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Nutritional requirement for calcium, phosphorus,
and vitamin D in ­pigs
Pedro E. Urriola; Gerald C. ­Shurson
Department of Animal ­Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
The objective of this manuscript is to review recent research information related to dietary requirements and
utilization of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and vitamin
D (VitD) to optimize bone health, pig growth, farm profitability, and minimize environmental pollution. Nutritional
programs for swine must take into account the essential
roles of Ca, P, and VitD in: 1) metabolism and overall lean
tissue and bone growth, 2) contributions to total diet cost,
and 3) managing excess concentrations of P in manure
to minimize environmental pollution (Crenshaw, 2001).
Calcium and P are required for optimal bone mineralization, while VitD is required for proper Ca absorption
and potentially pig health. Phosphorus is the third most
expensive nutritional component of swine diets after energy and amino acids, and excess P in runoff manure may
account for 33% of the P load into fresh water resources
(UN-FAO, ­2006).
Physiological functions of Ca, P, and
Vitamin D
Despite their high concentrations in skeletal tissue (>90%
of Ca, and > 60% of P), Ca and P also have important roles
not only on bone structure, but also in nutrient metabolism,
cell signaling, blood clotting, among others (Crenshaw,
2001). Calcium is deposited in skeletal tissue as hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3(OH), which may constitute about 50%
of dry weight of bones. Deposition of both elements is necessary for proper bone formation and one mineral will not
be deposited without the other (Crenshaw, 2001). Calcium
also has metabolic regulatory properties. For example,
Ca forms complexes with proteins allowing for reversible conformational changes and regulating the function
of proteins. Phosphorus has structural functions in bone
mineralization, is an intrinsic part of hydroxyapatite, and it
is also constituent of phospholipids (Ewing and Charlton,
2007). Phosphorus also functions to regulate metabolism.
The dietary requirements of nutrients for pigs has evolved Phosphorylation activates and deactivates enzymes, and
from a static value expected to match all production cir- energy transfer requires formation of P ­bonds.
cumstances to a dynamic value that accounts for multiple The main link of VitD to Ca, P, and bone health is the role
factors affecting the physiological processes related to of VitD on intestinal absorption of Ca. Calcium is absorbed
maintenance, growth, and efficiency of nutrient utiliza- in the small intestine by active-transcellular and passivetion. Animal growth and subsequent nutrient requirements paracellular pathway and VitD causes formation of Ca
are affected by multiple factors such as growth rate, feed binding proteins for the active absorption of Ca (Wasserintake, and type of diet. Therefore, it is not correct to as- man and Taylor, 1966; Crystakos et al., 2011). The role
sume that nutritional recommendations will fit all animals of VitD in Ca absorption is key for bone mineralization.
in all production c­ onditions.
However, VitD has other non-structural roles in regulaSeveral published references provide a review of current tion of immune cells (Figure 1). Therefore, the nutritional
nutrient requirement recommendations based on the re- requirements of these 3 nutrients depend on the balance
vised “Nutrient Requirements of Swine” from the National and utilization of Ca, P, and VitD in all ­f unctions.
Research Council (NRC, 2012). The NRC, 2012 along with
newer mechanistic models of the fate of dietary P in the
gastrointestinal tract and metabolic pathways in pigs allow
for more precise estimates of dietary concentration and
requirements of P for pigs (Schulin-Zeuthen et al., 2007;
Létourneau-Montminy et al., 2011; Létourneau-Montminy
et al., 2012a,b). The NRC (2012) and the newer mechanistic
models are guidelines for nutritional recommendations
and are useful to illustrate the variety of options that nutritionists use to meet requirements for Ca, P, and VitD
in diets for growing pigs and ­sows.
2013 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference
Concentration, utilization, and
measures of Ca, P, and Vitamin D in feed
The concentration of Ca and P in feed ingredients, concentrates, and complete diets can be expressed on the
basis of: 1) total dietary concentration, 2) availability, or 3)
digestibility (Joengbloed et al., 1991; Carlson et al., 2008,
Richert, 2012). It is well establish that total concentration
of Ca and P is not a reliable measurement of the potential
Pedro E. Urriola; Gerald C. ­Shurson
Figure 1: Schematic presentation of systems and
functions affected by vitamin D
Ergocalciferol or Cholecalciferol
1, 25-hydroxy-D3
Immune functions
use of the nutrient in feed ingredients and diets (Jongbloed
et al., 1991). The reason for the unreliable use of total Ca
and P as measure of requirement is that these minerals
can be found bound to phytic acid in most plant raw materials (Table 1). The standardized total tract digestibility
(STTD) of P bound to phytic acid in plant raw materials
is only about 20% compared with 80% in most sources
of inorganic P. Only transgenic pigs producing salivary
phytase are capable of utilizing Ca and P bound to phytic
acid (Goloban et al., ­2001).
of digestibility values to determine necessary amounts of
phytase enzymes to be added to the diet. Diets can also
be formulated to minimize indigestible P concentrations,
which is an advantage of digestibility system over other
The digestibility of P can be expressed on apparent, standardized, or true total tract digestibility (NRC, 2012). Therefore, the concentration of P in diets for pigs can be calculated
using a digestibility estimate times the concentration of
total P. The recent NRC (2012) adopted the nomenclature
and methodology of standardized total tract digestibility
(STTD). The value of STTD represents the concentration
of digestible P in a diet or feed ingredient after has been
corrected for basal endogenous losses, which is the same
concept comparable to that used for amino acids (Stein et
al., 2007). Basal endogenous P loss is the amount of P that
pigs excrete daily consuming a diet devoid of P (Petersen et
al., 2012). It is assumed that an adjustment of digestibility
values for endogenous losses of P will make diet formulation
for P more additive because it corrects for losses of similar
amounts across all feed ingredients, which is an advantage
over the availability s­ ystem.
