Download WWII Lesson 2- Propaganda and War Strategies

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Blended Unit Planning Document (blueprint)
Unit or Topic WWII
Week 3-4
Unit Name
WWII Propaganda and War Strategies
Unit or Topic USH7.2.1 Causes of WWII
Standards or USH7.2.2 U.S and the Course of WWII
Goals USH7.2.3 Impact of WWII on American Life
Current Teaching
What will students be able
to do?
List every activity that you
currently complete in your
traditional classroom
situation to teach this unit.
Based on what you have
learned so far, what
instruction, activities and
assessment will you
continue to complete in
the classroom? Place an X
in this column next to that
SWBAT analyze
public opinion
 Critical Thinking
(daily)- students
to analyze the
daily pictures
that is posted on
the smartboard
* Analyze
posters from the
time and create
their own
propaganda poster
to convey a
* to use
technology to
search various
types of
*To analyze the
various battle
 Analyzing public
Opinion Polls
 Building Skills
Online Activities
Based on what you have
learned so far, what
instruction, activities and
assessment will you no move
to the online environment?
Place an X in this column next
to that item.
What items must you complete in order to
finish the creation of this unit. If any of the
items to the right must be modified for
online delivery list it here. For example,
create a short podcast, find a YouTube
video, write a discussion question, rewrite directions for an activity so it can
take place online.
X students to analyze the
daily pictures that is
posted on the
smartboard ( utilizing
technology in the
I will have to gather a variety to
pictures from that time such
 Map of countries that Hitler
 Propaganda pictures to have
the students analyze
X- Propaganda search
X Students will
analyze Presidential
election results and
polls from 1936-1944
and answer several
related questions
(reasons why it was
the most lopsided
elections since the
election of 1820!)
X- class discussion
on the various
propaganda usage
Students to perform a
search on various forms of
strategies used at
the time and then
create their own
battle strategy that
will help them win
the war( in a group
*Take a stand on
an issue and hold
a debate about
battle strategies in
 Students will create
their own
examples of
propaganda and
present to class
X- work in groups to
create their own
propaganda poster
and present to
class. Teacher to
share information
on the various types
of propaganda( see
attachment below)
 Prezzi presentation
X- Teacher created
presentation using
Prezi to share with
students online using
Edmodo and having
students respond to a
question on: what
makes Propaganda
posters effective? Why
were they used? And
Are they still used
today and in what way?
(Give example)
on various forms
of propaganda
Read and discuss
Chapter 22 (World
War II) Sections 1
& 2 with guiding
Battle strategy of
each country, Map
X- in class group
work on reading
about the various
battle strategies
each country had
and as a group
deciding on a
strategy that will
win the war ( See
activity Below)
X- Teacher to post on
Edmodo additional
information about
Hitler’s first move The
Munich Pact( this is a
clear outline
differentiated to be
clear and to the
point)See below the
X- students to then
hold a debate by
posting their stand in
the Edmodo room (
they are to hold an
Argumentative debate
on their strategy and
why it will help win the
war, they must use
specific examples from
the reading
propaganda and come to
class with one copy of a
propaganda poster form
that time with a short
paragraph on what
message it is giving using
the link below for more
Students will have to post
their answers in a group
chat and provide feedback
on one of their classmate’s
Classroom Assessment
Formative: Bellwork, Exit Slips, Internet search on propaganda , updated to personal dictionary to ELL
students, continue to update the key events in WWII
Summative; Propaganda poster presentation( rubric will be provided)
Online Assessment
Group chat- post response to Propaganda questions( rubric will be provided)
Directions: please read below an outline of events that led to WAR!HMMM how’d
Germany get so powerful so fast??
