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Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 13:702-711 © 1993 The International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Published by Raven Press, Ltd., New York Prolonged Effects of Cholinesterase Inhibition with Eptastigmine on the Cerebral Blood Flow-Metabolism Ratio of Normal Rats *tOscar U. Scremin, *:j:A. M. Erika Scremin, *Deborah Heuser, *Raymond Hudgell, *Elsa Romero, and §Bruno P. Imbimbo *Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Departments of tPhysiology and tMedicine, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California U.S.A.; §Mediolanum Farmaceutici, Milan, Italy Summary: The cerebrovascular and metabolic effects of the novel cholinesterase inhibitor eptastigmine were tested in conscious rats. The drug was administered by single intravenous injection, and blood flow or glucose utilization were assessed in 38 brain regions by quantita tive autoradiographic techniques. A dose-dependent in crease in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was ob tained for i.v. doses ranging from 0.5 to 3 mg kg-I. Forty minutes after the dose of 1.5 mg kg-I, average rCBF of the 38 regions studied was (mean ± SD) 2.62 ± 0.62 ml g- 1 min-I, a value significantly higher than that of saline injected controls ( 1. 46 ± 0.26; p < 0.005). In contrast, a similar dose of eptastigmine did not significantly alter re gional cerebral glucose utilization (rCGU) (0.90 ± 0.21 ILmol g- 1 min - I) when compared with saline-injected controls (0.99 ± 0.08 ILmol g-I min-I). A linear correla tion between rCBF and rCGU was observed both in sa line (r = 0.871) and eptastigmine (r = 0.873)-injected animals but the slope of the regression line of rCBF on rCGU was significantly higher (p < 0.01) in the eptastig mine group (2.863 ± 0.266) than in the controls that re ceived saline (1.00 ± 0.09 4). The cerebral vasodilatation induced by eptastigmine peaked at 40 min after drug ad ministration. No toxic signs were observed at the doses used. Mean arterial blood pressure decreased after 0.5 mg kg-I (control = 109.3 ± 10.56 mm Hg; eptastigmine = 96.6 ± 8.10 mm Hg) but did not differ from control at the higher doses. It is concluded that eptastigmine induces a long-lasting increase in rCBF and a significant enhance ment of the rCBF:rCGU ratio in most regions. The results suggest an important role of endogenous acetylcholine in the control of cerebral perfusion. Key Words: Cerebro vascular circulation-Cerebral glucose utilization Acetylcholine-Cholinesterase inhibitors-Physo stigmine. Acetylcholine and a number of muscarinic cholin ergic agonists are known to enhance cerebral blood flow or pial vessel diameter when administered lo cally to the cerebral cortex (Scremin et aI., 1973; Kuschinsky, et aI., 1974) or systemically (Rovere et aI., 1973; Aoyagi et aI., 1975; Scremin, et aI., 1978; Aubineau et aI., 1977; Heistad and Kontos, 1983; Triguero et aI., 1988; Molnar, et aI., 1991). This phenomenon is not associated with metabolic acti vation in most brain regions (Scremin et aI., 1982; Scremin et aI., 1988b) and this has been corroborated in a number of animal species and humans (Scremin, 1991). The regional distribution of the cholinergic effect on cerebral blood flow-metabo lism coupling is known for a limited number of cho linesterase inhibitors (Scremin et aI., 1988; Sc!emin and Shih, 1991) and direct cholinergic agonists (Scremin, et aI., 1988a; Maiese et aI., 1991). T h e h e p t y l d e r i v a t i v e o f p h y s o s t i gmine (pyrrolo(2 ,3b )indol-5-01 ,3,3a, 8,8a-hexahydro1,3a,8-trimethylheptylcarbamate [ester, (3aS-cis)]: eptastigmine (MF201), is a recently characterized carbamate cholinesterase inhibitor (Brufani et aI., 1986) with central nervous system actions (Brufani Received June 22, 1992; final revision received January 5, 1993; accepted January 6, 1993. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Oscar U. Scremin, West Los Angeles VA Medical Center, Bldg 115, Room 317, Wilshire & Sawtelle Blvds, Los Angeles CA 90073, U.S.A. Abbreviations used: ACh, acetylcholine; e4C]2DG, e4C]2deoxyglucose; e4C]lAP, iodo-[14C]antipyrine; GCBF, global CBF; GCGU, global cerebral glucose uptake; MABP, mean ar terial blood pressure; rCBF, regional CBF; rCGU, regional CGU. 702 CHOLINERGIC EFFECTS ON CBF!CGU COUPLING et aI., 1987; Marta et aI., 1988; De Sarno et aI., 1989) and a half-time of enzyme recovery of 2. 9 h for plasma and 12. 