single flash stimulation of the eyes were recorded with high ampli tudes. An electrode for MID stimulation was fixed usually at AP 2 .0-2.5, ML 0-0.5 and DV 5.0-5.5. When MID electrodes were positioned with displacements from the midline, they were on the same side as the target LGB. In some experiments , the placement of MID electrode was adjusted by observing recruiting responses of the visual cortex to 4-5 Hz repetitive shocks applied through the electrode. EEG recordings from the visual cortex were made by a bipolar electrode which was of the same type as applied for stimula tion of OT and MID and inserted about 1 mm below the cortical surface . OT stimulation was made with rectangular pulses of 0.01-0.05 msec duration with intensities below 50 V. Stimulus pulses applied to MID were of 0.05-0 .5 msec duration and their intensities were comparable to those for OT stimulation. Unitary activities of LGB were recorded extracellularly by means of glass pipette microelectrodes filled with 3 M KCl. A microelectrode was introduced into LGB stereo taxically and units responding to single OT shocks were encountered 3 .5-4.5 mm below the cortical surface. Unitary discharges were amplified, displayed on the screen of a cathode ray oscillograph and photographed on stationary or running film . At the end of some experiments, a direct current was passed through MID electrodes . The brains were taken out, fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin . The positions of MID electrodes were examined histologically in sections stained with thionine . The stimulated sites of the thalamus were n. paracentralis , n. centralis medialis and a most mediocaudal portion of n. medialis dorsalis. RESULTS Inhibitory effects of MID stimulation upon P-cells P-cells respond to single OT shocks with mostly single spikes at late ncies less than 10 cosec (Burke and Sefton 1966a; Noda and Iwama 1967; Sumitomo et al. 1969; Fukuda and Iwama 1971; Fukuda 1973). Using Fukuda's termino logy (1973), this short-latency discharge will be called "initial spike (IS) ." Usually i IS s followed by a silent period of spontaneous discharges which ter minates with a burst of 2-5 spikes more than 150 cosec later (Burke and Sefton 1966a; Fukuda Thalamic Stimulation and Lateral Geniculate Transmission 229 1973). This later occurring burst of spikes will be termed "late discharge (LD)" (Fukuda 1973). It is often observed that the burst of spikes recurs twice or more at about the same interval. In terms of membrane potential, the response of P-cells to OT stimulation may be a short-latency EPSP followed by long-lasting IPSPs, the former securs spike discharges and each of the latter is terminated by a depolarizing potential that fires the cell. This has been confirmed in previous studies with the intracellular recording technique (Fuster et al. 1965; Burke and Sefton 1966c; Suzuki and Kato 1966; McIlwain and Creutzfeldt 1967; Maekawa and Rosina 1969; Singer and Creutzfeldt 1970; Kato et al. 1971). Effects upon IS. First it will bee shown that a single conditioning shock to MID acts to inhibit ISs of P-cells evoked by testing OT shocks. This is exempli fied by record of Fig. 1. The control IS, shown in column a, was elicited by OT shocks with the intensity twice the threshold. Its latency, measured from shock artefact to the starting point of the diphasic spike, was 3.3 cosec at mean with a stimulus-to-stimulus variation less than 0.5 msec. In this P-cell a single MID shock with a fairly strong intensity had no excitatory effect (record f). This was always true in other P-cells. Records of columns b, c, d and e were obtained by applying testing OT shocks which were preceded by conditioning MID shocks at varying time intervals. In column b where the conditioning-testing interval was 20 msec, the response probability of IS was reduced definitely and some evoked ISs suffered a slight prolongation of the latency. The MID-induced inhibition was most potent when examined at 60 cosec after the conditioning shock (column c). Thereafter the inhibition lessened gradually, as seen in columns d and e which were obtained with Fig. 1. Responses of a P-cell to single OT shocks under effects of conditioning stimulation of MID. a, control. ISs were evoked at latencies of about 3.3 msec. In b, c, d and e single MID shocks preceded testing OT shocks by 30, 50, 100 and 200 msec, respectively. f, controls for MID shocks alone. In this and all subsequent in one column were obtained by consecutive sweeps. figures, records presented 230 I. Sumitomo Fig. 2. Response probabilities of IS in six P-cells (ordinate) as functions of time after single conditioning stimulation of MID (abscissa). See details in text. the conditioning-testing Effects stimulation intervals of conditioning were examined and are illustrated of 100 and in Fig. 2, where the response the basis of consecutive ten OT shocks, conditioning-testing interval as abscissae. evident around 20 msec after msec and wanes gradually were also found to receive started as early 