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Food-Borne Intestinal Bacterial Pathogens
Eugenia Bezirtzoglou1, Vassiliki Maipa2, Chrissoula Voidarou1, Arsenis Tsiotsias1 and
Maria Papapetropoulou3
From the 1Department of Microbiology, 2Department of Hygiene, Medical School, University of Ioannina,
Ioannina, Greece and 3Department of Environmental Microbiology, Medical School, University of Patra,
Patra, Greece
Correspondence to: Eugenia Bezirtzoglou, Department of Microbiology, Medical School, University of Ioannina,
45110-Ioannina, Greece. Tel.: » 30-651-97590, Fax: » 30-651-46480, E-mail: [email protected]
Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2000; Suppl 2: 96– 104
The foods we eat are rarely sterile. They often provide an ideal environment for microbial survival and growth. Microorganisms present
in food can originate from the natural microora of the raw material or can be introduced in the course of harvesting, slaughter,
processing, storage and distribution.
Microbial growth in foods involves changes including intrinsic or extrinsic factors interacting with the microbial community over time.
Undesirable microorganisms in foods can manifest their presence in two different ways: they can cause spoilage of food and:or they can
cause food borne illness. On the other hand, some microorganisms can transform food in a beneŽcial way; this is called food
Foods are not sterile: they carry a natural and transient
ora reecting their environment. Foods carry microbial
associations the composition of which varies. These microorganisms are introduced in the food during the course
of harvesting or slaughter or they come from the natural
micro ora of the raw material (1) (2).
However, in most cases, food is consumed without
objection and consequences and, in same cases, microorganisms manifest their presence by causing spoilage of
food or are associated with food-borne illness in man.
It is of interest to report here that some microorganisms
have the ability to transform food in a beneŽcial way; this
is called food fermentation. Fermented foods have the
reputation to be beneŽcial to human health, especially
lactic acid bacteria. Live cultures of lactic acid bacteria
and BiŽdobacteria in foods are termed «Probiotics» (3).
Organisms enter the alimentary tract through foods, water
and air. There is infection when there is presence of large
numbers of pathogens in the vehicle (4). Unwashed hands,
lesions on skin and mucous membranes of food handlers
are reported to be important sources of food-borne illness
(5) (6).
Human or animal faecal contamination of food or water
is another possibility; untreated water supplies, ies and
Žngers constitute the vehicle in this last case. Non properly
cooked, stored or refrigerated food may be heavily contaminated (7).
© Taylor & Francis 2000. ISSN 1403-4174
Two primary types of
food-related diseases are
A food-borne infection involves the ingestion of the
pathogen, followed by growth accompanied by tissue invasion and:or the release of toxins.
An intoxication is a true food poisoning; it is generally
associated with consumption of food containing preformed
toxins produced by microbial growth prior to ingestion.
In this communication, we report the most common
bacterial agents introduced by food responsible for foodborne diseases.
Aeromonas hydrophila
This bacterium has the ability to grow at low temperatures
(¼ 0.1°C) and its prevalence is increasing by consumption
of chilled foods. The microorganism likes to grow in water
(hydrophila ¾ friend of water in Greek). The microorganism is found in drinking water, where it can multiply in the
piped water systems. Its principal reservoir is the aquatic
environment and especially freshwater lakes, streams and
wastewater systems, where it can be found in numbers as
high as 108 CFU:ml.
In immunosuppressed persons, food and:or water can
be a source of severe extra intestinal infection. Symptoms
Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease
Food-borne infection
of gastroenteritis accompanied by profuse watery diarrhoea occur in young children (\ 5 years old).
Aerolysin, a cytotoxin and 3 cytotonic enterotoxins acting like cholera toxin are produced by Aeromonas.
Aeromonas can cause infections when the skin is punctured, sometimes as a result of a swimming accident. A.
hydrophila has been also associated with acute diarrhoea of
travellers in Asian countries. Fresh foods, salad vegetables,
water, Žsh, meat, poultry and raw milk are reported to be
the most common vehicle for the microorganism (6).
The genus Brucella includes 4 species that are human
pathogens: B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis and B. canis.
Brucella is mainly contracted by consumption of milk
and milk products, or inadequately cooked meat from
infected animals. Normal milk pasteurisation process kills
the microorganism. It is also reported as an occupational
disease in farmers and veterinarians, contracted from close
association with infected animals. All Brucella species contains a mixture of two antigens: antigen A and antigen M,
which are complexes of proteins and lipopolysaccharides.