5 h for red blood cells of humans following a single dose (Unni et aI., 1991). This cho linesterase inhibitor reverses behavioral deficits in rodent and primate models of dementia at doses within the range used in this study (Dawson et aI., 1991; Rupniak et aI., 1992). The present experiments were designed to deter mine the potency of eptastigmine as a cerebral va sodilator, the time course of this effect, if present, and the regional distribution of cerebral blood flow and glucose utilization under the prolonged cholin esterase inhibition induced by this drug. MATERIAL AND METHODS Wistar male rats, 25�3oo g body weight, were used. Experiments were carried out at the Albuquerque DVA Medical Center, altitude 1,600 meters above sea level, average barometric pressure, 630 mm Hg. The rats were on a 12-h light/dark full spectrum lighting cycle which was provided between 0600 and 1800 h. All experiments were performed according to established guidelines for the care of experimental animals. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured with the iodo-[14C]antipyrine ([14C]lAP) quantitative auto radiographic method (Sakurada et aI., 1978). Two arterial and two venous catheters were implanted in the femoral vessels under halothane anesthesia (2.5% in air for induc tion and 1.5% for maintenance). After surgery, animals were placed in a Bollman cage and allowed to recover from anesthesia for 2 h. In these cages the animals rest in a prone position with their limbs hanging to the sides. Acrylic nontraumatic bars entrap the animal, preventing locomotion but allowing limb and head movements. The cage was covered with a cloth in order to prevent cooling of the animal and to eliminate visual contact with the environment. Rectal temperature was recorded and main tained at 37°C with a BAT-12 thermocouple thermometer connected to a TCAT-IA (Physitemp, Inc.) temperature controller and a source of radiant heat. One arterial cath eter was connected to a pressure transducer for continu ous recording of blood pressure, and the other was used for sampling arterial blood. One of the venous catheters was connected to a motor-driven syringe containing the radioactive tracer solution and the other to a similar sy ringe containing the euthanasia solution {n-[2-(m methoxyphenyl)-I] }--y-hydroxybutiramide, 200 mg/ml; 4, 4'-methylene-bis(cyclohexyltrimethylammonium io dide), 50 mg/ml; tetracaine hydrochloride, 5 mg/ml) (T-61, American Hoechst Co.). A sample of arterial blood was obtained for measurement of blood gases and pH in a Radiometer ABL-30 blood acid-base system and then the infusion of [14C]lAP was started. Infusate volume was 0.6 ml, dose 100 /LCi/kg and the infusion period was 30 s. Arterial blood samples (30 /LI) were obtained every 3 s from a free-flowing catheter. Circulation was arrested by an injection of 0.5 ml of euthanasia solution delivered intravenously over the last 5 s of the [14C]lAP infusion. This was attended by a precipitous fall in blood pressure. The exact timing of circulatory arrest was determined from the polygraph record of arterial blood pressure. The 703 brain was then rapidly removed and flash frozen in methylbutane chilled to -70°C. These tissues were sec tioned in a cryostat at - 20°C in 20-/Lm slices, heat dried and exposed to Kodak AR X-OMAT film in spring-loaded x-ray cassettes along with eight standards of known ra dioactivity to obtain an P4C]lAP autoradiogram. The regional cerebral glucose utilization (rCGU) was measured with the autoradiographic quantitative [14C]2_ deoxyglucose ([14C]2DG) technique (Sokoloff et aI., 1977). Venous and arterial femoral catheters were im planted under halothane anesthesia and the animals al lowed to recover for 2 h in a Bollman cage as described above. A sample of arterial blood was obtained for mea surement of blood gases and pH in a Radiometer ABL-30 blood microsystem. Then, the procedure was started by intravenous injection of a bolus of 0.6 ml of saline con taining 100 /LCi kg-I of [14C]2DG (Amersham Corp., spe cific activity -50 mCi/mmol). Arterial blood samples (60 /Ll) were obtained at times 0, 20, and 40 s and 1, 1.5, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 25, 35, and 45 min after tracer infusion. After the last sample, a bolus of euthanasia solution was in fused intravenously and the brain rapidly removed and processed for autoradiography as described above. Auto radiographs were digitized with a ChromaPro 45 IAIS "Dumas" film illumination system and a Phillips CCD monochrome imaging module coupled to an AT&T Targa M8 digitizing board on a Tandon PCAl 12 microcomputer. Optical density of selected brain regions and standards was measured with JAVA (Jandel Scientific Corp.) soft ware and tissue radioactivity calculated by interpolation from the radioactivity versus optical density relationship defined by the standards. Thirty-eight regions were studied, the stereotaxic co ordinates (Paxinos and Watson, 1982) of which are given in Table 1. rCBF and rCGU data were calculated from film optical density