200 msec, respectively. MID stimulation upon responsiveness of P-cells to OT in nine units. The data in six units were fairly uniform a MID probabilities shock, reaches the toward 200-300 msec. the inhibition from MID. as 10 cosec after of IS, determined on are plotted on ordinates against the It is seen that inhibition becomes a conditioning maximum at 50 to 100 The remaining three units In one unit the inhibition MID shock, whereas in the other two units inhibition it was first detected at 60-80 msec. In these three units the maximal was as strong as in the units shown in Fig. 2 and the recovery from the inhibition was almost complete toward 300 msec. Inhibition of spontaneousdischarges. Most P-cells were discharging sponta neously at frequencies varying from one cell to another. The inhibitory effect of MID stimulation was also proved with the spontaneous discharge. A typical example is shown in Fig. 3. This P-cell was discharging at a frequency of 15/se( in the control stage (IA). When MID was stimulated at 3.7 Hz, the spontaneous discharge was almost completelystopped as long as the thalamic stimulation was continued (IB). Following cessation of the thalamic stimulation the original level of spontaneous activity was promptly resumed (IC). Records this case failed Hz, to an of OT evoke almost Fig. shocks 3 ‡U were ISs. complete Fig. were applied 3 IIB silence obtained with shows of the from an the that intensity while spontaneous same so OT unit weak shocks discharge as that in Fig. they were was 3 I. In occasionally applied brought at about, 3.7 Thalamic Fig. 3. Effects of discharges A, control C, after of induced may that was seen only discharge of Geniculate MID (I) and Transmission of OT (‡U) 231 upon spontaneous B, was during 3.7 Hz stimulation. Dots indicate stimuli. stimulation. similar to that suggested that Although no systematic the frequency of MID neous stimulation stimulation. of inhibition and Lateral P-cell. before It was noted lation low-frequency a cessation this being quite is thus strongly Stimulation be the inhibition when the obtained by low-frequency the neuronal mechanism same as involved in the of the spontaneous P-cell stimulus frequency was kept MID stimulation. It involved in the MIDOT-induced activity below a certain studies were made, it was observed in many stimulation was increased to some 20 Hz and enhanced one. by MID stimu level. P-cells that the sponta definitely. Observations on LD. LD, a burst of spike discharges occurring more than 150 msec after a single OT shock, is regarded as a rebound excitation following an inhibition (Burke and Sefton 1966a, b, c; Fukuda 1973). A prolongation of the latency of LD and/or an increase of the number of spikes contained in LD may mean that the inhibition preceding LD is longer lasting and more intense. The following experiment, made by taking LD as an index, revealed that MID stimulation acted to potentiate or enhance inhibition of P-cells induced by OT impulses. In the experiment of Fig. 4, a P-cell was fired by OT shocks which were so weak that ISs were rarely followed by LDs and moreover, elicited LDs contained only one spike (column A). In column B, weak conditioning shocks were applied to MID 20 cosec before OT shocks. MID stimulation alone was 232 I. Sumitomo Fig. 4. Provocation of LDs by combined stimulation of OT and MID. A, control responses of a P-cell to weak OT shocks. Only ISs were evoked unfailingly. B, same OT shocks as in A were preceded by MID shocks by 20 msec. In A and B sweeps were started synchronously with OT shocks (dots). C, correlation diagram between frequency of occurrence of LD (firing probability) (ordinate) and average number of spikes in evoked LD (abscissa). Open circles, data by OT shocks alone. closed circles, data by combined stimuli. Data from same units were joined. unable to cause any sign of excitation in this P-cell. In response to the combined stimuli LD appeared more frequently and it contained more spikes than control. The same experiment was made in other five P-cells and all the data are assembled in Fig. 4 C as a correlation diagram between the frequency of LD and the average number of spikes contained, both determined by consecutive ten trails of stimula tion. Open and closed circles, joined together for each unit, represent the values determined by OT shocks alone and by the combined stimuli, respectively. In all cases addition of MID stimulation to OT stimulation was effective in increasing the frequency of LD and with one exception, the number of spikes contained , too. In the experiment of Fig. 5, OT shocks were intensified so as to elicit LD unfailingly. The latency of LD in this P-cell was fixed around 280 cosec (Fig . 5A). When this unit was subject to the effect of conditioning MID shocks which preceded testing OT shocks by 20 msec, the latency of LD was lengthened by about 60 msec as compared with control (Fig. 5B). The results of the same experiment from a total of 24 P-cells are summarized in Fig . 