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Study Sheet: Period 1 and 3 Final, December 2015
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What happened at Dunkirk in the spring of 1940?
What was the importance of the Battle of El Alamein in 1942?
Who were the kamikaze?
What stopped the German advance during the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941?
How did the Germans change their tactics in preparing for Operation Sea Lion?
What did the British and French do at the Munich Conference in 1938 to avoid war?
During World War II, “Rosie the Riveter” came to symbolize
The League of Nations voted sanctions against which country for invading Ethiopia in
What was The U.S. strategy of “island-hopping” in the Pacific
The German air force was almost grounded by D-Day because
In which French city did German forces set up a “puppet state” capital after conquering
What was a reason the Spanish Civil War was called a “dress rehearsal” for World War
Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks in 1917 during the November revolution?
Which Allied leader wanted to weaken Germany at the Paris Peace Conference so that it
could never again threaten France?
Why did many Irish Americans oppose the United States’ decision to enter World War I
on the side of the Allies?
How did the British blockade of ships carrying supplies to and from Germany violate
international law?
To defend their merchant ships against attacks from German submarines, the Allies
Which of the following is the best explanation for Russia’s entrance into World War I?
By the early 20th century, Britain had built the world’s most respected navy because
One result of the revolution in Russia was that
The Treaty of Versailles focused mainly on
Which of the following was an effect of the new submarine?
Which event made Britain enter World War I?
Eventually, after WWI, right-wing dictators emerged in every Eastern European country
Which group sharply criticized the Weimar Republic as too weak and longed for another
strong leader like Bismarck?
What was a drawback of being among the Soviet elite under Stalin?
What was the appeal of Mussolini’s fascist government to Italians?
In the early 1930s, which of the following contributed to the spread of economic
problems around the world?
In Britain during the 1920s, the Labour party supported
Which of the following was a result of the work of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein?
Which of the following could be described as a conservative reaction to the rapid changes
in society in the United States after World War I?
What 1924 agreement reduced German reparations and provided U.S. loans to Germany?
Stalin attempted to make the cultural life of the Soviet Union more Russian by promoting
a policy of
Study Sheet: Period 1 and 3 Final, December 2015
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U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a massive package of economic and social
programs called the
What was a result of prohibition, which became United States law in 1919?
In 1992, the Slovaks and Czechs split Czechoslovakia into separate nations
The Khmer Rouge was responsible for
What was the main goal of the National Liberation Front, or Viet Cong?
Mao Zedong created agricultural communes to
What kind of government did Japan adopt after World War II?
The movement of Americans from cities to communities outside an urban core is known
The purpose of the SALT talks and the START treaty was
In which country did Lech Walesa lead the movement for political and economic change?
The winner of the Vietnam War was
After World War II, the Marshall Plan
What was a change that took place during the Cuban Revolution?
What was the reaction in 1947 to the United Nations plan to divide Palestine into separate
Jewish and Arab states?
Generally speaking, Islamic women have less freedom in which conservative Middle
Eastern country?
In Kenya, what caused the British to arrest Jomo Kenyatta and kill thousands of Kikuyu
in the 1950s?
What influenced the movement of many African nations to democratic government?
The “people power” revolution erupted in the Philippines in 1986 when
What statement is true about the economies of mainland Southeast Asia?
Separatists from what religious group occupied their holiest shrine, the Golden Temple,
in 1984 in a bid to gain independence from India?
As independence neared for British India, the Congress Party wanted to
What is an essential goal of the United States in the Middle East?
Filipino president Ferdinand Marcos
Bangladesh was once part of
What pushed the British to help create the independent nations of Pakistan and India in
In 1922, Japan agreed to limit the size of its navy
Chinese who turned to the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Lenin gained strong support
How did the Allies anger Chinese Nationalists at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference?
As part of the struggle for Indian independence, Mohandas Gandhi urged Indians to
Turkish nationalists, led by Atatürk
The purpose of apartheid in South Africa was to
As a result of the Treaty of Sèvres, the Ottoman empire
In 1931, Japanese ultranationalists took control of the Chinese province of
In 1927, the second Sino-Japanese War
What party dominated Mexican politics from the 1930s through the free election of
Study Sheet: Period 1 and 3 Final, December 2015
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The Mexican Constitution of 1917
Which of the following was an example of the rise of cultural nationalism in Mexico in
the 1920s and 1930s?