of brain autoradiographs and stan dards and arterial blood radioactivity in the case of rCBF, and arterial plasma radioactivity and glucose concentra tion in the case of rCGU by use of the corresponding operational equations (Sakurada et aI., 1978; Sokoloff et aI., 1977). For every region, measurements of optical den sity were obtained from autoradiographs of two to three different tissue sections. Global CBF (GCBF) and global CGU (GCGU) values were calculated by averaging all regions in every animal. Three groups of experiments were performed in the following order: (a) Dose-effect study of rCBF changes induced by eptastigmine: animals were injected with eptastigmine dissolved in saline at doses of 0.5, 1, or 3 mg kg-I by rapid i.v. infusion (20 s) or with an equivalent volume of saline (controls) in groups of 6, 5, 6, and 7 animals, respectively. rCBF was measured 20 min after drug administration; (b) time course of rCBF changes induced by eptastigmine: a dose of 1.5 mglkg eptastigmine was injected i.v. and rCBF was measured at 40, 90, 180, and 360 min after in groups in five animals each; (c) effects of eptastigmine on rCGU: Five animals were injected with 1.5 mg kg- I eptastigmine i.v. and [14C]2DG infused 35 min later to initiate the rCGU measuring procedure. Five additional rats received saline and served as controls. The methods used for rCBF and rCGU measurement differ in that the first integrates blood flow over a period of 30 s whereas the second is implemented over 45 min. In fact, since [14C]2DG specific activity of gray matter peaks at 5 min after injection of this tracer, most of the [14C]2DG phosphorylation takes place in the initial moments of the procedure (Sokoloff et J Cereb Blood Flow Me/ab, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1993 O. U. SCREMIN ET AL. 704 TABLE 1. Glucose utilization (ILmo/ g Controls (saline) - J min J) - Eptastigmine (1.5 mg/kg i.v.) Structure Coordinates Mean SD Mean SD Probability Motor C Somatos Temporal Area 17 Area 18 Area 18A Olfactory Cingulate Hip CAl Hip CA2 Hip CA3 Claustrum N basalis Caudate-p Dentate G Preoptic A Lat hyp Dor hyp D m hyp M Mam n Amygdala Interped n S sup coli D sup coli Infer coli Pont retic Cerebellum Med dor th Med em Per gr M genic M raphe Pont n C call Int caps Hip com Ce med th S nigra Mean SD -0.3,3,0.7 -0.3,5.5,0.7 -5.8,7,0.7 -5.8,4,0.7 -5.8,2,0.7 -5.8,6,0.7 -1.3,5.5,0.7 0.7,0.5,0.7 -5.3,3.5,3 -5.3,5.5,6 -3.3,3.3,3.8 2.7,2. 5 -1.3,3,8 0.7,2.5,6 -3.3,1,4.2 0.3,1.4,8.3 -1.3,2.2,8.8 -2.3,0.5,8.5 -3.3,0.5,9 -4.8,0,99 -1.8,3.8,8 -5.8,0,9 -6.8,1,3 -6.8,1,4.2 -8.8,1.5,4.4 -7.8,1.3,8.5 -10.3,0,5 -1.8,0.5,5.2 -2.8,0,10 -7.3,0.5,5.5 -5.3,3.5,6 -7.3,0,8.5 -7.3,1,10 0.2,0,3.5 -1.3,2.5,4 1.3,0,4 -2.8,0,6.3 -5.3,2.5,8 1.21 1.34 1.50 l.l5 1.09 1.17 0.94 1.22 0.86 0.80 0.83 1.43 0.81 1.22 0.78 0.88 0.69 0.74 0.75 1.25 0.80 1.30 1.05 1.02 2.29 0.69 0.91 1. 26 0.57 0.82 1.37 l.l1 0.73 0.55 0.56 0.39 1.11 0.80 0.99 0.08 5 0.15 0.11 0.21 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.08 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.10 0.12 0.07 0.17 0.06 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.17 0.10 0.11 0.31 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.15 0.09 1.08 l.l4 1.27 0.98 0.87 0.96 0.87 1.08 0.64 0.68 0.70 1.77 0. 64 0. 92 0.67 0.68 0.60 0.64 0. 69 1.11 0.90 l.l9 1.42 1.00 2.04 0.65 0.80 1.16 0.56 0.68 1.24 1.04 0.73 0.44 0.52 0.40 1.03 0.75 0.90 0.21 5 0.34 0.35 0.22 0.19 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.31 O.ll 0.14 0.12 0.34 O.ll 0.23 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.35 0.20 0.43 0.36 0.20 0.52 0.16 0.18 0.29 0.12 0.13 0.29 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.13 0.15 0.27 0.16 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns <0.02 ns ns ns <0.05 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns <0.05 ns ns ns ns n Stereotaxic coordinates (mm) of the region's center, listed in column 2 (left to right) as coronal plane, horizontal coordinate, and distance from pial surface for cortical regions, and as plane, horizontal coordinate, and vertical coordinate for all other regions. Region name (abbreviation): anterior cingulate cortex (Cingulate); motor cortex (Motor); somatosensory cortex (Somatos); temporal cortex, auditory area (Temporal); occipital cortex, area 17 (Area 17); occipital cortex, area 18 (Area 18); occipital cortex, area 18a (Area 18a); primary olfactory cortex (Olfactory); field CAl of Ammon's horn (Hip CAl); field CA2 of Ammon's horn (Hip CA2); field CA3 of Ammon's horn (Hip CA3); dentate gyrus (Dentate); medial dorsal thalamus (Med d thaI); central medial thalamic nucleus (Ce med thaI); caudate-putamen (Caudate-p); claustrum (Claustrum); central amygdaloid nucleus (Amygdala); nucleus