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Soil of Atlas Europe
2nd Editorial Board Meeting
JRC Ispra, November 26th 2004
Goals of the meeting
•Explain progress
•Discuss outstanding issues
•Collect general feedback and guidance
•Allocate final tasks!
•Gather sufficient information to produce final draft
•Atlas Launch Event
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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•….. but slower than expected!
•Text edited, “harmonised”, “simplified”
•Draft layout of text and graphical elements
•Full scale draft completed and dispatched
•Processing feedback.
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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•Today = Definitive format, structure & contents
• By Xmas = Final list of graphics sent to LJ
• By Xmas = Main body of text finalised and sent to LJ
• Mid January = Agreement on regional text boxes and other map texts
• End January = all text and graphical elements with LJ
• End February = production of final draft and dispatch for comments
• Mid March = deadline for comments – factual or errors only
• End March = Final check and OK to produce files for printing
• April = delivery of files to printer
• End May = Published Atlas
• June = Atlas Launch Event
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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• Launch event!
• Pricing
• Distribution Strategy
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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Who will read the atlas?
•Reference work for EU citizens & Policy
•Not aimed specifically at Soil Scientists
•Raise profile of soil and related issues
•Publicise the work of the ESB Network
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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Draft Atlas
•Still a draft!
•Basis for discussion
•Indication of layout, text volumes and content
•Draft graphics
•Identify errors
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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General comments
• Overall impressions
•Detailed comments on bilateral basis
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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•Initial Pages
•Additional information
•European Maps
See individual files
•International Section
•Soil Database
•Soil Properties Maps
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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What next?
• CD?
• Posters?
• Atlas of World Soils?
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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• Launch event!
• Pricing
• Distribution Strategy
Soil Atlas of Europe: Editorial Board Meeting November 2004
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