5 C. In all the units tested, the latency of LD was prolonged by combined stimulation of OT and MID . It ranged from 140 to 325 msec (mean, 213 cosec) for OT stimuli alone and shifted to the range from 150 to 340 msec (mean, 245 msec) for the combined stimuli . Post-inhibitory rebound excitation of P-cells following MID stimulation . Now that MID stimulation has been found to exert an inhibitory effect upon P -cells which is about the same as produced by OT stimulation , it is expected that the MID-induced inhibition may be followed by a rebound excitation such as seen as LD for OT stimulation. There were found some P-cells in which such expectation was substantially fulfilled. One typical example is shown in Fig . 6B. Although this cell did not show any sign of primary excitation to MID shocks , spikes were b urst with a latency of about 230 msec. This burst of spikes is very similar to the Thalamic Stimulation and Lateral Geniculate Transmission 233 Fig. 5. Prolongation of latency of LD by conditioning MID stimulation. A and B were recorded from the same P-cell. Sweeps were started simultaneously with OT shocks (dots). A, control responses to OT shocks alone. B, responses to combined stimuli. MID shocks were applied 20 msec earlier than OT shocks. C, latencies of LDs in 24 P-cells, determined with OT shocks (open circles) and with combined shocks (closed circles). Fig. 6. Postinhibitory rebound excitation to stimulation of OT (A) and of MID (B). Sti muli are indicated by dots. In A ISs were followed by LDs whereas in B only LDs were elicited. ordinary LD caused by OT shocks (Fig. 6A). Records of Fig. 7 were obtained from another P-cell which also showed a long-latency spike burst to MID stimulation. In this experiment the tip of a microelectrode was carefully brought to the cell membrane as close as possible in order to approximate the intracellular recording (quasi-intracellular recording, McIlwain and Creutzfeldt 1967). In such recordings each of the spike bursts to MID stimulation was found to be preceded by a negative wave of a long duration. A similar negative wave was also seen after each of spike discharges occurring spontaneously (Fig. 7B). From P-cells of the rat LGB, Burke and Sefton (1966c) recorded extracellularly a slow negative wave of about 150 msec duration in response to single optic nerve stimulation. Since such a slow negative wave had the same properties as the field positive recorded in the ventrobasal nucleus, Burke and Sefton called it "P -wave"wave according to the terminology of Andersen et al . (1964) and interpreted 234 I. Sumitomo Fig. 7. Quasi-intracellular recording from a P-cell. A, responses to MID shocks applied at the start of sweep. Slow negative waves (upward deflections) were followed by LDs. B, slow negative waves following spontaneous discharges. Fig. 8. Responses of an I-cell to stimulation of OT (A) and of MID (B). In each column fast sweeps were used for topmost two records to show initial grouped discharges only. Other records were made with slow sweep to show a sequence of grouped discharges. Stimuli are marked by dots. it as an extracellular sign of the IPSP. Later, Fukuda and Iwania (1971) confirmed Burke and Sefton's finding and supported their interpretation. Since the slow negative wave of P-cells caused by MID stimulation is essentially the same as that recorded by Burke and Sefton (1966c) and Fukuda and Iwama (1971) by using OT stimulation, it seems now safe to conclude that MID stimulation sets up IPSPs in P-cells and in some cases the latter are terminated with a burst of spikes as a rebound excitation. Effects of MID stimulation upon internuncial cells (I-cells) Burke and Sefton (1966b) were the first who suggested that a long-lasting inhibition of P-cells following single shock stimulation of the optic pathway might be the recurrent inhibition mediated via I-cells which were activated by axon collaterals of P-cells. Although no conclusive evidence has not yet been presented for or against the existence of the recurrent inhibitory circuit within LGB, the proposal of these workers that I-cells may be inhibitory neurons acting upon P- Thalamic Fig. 9. Provocation MID. A, MID Stimulation and Lateral Geniculate Transmission 235 of initial grouped discharge by simultaneous stimulation of OT and stimulation. B, OT stimulation. C, combined stimulation. cells has been supported by other investigators (Suzuki and Kato 1966; Sakakura 1968; Fukuda and Iwama 1971). Since MID stimulation is as effective as OT stimulation for causing a long-lasting inhibition of P-cells, it is surmised that Icells may play an essential role in the MID-induced inhibition as in the OT-induced one. Cells of the rat LGB identified as the I type were those which responded to single OT shocks with a group of several spikes followed by similar grouped dis charges recurring at long intervals (Burke and Sefton 1966a; Sumitomo et al. 1969; Fukuda and Iwama 1971). The latency of the I-cell response to OT stimu lation, measured with respect to the first spike of the earliest grouped