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Unit#2 Common Assessment Review Sheet
-Characteristics of the Roman social classes
*Patricians-wealthy upper class, minority
of the population, controlled govt
*Plebeians-commoners, laborers, poor,
majority of the population, little power in
*”Conflict of orders” widening economic gap
between rich and poor, rich get richer-poor get
poorer, inability to become a Roman citizen
-The founding of Christianity and its effects on
the Roman Empire.
*Appealed to the masses (plebeians), gave
hope (heaven), explained suffering
-The Roman legal systems influence on today’s
system in the U.S.
*Innocent until proven guilty
*All citizens are created equal
*Right to representation in a court of law
*Trial by jury of your peers
-Julius Caesar- his reign/reforms/reason for
-took power by force (dictator), ruled less than
5 yrs., created 3 major reforms (doubled size of
Senate-gave more opportunities)/gave more
rights and citizenship to people in Roman
Provinces/Land Reform-took a percentage of
land from rich and gave to the poor. Plebeians
loved him for this-Patricians despised him for itfelt it would cause the Fall of the Republic!
-Impact of Octavian/Augustus on the Roman
-becomes Rome’s first emperor, begins Rome’s
status as an empire, begins Roman era of the
Pax Romana (200 yrs. of peace), est. praetorian
-Evolution of Religion in the Roman Empire
1st-polythestic, worshipped gods and goddesses
(superstitious), worship emperor as a god,
Discouraged other faiths (somewhat tolerant of
Jews), at first discouraged Christianity, then
Permitted it (Constantine-Edict of Milan), then
Under Theodocius had to be Christian
-Why Constantinople was such a desired
*World’s best strategic location(easy to
Protect and defend) know geography!
*Center of trade route between East and
-Contributions of Rome to today’s modern
*Choose any from the following areas:
architecture, religion, language,
entertainment, legal system, govt…….
-Explain Rome’s govt’s, emphasize the Republic,
est. 3 branches of govt., rights of citizens.
Historically, Rome had used Monarchial and
Dictatorship forms of govt. They will eventually
borrow the idea of Democracy from the Greeks.
They will est. a republic, which was the first
Indirect Democracy. The Roman Republic also
est. 3 branches of govt.(TRIPARTITE) each with
their own duties and responsibilities.. This
concept is borrowed here in the U.S. with our
Executive/Legislative/and Judicial branches,
checks and balances, veto power, rights of
citizens-Innocent until proven guilty/ right to
legal representation/right to a jury of peers/all
citizens are created equal
-3 major legacies of the Roman Empire (cultural
and/or scientific)Need to be specific…
-Civic Duty, what is it, its use in the Roman
Empire. The expectation that all citizens will do
what is right and proper and will carry out all
“expected” responsibilities as a citizen. (Obey
laws/pay taxes/be active in community
activities/help those in need/serve in military in
times of need/serve on jury duty/vote during
-Rome’s impact on architecture, famous
structures, and influence on U.S. architecture.
Compare structures such as Circus Maximus,
Flavian Amphitheater(Roman Colosseum),Aqua
Claudia/Baths of Diocletian, Pantheon….
-Direct/Indirect Democracy, what are they, give
real life examples compare use in Ancient
Greece, Ancient Rome, and the U.S. today.
*Direct-citizens vote on proposed
legislation(majority rule)*Representativedirectly elected officials vote for the general
public(majority rule)*In Athens all citizens were
expected to take part in govt. attend meetings,
vote on legislation (Direct), In Rome, their
Republic (Indirect/Representative) citizens
elected officials to run the govt., to pass
legislation for all citizens follow
*In U.S. today we as citizens do both, we practice
Greek (Direct Democracy) and Roman
Republic(Indirect Democracy)we periodically allow
citizens to vote on proposed legislation as well as
electing elect mayors, city council members, state
representatives, governors, U.S. Senators,
Presidents…Local, state and federal legislators
vote on laws for all the people on a regular