basalis (N basalis); lateral preoptic area (Preoptic a); lateral hypothalamic area (Lat hypoth); dorsal hypothalamic area (Dor hypoth); dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (D m hypoth); median eminence (Med em); medial mammillary nucleus (M mam n); interpeduncular nucleus (Interped n); superficial gray layer of the superior collicullus (S sup coli); deep gray layer of the superior collicullus (D sup coli); periaqueductal gray (Per gray); medial raphe nucleus (M raphe); pontine reticular nucleus, oral part (Pont ret n); pontine nucleus (pont n); substantia nigra, reticular (S nigra); medial geniculate body (M genic); central nucleus of the inferior collicullus (Inf coli); cerebellum (Cerebellum); internal capsule (Int caps); ventral hippocampus commissure (Hip commis); corpus callosum (C callosum). al., 1977). The 45-min wait period is required to allow for decline in the nonphosphorylated [14C]2DG in brain tis sue. Taking into account these facts, [14C]2DG was in jected 35 min after eptastigmine so that the peak rate of phosphorylation of the tracer would occur at 40 min, the J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 time after drug injection when a peak effect on rCBF had been detected in the time course study. In the calculation of the regression of rCBF on rCGU, the values of rCGU were paired with those of rCBF measured at 40 min after eptastigmine. Calculation of a mean GCBF over the 45- CHOLINERGIC EFFECTS ON CBF/CGU COUPLING min period of the [14C]2DG procedure, by integrating the curve representing the time course of GCBF after eptastigmine within that time period and dividing by the time interval, yielded a value of 2.39 ml g -I min I, 91 % of peak value (Fig. 2). - Data analysis The figures and tables represent the primary (untrans formed) data in the form of means and standard devia tions. As a first step in the statistical analysis, the rCBF and rCGU values were transformed into the natural log arithm to obtain normalization and homoscedasticity (Bartlett, 19 47). In the dose-effect study, the significance of the factors, dose and cerebral region, and their interactions on rCBF was tested with a two-way analysis of variance with one repeated measure. In the time course study the signifi cance of the factors, time and cerebral region, and their interaction on rCBF was also tested with a two-way anal ysis of variance with one repeated measure. GCBF of different groups were compared with a one-way analysis of variance, testing effects of dose or time. All analyses of variance were handled according to a multivariate least squares general linear model. Post hoc tests were con ducted with linear contrasts. The number of post hoc comparisons was confined to the degrees of freedom for the significant effects. As a result, the nominal ex of the separate tests is comparable to that of the overall analysis of variance (Carmer and Swanson, 1973; Bernhatrdson, 1975). Calculations were done with the statistical package SYSTAT (Wilkinson, 1986). The relationship between rCBF and rCGU was exam ined with a previously described statistical approach that adopts a model with a linear relationship with unit slope between the natural logarithms of rCBF and rCGU: 3.5 Y P c = < 1.45 + 0.37 X 0.0001 01 ex + loge (rCGU) where ex represents the natural logarithm of the constant of proportionality of rCBF to rCGU (McCulloch et aI., 1982). For this particular analysis, values of rCBF and rCGU were expressed as per 100 g of tissue in order to avoid negative results. RESULTS The lowest dose of eptastigmine used (0.5 mg kg-I ) induced a slowly developing decrease in mean arterial blood pressure ( M ABP ) that amounted to a statistically significant decrease of 12% at 20 min after drug administration (Fig. 1). The effects of eptastigmine on blood gases and pH, plasma glucose, and body temperature were tested at the dose of 1. 5 mg kg-I and between 35 to 80 min after drug administration when CBF effects were maximal. Results are shown in Table 2. The levels of blood gases are consistent with normal val ues at the altitude of the laboratory and were not affected by the treatment. Plasma glucose level in creased significantly following eptastigmine. Eptastigmine induced a dose-dependent increase in GCBF (Fig. 1) with a 74% increase over controls (p = 0.001) at 3 mg kg-I . Regression analysis dem onstrated a highly significant dependence of GCBF on dose (Intercept = 1. 45, slope = 0. 37, p < 0. 