However, a quantitative difference in antigens is associated
with the different Brucella spp.
Brucellosis has an incubation period of one to 6 weeks,
followed by undulant fever with fatigue, sweats, headache,
anorexia, pains in the limbs and back and weight loss.
Skin, mucosa and conjunctiva constitute the main portal
of entry for the microorganism. The microorganism
spreads through the lymphatic route to ganglions and
organs. Brucellosis can be asymptomatic in professionals
being in close association with infected animals. Acute
brucellosis is reported when the antibodies titre is superior
to 1:1280. Recurrent brucellosis occurs sometimes years
after a primary infection. Localised brucellosis, especially
in untreated patients, is associated with the urogenital,
central nervous and the cardiovascular system, as well as
with lesions in the lung, bone and articulations (6).
Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus spp.
B. cereus shows a uniform distribution in the environment,
soil, water, and vegetation. Twenty-nine serotypes of the
organism are reported and are based in differences in the
agellar (H) antigen. Epidemiological studies by serotyping are necessary in case of outbreaks. B. cereus is described in outbreaks involving important numbers of
people (300–600 persons).
The usual food vehicle is reheated fried rice. In Norway,
a vanilla sauce stored at room temperature before serving
has been incriminated in an outbreak.
Enterotoxins are formed in food or in the human gut
from growth of B.cereus. Two different types of foodborne disease have been reported:
The disease is associated with consumption of food
including spores. Toxin production occurs in vivo. The
onset of the disease is 8 to 16 hours after food consumption and lasts between 12 to 24 hours. The disease is
caused by a heat-labile toxin which acts on adenylocyclase
and this results in a profuse watery diarrhoea accompanied
by abdominal pain and rectal tenesmus. The diarrhoeal
syndrome is associated mainly with meat products, soups,
vegetables, puddings and sauces.
This type of disease shows a shorter incubation period
than the diarrhoeal syndrome, usually 1 to 5 hours. Nausea and vomiting, main symptoms of the disease, last
between 6 to 24 hours.
The disease is due to preformed enterotoxin in food.
This enterotoxin is heat resistant.
The serotype-1 is associated with the emetic syndrome
(64%). The emetic syndrome is also associated with consumption of starchy products such as rice and pastries.
The disease is referred to as the Chinese restaurant syndrome. Rice prepared in bulk in advance contains spores
surviving precooking which germinate and grow by producing an emetic toxin during storage. This could be
prevented by chilling of the prepared rice.
Another Bacillus, B. subtilis is associated with products
such as meat pies, pastries, meats, rices and bread. The
«Ropey bread» phenomenon occurs when spores of B.
subtilis surviving baking degrade the loaf’s internal structure and produce a sticky slime.
A very rapid onset of the disease occurs (10 minutes
after consumption of the bread) including symptoms such
as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache and chills.
The thermophilic (growth at 42°C) Campylobacter, C.
jejuni and C. coli are a major cause of diarrhoeal illness in
many countries (8).
C. laridis, C. hyointestinalis and C. concisus have been
also incriminated as diarrhoeal agents, and Žnally C. pylori
(reclassiŽed as Helicobacter pylori ) has been associated
with gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer. Only 500 cells
of enteropathogenic Campylobacter can cause an acute
enterocolitis. The infective dose is closely related to the
health status of the individual. Young adults and children
are particularly susceptible. The incubation period is from
1 to 11 days, followed by symptoms including malaise,
fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. The diarrhoea produces foul-smelling stools (106 –109 cells:g of faeces) and
can vary from profuse watery to bloody and dysenteric
lasting a week. Excretion of microorganisms in the faeces
continues for up 2 to 3 weeks. Complications includes
arthritis and neurological disease referred to as the Guillain-Barre syndrome.
E. Bezirtzoglou et al.
Campylobacter penetrates the mucus which covers the
epithelial surface of the intestine and adhere through adhesins to epithelial cells.
The different symptoms of the disease reect different
pathogenic mechanisms:
Profuse watery diarrhoea is due to the elaboration of an
enterotoxin similar to the cholera toxin. There is production of a heat labile, acid-sensitive enterotoxin which
stimulates the adenylate cyclase activity.
