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1st 9 Weeks Test Study Guide
United States and Canada has landforms that are?--------The same
Appalachians Mountains-----are located on the east side of the United States and
Canada, they run from Alabama to Canada across the New England states, they
contain the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Smoky Mountains.
Rocky Mountains-----are located on the west side of the United States and run
from New Mexico into Canada and Alaska, they are about 3,000 miles in length.
They are also known as the Continental Divide and water on the west side runs into
the Pacific Ocean and water on the east side runs into the Gulf of Mexico.
Columbia and Colorado plateaus------are the two major plateaus in the United
Frasier and Nechako plateaus--------are the two major plateaus in Canada
Death Valley------hottest, driest place in North America
Continental Divide---runs down the Rocky Mountains and the water to the west
side of the Continental Divide runs into the Pacific Ocean and water on the east
side runs into the Gulf of Mexico
Height of land divide-------another land divide located in Canada that joins the
Continental divide. This divide separates waterways flowing into the Arctic Ocean
to the north.
Cascades and Sierra Nevada Mountains------are part of the Pacific Mountain
Range and are located on the west coast of the United States.
Most abundant resource in the U.S. and Canada-----timber
Sunbelt--------southern and southeastern part of the United States
Suburb-----------small communities located just outside of a city
Megalopolis-------cities that are so close to each other that there outlying areas
Metropolitan area------a central city and its surrounding suburbs
Longitude lines-----are imaginary lines that go around the earth over the poles.
Prime Meridian----The prime meridian is the zero-degree line for longitude.
Latitude lines--------are imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator.
Timberline----elevation on mountains above which trees cannot grow
Canada is made up of what?----------10 providences and 3 territories
Chinook-----winds that blow down the Rocky Mts. in the winter and early spring,
melting the snow at the base of the mountains revealing grass for cattle and other
wildlife to graze one
Pacific Mountain Range-------a series of mountains ranges cover the western
coast of the U.S. and Canada caused by collisions of Earth's tectonic plates and
these mountain systems are known as the Alaska Range, the Coast Range, the
Cascade Range, and the Sierra Nevada; together they are known as the Pacific
Which Mountain Range is longer?----------Rocky Mountain Range
United States and Canada both border what?---The Great Lakes and Niagara
The capital of Canada -----Ottawa
Relative location------ describes a place in comparison to other places around it.
Absolute location----- is the exact place on earth where a geographic feature, such
as a city, is found. Examples are address, lat and long.
Human environment interaction-----------Refers to the relationship between
humans and their environment. People learn to use or deal with what the
environment offers them and to change that environment to meet their needs.
Not everyone agrees with their environment or feels the same way about it.
Place------What is it like? Human Characteristics---What are the main languages,
customs, and beliefs? How many people live, work, and visit a place.
1. Physical Characteristics---Landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.), climate,
vegetation, wildlife, soil,
Location----Where is it at? There are two types of location
Movement-----How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place?
– Human Movement
• Trucks, Trains, Planes
– Information Movement
• Phones, computer (email), mail
– Idea Movement
• How do fads move from place to place?
TV, Radio, Magazines
Island----an area of land completely surrounded by water
River----a natural stream of water that flows through land and empties into a body
of water such as an ocean or lake
Creek----a stream that flows into a river
Strait------a narrow waterway connecting two large bodies of water
Canal-----a waterway dug across land through which sips can pass manmade
Political Map-----show features on the earth’s surface that humans created. Cities,
states, territories, or countries are examples of a political map.
Physical Map-------- help you see the types of landforms and bodies of water
found in a specific area. On a physical map color, shading, or contour lines are
used to indicate elevation or altitude.
Topographical Map------- shows the landforms with their vertical dimensions and
their relationship to other landforms.
Atlas--------a book containing maps and vital statistics relating to geographic
Reservoir-------a large natural or artificial lake used for collecting and storing
water for human consumption or agricultural use-----like a pond