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Anatomy for Nursing Students – Ali A. Mahdi
Lec .(1)
What is Anatomy and Physiology ?
(1) Anatomy: the word anatomy is derived from a Greek
word “Anatome = to cut up" . It is the science that studies
the structures (organ and tissues) of the body and how
those structures relate with each other.
Anatomy includes many sub-specialties. These are
Gross anatomy, Microscopic anatomy, Developmental
anatomy and Embryology.
- Gross anatomy studies body structure without a
microscope. Systemic anatomy studies functional
relationships of organs within a system whereas Regional
anatomy studies body part regionally. Both systemic and
regional approaches may be used to study gross anatomy
- Microscopic anatomy (Histology) requires the use of a
microscope to study tissues that form the various organs
of the body.
- Embryology : is the study of the origin, growth,
development, and function of the embryo from
fertilization of the oocyte to birth.
(2) Physiology : is the science that deals with the
functions of the tissues and organs of the body .
Anatomy for Nursing Students – Ali A. Mahdi
Lec .(1)
Directional Terms
Directional terms are used to describe the location of one
body part in relation to another (Fig. 1.2) :
- Anterior (ventral) means that a body part is located toward the
front. The (trachea) is anterior to the (esophagus) .
- Posterior (dorsal) means that a body part is located toward the
back. The heart is posterior to the rib cage.
- Superior means that a body part is located above another part,
or toward the head. The face is superior to the neck.
- Inferior means that a body part is below another part, or
toward the feet. The navel is inferior to the chin.
- Medial means that a body part is nearer than another part to an
imaginary midline of the body. The bridge of the nose is medial
to the eyes.
- Lateral means that a body part is farther away from the
midline. The eyes are lateral to the nose.
- Proximal means that a body part is closer to the point of
attachment or closer to the trunk. The elbow is proximal to the
- Distal means that a body part is farther from the point of
attachment or farther from the trunk or torso. The hand is distal
to the elbow.
- Superficial (external) means that a body part is located near
the surface. The skin is superficial to the muscles.
- Deep (internal) means that the body part is located away from
the surface. The intestines are deep to the spine.
Anatomy for Nursing Students – Ali A. Mahdi
Lec .(1)
Anatomy for Nursing Students – Ali A. Mahdi
Lec .(1)
Anatomical Planes
(1) Sagittal plane:
- divides the body into right and left half .
- Mid-sagittal plane: - passes through the midline of the
body and divides body into equal left and right halves . (The
pelvic organs are often shown in mid-sagittal section) .
- Para-sagittal plane: - divides body into unequal left and
right .
(2) Frontal plane: - divides the body into asymmetrical
anterior and posterior sections , it extends perpendicular to
the sagittal plane (thoracic organs are often illustrated in
frontal section) .
(3) Transverse plane : - divides the body or the organ into
upper (superior) and lower (inferior) body sections, to
produce "a cross section" .
- Oblique plane: - divides the body obliquely into upper
and lower section.