Dysenteric syndrome: Invasion and necrosis of the cells
of the terminal ileum and colon occur producing blood
and pus in stools. In this case, a heat-labile, trypsin-sensitive cytotoxin has been isolated in almost 70% of the
Food is incriminated as the principal vehicle (9). The
microorganism can be also contracted by infected animals
(kitten, puppies) and water. Direct transmission from person-to-person occurs. Campylobacter cannot survive correct pasteurisation procedures and the majority of
outbreaks have involved unpasteurized milk.
Clostridium botulinum
The disease «botulism» results from the ingestion of an
exotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum growing in
the food (10). The disease derives its name from botulus,
the Latin word for sausage, because the earliest recorded
cases were traced to the consumption of contaminated
sausage products. The microorganism was isolated by Van
Ermengen (University of Gent, Belgium) in 1896 who gave
it the name Bacillus botulinus. In 1923, it was reclassiŽed as
Clostridium botulinum.
In Europe, most cases are still due to sausages and
home-preserved meats, whereas in the U.S., they are
mainly associated with home-canned fruits and vegetables.
The food can be contaminated at the source or during
processing with spores or vegetative cells of C. botulinum.
Food consumed cold or after mild heat treatment are
insufŽcient to inactivate the botulism toxin and Žnally
anaerobic conditions in the food favours C. botulinum
Fish, smoked Žsh, raw fermented Žsh (sushi) or seal
meat, vacuum packed hot-smoked Žsh and mushrooms are
associated with the disease, because salting and smoking
treatment are often insufŽcient to eliminate C. botulinum
or inhibit its growth during storage. A minimum salt
concentration (3%) and a temperature of 63°C during
smoking are recommended.
The most potent toxin even identiŽed is produced by C.
botulinum. Eight serologically distinct toxins are recognised
(A, B, C1, C2, D, E, F and G), and a single strain of C.
botulinum will usually produce only one type. As little as 1
g of these potent toxins ingested can inhibit nerve function
and produce fatal paralysis. The botulism toxins are neu-
rotoxins, which act locally on the gut, after affecting
primarily the cholinergic nerves of the peripheral nervous
The toxin is not inactivated by proteolytic enzymes in
the gut, is absorbed in the upper part of the intestine and
reaches the bloodstream via the lymphatics. It binds to the
nerve endings of the nerve-muscle junction, blocking release of the acetyl choline responsible for transmission of
stimulus, thus producing accid paralysis.
The incubation period of the disease varies from 8 h to
8 days, after consumption of the toxin-containing food.
The toxin is produced when foods contaminated with C.
botulinum endospores are kept under anaerobic conditions.
Canned foods containing no air encourage spore germination and bacterial multiplication. Low-acid foods present a
more favourable environment: C. botulinum is rarely found
in high-acid products because a pH below 5.3 inhibits
germination of its spores.
Symptoms of botulism appear between 12 to 36 hours
after consumption of the toxin and include weakness,
blurred or double vision, dysphagia, dysphonia, dry
mouth, vomiting, constipation, neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms and, if untreated, respiratory or
heart failure and paralysis. The disease is characterized as
a neuroparalytic syndrome with gastrenteritis. Surviving
patients may take as long as 8 months to recover fully.
Diagnosis is conŽrmed by immunological identiŽcation
of toxin in serum or faeces (11). The treatment includes
stomach washing to remove any toxic food, mechanical
respiratory support, polyvalent antitoxins to neutralize the
toxin and neuromuscular blockade antagonists (aminopyridine). Since the disease is not an infection, antibiotics are
of no therapeutic value.
The mortality rate is high (20– 50%) and depends on the
amount and type of food ingested, the extent of treatment
and the type of toxin (Toxin A shows a higher mortality
In 1976 infant botulism resulting from ingestion of food
containing spores of C. botulinum was Žrst described in the
U.S.. These ingested spores are transformed in vegetative
forms in the large intestine and production of toxin occurs
in situ. The disease is observed in newborns between 2
weeks and 6 months, when non milk foods are introduced
containing viable spores, at a stage at which the infant’s
intestinal ora is not fully developed to exclude C.
In the U.S., honey has been reported as the incriminated
food; viable spores of C. botulinum have been isolated in
samples of honey. It is therefore inadvisable to feed honey
to children under one year of age. Infant botulism occurs
as a mild disease with symptoms of muscular atonia.
Death is rarely the outcome of the disease, and has been
reported as the sudden infant death syndrome.
