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ENERGY UNIT – Check Sheet
Name: ________________________
Big Idea: How are different types of energy transferred between samples of different materials?
Energy Pre-Test
Energy Vocabulary – page 97 (homework if not completed in class)
Learning Target: I can identify the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic & Potential Energy Venn Diagram
Kinetic & Potential Energy Card Sort (homework if not completed in class)
Kinetic & Potential Energy Lab – page 99-100
Energy Roller Coaster
Types of Kinetic Energy Foldable
Learning Target: I can test a model that allows thermal energy to be transferred and show what affects
that transfer.
Convection, Conduction & Radiation Foldable
Pages 103-107 (homework if not completed)
Learning Target: I can use data to demonstrate the strength of electric forces.
Conductor & Insulator Foldable
Conductor & Insulator Video
Electric Circuit Notes
ENERGY UNIT – Check Sheet
Name: ________________________
Learning Target: I can demonstrate that distance between objects affects the potential energy within
each object.
Kinetic Energy BrainPop & Quiz
Types of Potential Energy Foldable
Potential Energy BrainPop & Quiz
Begin Law of Conservation of Energy Notes
Bill Nye Energy Video & Quiz
Learning Target: I can demonstrate how matter, mass & energy affect how energy is transferred
between particles.
Complete Law of Conservation of Energy Notes
Energy Transformation Video
Energy Flow Activity
(2 Days)
Energy Transformation Lab
Energy Transformation Quiz
Energy Source Foldable
U.S. Energy Pie Graph (homework)
Energy Enigma
Electric Connections
Electrical Efficiency Notes
World Energy Pie Graph & Energy Bar Graph (homework)
ENERGY UNIT – Check Sheet
Name: ________________________
Learning Target (3 days): I can present solutions for conserving energy during energy transformations.
Research for Energy Expo
Create Energy Expo Display
Learning Target: All Targets
Energy Transformation Review – Pages (homework if not complete)
Learning Target (2 days): All Targets
Study Guide
Test Review
Learning Target: All Targets
Energy Test