Download Romulus He was the 1st emperor of Rome. He founded Rome. He

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753 BC
He was the 1st emperor of Rome. He founded Rome. He and his twin brother were raised by a
she-wolf because their mother was not supposed to have children. They were sent down the
Tiber River. He and his brother battled for Rome. Romulus won. Rome is named after him.
Where Rome was founded. It is 1 of the 7 Hills of Rome. Romans built houses on the top of this
hill. Romulus stood here and this is where they battled. That is where Remus and Romulus
waited for the sign from the gods.
Rome was founded in this year.
509 BC
Rome becomes a Republic
44 BC
Caesar was named Dictator for life after winning many battles. He was later killed in the same
year by the senators. Was a General who fought in the Punic Wars.
Augustus, (Caesar’s adopted son/great nephew) he rebuilt Rome and began the Pax Romana.
He was named emperor in 27BC
A government in which people elect their leaders. (America still has a republic)
Palatine Hill
27 BC
Seven Hills of
Latins settled here. There were 7 large hills that made the city of Rome. They built their houses
on the tops and farmed on the rich soil at the bottom. It was easy to defend, near the Tiber
river for trade, included the Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, The Colosseum, and The Forum
Land surround on 3 sides by water. Italian Peninsula. Good place for Rome because it was easy
to defend and to trade from.
A water source for Rome. Used for farming and drinking. Later good for travel and trade and
near the Mediterranean Sea
Upper class: had important roles in the government, wealthy land owners.
Lower class: common farmers, could vote(males) but could not hold positions in government
12 tables
The basis of Roman Law. Established rights and laws for property, rights for women
3 branches of
Judicial Branch: 8 judges who over sea the courts and governed the provinces (similar to what
we call states)
Legislative Branch: senate of 300 members: advised the consul and set policies. Assemblies
made laws and selected officials
Executive Branch: 2 leaders called consuls (elected for 1 year) led the government and the
Tiber River
Punic Wars
Civil war
Julius Caesar
Pax Romana
Began in 264 BC. Rome vs Carthage. 3 major and long wars. Rome won all of them and by the
end 146 BC. Rome expanded from Spain to Greece
A war within 1 country: 1 general vs another general. Why: because the winning generals who
had conquered land wanted more power. Plebeians VS Patricians (Sulla Won)
A roman General who overtook the Senate to become Dictator for Life. He was killed by the
Senate. Great military leader who gain power for Rome.
1st Roman Emperor in 27 BC: Caesar’s great nephew/adopted son. (Octavian) He started the
Roman Peace (Pax Romana), Started a civil service collected taxes, re-built and beautified Rome.
Roman Peace 200 years Rome grew to its largest size ever. Rome was stable, trade was good,
strong military to protect them, strong economy, roads were built.
Non Jewish person
Roman Emperor (306 AD) who made Christianity Legal. Brought respect for Christians and
stopped the persecution when he thought he got a sign from God, and put crosses on his
soldiers shield, they won.
Emperor of Rome 284 AD. He split Rome into 2. It was too large to rule efficiently. He ruled
the East and restored order.
Edict of Milan
When Constantine made Christianity one of the Legal religions of Rome. 312 AD
Early Romans were? farmers
Compare the life of the rich and the poor in ancient Rome.
Rich: you enjoyed a life of luxury and respect. You could go to public bath houses and have fancy dinner parties. You
could go to the theater and watch plays. They had fine foods and some unusual dishes. They also lived in large homes.
Poor: Lived in large run down apartments. They did not have much to eat. 1 million people live in Rome and most of
them were poor. It was noisy and dirty as they threw trash into the streets. They did not have running water
Government provided grain to the poor in hopes of keeping them happy.
Who made up the senate? 300 patricians
How did Christianity change Rome? At first Roman rulers tolerated those of other religions unless they spoke against the
Roman Gods. Christians refused to worship the Roman Gods which meant they refused to recognize the authority of the
Emperor. Rome felt threatened by this as Christianity grew by the millions. They were persecuted at first and finally
Christianity eventually became the only religion. This changed them from being Polytheistic to Monotheistic.
Explain how the location of Rome was good for farming and defense they were by the Tiber River which gave them
fertile soil and trade routes. They lived high up on the 7 hills and could see if they were being attacked. They also made
a strong Navy
Why did Roman rulers in the early AD years see Christianity as a threat? Christians refused to worship the Roman Gods
which meant they refused to recognize the authority of the Emperor. This was a problem for them because they were
afraid of rebel or revolt.
What happened to the Christians prior to Constantine? Explain why. They were burned and their belongings were stolen
because the Christians refused to worship the Roman Gods which meant they refused to recognize the authority of the
Emperor. This was a problem for them because they were afraid of rebel or revolt.
What caused Constantine to change his mind about Christianity? You know the story. Include what he did to prove his
respect for Christianity while he was emperor. He made churches, he ended the persecution. He returned their land
and belongings to them and he made Sunday a Holy Day.
Choose 5 ways to explain how Rome influenced things we use/do today. (pages 517-519)
Spread Christianity
Government style