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Study Guide: Cell Cycle
Grayson Petersen
1. Obtain the pieces of the cell cycle puzzle from your teacher. Place the pieces in the correct order of
the events of the cycle. If assembled correctly, you will have two diagrams of the cell cycle within
animals and in plants. When complete, raise your hand for teacher approval.
Teacher Approval _____________________________
2. List the following events in the correct sequence and briefly describe what happens in each event:
anaphase, metaphase, prophase, and telophase. 1. Prophase: Chromosomes condense, nucleolus
dissipates, centrioles migrate to opposite sides of cell, spindle fiber network forms. 2.Metaphase:
spindle fibers attach to chromosomes at kinetochores, chromosomes align on metaphase plate. 3.
Anaphase: spindle fibers shorten, sister chromatids are pulled apart by contracting fibers, move to
opposite poles, poles move apart.
3. The drawings A-E show stages of mitosis in an animal cell. Identify each stage below. Be careful to
analyze every component present. A is anaphase B is prophase C is interphase D is telophase and E
is metaphase.
4. Name the three main events of the cell cycle. Explain the purpose for each event.
Interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. Interphase the cell is growing, Mitosis the cell is splitting, and
in cytokinesis you have your two daughter cells.
5. Describe how a cell’s chromosomes change as a cell prepares to divide. It makes a copy of its self.
6. Explain the process in which chromatin a chromosome.
7. Explain how the following terms are related to one another: DNA, centromere, chromosome, and
chromatid. They all have something to do with the nucleus.