0001). rCBF also increased dose dependently in most regions (Table 3). Analysis of variance 125 'E 'i = 150 ::-- 3.0 I loge (rCBF) 705 2.5 E u... � 2.0 -; .c o a 75 1.5 50 �----r---'----�--r-� o O� 1� 1� 2� DOSE (mg kg-I) 2� 3 o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3 DOSE (mg kg-I) FIG. 1. Effects of eptastigmine on mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) and global cerebral blood flow (GCBF). MABP was measured at the time of CBF determination, 20 min after drug or saline administration, from a catheter in the iliac artery. GCBF represents the average of 38 regions in which rCBF was assessed with the quantitative autoradiographic [14C]IAP technique. A significant (p < 0.0001) linear dependence of GCBF on dose was found. Values represent the mean and SO of 5-7 animals per dose. The decrease in MABP with 0.5 mg kg -1 eptastigmine was statistically different from control (ANOVA F(3.23) 3.756, P 0.0249; protected "t" test, p < 0.05). = J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 O. U. SCREMIN ET AL. 706 TABLE 2. Effects of eptastigmine on physiological variables PaC02 (mm Hg) pH Condition Saline i.v. Eptastigmine i. v., \.5 mg/kg 7.409 7.411 ± ± 31. 9 30.2 0.007 0.006 ± ± Pao2 (mm Hg) \.89 1.29 7\,1 68. 6 ± ± Rectal temp. (OC) 4.75 6.45 37.3 37.2 ± ± Plasma glucose (mM) 0.72 0.49 6.37 8.14 ± ± 0.31 0.31a Data expressed as mean ± SD. Variables were measured between 35 and 80 min after eptastigmine or saline administration. Values were averaged in each animal (two blood gases and five plasma glucose values per animal). a Significantly different from saline (p < 0.001); n = 5 animals/group. showed a significant effect of the factors dose (p 0.011) and cerebral region (p 0.001) as well as a significant effect of the interaction between the two factors (p < 0.05). In the time course study, 1. 5 mg kg 1 eptastigmine increased GCBF by 81% at 40 min after injection (p 0. 004) and by 35% at 90 min (p 0.040) = = - = = compared with controls. At 180 min, the drug was still able to enhance GCBF ( + 35%) but the significance of the difference against controls had a borderline value (p 0.062). GCBF returned to control values at 360 min (Fig. 2). The study of effects of eptastigmine on GCGU (1. 5 mg kg-1 eptastigmine i.v., 35 min before mea= TABLE 3. reBF (ml g-I min-I). Dose Control Time 0.5 mg/kg I mg/kg 3 mg/kg 20 min 20 min 20 min Structure Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Motor C Somatos Temporal Area 17 Area 18 Area 18A Olfactory Cingulate Hip CAl Hip CA2 Hip CA3 Claustrum N basalis Caudate-p Dentate gy. Preoptic a Lat hyp Dor hyp D m hyp M mam n Amygdala Interped n S sup coli D sup coli Infer coli Pont retic Cerebellum Med dor th Med em Per gr M genic M raphe Pont n C call Int caps Hip com Ce med th S nigra 1.53 1.95 2.09 1.36 1.19 1.53 1.34 1.53 1.06 1.18 1.02 1.59 1.09 1.43 1.07 1.33 1.28 1.35 1.46 1.84 1.30 1.79 1.78 1.58 2.74 1.31 1.41 1.75 1.19 1.43 1.95 2.00 1.55 0.76 0.79 0.74 1.71 1.35 7 1.46 0.334 0.520 0.405 0.227 0.201 0.333 0.261 0.346 0.277 0.242 0.206 0.254 0.198 0.375 0.236 0.285 0.249 0.299 0.247 0.543 0.295 0.533 0.464 0.328 0.892 0.233 0.327 0.302 0.228 0.339 0.625 0.464 0.423 0.122 0.156 0.113 0.304 0.324 \.92 2.09 2.95 \.60 1.39 1.78 1.43 1.84 1.35 1.58 1.05 2.21 1.31 1.56 1.24 1.41 1.23 1.40 1.38 1.72 1.32 2.21 1.62 1.50 3.17 1.20 1.52 1. 15 1.20 1.26 2.39 1.82 1.30 0.93 0.83 0.64 \. 65 1.36 6 1.62 0.610 0.694 1.384 0.569 0.529 0.551 0.363 0.511 0.444 0.629 0.319 0.729 0.540 0.470 0.315 0.309 0.335 0.313 0.392 0.589 0.277 0.610 0.278 0.260 1.230 0.239 0.467 0.339 0.397 0.296 1.127 0.566 0.300 0.225 0.194 0.220 0.482 0.518 \.97 2.22 3.30 1.85 1.58 1.90 1.50 1.94 1.46 1.61 1.04 2.29 1.55 1.34 1.36 1.54 1.47 1.53 1.59 2.28 1.32 2.51 2.61 2.11 3.25 1.68 2.04 1.47 1.30 1.56 2.52 2.49 2.13 0.94 0.79 0.76 1.86 1.47 5 1.86 0.218 0.462 0.951 0.299 0.234 0.198 0.241 0.454 0.147 0.227 0.212 0.446 0.210 0.223 0.349 0.254 0.184 0.265 0.311 0.529 0.160 0.569 0.652 0.440 1.153 0.354 0.484 0.278 0.222 0.259 0.571 0.648 0.757 0.242 0.099 0.148 0.576 0.421 3.77 3.35 4.96 2.45 2.14 2.90 2.25 3.04 1.57 1.94 1.58 4.04 2.21 1.84 1.87 1.89 2.09 1.93 1.96 2.93 1.93 3.52 3.59 2.75 4.44 2.19 2.13 2.30 1.59 1.59 1.89 3. 90 2.98 2.43 1.13 1.09 1.87 2.80 6 2.61 1.233 \.149 0.756 0.837 0.661 0.723 1.281 1.152 0.423 0.376 0.373 1.123 1.575 0.523 0.369 0.736 1.199 0.468 0.509 1.078 0.496 1.311 0.748 0.570 1.150 1.314 0.714 0.977 0.401 0.401 0.355 0.725 1.406 1.240 0.275 0.193 0.499 1.010 n GCBF 0.26 0.41 0.26 0.76 Eptastigmine was administered intravenously at the dose indicated. Time represents the interval between drug administration and rCBF measurement. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 CHOLINERGIC EFFECTS ON CBF/CGU COUPLING surements) revealed no significant change in this variable (control: 0. 99 ± 0. 08 flmol g-I min-I ; n = 5; eptastigmine: 0. 89 ± 0. 