Atatürk’s reforms in Turkey led him to
Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi
The Twenty-One Demands
Which of the following was an important factor in bringing about the Mexican
In the 1930s, what effect did the Great Depression have in Latin America?
Why did many Muslim religious leaders in Persia disapprove of the reforms introduced
by Reza Khan?
Which of the following was a turning point in the Indian independence movement in
What was the eventual result of Sun Yixian’s efforts to rebuild China based on the Three
Principles of the People?
What key event convinced many Indians that India needed to govern itself?
Which statement correctly describes the Japanese economy after World War I?
The militarists who came to power in Japan in the 1930s
Jawaharlal Nehru’s attempts to reduce the birthrate in India failed because
What event in 1997 helped bring about the resignation of President Suharto of Indonesia?
In the late 1960s, the Ibo people of Biafra declared independence from
What Egyptian leader nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, ending British and French
control there?
The British decision to partition British India into several countries was influenced by
In 1955, a meeting of countries organized by India and Pakistan
In 1975, how did East Timor become part of Indonesia?
The struggle for independence against a colonial power turned violent in which African
In the 1970s, why did the U.S. have an alliance with the government of Somalia?
Which minority group has faced harsh discrimination in the countries of Turkey and
In 1973, Arab members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) blocked oil shipments to the United States primarily
Which of the following is a reason that the Cold War arms race was so terrifying?
A “red scare” was the fear of
Which leader created the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution in China?
Who created perestroika, the Soviet economic restructuring that led to the country’s
Which alliance was dedicated to the security of communist nations in Europe during the
Cold War?
The American strategy under détente was to
What agency helped spur economic growth across Western Europe by eliminating tariffs?
Why did the United States establish diplomatic relations with China in the 1970s?
Study Sheet: Period 1 and 3 Final, December 2015
Only 70 will be used for the final.....
When the North Koreans overran South Korea in the summer of 1950, United Nations
forces stopped their advance at
During the Vietnam War, the Tet Offensive
What conflict was called the Soviet Union’s “Vietnam?”
After the Soviet Union split up and communism was defeated in Eastern Europe, China
accelerated its embrace of
In 1928, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming discovered
How did the League of Nations respond when Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931?
Why did France occupy Germany’s Ruhr Valley in 1923?
In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws, which
Sigmund Freud’s method of studying how the mind words and treating mental disorders
is called
After most of Ireland became self-governing in 1922, why did the Irish Republican Army
(IRA) continue to fight the British?
Which statement is correct about the economy of the United States in the 1920s?
Under Mussolini’s rule in Italy,
What was a cause of Stalin’s Great Purge?
What measure did the Nazis take that was a rejection of the Versailles treaty?
The Eastern European nations that were carved out of old European empires after World
War I
Which item below was an effect of nationalism in Europe in the early 1900s?
For which reason did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
In the Zimmermann note, Germany offered to give Mexico
Which group took over the Russian government in 1917?
Which countries were members of the Triple Alliance?
One way nationalism increased tensions in pre-war Europe was that Germans
Germany’s hopes for a quick victory on the Western Front were ended at the
How was fighting on the Eastern Front different from fighting on the Western Front?
At first, the Allies welcomed the overthrow of Russia’s tsar in 1917 because
Which of the following was one of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
After the war, European colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific
During the three-year long civil war in Russia, the “White” armies were composed of
Hitler decided to invade the Soviet Union because
What was important about the Battle of the Bulge?
The Truman Doctrine was rooted in the idea of
What was one of Stalin’s major goals in Eastern Europe after World War II?
Through what action did Hitler violate the Versailles treaty in 1936?
What was usually the first stage of Hitler’s blitzkrieg strategy?
What U.S. action influenced the Japanese decision to attack the United States in 1941?
In 1942, what priority did Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin set in the war?
What was the Manhattan Project?
What action did the Western Allies take after World War II that caused the Soviets to
strengthen their hold on East Germany?
What did the Soviet Union do during Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939?