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Cells & Heredity Unit- The Cell Cycle
Cells pass through different stages in their life cycle.
The cell cycle starts when a cell is ___________ and ends when the cell ___________ to
make new cells.
Before division, the cell makes a copy of its ________ that is stored in its chromosomes.
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells have different processes for cell division.
★ Prokaryotic Cell Cycle and Division
Prokaryotes are a _________ cell with no organelles and their DNA is found on one
__________________ chromosome.
Prokaryote cells ___________ using a simple process
called binary fission.
DNA is _______________
Cell ___________ and splits in half
End result= 2 _______________ cells
★ Eukaryotic Cell Cycle & Division
Cell division is more ______________ in eukaryotic cells.
Occurs in 3 stages
1. Interphase- DNA ____________
2. Mitosis- Nucleus ______________
3. Cytokinesis- Cytoplasm ____________ and the cell divides
★ Interphase- the ______________ stage of the cell cycle
1. Growth phase 1 (G1)
The cell ____________ rapidly
Duplicates its ______________
Cell spends ___________ of its lifetime in this phase
2. Synthesis phase (S)
The cell copies its ______. This is DNA replication. This
makes a copy of each _________________.
The 2 copies are called __________ chromatids and
attach at a ____________ point called the centromere.
3. Growth phase 2 (G2)
The cell ____________ more and gets ready to divide.
★ Mitosis
division of the ____________ including the chromosomes
occurs in ____________ phases
produces 2 genetically ______________ cells
★ Prophase- Prepare
Sister _______________ have formed
The nuclear ______________ breaks down
Fibers called ____________ form to help the chromatids move.
★ Metaphase- Middle
Sister chromatids line up in the _____________ of the cell
★ Anaphase- Away
Spindle fibers ________ the sister chromatids toward the
opposite poles of the cell.
This gives each pole a complete set of _______________.
★ Telophase- Two nuclei
The chromosomes _______________
New nuclear _________________ form
★ Cytokinesis- when the cell ______________
This stage overlaps with the last step in mitosis, telophase.
The cytoplasm _______________
In animal cells- a cleavage ____________ forms and
separates the daughter cells
In plant cells- a cell __________ divides the cell walls of the
daughter cells
★ Cell Feedback
Cell cycle is controlled by ________________.
When the cell is ___________ and healthy, the proteins in the cell get a “green light”
and the cell starts to copy its organelles and chromosomes.
If there is a DNA ________________, the proteins that control cell division may not
control the cell properly.
This can cause Cancer- uncontrolled ______________ of cells.
DNA mutations can cause cells to speed up the cell ___________ or cause cells to never
stop dividing.
★ Reproduction
Reproduction is how organisms produce ______________.
There are two types of reproduction: _____________ or _______________
★ Chromosomes
A chromosome consists of DNA and protein molecules coiled together.
_______________ shape in prokaryotes
________________ shape in eukaryotes
Humans have ___________ pairs of chromosomes. The last pair determine our ______.
XX = _____________
XY = _____________
★ Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is simpler than sexual reproduction.
It involves just one ______________.
The offspring are genetically ______________ to each other and to the parent.
All __________________ and some eukaryotes reproduce this way.
There are several different methods of asexual reproduction including binary fission,
fragmentation, and budding.
★ Binary fission
occurs when a parent cell simply ___________ into two daughter cells
___________ reproduce this way
★ Fragmentation
occurs when a _______________ breaks off from a parent organism
the piece develops into a new organism
______________ can reproduce this way
★ Budding
occurs when a parent cell forms a ____________________ bud
the bud stays attached to the parent while it ______________ and develops
it ______________ away from the parent only after it is fully formed
_______ can reproduce this way
★ Sexual reproduction
Is more complicated
It involves two ____________
Special cells called gametes (sex cells) are produced by the parents that have
___________ of the chromosomes.
In humans, a gamete produced by a _____________ parent is called an egg,
while a gamete produced by a ____________ parent is called a sperm.
An offspring forms when two gametes _____________.
The union of the two _____________ is called fertilization.
The ____________ cell that forms when two gametes unite is called a zygote.
★ Chromosome Numbers
In species with sexual reproduction, each ____ cell has two copies of each chromosome.
The number of ___________ types of chromosomes
is called the haploid number.
Ex: human beings have 23 different chromosomes. Each body cell contains two
of each chromosome, for a total of 46 chromosomes.
In humans, the haploid number is _______.
The number of chromosomes in normal ________
cells is called the diploid number. The diploid
number is twice the haploid number.
In humans, the diploid number is two times
23, or _______.
★ Homologous Chromosomes
The two members of a given pair of chromosomes are called
homologous chromosomes.
We get one of each homologous pair, or 23 chromosomes,
from our ___________. We get the other one of each pair, or
23 chromosomes, from our ____________.
A gamete must have the _________ number of
chromosomes. That way, when two gametes unite, the
zygote will have the ____________ number.
How are haploid cells produced? The answer is ___________.
★ Meiosis
Meiosis is a special type of cell division that
produces ____________ (sex cells).
It produces haploid __________ cells.
Cells prepare for meiosis by replicating their
Next they go through ___________ divisions,
meiosis I and meiosis II.
Meiosis I and meiosis II each have ___________ phases: prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase.
This results in _________ haploid daughter cells.
★ Advantage of Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction can happen very _____________.
Under ideal conditions, 100 bacteria can divide to produce millions of bacteria in
just a few hours!
Most bacteria don’t live under ideal conditions. Even so, rapid reproduction may
allow asexual organisms to be very successful.
They may crowd out other species that reproduce more slowly.
★ Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction is typically ________. However, it also has an advantage. Sexual
reproduction results in offspring that are all ______________ different. This can be a big
plus for a species. The ______________ may help it adapt to changes in the
How does genetic variation arise during sexual reproduction? It happens in three ways:
crossing over, independent assortment, and the random union of gametes.
Crossing over occurs during prophase of meiosis I. The paired chromosomes
exchange bits of DNA. This _____________ their genetic material.
Independent assortment occurs during metaphase of meiosis I. Chromosomes
line up ______________ and which ones end up together at each pole is a
matter of chance.
The union of gametes occurs _____________. In sexual reproduction, two
gametes unite to produce an offspring. Which two gametes is a matter of
chance. Due to these sources of variation, each human couple has the potential
to produce more than 64 trillion unique offspring. No wonder we are all