Food-borne infection
Clostridium perfringens
In 1892 C. welchii was reported as the agent of gas
gangrene. Later, this microorganism was reclassiŽed as
C.perfringens and was associated with outbreaks of gastroenteritis (food poisoning) (12).
The C. perfringens species are classiŽed in 5 types: A, B,
C, D, E based on the production of 4 major toxins h, b, m,
b and 8 minor ones (k, l, p, q, s, u, v, w). C. perfringens
type A is usually associated with diseases in humans
ranging from gas gangrene, acute necrotising disease of the
intestine infection and toxaemia to food poisoning. Large
numbers of vegetative cells (108:g of food) of the microorganism introduced by food and surviving the acidity of the
stomach could be responsible, after 8 to 24 hours, for the
clinical symptoms including nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and enteritis. The vegetative cells pass
to the small intestine where they grow, sporulate and
release an enterotoxin (13). The microorganism is detected
by the presence of large numbers (\ 106:g) of spores in
patient faeces, large numbers of vegetative cells (\ 106:g)
in food consumed, as well as by the presence of enterotoxin in the faeces.
C. perfringens food poisoning occurs when food is being
prepared some time in advance of consumption. Meat and
meat pies are the main food incriminated. Adequate refrigeration remains the key to its control.
Escherichia coli
E. coli is an inhabitant of the human and animal gut, and
is the main indicator of faecal water contamination. Some
strains, however are pathogenic and cause gastroenteritis.
It can be an opportunistic pathogen (causing sepsis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia in immunosuppressed
patients or meningitis in neonates).
Strains producing diarrhoea are classiŽed following their
plasmid-encoded virulence properties in 4 major
The disease occurs generally after 12 to 36 hours after
ingestion of the microorganisms. They adhere to the intestinal epithelium through Žmbriae. Two toxin types are
produced: the heat-stable toxins (ST) including STA and
STB toxins without a known mechanism of action, and the
heat-labile toxins (LT). The latter type of toxins are subdivided in LT I, which is a cholera-like toxin, and LT II,
which is also a cholera-like toxin, but does not cross-react
with antiserum to LT I.
The disease includes symptoms such as mild watery
diarrhoea. In regions usually characterised by poor sanitation, the disease is reported as the «traveller’s diarrhoea».
The pathogens do not appear to pose a health problem to
local populations who developed toxin-neutralising anti-
bodies. The disease remains a danger for travellers to these
areas after consumption of faecally contaminated raw
fruits, vegetables or water.
The ingested microorganism invades and multiplies
within the epithelial cells of the colon causing ulceration
and inammation. The symptoms of the disease includes
fever, abdominal pains, malaise, watery diarrhoea and
stools with blood, mucus and leukocytes.
The disease occurs 12 to 36 hours after ingestion of the
contaminated food. The EPEC strains have the ability to
adhere closely to the enterocyte membrane causing cell loss
from the villus tips. Malaise, vomiting and diarrhoea with
stools containing mucus but rarely blood are the main
symptoms of the illness, which is reported more severe in
The serotype mainly incriminated in this category of the
illness is O157:H7. Adhesion by plasmid encoding Žmbriae
is an important factor of virulence for O157:H7 strains.
Stomach cramps, acute bloody diarrhoea and haemorrhagic colitis, mainly during the summer period, could be
life-threatening in the elderly.
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome, characterised by acute
renal failure, haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopaenia,
occurring more often in children, is part of the spectrum of
the disease. Finally, thrombocytopaenic purpura related to
the above syndrome but also including neurological symptoms and fever have been reported as a severe
Outbreaks with EHEC O157:H7 are associated with
consumption of undercooked ground meat, raw milk or
undercooked hamburgers.
Food contaminated during processing or handling and
faecal contaminated waters are involved in outbreaks of
EPEC, EIEC and ETEC. Furthermore, mould-ripened soft
cheeses, sushi, potato salad, vegetables and coffee have
been incriminated in some cases of serious gastroenteritis
by E. coli.
Plesiomonas shigelloides
This microorganism is found in stools of patients with
diarrhoea and is recovered in 5.5% of human faeces in
Thai adults. The infection is more common in warmer
climates and in travellers returning from warmer climates
E. Bezirtzoglou et al.
The disease is reported as a mild watery diarrhoea
occurring 48 hours after consumption of the food. In
immunosuppressed persons, the disease manifests itself
more as a cholera-like syndrome.
