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Laboratory of Viral Infection and Innate Immune Sensing
CHS Nachwuchsgruppe am CellNetworks Cluster und DKFZ.
Building 581 (TP4). Buro: 3.306
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: 06221 42 1560
Email: [email protected]
CHS Nachwuchsgruppenleiter am CellNetworks Cluster und DKFZ,
Heidelberg University, Germany
Oct 2004Feb 2005
Bridging grant fellow
Biochemical characterisation of the
hepatitis C virus core protein
Post-doctoral associate
Contribution of Lipid Droplets in
Hepatitis C virus life cycle
Marie curie post-doctoral fellow
Contribution of Lipid Droplets in
Hepatitis C virus life cycle
Post-doctoral associate
Study of non-enveloped virus entry
by clathrin-mediated endocytosis in
polarized cells
Lyon, France
Supervised by : Jean-Pierre Lavergne
([email protected]) and François Penin
([email protected])
MRC Virology Unit
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Supervised by: John, McLauchlan
([email protected])
MRC Virology Unit
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Supervised by: John, McLauchlan
([email protected])
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Supervised by : Max Nibert
([email protected]) and Tom
([email protected])
Classe préparatoire Mathematic superior, Mathematic speciality. 1996-1998
Lycée Ozenne, Toulouse, France
Bachelor degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. 1998-2000
Lyon-1 University
DEA in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Master). 2000-2001
Lyon-1 University
PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry with excellence award. 2001-2004
Biochemical characterisation of the hepatitis C virus core protein, study of the lipid droplet
association domain, alternative forms of HCV core protein resulting from multiple recoding events.
Lyon-1 University, IBCP-CNRS, France. Supervised by: JP. LAVERGNE ([email protected]) and
F. PENIN ([email protected])
 Post-doctoral fellowship granted by GlaxoSmithKline (2011-present)
 Post-doctoral fellowship granted by Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) (20062008)
 Post-doctoral fellowship granted by the Medical Research Council (2005-2006)
 Bridging grant granted by the “Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale” (October 2004February 2005)
 Travelling Fellowship, International HCV conference, Heidelberg, Germany (2004)
 EURODOC fellowship granted by the Rhône-Alpes region for a working visit to the
laboratory of Dr. J. McLauchlan, MRC Virology Unit, Glasgow, UK
 PhD fellowship granted by the French ministry of research (2001-2004)
 Pilot and Feasibility award program HDDC, Boston, MA (2010)
 Pilot and Feasibility award program HDDC, Boston, MA (2009)
 Pilot and Feasibility award program HDDC, Boston, MA (2010)
 Pilot and Feasibility award program HDDC, Boston, MA (2009)
 Poster award, FASEB Lipid Droplets conference, Vermont, USA (2007)
 Best Oral communication, UK Meeting on the Biology and Pathology of Hepatitis C Virus
 Travel award, 11th International Meeting on HCV and Related Viruses (2005)
H index: 13. Average citations per items: 28. Total citations: 625
Accepted publication: 22
Submitted publications: 4
In preparation publications: 1
Corresponding author publication: 1 + 1submitted
First author publication: 10
Effect of temperature on clathrin mediated endocytosis
Steeve Boulant and Tom Kirchhausen in preparation
The first 10 seconds in the life of a clathrin coated pit
Ema Cocucci, Francois Aguet, Steeve Boulant and Tom Kirchhausen, Cell, Under Consideration
Real-Time Observation of Clathrin Dynamics in Three Dimensions
Steeve Boulant#, Comert Kural# , Tomas Kirchhausen Under Review
Cell-dependent differences in virus uptake correlate with receptor abundance
Steeve Boulant, Comert Kural, David Cureton, Ramiro Massol, Sean Whelan, Tomas Kirchhausen,
and Max L. Nibert submitted
Nucleolin is Required to Maintain the Architecture of Human Cytomegalovirus Replication
Blair L Strang, Steeve Boulant, Tomas Kirchhausen and Donald M Coen. submitted.
Recruitment of cellular clathrin to viral factories by mammalian orthoreovirus protein μNS
Steeve Boulant#, Tijana Ivanovic#, Marcelo Ehrlich, Michelle M. Arnold, Tomas Kirchhausen, and
Max L. Nibert Traffic 2011
Actin provides additional force to counteract membrane tension during clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Steeve Boulant#, Comert Kural#, Jean-Christophe Zeeh and Tom Kirchhausen, Nat Cell Biol (IF
19.5) 2011
Perforin pores in the endosomal membrane trigger release of endocytosed granzyme B to the cytosol
of target cells
Jerome Thiery, Dennis Keefe, Steeve Boulant, Emmanuel Boucrot, Michael Walch, Denis
Martinvalet, Ing Swie Goping, R. Chris Bleackley, Tomas Kirchhausen, and Judy Lieberman Nature
immuno 2011
Peroxisomes and mitochondria cooperate to induce antiviral innate immunity
Evelyn Dixit, Steeve Boulant, Yijing Zhang, Amy S. Lee, Bennett O.V. Shum, Nir Hacohen, Zhijian
J. Chen, Sean P. Whelan, Marc Fransen, Max L. Nibert, Giulio Superti-Furga, Jonathan C. Kagan, Cell
(IF 32), 2010
Lipid Metabolism and HCV Infection
Paul Targett-Adams, Steeve Boulant , Mark W. Douglas and John McLauchlan, Review, Viruses (IF
2.8), 2010
Nucleolin associates with the human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase accessory subunit UL44 and
is necessary for efficient viral replication.
