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1. Venus has no moons
2. Earth is Venus sister
3. Venus has no ozone layer
4. Humans couldn’t survive on Venus
5. Venus rotates very slowly copared to earth
6. Venus actually lasts longer than a year on earth
7. Venus also rotates in the opposite direction of Earth
8. Venus also has a liquid molten core
9. Venus lies much closer to the Sun than does our planet
10.venus rises in the east and sets in the west
The surface on Venus
The surface on Venus could melt LED
The marking look like a spider web
The surface temperate is about
500 degrees
The atmosphere is extremely hot
Metros often blow up before it reaches the surface of Venus because
of the heat
The water on Venus evaporates before it can even gets there .
Rotation & orbits
Venus has no ozone layer
It has a different surface then the different to the other planets
Venus is very slow
Venus has a molten core
Venus is earths sister
Other facts on Venus
As the second planet to the Sun in the solar system, it is the closest neighbour
to the Earth. Known commonly as Morning or Evening star, Venus appears in
the sky just before sun rise or just after sun set. It is brighter than stars and can
be seen in broad daylight also. It is called an inferior planet in that it is closer to
the sun than the Earth. The planet is named after the roman goddess of love
and beauty.
Venus and the Eart
Venus has a diameter that 95% of the Eart. Compared to Earth it is less in
weight, having 81.55 of the Earth’s mass. The orbital period of Venus is 224.7
days. The winds on the top of the clouds are very strong but the same of the
surface of the Venus is very low, a few kilometres speed. . Volcanic plains
occupy the major surface area of the Mars. It has been estimated that it has
about 167 giant volcanoes of 100km across. The clouds have no water vapour.
The surface of Venus has high Mountains of volcanic nature, rift valleys and
meteor craters.
Is global warming really out of hand in Venus, Ok I admit that Venus’s global
warming is more than out control it’s crazy. The temperature normally
reaches 500c and that’s because it is the second planet from the sun it is
impossible to have life on Venus. If Venus has creeks, water and oceans it
will evaporate in a matter of seconds because Venus has no Ozone layer
Venus is so hot it has the ability to actually melt the hardest strongest
material on earth the one and only LED. If you’re trying to find another
planet to live on there’s no way you can live on Venus so cross out that
Idea. The atmosphere effectively traps the sun’s energy causing it to burn
much hotter than it usually would.
How long is an orbit and rotation in Venus? Did you know that one
day on Venus is 224 earth days? One day on Venus last longer than 1 year
on Venus. Venus’s sun rises in the west and sets in the east.