Little is known for the pathogenesis of the disease, but
the motility of the microorganism seems to be an important factor, as well as the production of an enterotoxin.
ShellŽsh (crab, shrimp, cuttle Žsh, oysters) and Žsh are the
principle reservoirs of the illness.
Listeria monocytogenes
L. monocytogenes is an important human and animal
pathogen. In animals the disease presents 2 forms:
meningoencephalitis in adult ruminants, and a visceral
form causing stillbirth, abortion and septicaemia in young
ruminants and monogastrics.
Food is the major source of infection in humans. It is
ubiquitous in the environment although the incidence of
infection remains low (16) (17).
L. monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular pathogen
which can survive and multiply in cells of the monocytemacrophage system. The microorganisms attach to intestinal cells and induce endocytosis, processes promoted by
the virulence factor p60. Once inside the phagocytic vacuole, it produces high levels of the enzymes superoxide
dismutase and catalase to be protected from toxic superoxide anions. Finally, the microorganisms escape into the
cytoplasm from the vacuole. Production of a haemolysin
named listeriolysin O is essential in this process.
Invasive infection occurs only in susceptible individuals
including immunocompromized persons, persons under
prolonged antibiotic or corticosteroid therapy, pregnant
women, cirrhosis, diabetic and cancer patients. The disease
is strongly associated with suppression of T-cell mediated
immunity. However, the illness is not very common in
AIDS patients.
The symptoms of the disease appears within 1 to 90 days
ranging from a mild u-like disease to meningitis or
meningoencephalitis. In pregnant women the disease is
usually associated with fever, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Vegetables and cereals from listeria-contaminated area
can cause disease in the afore-mentioned health states.
Direct transmission from animal to man or from man to
man or animal to animal has been described. Human or
animal faeces of contaminated subjects spread the disease
A different disease is described in newborns, namely
granulomatosis infantiseptica. This disease is characterized
by a transplacental foetal infection which generally results
in abortion, stillbirth or premature labour. Two types of
disease can occur in newborns: (i) an early-onset syndrome
characterized by rapid contamination at birth, possibly by
aspiration of infected amniotic uid from an in utero
infection. Pneumonia, septicaemia and disseminated gran-
ulomas (abscesses) are the main symptoms of this type of
disease, which carry an elevated mortality rate of 38%; (ii)
a late-onset syndrome occurs when the newborn is infected
by his mother during passage from the birth canal or
sometimes is acquired after delivery. Meningitis is the
main symptom of the disease in 93% of the cases presented. However, the mortality rate in this case remains
lower (26%).
The microorganism possess the ability to grow on most
non-acid foods. Coleslaw and cabbages as well as vacuumpacked ham and paté are involved in listeriosis of serotype
4b. Cabbages grown in Želds fertilized by fresh or composted manure from sheep and stored during winter, permit multiplication to high levels. Meat and meat products
such as pork sausages, turkey frankurters, chicken, and
chicken nuggets are incriminated in cases of serotype 1
disease (19) (20) (21). Dairy products such as raw or
pasteurized milk and soft cheeses have been associated
with the disease, when there is improper pasteurisation.
Association with soft cheeses (Camembert, brie) is due to
the processing of the soft cheeses through ripening. During
the ripening process, microbial utilisation of lactate and
release of amines increase the surface pH, allowing Listeria
to multiply to dangerous levels.
Typhoid fever, a severe disease, is one of the most important causes of foodborne illness worldwide.
Many serotypes of Salmonella have been described. The
Kaufman-White serotyping scheme based on the presence
of O, H and Vi antigen distinguished 100 different
serotypes in the year 1941. Currently, it encompasses 2200
serotypes. S. typhi, S.paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B are found
in humans, and S. typhimurium, S.cholerae-suis, and S.
abortusuis in animals. Different serovar names are based
on the geographical location where the disease occurs:
S.dublin, S. montevideo, S. minneapolis, S. guilford.
Salmonella are responsible for different clinical
Infection can range from asymptomatic carriage to
severe diarrhoea. Human illness is associated with a limited number of serotypes and S. enteritidis, S.typhimurium,
S. virchow are the most common. The incubation period
varies from 6 to 48 hours. The main symptoms reported
are mild fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and
diarrhoea. The disease can be more severe in susceptible
groups such as the very young, old or ill persons.
