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Chapter 1
A Geographer's World
Bell work
Studying Geography page# 2
• Answer the following question with a paragraph (5-7
• How does studying geography help us learn more about our
• (Think about people, plants, animals, climate, food, etc.,)
Essential Questions
• How does geography help us understand our world?
• Why do we study geography?
• How does geography impact the development of society,
economy, government, and history?
What is Geography?
• Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the
landscapes they create
• Study the world, Study people, and study the landscapes
they make (build)
What is geography?
What is Landscape?
• All the human and physical features that make a place
• Examples of Physical features (land forms):
• Mountains, hills, deserts, plateaus, islands, rivers, volcanoes,
wetlands, plains, valleys, glaciers, lakes, deltas, oceans, seas,
The Earth
• What is the shape of the earth?
• What is the relationship of the earth to the sun?
• How do we measure distance/find locations on the
The Earth’s Shape
• The earth has spherical shape
• What does spherical mean?
• Yes! That’s correct, the earth is round, in shape
• What does this mean for us?
• Is it better for the earth to be flat or round? Why?
The Earth’s movement
• In what way or ways does the earth move?
• What relationship does this movement have with the sun?
• What relationship does it have with time?
• What relationship does it have with seasonal changes?
Earth’s Movement Displayed
• Pay attention to each of the two demonstrations
• Rotation
• Revolution
What is rotation?
• Rotation is when the earth turns on its own axis; it is one
complete turn or spin of the earth
• How long does it take?
• 24 hours or 1 day
What is a revolution?
• A revolution is when the earth makes one trip
around the sun
• How long does it take?
• 365-1/4 days
Measuring distance / finding place
• Latitude – imaginary lines that runs horizontal, they measure North or
South using degrees
• Longitude = imaginary lines that run vertically. they measure East or West
using degrees
Landforms & Water Cornell
• Go to your notes section and update it with the above
• Title the notes Landforms & Bodies of Water
• Landforms are the shapes on earth’s or another planet’s
surface. Landforms make up the natural landscapes that
surround us everywhere we go or look
• Earth’s surface is covered with landforms of many different
shapes and sizes. Some examples are: Mountains (land that
rises higher than 2,000 ft),Valleys (low land between
mountains), Plains (long stretches of flat grassy land) islands,
peninsulas (land with water surrounding on 3 sides)
Second Term = How Landforms Form
• Earth is made up of 3 layers: 1. A solid inner core, 2. A Liquid Layer
(mantle), 3. Solid outer layer called the crust. **The earth’s
continents are part of the earth’s crust**
• Plate Theory suggests the earth’s surface is made up of 12 or so plates
that move. When plates move, collide, separate, new land forms are
• Example: When 2 ocean plates collide, one goes under the other one
forming a trench in the ocean.
• When a continental plate collides with an ocean plate, the ocean plate
goes under and land crumples up mountains are formed
How Landforms Form (Continued)
• Plates Separate, too, not just collide
• When plates separate, they leave a gap between the 2 plates and this
allows magma or lava to rise from the earth’s interior to escape
• When this happens in the oceans, the magma cools and forms
underwater mountains. EX: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
• If the ridges rise high enough, they can rise above the water and become
volcanic islands, Like the country Iceland
How they form Pictures
Third Term=Weathering
Weathering is the process by which rock is broken into smaller pieces over
long periods of time
Several Factors cause Weathering: 1. heating & cooling of rocks causes
cracks to form 2. Ice can cause rocks to expand and break apart. 3. Tree
roots can pry rocks apart
4th Term= Erosion
• A natural force that helps change landscapes & landforms
• Erosion is the movement of sediment from one location to another
• Erosion is caused by: wind, rain, snow, and ice
• Glaciers can cause erosion because they move slowly, as they move they
carve away the land
5th Term = How landforms influence Human lives
• Landforms affect human settlements & culture
• Some people choose to settle near some landforms to help them. Also
some people avoid landforms that are hard to live in/near
• EX 1: People live near fertile river valleys that are good for farming EX 2:
First urban Civilization was in the valley between the Tigris River &
Euphrates River
• Some landforms like deserts and mountains are extremely hard for
settling so people avoid them EX: Sahara desert & Himalaya Mts.
Next Term: Cultural effects of Landforms
• Landforms influence what jobs people do
• EX: fishermen, trade ports, ship building near large waterways EX 2:
Mining jobs near mineral deposits (silver, salts, gold) They need mining
tools, clothes, rail transportation, dynamite, etc.,
• Landforms can influence how people build things
• EX: Near forests people may use wood from trees. In deserts they may
use sand or clay to make bricks, or find stones
Cultural Effects of Landforms (Continued)
• Landforms influence languages, too EX: Where there are high mountains
travel is difficult, so many languages are spoken. Also islands make
languages isolated
• EX: Asian Island countries with many mountains have 100’s of different
languages because landforms made travel hard
• Land forms can influence religious customs and practices. EX: Lake
Titicaca is important to Native Religions, in North America certain lands
or rivers are holy to them
The Earth’s Water
• The Earth is mostly covered by water. Around 71% of the earth
• We can’t use most of it. Why not?
• Nearly 97% of the water found on earth is salt water
Salt Water
Salt Water
• Makes up 97% of the Earth’s water
• Found in oceans, seas, gulfs, straits, and a few lakes (Great Salt
Lake in Utah)
• Contains high levels of salt and other minerals. It is unsafe to
Fresh Water
• Freshwater is water that DOES NOT have salt
• Makes up ONLY 3% of the water found on earth
• Much of the Freshwater on Earth is frozen in ***glaciers***
• Scientists say glaciers are melting because of global warming
• Uses of freshwater include: farming, drinking, showering, cooking, cleaning,
Surface Water
• A form of freshwater that is found in the Earth’s streams, rivers, and lakes
• Only a VERY tiny amount of the earth’s total water is from surface water:
• Water that falls to earth’s surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail
• Precipitation helps keep the earth’s surface water supply stocked
• **Precipitation also falls to the ground and seeps (goes) below rocks and
soil and is stored as groundwater**
• Too much precipitation can cause damage from flooding, snow, or hail
• Water found below the ground is called groundwater. Precipitation, (Rain,
snow, sleet, ice, hail) help keep groundwater stocked (full)
• Usually ground water is found by digging wells deep into the ground or it
bubbles up from a spring below the ground
Problems with water
• Some poor countries do not have access to freshwater, sea levels rising can
cause coastal flooding, and chemicals can make fresh water dirty