21 flmol g-I min-I ; n = 5). When differences were tested for individual re gions, hippocampus (CAl), nucleus basalis, and corpus callosum showed significant decreases in rCGU (Table l). In contrast, a similar analysis ap plied to GCBF in a group of animals injected with the same dose of eptastigmine and the same time interval between injection and measurement showed a marked increase (control: 1. 46 ± 0. 26 ml g-I min-I ; n = 7; eptastigmine: 2. 62 ± 0. 62 ml g-I min-I ; n = 5; p < 0. 005). The majority of regions sampled showed significant increases of rCBF over controls in eptastigmine-injected animals (Table 3). The relationship between rCBF and rCGU values of 707 every region in these four groups of animals was evaluated with linear regression analysis. It was found that these variables were well correlated in animals that received saline (r = 0. 87) or eptastig mine i.v. (r = 0. 87). However, the slope of the regression line of rCBF on rCGU was significantly higher in the eptastigmine group (2. 86 ± 0. 26) than in the controls that received saline (1. 00 ± 0. 93). These slopes were statistically different from each other at a level of p < 0. 001 (Fig. 3). This analysis, although in keeping with numerous previous reports on the relationship between rCBF and rCGU, may overestimate the true probability due to lack of in dependence of observations on different regions of the same animal. Use of the alternate approach, described in Methods (McCulloch et aI. , 1982), Dose-effect and time course studies 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 1.5 mg/kg 40 min 90 min 180 min 360 min Mean SD Probaba Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD 3.60 3.65 4.76 2.13 1.74 2.50 2.03 3.21 1.55 1.74 1.50 3.79 1.64 1.97 1.92 2.27 1.99 2.09 1.84 3.09 1.90 4.15 3.91 3.21 5.90 2.39 2.62 3.16 1.60 2.36 3.98 3.92 3.52 0.95 0.95 0.80 2.80 2.16 5 2.62 1.291 1.197 1.437 0.517 0.299 0.822 0.564 1.229 0.512 0.493 0.309 1.484 0.296 0.347 0.590 0.613 0.559 0.576 0.370 0.848 0.397 1.220 1.146 0.883 1.409 0.729 0.812 0.708 0.441 0.414 1.224 1.144 1.523 0.260 0.118 0.211 0.689 0.699 <0.01 <0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.02 2.26 2.60 4.03 1.83 1.43 2.05 1.53 2.31 1.54 1.51 1.03 2.25 1.65 1.55 1.43 1.63 1.53 1.36 1.39 2.78 1.33 2.97 2.51 2.27 4.49 1.43 2.06 2.47 1.17 1.86 3.32 3.36 2.28 0.70 0.67 0.76 1.86 1.46 5 1.964 0.277 0.136 0.533 0.183 0.154 0.\31 0.168 0.315 0.269 0.165 0.239 0.269 0.326 0.153 0.469 0.406 0.230 0.538 0.272 0.227 0.407 1.558 0.379 0.251 1.201 0.267 0.826 0.789 0.437 0.452 0.662 0.969 0.522 0.096 0.301 0.201 0.476 0.355 2.43 2.89 4.74 1.90 1.40 2.05 1.55 2.31 1.54 1.67 1.17 2.61 1.69 1.53 1.48 1.43 1.50 1.38 1.51 2.60 1.41 2.38 2.76 2.29 4.20 1.40 1.88 2.38 1.06 1.66 3.62 2.55 1.99 0.65 0.79 0.80 1.97 1.58 5 1.95 0.600 0.943 1.176 0.482 0.405 0.483 0.473 0.773 0.355 0.355 0.343 0.358 0.504 0.414 0.376 0.538 0.599 0.506 0.357 0.785 0.472 0.450 0.743 0.494 0.955 0.351 0.447 0.786 0.358 0.381 1.171 0.993 0.513 0.106 0.288 0.169 0.483 0.411 2.01 2.07 3.24 1.33 1.19 1.61 1.22 1.89 1.10 1.33 0.82 2.52 1.17 1.30 0.93 1.31 1.17 1.06 1.10 1.81 1.01 2.04 1.77 1.46 3.66 1.05 1.37 1.66 0.79 1.21 2.16 1.89 1.37 0.38 0.54 0.61 1.40 1.11 5 1.45 0.562 0.647 1.368 0.261 0.299 0.457 0.230 0.544 0.213 0.298 0.224 0.574 0.204 0.369 0.227 0.303 0.256 0.128 0.179 0.405 0.267 0.172 0.584 0.380 1.261 0.260 0.572 0.399 0.056 0.133 0.535 0.345 0.263 0.127 0.141 0.158 0.313 0.281 0.62 ns <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.02 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.005 ns <0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.02 ns ns ns <0.01 <0.05 0.22 0.477 0.29 aProbability of the difference between 1.5 mg/kg, 40 min, and controls. For details on statistical procedures see Methods section. Stereotaxic coordinates and definition of abbreviations for structures studied are listed in the legend of Table I. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 O. U. SCREMIN ET AL. 708 yielded the following: saline group, a = 0.39, r = 0.77, p < 0.001; eptastigmine group, a = 1.03, r = 0.88, p < 0. 001. The intercepts ( a) representing the natural logarithm of the constant of proportionality between rCBF and rCGU in the two groups, were significantly different (p < 0.01). No overt signs of eptastigmine on behavior, pe ripheral cholinergic effects, or any other signs of toxicity were observed. DISCUSSION Physostigmine and its heptyl derivative, eptastig mine are carbamate cholinesterase inhibitors. These compounds serve as alternate substrates and are hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase at a consid erably slower rate than acetylcholine (ACh) (Wilson et aI., 1960). The alcohol moiety of physostigmine or its heptyl derivative are cleaved, giving rise to methyl or heptyl carbamylated enzymes, respec tively, that are more stable than the acetylated en zyme. The value of the enzyme reactivation