Ingested microorganisms surviving the stomach acid
adhere to the epithelial cells of the ileum via mannose-resistant Žmbriae. Then they are engulfed by the cells
through endocytosis in a membrane-bound vacuole, where
they multiply and then are released into the lamina propria
Food-borne infection
via the basal cell membrane. This causes an inux of
inammatory cells leading to the release of prostaglandins,
which activate adenylase cyclase-producing uid secretion
into the intestinal lumen. However, the cause seems to be
multifactorial. The diarrhoegenic Salmonellas also produce
The infectious dose of Salmonella is usually over 106,
and factors predisposing are virulence of the serotype,
susceptibility of the individual and food vehicle involved.
An infective dose of 10– 100 cells in susceptible individuals
(children, elderly) can be fatal. An infective dose of less
than 200 cells has been associated with waterborne
The illness is associated with fatty foods such as, cheese,
salami, and chocolate. High fat content in some foods
affords the bacteria some protection from stomach acidity.
After the end of symptoms, carriage of the microorganism
and its passage in high numbers in the stools may occur
for a few weeks or months.
Host-adapted serotypes are more invasive and tend to
cause systemic disease in their host. In humans, S. typhi, S.
paratyphi A, B are responsible for septicaemia and enteric
fever. The incubation period varies from 3 to 56 days.
The disease present different stages:
During the Žrst stage the invasive Salmonella penetrate
the intestinal epithelium and are subsequently carried by
the lymphatics to the mesenteric lymph nodes. After multiplication in the macrophages, they are released in the
blood stream and are disseminated around the body (septicaemia). The microorganism can be cultured from the
blood. The main symptoms are fever, headache, abdominal tenderness, constipation, and red spots on the skin.
During the second stage, the microorganism reaches the
gall bladder where it multiplies in the bile. The ow of
infected bile reinfects the small intestine causing inammation and ulceration. Symptoms such as fever persist, and
‘pea soup’ stools with large numbers of bacteria are
The microorganism can also be found in the urine.
There is haemorrhage due to ulceration and perforation of
the intestine is observed leading to peritonitis. In milder
cases, the ulcers heals and fever falls with recovery after
4 –5 weeks.
The third stage includes remission and a carrier state for
months or years as bacteria colonising the gall bladder are
discharged with the bile into the faeces. This is most
common in women and elderly persons.
Some very famous Salmonella cases are reported in
literature, e.g., Master Baker’s Wife, the Folkestone
Milker, and the famous Typhoid Mary, Mary Mellon who
worked as a cook in households in the U.S. and who
disappeared after an outbreak of typhoid fever. She was a
carrier until her death.
Nowadays chronic carriers are treated with antibiotics
and cholecystectomy (¾ surgical removal of the gall bladder) is performed in some cases.
Non human-adapted serotypes such as S. blegdam, S.
bredeny, S.cholerae-suis, S. dublin, S. enteritidis, S.panama,
S. typhimurium, and S. virchow can be invasive in susceptible individuals, by causing less severe forms of enteric
fever and septicaemia, and focal infections in the heart,
appendix, gall bladder, peritoneum, lungs, urinary tract,
brain, meninges, and spleen. Meningitis in infants, pneumonia in the elderly, osteomyelitis in patients with sicklecell anemia is also reported for some of the serotypes.
Salmonellosis is a zoonotic infection since the major
source for human illness is infected animals. Transmission
is through the faecal-oral route (intestinal contents from
the infected animal are ingested with food or water). Meat,
milk, poultry (22) (23), eggs are primary vehicles when
undercooked or when cross-contamination occurs after
cooking. Human carriers are less important than animals.
Human transmission can occur if the faecally contaminated hands of an infected food handler touch food which
is then inadequately cooked.
There is a direct person-to-person spread possible by the
faecal-oral route in institutional outbreaks. Animals may
acquire Salmonella infection on the farm from birds and
rodents. An important factor for maintaining the cycle of
Salmonella infection is the practice of using animal byproducts as animal feeds such as meat and bone meal. The
heat process destroys Salmonella, but they are subject to
post-process contamination.
Poultry and poultry products (24) are reported to be the
major source of Salmonella infection. S. enteritidis is the
commonest serotype. Eggs are the most frequent vehicle.