The concentration of vitamins can also be expressed on
their total concentration usually in international units/
kg. The international unit is a measurement based on the
biological activity of the specific chemical form of the
vitamin (Baker and Stein, 2012). Given that there are many
chemical forms, preparations, and sources of VitD, it is
necessary to express their concentration on IU. The IU of
VitD is the equivalent of the biological activity of 0.025
µg of cholecalciferol (VitD3) a main form of the vitamin
found in animals (NRC, 2012). The other prominent form
is ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) found in plant materials. Pigs
can synthetize VitD by isomerication of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in the skin to VitD3 following exposure
to sun light or from ingestion of vitamin D2 or D3 in the
diet. There are numerous factors that affect the synthesis
of VitD such as availability of precursors and amount of
exposure to sun light. Once formed, VitD undergoes 2
hydroxylations steps in liver in kidney at the 1 and 25th
positions to form ­1,25(OH)2D3.
The differences in digestibility and utilization of P among
raw materials can be calculated by measuring the availability of P and Ca in raw materials. The availability of Ca
and P are expressed as a value relative to a reference raw
material (typically monocalcium or dicalcium phosphate).
The inorganic standard raw material is assumed to be 100%
bioavailable for metabolic functions and bone mineralization. Therefore, bone strength and bone ash are the major
outcomes of measuring bioavailability of Ca and P in feed
ingredients. The availability system is a major improve- The nutritional concentration of vitamins for requirements
ment over formulating diets for pigs, especially when using for vitamins has been expressed on the basis of their bioalternative feed ingredients (Hanson et al., ­2012).
availability in a similar manner that used to express P bioThe major problem with the bioavailability system is that availability relative to a standard source (Baker and Stein,
digestibility and subsequent availability of “a standard 2012). The bioavailability of vitamins in cereal grains and
feed ingredient” varies between and within ingredients most ingredients is disregarded when formulating diets for
(Table 2). This results P availability values not being ad- pigs, while all requirements are met by vitamins supplied
ditive, and will cause errors in nutrient concentration in in the form of a premix added to the final diet. There are
the final diet (Pedersen et al., 2011). In addition, expression many factors that affect the bioavailability and degradaof nutrient concentration of feed ingredients on digestible tion of VitD in premixes such as humidity, sun light exbasis allows for calculations of nutrient excretion and use posure, heat, pH, presence of oxidative agents, and type
2013 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference
Nutritional requirement for calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in ­pigs
Table 1: Concentration of total calcium, total phosphorus, and phytate bound phosphorus in common raw
materials fed to growing pigs
Calcium, % Phosphorus, %
Phytate, %
Avail. of P, %1 STTD of P2, %
Soybean meal
DDGS, 10% oil
Dicalcium phosphate
Monocalcium phosphate, 70
Monocalcium phosphate, 85
Monocalcium phosphate, 100
Availability of phosphorus, values modified from Pedersen et al. (2011).
Standardized total tract digestible phosphorus.
Table 2: Example of diets formulated with variable concentrations of total phosphorus but a similar concentration
of standardized total tract digestible (STTD) phosphorus (P)
Diet 1
Diet 2
STTD of P, %
Corn, yellow dent
Soybean meal
Total phosphorus, %
STTD of P, %
Ingredient composition, %
Distillers dried grains with solubles
Monocalcium phosphate
of inorganic trace minerals (Shurson et al., 2011; NRC,
2012). Therefore, for many practical applications, vitamin
concentrations provided by premixes are at levels several
times greater than recommended levels in the final diet to
account for these uncertainties while ensuring adequate
vitamin nutrition (Richert, ­2012).
Models to determine Ca, P, and VitD
Nutritional requirements for Ca and P of growing pigs,
gestating and lactating sows can be obtained from published values or from newer predictive models. In the
newest nutritional recommendations from NRC (2012),
the P requirement for growing pigs is calculated using a
modeling approach of factorial and dynamic estimations. It
is difficult to quantify each physiological function of these
nutrients to determine a dietary requirement. Therefore,
an alternative approach is to partition the animal’s nutritional requirement into the functions that P has on basal
2013 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference
Nutrient composition
metabolism and production (growth or lactation). Maintenance requirements for P are based on the amount of P
that would need to be consumed to keep basal metabolic
functions and replace those amounts lost in feces and urine
(Jongbloed et al., 1991). The requirement for production
purposes are the amount of P needed to support growth
or milk production (Jongbloed et al., 1991; NRC, 2012).