con stant is considerably smaller in the case of the hep tyl derivative, resulting in a reactivation time of �20 min for physostigmine and 140 min for eptastigmine (Marta et aI., 1988). The carbamylated enzyme is thus effectively sequestered and the en zymatic hydrolysis of ACh is prevented for ex tended periods of time. This results in elevated lev els of ACh at synaptic sites with consequent pro longed activation of cholinergic receptors. In addition, these cholinesterase inhibitors can also bind directly to cholinergic receptors but, in the case of physostigmine and its heptyl analogue, at greater concentration than that required to inhibit the enzyme (De Sarno et aI., 1989). The substitution of the methylcarbamyl group of physostigmine by a heptyl group alters the rate of decarbamylation of the enzyme but does not confer new pharmacolog ical properties other than those demonstrated for physostigmine and derived from inhibition of ace tylcholinesterase (Brufani et aI., 1987; Marta et aI., 1988; Brufani et aI., 1986; De Sarno et aI., 1989). In the case of physostigmine, its cerebrovascular ef fect is completely blocked by atropine (Scremin et aI., 1982). When ACh release is inhibited pharma cologically with pentobarbital, the cerebrovascular effect of physostigmine also disappears, implying a lack of direct cholinergic cerebrovascular effect of this drug (Scremin et aI., 1983). In the case of eptastigmine, a lack of direct cerebrovascular ef fects has also been demonstrated in anesthetized animals, a phenomenon that can be reversed by stimulation of the nucleus basalis, which is known to release ACh at cortical levels (Linville et aI., � J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 1992). Physostigmine can also bind to peripheral nicotinic receptors (Shaw et aI., 1985), but the ce rebrovascular effects of this drug have been shown to be blocked by antimuscarinic but not by antini cotinic agents (Scremin et aI., 1982). At lethal or highly toxic dose levels, some actions of certain cholinesterase inhibitors cannot be reversed with atropine (Shih et aI., 1991; Somani and Dube, 1989). However, at nontoxic dosages, all actions of these compounds derive from activation of cholinergic re ceptors by endogenous ACh (Taylor, 1990). En hancement of a process by action of a carbamate cholinesterase inhibitor is considered a specific test for intervention of a cholinergic step. In view of the clearly demonstrated ability of eptastigmine to in hibit cerebral acetylcholinesterase (Brufani et aI., 1986; Brufani et aI., 1987; Marta et aI., 1988), en hance ACh concentration in brain tissue (De Sarno et aI., 1989), and antagonize central cholinergic blockade induced by scopolamine (Dawson et aI., 1991), it is assumed that its cerebrovascular effects have been produced by enhancement of cholinergic transmission. The cerebrovascular effects of central cholines terase inhibition are well known (Scremin, 1991). Physostigmine induces a large increase in rCBF which can be blocked by atropine, and is not ac companied by metabolic activation (Scremin et aI., 1982) with exception of the superior colliculus (Scremin et aI., 1988b). The increase in rCBF in duced by this cholinesterase inhibitor, however, is restricted to the neocortex, claustrum, and superior colliculus, sparing most subcortical regions. This particular regional distribution of the cerebral va sodilatation induced by physostigmine has been dif ficult to interpret since it does not follow the pattern of distribution of cholinergic markers or drug avail ability (Scremin et aI., 1990). Interestingly enough, eptastigmine induced, in the present experiments, a generalized increase in rCBF, a result fundamen tally different from that observed with physostig mine. The difference in duration of action of both drugs cannot explain the difference in the regional distribution of their effects because, as shown in a previous study, continuous infusion of physostig mine also failed to induce vasodilatation in most subcortical structures (Scremin et aI., 1990). It is conceivable that the kinetics of association of eptastigmine with acetylcholinesterase, which dif fers from that of physostigmine (Unni et aI., 1991), or a greater affinity of eptastigmine for acetylcho linesterase associated with blood vessels might un derly the differences observed. There is still the possibility that eptastigmine could exert a direct cholinergic agonist action on blood vessels that CHOLINERGIC EFFECTS ON CBF/CGU COUPLING 709 3.5 I FIG. 2. Time course of changes in GCBF (mean ± SD) after Lv. injection of 1.5 mg kg -1 eptastigmine. The drug was administered at time 0 min. The open symbol represents a value interpolated from the dose-effect study performed at 20 min after drug injection. Projection of the dashed line to the Y axis represents average GCBF during the [14C]2DG procedure (2.39 ml g-1 min-1) and beginning and end of line represent the time period of such procedure with regard to drug injection (3�0 min). Statistical significance of differences from control was 40 min 0.004; 90 min 0.040; and 180 min 0.062. 