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Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good eating habits can lead to a
lifetime free of digestive issues
Poor eating habits can lead to
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
A well balanced diet includes a
variety of foods that are low in fat,
and high in fiber.
Ex: Fruits and Vegetables
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
Wash hands before preparing or eating a
meal to reduce that risk of harmful
bacteria entering your body.
Ex: Money and Door Handles have
millions of E.coli, Staphylococcus,
Aureas, plus fungal and viral infections
which can all lead to food poisoning.
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your
Connection: By thoroughly chewing
your food, you increase its _____________
________ which allows for better
_______________ digestion.
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your
Connection: By thoroughly chewing
your food, you increase its surface area
which allows for better chemical
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
Drink at least eight 8oz glasses (64oz)
of water each day.
Not enough water can lead to
dehydration and constipation.
Healthy Behaviors and the
Digestive System
Good Choices
Do not use food as a crutch to deal
with emotional issues.
Find other outlets such as exercising or
writing when stressed.
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive ProblemsDiscomfort that results from illness,
stress, or eating certain foods
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
1. Indigestion: Feeling of discomfort in the
upper abdomen.
A feeling of fullness sometimes
accompanied by gas and nausea.
Eating too much, eating too quickly, Spicy
foods, or fatty foods
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
2. Heartburn: Burning sensation at the
center of the chest.
Acid from the stomach rises and burns the
bottom of the esophagus.
Hiatal Hernia- Part of the stomach pushes
through an opening in the diaghram
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
2. Heartburn: Burning sensation at the
center of the chest.
Continuous heart burn can indicate a more
serious problem so don’t ignore!
Continual burning of the esophagus can
lead to cancer
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
3. Gas: Cramps or uncomfortable feeling of
fullness in the abdomen.
Different foods can cause gas for
different people, however, foods high in
Carbohydrates tend to cause gas in most.
Ex: beans, broccoli, & onions
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
4. Constipation: Feces become dry and
hard. Bowel movements are difficult.
Usually caused by not drinking enough
water or eating enough fiber.
Water+ Fruits and Vegetables+ Exercise
will lead to regular bowl movements
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
5. Nausea: Feeling of discomfort that
sometimes precede vomiting.
Vomiting is caused when strong muscles
contractions in the abdomen force food from
the stomach back into the esophagus.
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
5. Nausea: Feeling of discomfort that
sometimes precede vomiting.
Motion sickness, pathogens, some meds, &
dehydration can all cause nausea/ vomiting
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
6. Diarrhea: passage of watery faces.
Caused when feces passes too quickly through
the large intestines and water is not properly
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
6. Diarrhea: passage of watery faces.
Changes in eating styles, overeating, emotional
turmoil, nutritional deficiency, bacterial or viral
infections, some meds
Problems of the Digestive
Functional Digestive Problems
6. Diarrhea: passage of watery faces.
Dehydration is the major concern when
diarrhea occurs. Fluid + electrolytes should be
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems- A part of the
digestive system in not properly working or
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
1. Gallstones: Cholesterol in Bile
crystallizes and blocks the bile duct
between the gall bladder and small
Pain in the upper right portion of the
abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and fever.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
1. Gallstones: Cholesterol in Bile crystallizes
and blocks the bile duct between the gall
bladder and small intestine.
Medications or high intensity ultra sounds
may be used to try to break the stones down.
Surgical removal of the gall bladder is
Gall Stones
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
2. Appendicitis: the inflammation of the
Blockage caused by the bacteria the appendix
stores or foreign object.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
2. Appendicitis: the inflammation of the
Pain in the lower right portion of the abdomen,
fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
2. Appendicitis: the inflammation of the
If the appendix bursts, the good bacteria that it
stores will spill outside of the digestive system
creating a severe (usually lethal) infection.
The appendix will be surgically removed.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
3. Gastritis: Inflammation of the mucus
membrane that lines and protects the
Too much stomach acid production, alcohol,
tobacco, bacterial or viral infections, medications
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
3. Gastritis: Inflammation of the mucus
membrane that lines and protects the
Pain, indigestion, decreased appetite,
nausea, and vomiting
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
3. Gastritis: Inflammation of the mucus
membrane that lines and protects the
Avoid irritants, take meds for relief of
irritation or antibiotics to rid of infection
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
4. Peptic Ulcer: a sore in the lining of the
digestive tract.
Over use of anti-inflammatory drugs or a
bacterial infection caused by Heliocobacter
pylori (H. pylori)
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
4. Peptic Ulcer: a sore in the lining of the
digestive tract.
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain that
worsens when the stomach is empty.
Bleeding may occur and eventually, the
ulcer can perforate the wall
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
4. Peptic Ulcer: a sore in the lining of the
digestive tract.
Medications that neutralize acids or
eliminate infection. Avoid irritants such as
aspirin, cigarette smoke, and alcohol.
Peptic Ulcer
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
5. Cirrhosis: Destruction of the liver tissue.
Prolonged and heavy alcohol consumption
Alcohol interferes with the liver’s ability to
break down fat. This extra fat blocks blood
flow causing destruction of the tissue.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
5. Cirrhosis: Destruction of the liver tissue.
If the cirrhosis is advanced, a liver
transplant may be needed due to liver
failure. Death may occur.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
6. Crohn’s Disease: inflammation of the
lining of the digestive tract
Diarrhea, weight loss, fever, abdominal pain
Seems to be an Autoimmune Disease (body
attacks itself)
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
7. Colon Cancer: Cancer of the colon and
rectum is the 2nd leading cause of death
from cancer in the USA.
The cancer usually forms near the
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
7. Colon Cancer: Cancer of the colon and
rectum is the 2nd leading cause of death
from cancer in the USA.
As the cancer grows, the colon can become
blocked and may cause bleeding during a
bowel movement.
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
7. Colon Cancer: Cancer of the colon and
rectum is the 2nd leading cause of death
from cancer in the USA.
This cancer is slow to spread so early
intervention is key. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR
Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
8. Colitis: Inflammation of the Large
Bacterial or Viral infection
Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea that may
contain blood
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
9. Hemorrhoids: veins in the rectum and
anus that are swollen as a result of
increased pressure.
Constipation, pregnancy, and childbirth
Itching, pain, bleeding
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
9. Hemorrhoids: veins in the rectum and
anus that are swollen as a result of
increased pressure.
Regular physical activity and a diet high in
fiber can help to avoid hemorrhoids.
Rubber banding or laser MAY temporarily fix
Problems of the Digestive
Structural Digestive Problems
10. Tooth Decay: Breakdown of the enamel of
the teeth.
Linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
Brushing and flossing daily is the best way to
prevent tooth decay
Lower sugar intake