Download Asia CMD Workshop - CMD-QE Laboratory

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Lecturers, graduate students as well as
practitioners in physics, chemistry, engineering physics, electrical engineering, material science and engineering.
Basically everyone interested in the
subject are welcome. However, due to
limited number of computers, we will
strictly limit the number of participants
and the decision will only be based on
first come first served basis.
The lectures will be given by Prof. Hideaki Kasai, Prof. Hiroshi KatayamaYoshida, Prof. Hisazumi Akai,
Yoshitada Morikawa, Prof. Hiroshi
Nakanishi from Osaka University, and
Prof. Hermawan K. Dipojono, Dr.
Mohammad Kemal Agusta from ITB.
Asia CMD Workshop
Computational materials design
and quantum engineering
This workshop is partially sponsored by :
What would you get :
Course hand-outs and certificate
Workshop duration : 3 full-days
Schedule : May 28 – 30, 2013
Venue :
Gedung T.P. Rachmat (Labtek VI)
Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
Fees :
Rp. 200.000,00
Air-conditioned computer laboratory
with multimedia facilities, lunch,
snacks, and certificate.
National Research Center for
Nanotechnology (NRCN)-ITB
DGHE - Directorate General of
Higher Education
ITB—Institut Teknologi Bandung
May 28 - 30, 2013
Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Fisika
Fakultas Teknologi Industri
Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Telp.: 022-250 4424, Ext. 213
Fax : 022-250 6281
Email : [email protected] /
[email protected]
Computer Laboratory
T.P. Rachmat Building 4th Floor
ITB Campus
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung
Computational Material Design and Quantum Engineering Laboratory
Research Group of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology
Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB)
In Cooperation with the
Kasai Laboratory of Osaka University
Asia CMD Workshop - Asia CMD Workshop
Asia CMD Workshop - Asia CMD Workshop - Asia CMD Workshop - Asia CMD Workshop
We are pleased to inform you that the
Computational Material Design and
Quantum Engineering Laboratory, Research Group of Engineering Physics,
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), in
cooperation with the Kasai Laboratory
of Osaka University will organize the
Asia Computational Materials Design
Workshop. This workshop will provide lectures of leading-edge researches in Computational Materials
Design (CMD) Science and hands-on
practical training on quantum simulation. The invited speakers are top experts in this field.
Computational materials design is a
computational approach aimed at developing new materials with specified
properties and functionalities.
The basic ingredient is the use of quantum simulations to solve the materials
science problems in order to design a
material that suits this specification.
CMD has the high potentiality to impact
real industrial research and development.
Although the subject covered in this
workshop is advance nevertheless we
will present it to you step by step. The
workshop will start with an overview of
possible roles of CMD in Indonesia,
some CMD applications, CMD in surface interactions and nano-spintronics,
and followed by the development of
quantum simulators. For this workshop
we purposefully chose Machikaneyama
2000, State-Senri and Naniwa for the
hands on experience of CMD. Machikaneyama 2000 is an open source application, a sophisticated KKR-CPA-LDA
ab initio electronic structure calculation
code, State-Senri is a plane-wave based
DFT codes, powerful in handling surface/interface and bulks systems, while
Naniwa is a Quantum Molecular Dynamics Code. These codes are going to
be introduced in the workshop by the
respective developers from Osaka University, Japan. We are looking forward
to seeing you in the campus of Institute
of Technology Bandung. You may also
enjoy the beautiful scenery of Bandung.
The workshop will provide hands-on
experience on quantum simulation. We
chose to use an open source application
so that the participants can easily develop for their own purposes without
an extra spending on application softwares. Although there is no computational language knowledge requirements, understanding any of it, preferably fortran or C and Java, will be
useful. The lecture, practice, and tutorial will be given by the experts from
both ITB and Osaka University
After completing this workshop, the
participants should be familiar with
DFT based ab initio computation, development of quantum simulators and
the computational material design
paradigm in general.; should be able to
use modern tool, Machikaneyama, for
quantum simulation and material design; should be able to conduct a quantum molecular dynamics based simulations.