discharge (initial grouped discharge), ranged from 3.0 to 8.0 cosec (Noda and Iwama 1967; Sumitomo et al. 1969; Fukuda and Iwama 1971). Primary MID. excitation. A typical OT shocks are shown. discharges displayed discharge is followed column the I-cells example The with first a fast by the B one can see that same pattern were is shown two sweep. second this as obtained all excited in Fig. 8. records I-cell responded single in the The others one and by single by In column shock top are show that sometimes the grouped the initial grouped by the third There of to single initial to single MID shocks OT shocks. stimulation A the responses one, too. In with virtually was elicited the initial grouped discharge followed by the second one with an interval of more than 200 msec. In some sweeps more delayed grouped discharges were also seen. The latency of the first spike of the initial grouped discharge to MID stmulation ranged from 2.1 to 7.9 msec with the mean of 5.1 msec in a sample of ten I-cells. In the experiment of Fig. 9 the stimulus intensity of MID stimulation was slightly below the threshold of the initial grouped discharge (column A) and that of OT stimulation was just sufficient to evoke only one spike occasionally (column B). When the two stimuli were delivered simultaneously, this I-cell was strongly 236 I. Sumitomo Fig. 10. Inhibitory effect of MID stimulation upon OT-induced discharges of an I-cell. A, response to a strong MID shock. B, control responses to OT shocks. In C, D, E and F subliminal MID shocks preceded OT shocks by 40, 60, 100 and 200 msec, respectively. Dots indicate OT shocks. Fig. 11. Effects of MID stimulation upon spontaneous discharges of an I-cell. A, control. In B, C and D frequencies of MID stimulation were 0.5, 5.0 and 20 Hz, respectively . MID shocks are marked by dots. excited showing an initial grouped discharge of more than five (column C). These results indicate that there is a convergence of the excitatory volleys from MID and OT onto I-cells. Inhibition following primary excitation. That MID stimulation causes in Icells not only the primary excitation but also the inhibition is shown in Fig . 10. In the I-cell studied in this experiment, strong MID shocks induced an initial grouped discharge (record A) which was as vigorous as those produced by OT shocks (column B). In the series from column C to F , MID shocks were given as conditioning stimuli with an intensity subliminal for the initial grouped dis charge and were followed at varying intervals by testing OT shocks which were of the same intensity as in column B. In column responses C where were about the the conditioning-testing interval same as in control. In column was 40 msec D where , the testing the two shocks Thalamic Stimulation and Lateral Geniculate Transmission 237 were apart by 60 msec, the excitation by OT stimulation was evidently reduced. Such was more marked for the shock interval of 100 msec (column E). At the interval of 200 msec there were no significant modifications in the excitatory effect of OT stimulation (column F). In several I-cells, reduction of the OT-induced excitation was maximum around 100 msec after the conditioning MID stimulation. In I-cells showing spontaneous discharges at relatively high rates, the inhibi tory effect of MID stimulation was clearly evidenced as suppression of the ongoing spontaneous discharges. Sample records are presented in Fig. 11. In the control stage this I-cell was discharging at a frequency of about 22/sec (column A). To each of 0.5 Hz MID stimulations the cell showed two or three grouped discharges spaced by long intervals during which there were no spontaneous discharges (column B). In column C the frequency of MID stimulation was increased to 5.0 Hz. While this stimulation was continued, no discharges were elicited except the initial grouped discharge following each stimulus. Upon increas ing the stimulus frequency up to 20 Hz, the cell was completely silenced (column D). This is interpreted that in the steady state of high-frequency stimulation of MID the inhibition dominated over the excitation so that the cell underwent a sustained inhibition. The fact that I-cells are continuously inhibited by highfrequency stimulation of MID seems to be closely related to enhancement of spontaneous discharges of P-cells by continuous stimulation of MID at high frequencies. DISCUSSION With the intracellular technique Purpura and his associates made extensive studies on responses of cat thalamic neurons to low-frequency stimulation of the medial thalamus (Purpura and Cohen 1962; Purpura and Shofer 1963; Purpura et al. 1965, 1966; Maekawa and Purpura 1967). These workers have established that a majority of the thalamic neurons exhibit a sequence of a short-latency EPSP followed by a long-latency, prolonged IPSP while the medial thalamic stimulation is continued at low frequencies. The cell's firing is suppressed during the IPSP and tends to be confined in the brief period of the EPSP. The responses of I-cells to low-frequency