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Double Helix Video Worksheet
1. Whose specialty field was working with bacteriophages?
2. Who is one of the “believers,” and what did he believe?
3. How old is James Watson?
4. Who is the “bright hope”?
5. What is Crick studying at the time of Watson’s arrival?
6. Who was involved in the Manhattan Project before working on DNA?
7. What does Franklin like about her work?
8. Who is “goal-oriented” and what is the goal?
9. What is the “buried treasure”?
10. Who is the chemistry specialist on inorganic ions?
11. How far off were Watson and Crick on their first model?
12. Bragg stated, “Science is like a sport, you must _____________________________.
13. Why doesn’t Franklin want to get married?
14. Why can’t Linus Pauling come to England?
15. What kind of work was Franklin doing in an attempt to find the structure of DNA?
16. Who was working on the “A” form of DNA? “B” Form?
17. Who figured out the ratios for the bases (Mr. Nucleic Acid)?
18. According to Franklin, “Satisfaction doesn’t come from finding the answer. It comes
from ______________________________________________________________.
19. What comment does Chargaff have about Chicago?
20. Why does Chargaff lecture Watson and Crick?
21. How does Peter Pauling get Jim to “jump”?
22. “Science is terrestrial, _______________________, political.”
23. What didn’t Franklin see?
24. Who figured out how bases paired in the model using paper cutouts?
25. Who typed the paper submitted to Nature about Watson and Crick’s discovery?
26. In what year was the Nobel Prize awarded to Watson, Crick and Wilkens?
27. Why didn’t Franklin share in the winning of the Nobel Prize?
28. What benefits could have been achieved if everyone would have shared information?