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Digestive System Webquest and STUDY GUIDE
1. Go to: and complete the following.
A. Click on “Digestive System Anatomy”...Click “Continue” to proceed through the slide show
a. What do the salivary glands secrete?
b. Adults have ______teeth that help in mechanical digestion of food.
c. The tongue mixes food with saliva to form a wet lump called a ____________.
The tongue is covered with bumps called ______________that contain taste buds.
d. The ________________dangles from the palate and works with the soft palate to prevent
food from entering the nasal cavity during swallowing.
e. The epiglottis folds down over the ______________(or voice box) during swallowing to
prevent food from entering the windpipe.
a. It is 10-inches long and connects the pharynx to the stomach. It moves the food by muscular
contractions called ________________.
b. The ________________________sphincter (also called the cardiac sphincter) tightens up to
prevent the stomach’s contents from pushing back into the esophagus.
a. The pyloric sphincter is a ring of muscles that forms a valve between stomach and _________
b. RECALL from your notes…(Proteins / Carbohydrates / Fats) are primarily chemically digested
in the stomach.
c. The body’s largest gland at 3 pounds is the ____________. It functions in detoxifying (taking
poison out) the blood. It also creates _____________which breaks down fat.
d. The _______________collects, stores, and concentrates bile.
e. The pancreas secretes enzymes into the small intestine to digest food. It also secretes ______
to regulate blood sugar. RECALL from you notes…what are three enzymes the pancreas
secrete into the small intestine? ______________ ______________ _________________
a. The small intestine measures about ________feet. Thousands of folds and millions of
fingerlike projections called _______________increase the surface area (which absorbs 90%
of the nutrients and water from the body. The three segments of the small intestine (in order)
are the:
b. The segments of the large intestine (in order) are the _______________colon, transverse
colon, ______________colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anus.
1. Select the BREAD (Carbohydrate Rich Food)
a. Chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in the ________________when salivary ________
breaks down starch into simpler sugars.
b. In the stomach, bread is churned (Mechanical digestion) for __________ hours. NO Chemical
digestion happens in the stomach for carbohydrates.
c. In the small intestine, enzymes made in the ________________ and _________________
(RECALL from your notes) turn the simpler sugars in to glucose. The glucose is absorbed
through the walls of the _____________________into capillaries (and carried by the
bloodstream into the ________________for storage (in the form of glycogen!)
2. Choose another food. Choose STEAK (A Protein Rich Food)
a. In the mouth, the steak is ________________digested, broken into smaller pieces.
b. RECALL from your notes: In the stomach, the gastric juice and an enzyme called _________
break the protein down into _______________(chains of amino acids)
c. RECALL from your notes: Another example of an enzyme called _____________(in the
duodenum) breaks down polypeptides into amino acids (which are mostly absorbed through
the walls of the small intestine.
d. The amino acids are carried by the blood to the body. Their main function is to build the walls
and other parts of ______________.
3. Choose another food. Choose Broccoli (A Vitamin and Fiber Rich Food)
a. In the mouth, the ______________broccoli is broken up into pieces that are easy to swallow.
b. In the small intestine, ________________is extracted and absorbed. Fiber (Is / Is not)
absorbed. It will be used later to help push undigested food.
c. Vitamin C’s function in the body includes:
4. Choose another food. Choose ICE CREAM (A Sugar and Fat Rich Food)
a. In the ___________, the ice cream melts and mixes with saliva
b. The ice cream mixes with the _____________in the stomach.
c. In the small intestine, the sugar gets broken down into glucose and __________________.
___________(made in the liver) breaks down the fats into __________ and cholesterol.
2. Go to: and drop and drag the parts onto the body
in the correct location. NOTE: it may be easier to do some parts than others!
A. I got all the pieces in right spots and all the parts labeled! (Yes / No)
B. Click on “Case Studies”
1. CELIAC DISEASE: After reading the case, what part of the digestive system did you drop and drag onto
the human model that is affected in Celiac’s? ____________________
-Summarize…what is Celiac’s:
2. LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: After reading the case, what part of the digestive system produces lactase?
Keep in mind, people that are lactose intolerant don’t produce enough of it! __________________
-Which ethnic group has the most difficulty with genetic lactose intolerance?
3. CECAL CITY: Sarah is a healthy 16-year old but required surgery to relieve sharp pain in the lower right
side of her abdomen. What part of her digestive tract was removed? (drag and drop!) ____________
4. CIRRHOSIS: It is usually caused by prolonged _________________consumption. What organ is
affected by cirrhosis (and hepatitis)? ________________
3. Go to:
A. Click on “Flashcards”. Proceed through all 28 flashcards by flipping over the cards and “quizzing” yourself
on the terms.
1. Write down one word (and its definition) that you had trouble with!
B. Click on “Scatter”…and “START GAME”. Match the words with their definitions. The pair will turn “green”
when you get it correct.
1. My time for the first attempt was ________________seconds
2. Try again! My time for the second attempt was ______________seconds
C. Click on “Test”. Go over to the right and make sure only “Multiple choice” is checked. Then take a 20
question test. My score was a ____________%
Note: I encourage you to use websites like this to practice taking tests!! 
4. Go to
A. Click on “SCATTER” and “START GAME”. My 1st attempt: _________sec. My 2nd attempt: _______sec.
B. Take ta 20-question multiple choice test. PRACTICE, PRACTICE! My score was _________%