Strang BL, Boulant S, Coen DM. J Virol (IF 5.3). 2010
Requirement of cellular DDX3 for hepatitis C virus replication is unrelated to its interaction with the
viral core protein.
Angus AG, Dalrymple D, Boulant S, McGivern DR, Clayton RF, Scott MJ, Adair R, Graham S,
Owsianka AM, Targett-Adams P, Li K, Wakita T, McLauchlan J, Lemon SM, Patel AH. J Gen Virol
(IF 3.2). 2010
Initiation of hepatitis C virus infection requires the dynamic microtubule network: role of the viral
nucleocapsid protein.
Roohvand F, Maillard P, Lavergne JP, Boulant S, Walic M, Andréo U, Goueslain L, Helle F, Mallet
A, McLauchlan J, Budkowska A J Biol Chem (IF 7.7). 2009
Subcellular localizations of the hepatitis C virus Alternate Reading Frame Proteins
Ratinier M, Boulant S, Crussard S, McLauchlan J and Lavergne JP. Virus Research (IF 2.8). 2008
Transcriptional slippage prompts recoding in alternate reading frames in the hepatitis C virus (HCV)
core sequence from strain HCV-1.
Ratinier M, Boulant S, Combet C, Targett-Adams P, McLauchlan J and Lavergne JP. J Gen Virol.
(IF 3.2) 2008.
Hepatitis C virus core protein induces lipid droplet redistribution in a microtubule- and dyneindependent manner.
Boulant S, Douglas M, Moody L, Budkowska A, Targett-Adams P and McLauchlan J. Traffic. (IF
5.7) 2008.
Maturation of hepatitis C virus core protein by signal peptide peptidase is required for virus
Targett-Adams P, Hope G, Boulant S and McLauchlan J. J Biol Chem (IF 7.7). 2008.
Visualization of double-stranded RNA in cells supporting hepatitis C virus RNA replication.
Targett-Adams P, Boulant S and McLauchlan J. J Virol.(IF 5.3) 2008.
Transcriptional slippage at a rare adenine cluster in the coding region of hepatitis C virus core protein
prompts recoding in alternate reading frames.
Ratinier M, Boulant S, Combet C, Targett-Adams P, McLauchlan J and Lavergne JP. J Gen Virol.
(IF 3.2) 2008.
The lipid droplet binding domain of hepatitis C virus core protein is a major determinant for efficient
virus assembly.
Shavinskaya A, Boulant S, Penin F, McLauchlan J and Bartenschlager R. J Biol Chem.(IF 7.7) 2007.
Disrupting the Association of Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein with Lipid Droplets Correlates with a
Loss in Production of Infectious Virus
Boulant S, Targett-Adams P and McLauchlan J. J Gen Virol. (IF 3.2) 2007.
Expression of the alternative reading frame protein of Hepatitis C virus induces cytokines involved in
hepatic injuries.
Fiorucci M, Boulant S, Fournillier A, Abraham JD, Lavergne JP, Paranhos-Baccala G, Inchauspe G
and Bain C. J Gen Virol. (IF 3.2) 2007.
Structural determinants that target the hepatitis C virus core protein to lipid droplets.
Boulant S, Montserret R, Hope RG, Ratinier M, Targett-Adams P, Lavergne JP, Penin F and
McLauchlan J. J Biol Chem. (IF 7.7) 2006.
Hepatitis C virus core protein is a dimeric alpha-helical protein exhibiting membrane protein features.
Boulant S, Vanbelle C, Ebel C, Penin F and Lavergne JP. J Virol.(IF 5.3) 2005.
Hepatitis C virus core protein acts as a trans-modulating factor on internal translation initiation of the
viral RNA.
Boni S, Lavergne JP, Boulant S and Cahour A. J Biol Chem. (IF 7.7) 2005.
The hepatitis C virus Core protein is a potent nucleic acid chaperone that directs dimerization of the
viral (+) strand RNA in vitro.
Cristofari G, Ivanyi-Nagy R, Gabus C, Boulant S, Lavergne JP, Penin F and Darlix JL. Nucleic Acids
Res.(IF 7.4) 2004.
Unusual multiple recoding events leading to alternative forms of hepatitis C virus core protein from
genotype 1b.
Boulant S, Becchi M, Penin F and Lavergne JP. J Biol Chem. (IF 7.7) 2003.
Journal of General Virology
 June 2011: Gordon conference virus and cells
"Cell-dependent differences in virus uptake correlate with receptor abundance"
 October 2010: ASBMB membrane traffic symposium.
"Actin dynamics is essential to counteract membrane tension during clathrin-mediated endocytosis"
 January 2010: EMBO membrane traffic workshop
"Study of clathrin mediated endocytosis in polarized cells"
 September 2007: 13th International Meeting on HCV and Related Viruses.
“HCV core protein induces lipid droplet redistribution: potential importance for the virus life cycle”
 September 2005: 11th International Meeting on HCV and Related Viruses.
“Structural determinants that target the hepatitis C virus core protein to lipid droplets”
 October 2002: Annual meeting of HCV (French network).
“Evidence for an alternative hepatitis C virus core protein resulting from 2 translational
 July 2002: 9th International Meeting on HCV and Related Viruses.
 “Evidence for an alternative hepatitis C virus core protein resulting from 2 translational
 April 2002: 6th day of EDISS (Ecole Doctorale Inter-Science et Santé)
“Characterizaion of alternative forms of the HCV core protein resulting from multiple recoding
 May 2001: 5th day of EDISS (Ecole Doctorale Inter-Science et Santé).
“Biochemical characterisation of the hepatitis C virus core protein”