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February 22-26, 2016
TSW = The Student Will
L- Lesson
O – TSW Explore the advancements in genetic engineering.
L- Biotechnology in domesticated animals
A-Video- Ethical Concerns with genetic engineering; Animal
Farm episode 2
O - TSW Begin researching on genetic engineering webquest.
They will explore the ethics and progress that surround the
controversial debates of genetic engineering
L-Genetic Engineering webquest
A-Genetic Engineering wequest work time
O - TSW Begin researching on genetic engineering webquest.
They will explore the ethics and progress that surround the
controversial debates of genetic engineering
L-Genetic Engineering webquest
A-Genetic Engineering wequest work time
O - TSW Begin researching on genetic engineering webquest.
They will explore the ethics and progress that surround the
controversial debates of genetic engineering
L-Genetic Engineering webquest
A-Genetic Engineering wequest work time
O - TSW Begin researching on genetic engineering webquest.
They will explore the ethics and progress that surround the
controversial debates of genetic engineering
L-Genetic Engineering webquest
A-Genetic Engineering wequest work time
Human Anatomy and Physiology
O - TSW Name the organs forming the respiratory passageway from the nasal
cavity to the alveoli of the lungs (or identify them on a diagram or model), and
describe the function of each. Describe several protective mechanisms of the
respiratory system.
L-Ch.13: The Respiratory system.
A- notes; Video: Crash Course: Respiratory System, part 1: A&P #31
A: Study guide
O - TSW Describe the structure and function of the lungs and the pleural coverings.
Describe the structure of the respiratory membrane.
L-Ch.13: The Respiratory system: Lungs
A- notes; Video: Circulatory & Respiratory Systems - Biology #27
A: Study guide
O - TSW Define cellular respiration, external respiration, internal respiration,
pulmonary ventilation, expiration, and inspiration. Explain how the respiratory
muscles causes volume changes that lead to air flow into and out of the lungs
L-Ch.13: The Respiratory system: Respiratory Physiology
A- notes; Video: Respiratory System, part 2: A&P #32
A: Study guide
O - TSW Define the following respiratory volumes: tidal volume, vital capacity,
expiratory reserve volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and residual air. Describe
the process of gas exchanges in the lungs and tissues. Describe how oxygen and
carbon dioxide are transported in the blood.
L-Ch.13: The Respiratory system: Respiratory Volumes and Capacities; External
Respiration, Gas transport and Internal Respiration.
A- notes
A: Study guide
O - TSW Name the brain areas involved in control of respiration. Name several
physical factors that influence respiratory rate. Explain the relative importance of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in modifying breathing rate and depth. Explain why it
is not possible to stop breathing voluntarily. Define apnea, hyperventilation and
L-Ch.13: The Respiratory system: Control of Respiration
A- notes
A: Study guide