The sum of maintenance and production requirements
are additive and account for all P intake required per day
(Baker and Stein, 2012; NRC, ­2012).
For growing pigs and sows, the main determinants of P
requirements are: 1) maximum rate of retention (calculated
from whole body P mass), 2) P retention in products of
conceptus, 3) P output in milk, 4) basal endogenous loses
of P, 5) minimum urinary losses of P, and 6) marginal efficiency of using STTD P intake for P retention. In addition,
for growing pigs, the NRC estimates that the P requirement
for maximum growth performance is 85% of the P requirement for maximum P retention. This suggests that optimal
Pedro E. Urriola; Gerald C. ­Shurson
pig growth can be achieved by feeding diets containing
85% of the P that would be required for optimal bone
mineralization. The requirement of P on a STTD basis
can be calculated as f­ ollows:
STTD P req (g/day)=0.85 ×[ (max WB P retention)/0.77+0.19 ×DMI+0.007 ×BW]
Where 0.85 is the maximum P required for growth as a
proportion from the maximum requirement for P retention, Max WB P retention is the maximum whole body P
retention, DMI is the dry matter intake of pigs, and BW
is the body weight of pigs that is dynamically changed
with phase of feeding. From the above requirement model
it is implied that pigs require less dietary intake of P for
optimal growth that for optimal bone mineralization. The
optimal level of P for maximal profitability is then based
on animal growth at 0.85 of the requirement for optimal
bone mineralization (Cromwell et al., 1970). Under commercial conditions, pigs are generally fed greater dietary
levels of P than actually required for optimal growth to
avoid the risk for rickets in young or osteomalacia in adult
pigs. Therefore, a 5-10% safety margin is generally applied
to calculated dietary requirements to account for variation
in requirements and feed intake among the population
of pigs. The other solution is to formulate diets using
stochastic models (Pomar et al., 2011). Stochastic models
of nutrient requirements take into account growth and P
requirements of individual pigs, but they are rarely use
under commercial conditions at this ­moment.
The requirements for Ca, are expressed on total concentration of dietary Ca and are not expressed on STTD basis in
NRC (2012). Therefore, the current NRC (2012) calculates
the requirement of Ca as a linear function of the requirements for STTD P as 2.15. It is expected that new values
for endogenous losses of Ca will be available to recalculate
nutrient concentration of feed ingredients on STTD of Ca
in the future (Gonzalez-Vega, 2012). A ratio of 0.9:1 for
true total tract digestible Ca to true total tract digestible
P was calculated, but not included in the current models
of NRC (Fan and Archbold, 2­ 012).
The nutritional recommendations for the concentration of
VitD in diets of pigs between 5 and 25 kg in NRC (2012)
remained the same at 220 IU/kg (Table 3) compared with
previous revisions of the requirements since 1968 (NRC,
2012). Despite the fact that pig’s genetics, feed intake,
and environment has changed since 1968, the NRC 2012
has kept requirements similar because very few studies
have been conducted to establish a new requirement.
Furthermore, most of the studies suggesting a benefit
from increasing dietary VitD concentrations have considered only a few dietary levels (Jang et al., 2012). Experimentally, using only a few dietary levels to measure
responses makes impossible to establish an objective
rather subjective requirement for nutrients (Baker, 1986).
It is also necessary to use the most appropriate response
criteria for experiments designed to establish a nutritional
recommended level of VitD, and in general, any essential
nutrient (Baker, 1986). Common response criteria used to
establish VitD requirements are measurements of bone
health, as well as incidence and severity of rickets in young
animals and osteomalacia and in adult animals that are
fed increasing levels of VitD under experimental conditions (Combs et al., 1966). These types of experiments are
usually conducted under clean farm environments with
minimal pathogen load. However, under field conditions it
is possible that greater nutritional requirements are needed
when animals are exposed to pathogens (Figure ­1).
What is the role of the immune system
on Vitamin D requirements? New areas
of ­utilization
Vitamin D has being demonstrated to have a modulatory
role in the immune system of pigs (Tougsignant et al.,
2013). These modulatory effects of the immune system
suggest that pigs may benefit from greater dietary levels
of VitD. However, the dietary levels of VitD that are necessary for improving immune function or improving pig
growth under disease challenge conditions are not well
defined for several reasons. First, as mentioned above most
studies have used limited dietary or supplemental levels
of VitD, which makes impossible to establish a correct
dietary requirement (Baker, 1986). Second, most studies
have measure only a few physiologic responses, either
immune parameter or growth, but none has tested the balance among all functions for VitD (Figure 1). The optimal
supplement or dietary concentration of VitD will depend
on the most profitable balance between all v­ ariables.
In conclusion, dietary requirements for Ca, P, and VitD are
dynamic requirements that need constant monitoring and
adjustment in diet formulations to optimize animal growth
and minimize environmental impact of pork production.
Nutritional models are a useful tool for determining objective and dynamic requirements, but new parameters in
to account for differences in animal health may need to
be included in these models to increase the precision of
estimating ­requirements.
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Nutritional requirement for calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in ­pigs
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2013 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference