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Planets of the Solar System Quiz
1) Which of these is a dwarf planet?
a) Jupiter
b) Uranus
c) Pluto
d) Venus
2) Through his telescope, Galileo could see all the planets of the solar system.
a) True
b) False
3) The Sun is _______ more the mass of the entire solar system combined.
a) 10 times
b) 20 times
c) 200 times
d) 500 times
4) Distance in the solar system is measured by _______________.
a) Miles
b) Kilometers
c) Astronomical units
d) Light years
5) The Sun is _________________________ million miles from Earth.
a) 93
1 b) 73
c) 53
d) 33
6) On Venus a day is equal to 243 Earth days. What does this mean?
a) The length of a planet’s day is inversely related to its distance from the Sun.
b) The length of a planet’s day is directly related to its distance from the Sun.
c) Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis.
d) Venus takes 243 Earth days to orbit the Sun once.
7) One astronomical unit is 93 million miles.
a) True
b) False
8) On which planet would your weight be closest to your weight on Earth?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Jupiter
9) How is Ceres different from the other four dwarf planets?
a) Ceres is nearly as large as Mercury; the others are much smaller.
b) Ceres orbits near Jupiter; the others orbit beyond Neptune.
c) Ceres has microbial life, but life hasn’t been found on the others yet.
d) All of these.
2 10) About how many times has Mercury been around the Sun in the time it has
taken Earth to go around ten times?
a) once
b) 2.5-times
c) 4-times
d) 40-times