Download Integers Foldable

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Integers Foldable
This foldable can be made by either using a manila folder or simply by coping the following page. I like to give the
students a large paper clip to attach to the foldable and use for walking the line activities.
Instructions for creating a manila folder foldable:
1. Pre-cut manila folders to create a strip that is approximately 5.5 inches wide and 20 cm long on each side of the
center fold.
2. Have students use a ruler to draw a number line about 0.5 to 1 inch from the top. They should place all negatives
on the left hand side and positives on the right hand side with zero in the middle. If the strip is cut to size they
should place a mark every 2 cm to produce a number line from -10 to 10.
3. Ask the students for the rules for integers while filling the in together.
Negative + Negative = Negative
Positive + Positive = Positive
Negative + Positive = The difference
Of the numbers with the sign of the larger
-2 + 3 = 1
Negative (minus) means “opposite”
Positive X Positive = Positive
Ex. -2 means the opposite of 2
Negative X Negative = Positive