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1.When u study the these topics and then move to some other topics wat u feel as
2.most of the theory questions during the valuation they wil see correct definitions,key
points,sub headings,presentation....
3.Dont mugup all the points..
4.write point by point the given below topics and concentrate more on bolded topics
6.Try to study first half or second half of the unit…(for example if u study first half fully
then take some imp question from second half..hav a glance)
7.I can suggest u tat don’t study like reading a novel. Take a note book n write down all the sub
headings before u start the content.
UNIT I DATA WAREHOUSING (Expected questions DW architecture,multiprocessor,meta
data )
Data warehousing Architecture–- Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor
Architecture – DBMS Schemas for Decision Support–Metadata.
UNIT II (Sure questions from OLAP)
Reporting and Query tools and Applications – Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) – Need –
Multidimensional Data Model – OLAP Guidelines – Multidimensional versus Multirelational
OLAP – Categories of Tools – OLAP Tools and the Internet.
UNIT III (Data mining functionalities,issues,task primitives,preprocessing are imp 8ms)
Data Mining Functionalities – Classification of Data Mining Systems – Data Mining Task
Primitives –Integration of a Data Mining System with a Data Warehouse – Issues –Data
UNIT IV (bayesian n decision tree r repeated ques)
Problem,classification by back propagation,other classification methods,bayesian
classification n rule based classification,decision tree induction.
UNIT V (clustering types la u can expect questions)
Cluster Analysis - Types of Data – Categorization of Major Clustering Methods - Kmeans–
Partitioning Methods – Hierarchical Methods - Density-Based Methods –Grid Based
Methods – Model-Based Clustering Methods – Clustering High Dimensional Data - Constraint –
Based Cluster Analysis – Outlier Analysis – Data Mining Applications.