Outbreaks are associated with raw eggs (25) in products
such as mayonnaise (4), ice-cream, or ‘body-building’
drink. Contamination of eggs with Salmonella is due to
contamination of the eggshell with faecal material in the
hen’s cloaca or after laying in the nest. The shell can then
contaminate the contents when the egg is broken. Contamination of the yolk of intact hen’s eggs occurs when
microorganisms infect the bird’s ovaries and oviduct and
thereby contaminate the egg contents (26).
Mild cooking procedures of eggs is insufŽcient to kill the
microorganism and the fat content of the yolk may protect
the microorganism from gastric acidity. Raw milk is incriminated, when inadequately pasteurized or post-process
contamination. S. ealing has been isolated from dried
baby-milk when the milk was reconstituted in water. Fish,
Žsh products, and shellŽsh from polluted water (prawns)
are also involved. Cocoa beans for chocolate production
have been associated with S. eastbourne, S. napoli, and
E. Bezirtzoglou et al.
Classical bacillary dysentery, also called shigellosis, is associated with infections with four species of Shigella (S.
dysentariae, S. exneri, S. boydii and S.sonnei ). S. dysentariae causes a more severe disease than the other Shigella
species. Unlike most enteric infections, shigellosis can be
initiated with a low infectious dose (10– 100 microorganisms). The incubation period of the illness varies from 7
hours to 7 days and the person-to-person spread is the
main mode of transmission. The illness is more prevalent
in child-rich communities and in persons who do not
respect hygiene practices. The disease ranges from asymptomatic cases to life-threatening dysentery.
The microorganisms penetrate into and multiply in the
superŽcial epithelium of the colon where they are believed
to release an endotoxin (27). The endotoxin induces inammation and local damage and, when absorbed into the
blood, results in symptoms of fever. An exotoxin responsible for the diarrhoeal disease is also produced. The stools
contain blood, mucus, and pus.
S. sonnei is associated with a watery diarrhoea and
recovery confers serotype-speciŽc immunity. The source of
the microorganism is often a human carrier involved in the
chain of food preparation.
In areas where sewage disposal is inadequate, the microorganism could be transferred from human faeces by
ies. Uncooked food having been subjected to extensive
handling, such as prawn, tuna, salad, or buffet meals are
involved in cases of the disease.
Staphylococcus aureus
The microorganism derives its name from the Greek words
staphyle (¾ bunch of grapes) and coccus (¾ grain), following its appearance under the microscope. 27 different
species and 7 subspecies of the genus Staphylococcus have
been reported.
The principal habitat of the Staphylococci is the skin,
skin glands and the mucous membranes of warm blooded
Several species are associated with particular hosts, e.g.,
S. gallinarum with chicken and S. hyicus with pigs. S.
aureus occurs most frequently on the skin of humans and
animals. On the skin, S. aureus can cause skin abscesses,
acting as an opportunistic pathogen when the skin barrier
is breached or the host resistance is low. It is also found in
the nasal passages of healthy individuals (20–50%). It has
been isolated from faeces and from environmental sites
(soil, marine and fresh water, plant surfaces, dust, air).
S. aureus produces 7 exotoxins (A, B, C1, C2, C3, D, E).
Exotoxin Type A is involved in 52% of outbreaks and D in
6%.These toxins are resistant to gut proteases and heat
stable, being inactivated only by prolonged boiling. S.
aureus toxins are strict neurotoxins. They elicit the emetic
response by acting on receptors in the gut, which stimulate
the vomiting centre in the brain via the vagus and sympathetic nerves.
The incubation period of the food-borne disease is very
short (2 –4 h). Symptoms includes nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhoea. In severe cases, dehydratation,
marked pallor and collapse require treatment by intravenous infusion (28).
The disease occurs after ingestion of a pre-formed toxin
in food. The presence of small numbers of S. aureus in
food is not uncommon and they can be eliminated by
cooking or pasteurisation. Outbreaks due to dried and
chocolate milk have been described, through bacterial
growth and enterotoxin production. Contamination by
food handlers in view of the high rate of human carriage is
the most common mode of transmission. Contamination
from the nose and throat and skin or by coughing and
sneezing is another common mode of transmission. Numbers superior to 106:g are required for the production of
enough toxin to cause illness.
