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Ancient Greece Study Guide
Peninsula: land surrounded by water on 3 sides
Monarch: rule by 1 (king or queen), first form of government in Greece
Oligarchy: rule by few, rich families called aristocrats
Tyranny: rule by a military leader, came to power by initially making laws to improve
people’s lives
Democracy: power of the people, citizens shared the ruling power
Representative Democracy: citizens vote for people to represent them in government
Direct Democracy: citizens vote directly on issues and laws
Imports: Items brought in from other regions
Exports: Items sent to other regions for trade
Mt. Olympus: A place where the Greeks believed the gods/goddesses lived
1. Describe the geography of Greece. What feature of Greece’s geography had the
greatest impact on their economy? Peninsulas and islands, mountains. The soil was
rocky which prevented them from growing a lot of crops. The people were isolated
from each other because of the mountains. They were close to the sea which was
good for trading.
2. How was it possible that Greece was not unified under one form of government? The
steep mountains isolated the city states from each other and made communication
3. Why did the Greeks establish colonies? How did these colonies affect Greek culture?
Colonies were established because there was a shortage of good farmland and Greece
lacked a major river. The colonies spread all over the Mediterranean and it helped
spread Greek culture
4. What are some similarities between ancient Athenian democracy and democracy in
the U.S. today? Citizens shared the ruling power. Rule of the people, people debated
and voted on issues, trials with judges and lawyers, citizens can hold government
5. What are some differences between ancient Athenian democracy and democracy in
the U.S. today? In Athens, citizens voted directly on all issues, only free men voted,
100 jurors. US has representative democracy, women can vote, 12 jurors, 3 branches
of government.
6. How did the assembly of Athens differ from the Council of 500?
Assembly-all citizens voted on every issue
Council of 500-citizens chosen at random (drawing) to serve a 1 year term.
7. What was most important to the way of life of Spartans? Military training, strict
discipline, very physical, ruled by an oligarchy (had 2 kings), discouraged trade
8. What was the focus of daily life in Athens? Education, the arts, philosophy, learning
was important so educated citizens could participate in democracy, trade encouraged
9. How were education and the role of women different between Athens and Sparta?
Athens – women where in charge of the raising and educating children, household
Sparta – very physical, military training, could own property
10. What was an important outcome of the Persian Wars? Why do we remember the
Battle of Salamis? How did the Greeks win?
Greek city states bonded together to fight off a common enemy. The Greeks saved the
rest of Europe from Persian rule and also saved “Western Culture”. The Battle of
Salamis was won based on the Greeks knowledge of local waterways. The Greeks
won because of their knowledge of the geography and better military strategy
11. What was the outcome of the Peloponnesian War? Why could it be considered a
defeat for both sides? Sparta defeated Athens. The war weakened both sides and
made them a target for Phillip of Macedonia and later Alexander the Great.
12. Why was Alexander “Great”?
He conquered a huge area in the Mediterranean World
He admired and spread Greek culture all over the world because he was educated by
13. What are some similarities between the ancient Olympics and the Olympics of
today? An athlete lights the flame, occur every 4 years.
14. How did the Greeks make so many scientific discoveries? By observing and answering
15. Is Greek architecture common in the U.S. today? Explain.
The use of columns on important government buildings.
16. How did oligarchs rule? Why did they get overthrown?
They passed laws that favored the rich. The poor people with the help of a military
leader overthrew the oligarchs.
17. How do ancient Greeks Pythagoras and Euclid still impact life today?
These mathematicians added to modern day Geometry. Geometry is a Greek word
“to measure land”. Geometry measures shapes and spaces used to plant a field or lay
out a city. The PyTHAGORIUM
Ancient Greece Study Guide
Representative Democracy:
Direct Democracy:
Mt. Olympus:
1. Describe the geography of Greece. What feature of Greece’s geography had the
greatest impact on their economy?
2. How was it possible that Greece was not unified under one form of government?
3. Why did the Greeks establish colonies? How did these colonies affect Greek culture?
4. What are some similarities between ancient Athenian democracy and democracy in
the U.S. today?
5. What are some differences between ancient Athenian democracy and democracy in the
U.S. today?
6. How did the assembly of Athens differ from the Council of 500?
7. What was most important to the way of life of Spartans?
8. What was the focus of daily life in Athens?
9. How were education and the role of women different between Athens and Sparta?
10. What was an important outcome of the Persian Wars? Why do we remember the
Battle of Salamis? How did the Greeks win?
11. What was the outcome of the Peloponnesian War? Why could it be considered a
defeat for both sides?
12. Why was Alexander “Great”?
13. What are some similarities between the ancient Olympics and the Olympics of
14. How did the Greeks make so many scientific discoveries?
15. Is Greek architecture common in the U.S. today? Explain.
16. How did oligarchs rule? Why did they get overthrown?
17. How do ancient Greeks Pythagoras and Euclid still impact life today?