3.0 C E 2.5 = = I C> 2.0 E 1.5 LL III a " 1.0 = = .5 0 100 200 TIME would not require the presence of endogenous ace tylcholine. Unfortunately there are no data avail able on the affinity of eptastigmine for vascular cholinergic receptors in vivo. The affinity of this drug for parenchymal cholinergic muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in vitro has been found to be greater than that of physostigmine (De Sarno et aI., 1989). On the basis of the effects of acetylcholine, other direct cholinergic agonists and physostigmine, we 300 400 (min) earlier proposed a role of endogenous acetylcholine in the regulation of cerebral cortical blood flow (Scremin et aI., 1973). The study of rCBF-rCGU coupling under the action of physostigmine con firmed this phenomenon in the neocortex but failed to provide evidence of its existence elsewhere in the brain. However, the present results with eptastig mine, an apparently more efficient and less toxic central cholinesterase inhibitor, demonstrate that this drug, presumably by increasing the availability 7.0 .I c:::: E .I 6.0 • Eptastigmine y = 0.012 + 2.86 x r 0.87 5.0 = • 4.0 • 0) E u.. ID 3.0 • • • • • • • • • • • FIG. 3. Regression analysis of rCBF on rCGU for 38 pairs of values corre sponding to the regions enumerated in the legend of Table 1. Two groups of animals were injected with 1.5 mg kg-1 eptastigmine and CBF (n 5) or CGU (n 5) measured. In two addi tional groups CBF (n 7) or CGU (n 5) were measured after saline injec tion. • • = = = 2.0 = () .... o y 1.0 r Control 0.45 = = + 1.00 x 0.87 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 rCGU (j.lmol 9 2.0 2.5 -1 J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 13, No.4, 1993 O. U. SCREMIN ET AL. 710 of endogenous acetylcholine,can enhance the ratio of rCBF to rCGU in practically all regions of the rat brain. The fact that the correlation between levels of cerebral blood flow and metabolism is preserved indicates that the action of endogenous acetylcho line is not a nonspecific vasodilatation but rather an increase in the gain of the rCBF-rCGU coupling mechanism,which was enhanced in the present ex periments by a factor of three under the action of eptastigmine. Because this phenomenon occurs throughout the brain, it is probably related to ace tylcholine sources that are not restricted to the well known central cholinergic pathways (Woolf et aI., 1983,1984; Woolf and Butcher,1985, 1986,1989) or to cholinergic fibers from peripheral nerves (Ed vinsson et aI., 1977; Florence and Bevan, 1979; Saito et aI., 1985; Suzuki et aI., 1990), because the distribution of these specific pathways is much nar rower than the presently reported distribution of cholinergic vasodilatation induced by eptastigmine. The nature of such sources remains elusive at the moment. Eptastigmine induced a moderate increase in plasma glucose levels (averaging between 35 and 80 min of administration),of considerably lesser mag nitude than that observed with physostigmine infu sion during a comparable time (Scremin et aI. , 1988b). This change in glucose level is known not to affect the measurement of CGU (Scremin et aI., 1988b; Schuier et aI., 1990). Eptastigmine induced a small decrease in MABP at the lowest dose used with no significant changes in this variable at higher doses. This is also at vari ance with previous observations in which physo stigmine induced a moderate hypertension at the doses at which it enhanced CBF in rabbits,rats,and humans (Scremin et aI. , 1983; Scremin and Scremin, 1986; Scremin et aI., 1992). Although the cerebrovascular and pressor effects can be sepa rated pharmacologically (Scremin and Scremin, 1986),hypertension is an undesirable effect of phy sostigmine for potential therapeutic applications in cerebral ischemia. Physostigmine has been shown to improve CBF in areas of ischemia in rats and humans (Scremin and Scremin, 1986; Scremin et aI., 1992) although its therapeutic use is limited by its tendency to in crease arterial blood pressure and to induce toxic effects as well as by its short half-life. The present results demonstrate that eptastigmine can enhance CBF at doses devoid of toxicity and without in creasing arterial blood pressure. The effect is long lasting. These characteristics make this drug a likely candidate for the objective of enhancing CBF in cerebral ischemia. 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