The most common food vehicles are poultry products,
cold cooked meats (29), salted meats, ham, corned beef,
buffet meals and canned foods. Hard cheeses, cold sweets,
cream-Žlled bakery products, rice balls (Japan), and icecream (Hungary) have been implicated. When the food
prepared in advance and stored at ambient temperature or
inadequately chilled, it can be responsible for the disease.
Vibrio cholerae
In India more than 20 million of people have been killed
this century by cholera. Vibrio cholerae was discovered by
Koch in 1886 and thereafter has been many times involved
in serious outbreaks.
The incubation period of the disease varies from 1 to 3
days and the symptoms range from mild, self-limiting
diarrhoea to a severe, life-threatening disorder. The infectious dose for initiation of the disease remains large (1010
Hypochlorohydric persons are more susceptible to acquire cholera. Cholera is a non-invasive infection; the
microorganism colonises the intestinal lumen and produces
a potent enterotoxin which activates adenylate cyclase and
this leads to an accumulation of cAMP which inhibits
absorption of Na » and Cl ¼ , HCO3¼ and Na » ions (30).
To maintain an osmotic balance, the transfer is accompanied by a massive outow of water into the intestinal
lumen. This results in watery diarrhoea containing akes
of mucus described as rice water and containing 1010
Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, fever, fall in
blood volume and pressure, increase in blood viscosity,
renal failure and circulatory collapse. Massive losses of
uid and electrolytes are seen. The death rate is high,
ranging from 30– 50% if the patient is left untreated and
these numbers are reduced to less than 1% if rehydration
using an electrolyte solution is administered.
Food-borne infection
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
V. parahaemolyticus is an halophile most commonly found
in marine environments (31). The bacterium causes gastroenteritis after ingestion of contaminated seafood. The
incubation period varies from some hours (9 –25 h) to
several days (2–4 days) and the symptoms include profuse
watery diarrhoea with mucus (10%), blood (5%), abdominal pain, vomiting and fever.
V. parahaemolyticus is more enteroinvasive than V.
cholerae and penetrates the intestinal epithelium to reach
the lamina propria (32). Kanagawa reaction in Wagatsuma’s agar is used to observe that the haemolysin can lyse
fresh human or rabbit blood cells. 96.5%of strains causing
foodborne disease are Ka (» ); environmental strains are
Ka (¼ ) (99%).
The disease is associated with eating contaminated raw
or inadequately cooked seafood. During summer season,
the pathogen found in coastal waters may infect shrimp,
crabs, oysters and Žshes.
Yersinia enterocolitica
Y. enterocolitica can occasionally cause gastroenteritis in
humans following ingestion of faecally contaminated food
or water or by direct contact with contaminated faeces.
Yersiniosis is most common in the cooler climates of
northern Europe and North America. There is seasonal
variation with a peak in the autumn and winter. The
disease is most common in children under 7 years. The
incubation period of the disease varies from 1 to 11 days
and includes symptoms such as mild fever, vomiting,
arthritis, and inammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes.
Pigs are chronic carriers of Y. enterocolitica. The serotypes
(03, 05, 27, 08, 09) are associated with human disease.
Erythema nodosum is usually associated with serotypes 03
and 09. The microorganism is found in the tongue, tonsils,
gut, caecum of healthy animals, contaminated milk, and
water. Control of infection by proper transport and
slaughter practices, evisceration, excision of the tongue
and tonsils is imperative (33).
Ingested microorganisms survive passage through the
stomach acid and adhere to the mucosal cells of Peyer’s
patches through bacterial outer membrane proteins. There
is endocytosis and microorganisms are released into the
lamina propria where they invade phagocytic cells and
multiply extracellularly producing a local inammatory
response. Damage in epithelial surface results in malabsorption and an osmotic uid loss is characterized by
diarrhoea (34).
Food can be preserved by a variety of methods. It is
important to eliminate populations able to cause spoilage
and disease and to maintain the microbiological quality of
a food.
To best manage the potential sources of contamination
from production to consumption, the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) approach is used. Until now,
we have been mostly concerned with the negative role of
microorganisms in foods. We should not forget other roles
for microorganisms: fermentation, where microbial activity
is essential for the production of food, and other beneŽcial
effects (6).
This review has been carried out with Žnancial support from the
Commission of the European Communities, Agriculture and Fisheries (FAIR) speciŽc RTD programme PL98 4230 «Intestinal
Flora: Colonisation Resistance and Other Effects». It does not
necessarily reect its views and in no way anticipates the commission’s future policy in this area.
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