stimulation of MID are in good agreement with the observation of Purpura and his associates in the majority of the thalamic neurons; I-cells are excited at short latencies by each shock of lowfrequency stimulation of MID and this excitation is followed by a long-lasting inhibition which is terminated by a rebound excitation. In P-cells, however, the effect of the same thalamic stimulation is different from that seen in I-cells. In P-cells a single MID shock gives rise to a long-lasting inhibition without being preceded by an excitation. The fact that P- and I-cells are distinguished in the response pattern to low-frequency stimulation of MID is taken as a further support for the already established concept that these two groups of LGB cells may subserve different functions in visual information transfer (Burke and Sefton 1966a, h, c; Fukuda and Iwama 1971; Fukuda 1973). 238 I. Sumitomo From are the primarily be made that fact that inhibited the in response whereas primary to low-frequency I-cells inhibition are primarily of P-cells is most stimulation excited, likely of MID P-cells a suggestion due to the may primary excitation of I-cells, i.e., I-cells which are inhibitory neurons acting upon P-cells are excited by MID shocks and in consequence P-cells undergo inhibition. The nature inhibition as that MID-induced is consistent were all found of P-cells induced inhibition with the induced by by OT stimulation. MID stimulation Moreover, is about the it has been shown same that in the and the OT-induced one add up to a stronger one. This finding that I-cells, identified as such by OT stimulation, to be activated by MID stimulation. High-frequency stimulation of MID causes a marked increase of spontaneous discharges in P-cells. This fact is a thalamic event corresponding to the cortical one that stimulation of the thalamic non-specific nuclei at low frequencies causes synchronized EEG responses (recruiting responses) while the same stimulation at high frequencies results in EEG flattening or desynchronization (Dempsey and Morison 1942; Morison and Dempsey 1942; Hunter and Jasper 1949; Jasper 1949; Morruzi and Magoun 1949; Monnier et al. 1960). Purpura and Shofer studied the synaptic mechanism of this phenomenon at the thalamic level and suggested that inhibition of inhibition might result in activation of thalamic cells. This interpretation is found valid for the present findings ; high-frequency stimulation of MID causes suppression of I-cells, hence P-cells may be released from a tonic inhibition due to spontaneous discharges of I-cells. This is essentially the same as the mechanism for facilitation of P-cells by high-frequency stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation (Fukuda and Iwama 1971). It has long been recognized that cortical recruiting responses to low-frequency stimulation of thalamic non-specific nuclei closely resemble EEG waves observed in one type of sleep called slow wave sleep. Also it has been shown that slow wave sleep is the state most favorable for the cortex to exhibit recruiting responses (Yamaguchi et al. 1964). Since P-cells are inhibited when low-frequency stimula tion is applied to MID and the latter is a member of thalamic non-specific nuclei (Jasper 1949; Ajmone-Marsane 1965), it is reasonable to suppose that during slow wave sleep there may be depression of synaptic transmission in LGB . Several experiments have been published showing that during slow wave sleep synaptic transmission in LGB is less efficient than during waking (Palestini et al . 1964; Dagnino et al. 1965; Walsh and Cordeau 1965; Iwama et al . 1966; Kasamatsu and Iwama 1966). Concerning behaviors of individual cells of LGB during sleep and waking Sakakura (1968) made an important observation . In freely behaving cats he found that discharges of P-cells, either spontaneous or evoked by single OT shocks, decreased when the animal's state shifted from waking to slow wave sleep and in contrast to this, an enhancement of spontaneous discharges of I-cells was associated with a developement of slow wave sleep . This fact can be taken as a behavioral correlate for the present result obtained from acute experiments . Fukuda and Iwama (1971) have established that suppression of I -cells causes Thalamic facilitation Stimulation and of P-cells as a consequence Lateral Geniculate of high-frequency Transmission stimulation 239 of the midbrain reticular formation. The present experiment has provided evidence that P-cells are inhibited by low-frequency stimulation of the thalamic non-specific system as a result of activation of I-cells. These findings, taken together, clearly indicate that higher center control mediation of I-cells. of synaptic transmission in LGB is always executed by References 1) Ajmone-Marsane, C. (1965) The Thalamus. Data on its functional anatomy and on some asneets of the thalamocortical integration. Arch. ital. Biol.. 103. 847-882. 2) Andersen, P., Brooks, C. McC., Eccles, J.C. & Sears, T.A. 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