-The Munich Pact- Adolf Hitler’s First Move Adolf Hitler writes Mein Kampf “my struggle” in prison about how to solve Germanys
 Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party takes control and declares German “Aryans” the Master Race who
need Lebensraum “living Room”
 1936 Germany goes AGAINST the Versailles Treaty and creates armies and puts them on the
 1938 Germany declares the Sudentenland, a place of German speaking people of
Czechoslovakia be given to Germany
 Britain and France are afraid and send Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to talk to Hitler,
Hitler says he just wanted German speaking people together and he was going to be peaceful
 Britain and France allow to Hitler raise an army and take Czechoslovakia because they want
peace and create an agreement called the MUNICH PACT of no war
Propaganda Poster
Directions- CHOOSE one of the countries below to represent in your Propaganda poster, they must not give ANY information, but motivate and inspire civilians
to help and fight in WWII
United States- usually trying to get people to join the army, try to buy war bonds, or make the Axis powers into monsters that need to be destroyed
Great Britain- usually tried to get people to join the army, inspire all of British commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Africa) to feel like a family
joined in a fight for the common good
France- usually tried to get people to join the army, to support the French with images and pictures of the French revolution of woman fighting for “liberty,
equality, togetherness”
Russia- usually tried to get people to join the army, used the idea of Mother Russia and the strength of the Communist Party
Italy- usually tried to get people to join the army, tried to get people to remember the mistreatment of Italy in WWI, lots of paintings of ragged soldiers
Germany- usually tried to get people to join the army, used images of protection and knights from the Teutons during the Crusades, use the Nazi Party symbols
and uniforms to make people want to join, Shows people who are not Germans as vermin, rats, inferior
Japan- usually tried to get people to join the army, used images of the samurai and the greatness of its military, shows the wrong doing of imperialistic United
States or Britain
Directions- CHOOSE one of the countries below to represent in your Propaganda poster, they must not give ANY information, but motivate and inspire civilians
to help and fight in WWII
United States- usually trying to get people to join the army, try to buy war bonds, or make the Axis powers into monsters that need to be destroyed
Great Britain- usually tried to get people to join the army, inspire all of British commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Africa) to feel like a family
joined in a fight for the common good
France- usually tried to get people to join the army, to support the French with images and pictures of the French revolution of woman fighting for “liberty,
equality, togetherness”
Russia- usually tried to get people to join the army, used the idea of Mother Russia and the strength of the Communist Party
Italy- usually tried to get people to join the army, tried to get people to remember the mistreatment of Italy in WWI, lots of paintings of ragged soldiers
Germany- usually tried to get people to join the army, used images of protection and knights from the Teutons during the Crusades, use the Nazi Party symbols
and uniforms to make people want to join, Shows people who are not Germans as vermin, rats, inferior
Japan- usually tried to get people to join the army, used images of the samurai and the greatness of its military, shows the wrong doing of imperialistic United
States or Britain
United States Propaganda
Great Britain Propaganda
French Propaganda
Russian Propaganda
Italian Propaganda
German Propaganda
Japanese Propaganda
Directions- With your partner follow along with the battle plans of the different countries during WWII and the reasons that they were made you are either AXIS
or ALLIED and will draw the plans on the map while you read them. ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS after each bullet point and put who wins after adding them up!
-Battle Strategy of WWII-
X or
ALLIED British- Winston Churchill
Britain wanted to keep Germany under control with the rules set up by the Treaty of Versailles
Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did not want war and was willing to allow Germany to take control of a small amount of land around it
New Prime Minister Winston Churchill wanted to move an Army into France who they were still Allies with from WWI in OPERATION CONSTELLATION
 The Arcadia Conference was the agreement that Germany would be the first to be defeated
 The British wanted to stop the Axis in Italy in OPERATION COMPASS and Southern France in OPERATION DRAGOON
 The British would also move forces in India to stop Japan in OPERATION ANAKIM and Africa to stop the Axis from having resources and oil in
ALLIED Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin
The Soviet Union did not want to be involved in war because they were not as industrialized quite yet but were starting to under Joseph Stalin
The Soviet Union signed the Molotov Ribbontrop agreement that if the German would not attack, the Soviets would not
The Soviets were mostly concerned about the large Japanese Army moving in Asia, so the Soviets played a Defensive game with a slowly industrialized
 OPERATION ISKRA (Spark) of Russian defense if needed against attack
ALLIED France- Charles DeGaulle
The French wanted to hold onto its land won in WWI in OPERATION SAAR that created a defensive wall against Germany to the East of France
The French built what is called the Maginot Line of defensive bunkers, the strongest in the world
The French thought that the Germans would do the same thing as World War I in the Schlieffen Plan and created a boundary of soldiers in a large
defensive movement of tanks/infantry to the North of France
ALLIED United States- FDR
The United States did not want to be in WWII and only wanted to be apart of the Lend-Lease agreement of helping the Allies in supplies
-Argumentative DebateDirections- With your partner you are going to choose DIFFERENT sides for the argument of if you think the Axis or Allies should win from their battle plans
For Axis Powers
For Allied Powers
Supporting Details- For any type of argument you cant just say anything, it must be based in fact and can be supported. Below, fill in the graphic
organizer to get you started on how to debate if you think the Axis or Allied Powers should win by their battle plans
Allied or Axis
Directions on Arguing
 First say what side you are on
 Decide who will go first and describe why they are correct
 Be sure to Counter Argue, agree with your opponent and then describe with facts how they
are wrong, why is your idea better?